예제 #1
    public IEnumerator Sample()
        // Start the Coroutine to Capture Data Every Second.
        // Persist that Information to a CSV and Perist the Camera Frame
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.0666666666666667f));

        if (m_saveLocation != "")
            CarSample sample = new CarSample();

            sample.timeStamp     = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_fff");
            sample.steeringAngle = m_SteerAngle / m_MaximumSteerAngle;
            sample.throttle      = AccelInput;
            sample.brake         = BrakeInput;
            sample.speed         = CurrentSpeed;
            sample.position      = transform.position;
            sample.rotation      = transform.rotation;


            sample = null;
            //may or may not be needed

        // Only reschedule if the button hasn't toggled
        if (IsRecording)
예제 #2
    private IEnumerator Sample()
        if (m_SaveLocation != "")
            CarSample sample = new CarSample();

            sample.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_fff");
            sample.Mode      = m_Control.CurrentMode == CarUserControl.Mode.Autonomous ? 'A' : 'M';
            sample.Accel     = m_Pid.Accel;
            sample.Steering  = m_Pid.Steering;
            sample.Speed     = m_Car.Speed;
            sample.Position  = transform.position;
            sample.Rotation  = transform.rotation;


            sample = null;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(m_FrameDelay));

        // Only reschedule if the button hasn't been toggled
        if (IsRecording)
예제 #3
    //Changed the WriteSamplesToDisk to a IEnumerator method that plays back recording along with percent status from UISystem script
    //instead of showing frozen screen until all data is recorded
    public IEnumerator WriteSamplesToDisk()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.000f));                //retrieve as fast as we can but still allow communication of main thread to screen and UISystem

        if (carSamples.Count > 0)
            //pull off a sample from the que
            CarSample sample = carSamples.Dequeue();

            //pysically moving the car to get the right camera position
            transform.position = sample.position;
            transform.rotation = sample.rotation;

            // Capture and Persist Image
            //string centerPath = WriteImage (CenterCamera, "center", sample.timeStamp);
            //string leftPath = WriteImage (LeftCamera, "left", sample.timeStamp);
            //string rightPath = WriteImage (RightCamera, "right", sample.timeStamp);

            // capture lidar image
            string lidarPath = WriteLidarData(lidar, "lidar", sample.timeStamp);

            if (lidarPath != null)
                string row = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}\n", lidarPath, sample.steeringAngle, sample.throttle, sample.brake, sample.speed);
                File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(m_saveLocation, CSVFileName), row);
        if (carSamples.Count > 0)
            //request if there are more samples to pull
            //all samples have been pulled
            isSaving = false;

            //need to reset the car back to its position before ending recording, otherwise sometimes the car ended up in strange areas
            transform.position   = saved_position;
            transform.rotation   = saved_rotation;
            m_Rigidbody.velocity = new Vector3(0f, -10f, 0f);
            Move(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
예제 #4
    private IEnumerator WriteSamplesToDisk()
        //retrieve as fast as we can but still allow communication of main thread to screen and UISystem
        yield return(null);

        if (m_CarSamples.Count > 0)
            //pull off a sample from the queue
            CarSample sample = m_CarSamples.Dequeue();

            //pysically moving the car to get the right camera position
            transform.position = sample.Position;
            transform.rotation = sample.Rotation;

            // Capture and Persist Image
            string paths = "";
            foreach (MyCamera cam in m_Cameras)
                paths += WriteImage(cam, sample.TimeStamp) + ",";

            string row = string.Format("{0}{1},{2},{3},{4}\n",
                                       paths, sample.Accel, sample.Steering, sample.Speed, sample.Mode);
            File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(m_SaveLocation, m_CSVFileName), row);
        if (m_CarSamples.Count > 0)
            //request if there are more samples to pull
            //all samples have been pulled
            IsSaving = false;

            //need to reset the car back to its position before ending recording
            transform.position   = m_SavedPosition;
            transform.rotation   = m_SavedRotation;
            m_Rigidbody.velocity = m_SavedVelocity;