public ResolveState ResoloveCaptcha() { ResolveState resolveState; var client = new CapMonsterClient(captchaStatics.Apikey); try { var captchaTask = new NoCaptchaTaskProxyless { WebsiteUrl = YolikerStatics.LikeCustomUri, WebsiteKey = YolikerStatics.GooglePublicKey, }; var taskId = client.CreateTaskAsync(captchaTask).Result; var solution = client.GetTaskResultAsync <NoCaptchaTaskProxylessResult>(taskId).Result; var recaptchaResponse = solution.GRecaptchaResponse; captchaStatics.SolvedCaptchaResponse = recaptchaResponse; resolveState = ResolveState.SUCCESS; } catch { resolveState = ResolveState.ERROR; } finally { client.Dispose(); } return(resolveState); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // excluded by .gitignore, but contains the CapMonster key var secret = File.ReadAllText("secret.txt"); var start = DateTime.Now; var client = new CapMonsterClient(secret); var captchaTask = new RecaptchaV3TaskProxyless { WebsiteUrl = "", WebsiteKey = "6Le0xVgUAAAAAIt20XEB4rVhYOODgTl00d8juDob", MinScore = 0.9, PageAction = "myverify" }; // Create the task and get the task id var taskId = client.CreateTaskAsync(captchaTask).Result; Console.WriteLine("Created task id : " + taskId); var solution = client.GetTaskResultAsync <RecaptchaV3TaskProxylessResult>(taskId).Result; // Recaptcha response to be used in the form var recaptchaResponse = solution.GRecaptchaResponse; //var recaptchaResponse = "bad"; Console.WriteLine("Solution : " + recaptchaResponse); var web = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; web.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var result = web.UploadString("", "token=" + recaptchaResponse); var idxStart = result.IndexOf("<pre>", StringComparison.Ordinal); var idxEnd = result.IndexOf("</pre>", StringComparison.Ordinal); var jsonResult = result.Substring(idxStart, idxEnd - idxStart); Console.WriteLine(jsonResult); var end = DateTime.Now; var duration = end - start; Console.WriteLine(duration.TotalSeconds); }