private void Update() { // Press the S key to trigger audio and background color change - useful for testing A/V sync if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { if (_audioHit != null && _capture.IsCapturing()) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audioHit,; Camera.main.backgroundColor = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, 0); } } // ESC to stop capture and quit if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (_capture != null && _capture.IsCapturing()) { _capture.StopCapture(); } else { Application.Quit(); } } // Spin the camera around if (_spinCamera && Camera.main != null) { Camera.main.transform.RotateAround(, Vector3.up, 20f * Time.deltaTime * _speed); } }
protected void GUI_BaseOptions() { serializedObject.Update(); if (_baseCapture == null) { return; } //DrawDefaultInspector(); if (!_baseCapture.IsCapturing()) { GUILayout.Space(8f); EditorUtils.BoolAsDropdown("Capture Mode", _propIsRealtime, "Realtime Capture", "Offline Render"); GUILayout.Space(8f); if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties()) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); } GUI_User(); // After the user mode we must update the serialised object again serializedObject.Update(); EditorUtils.DrawSection("Start / Stop", ref _isExpandedStartStop, GUI_StartStop); EditorUtils.DrawSection("Output", ref _isExpandedOutput, GUI_OutputFilePath); EditorUtils.DrawSection("Visual", ref _isExpandedVisual, GUI_Visual); EditorUtils.DrawSection("Audio", ref _isExpandedAudio, GUI_Audio); EditorUtils.DrawSection("Post", ref _isExpandedPost, GUI_Post); EditorUtils.DrawSection("Misc", ref _isExpandedMisc, GUI_Misc); EditorUtils.DrawSection("About", ref _isExpandedAbout, GUI_About); if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties()) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); } GUI_Controls(); } else { GUI_Stats(); GUI_Progress(); GUI_Controls(); } }
void Update() { #if VIMEO_AVPRO_CAPTURE_SUPPORT // Hooking into AVPro by monitoring status changes if (_recorder != null && _recorder.encoderType == EncoderType.AVProMovieCapture && _avproEncoder != null) { if (_avproEncoder.IsCapturing()) { isRecording = true; } else if (isRecording) // it was recording, but no longer { isRecording = false; if (File.Exists(_avproEncoder.LastFilePath)) // if the file exists, then it finished { Debug.Log("[VimeoRecorder] AVPro recording finished"); _recorder.EndRecording(); } else { Debug.Log("[VimeoRecorder] AVPro recording cancelled"); } } } #endif // VIMEO_AVPRO_CAPTURE_SUPPORT }
public override bool RequiresConstantRepaint() { CaptureBase capture = ( as CaptureBase; return(Application.isPlaying && capture.isActiveAndEnabled && capture.IsCapturing() && !capture.IsPaused()); }