예제 #1
        public async Task ShouldCancelAnAppointmentIfFound()
            // arrange;
            // prepare an appointment to cancel;
            var appointmentToCancel = new Appointment(
                new(2021, 10, 10, 15, 0, 0),
            await Context.Appointments.AddAsync(appointmentToCancel);

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // prepare the CQRS MediatR (mediator) command;
            var command        = new Cancel.Command(appointmentToCancel.AppointmentId);
            var getObjectQuery = new GetOne.Query(appointmentToCancel.AppointmentId);

            // res should be of type NoContentResult;
            // resObject should return null because the object no longer exists (cancelled);

            // act;
            var res = await SendMediatorRequestInScopeOnBehalfOfTheTestPatient(command);

            var resObject = await SendMediatorRequestInScopeOnBehalfOfTheTestPatient(getObjectQuery);

            // assert;
            res.Should().BeOfType <NoContentResult>();

            // no need to clean up the DB as we've just cancelled (deleted) the appointment;
예제 #2
        public async Task ShouldReturnNotFoundResultIfNotFound()
            // arrange;
            // empty GUID as we are testing to see what happens
            // when a matching appointment can't be found in the database;
            var idOfTheAppointmentToCancel = new Guid();
            var command = new Cancel.Command(idOfTheAppointmentToCancel);
            // result should be of type NotFoundResult;

            // act;
            var res = await SendMediatorRequestInScopeOnBehalfOfTheTestPatient(command);

            // assert;
            res.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>();
예제 #3
 public async Task <ActionResult> CancelAppointmentForMe([FromRoute] Cancel.Command command) =>
 await _mediator.Send(command);