public void GetAvailableCampgroundsTest() { CampgroundSQLDAL campground = new CampgroundSQLDAL(connectionString); bool result = CampgroundSQLDAL.GetAvailableCampgrounds(1, maxID); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public void GetCampgroundsTest() { CampgroundSQLDAL campground = new CampgroundSQLDAL(connectionString); List <Campground> campgrounds = CampgroundSQLDAL.GetAllCampgrounds(1); Assert.IsNotNull(campgrounds); }
private void ViewCampgrounds(Park userParkChoice) { CampgroundSQLDAL dal = new CampgroundSQLDAL(DatabaseConnection, userParkChoice.ParkID); List <Campground> allCampgrounds = dal.GetCampgrounds(); Dictionary <int, string> allMonths = new Dictionary <int, string> { { 1, "January" }, { 2, "February" }, { 3, "March" }, { 4, "April" }, { 5, "May" }, { 6, "June" }, { 7, "July" }, { 8, "August" }, { 9, "September" }, { 10, "October" }, { 11, "November" }, { 12, "December" } }; Console.WriteLine("Showing all campgrounds for " + userParkChoice.ToString() + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("Campground ID Name Open Close Daily Fee"); foreach (Campground camp in allCampgrounds) { Console.WriteLine("#" + camp.CampgroundID + camp.CampgroundName + allMonths[camp.OpenFromMonth] + allMonths[camp.OpenToMonth] + camp.DailyFee.ToString("C2")); } }
private void SearchReservations(Park userParkChoice) { ViewCampgrounds(userParkChoice); int userChoiceCampgroundID = CLIHelper.GetInteger("Enter the desired campground ID: "); DateTime userChoiceStartDate = CLIHelper.GetDateTime("Enter the desired start date: (YYYY/MM/DD) "); DateTime userChoiceEndDate = CLIHelper.GetDateTime("Enter the desired end date: (YYYY/MM/DD) "); ReservationSQLDAL dal = new ReservationSQLDAL(DatabaseConnection); List <Site> availableSites = dal.SearchForAvailableReservations(userChoiceCampgroundID, userChoiceStartDate, userChoiceEndDate); CampgroundSQLDAL cgDal = new CampgroundSQLDAL(userChoiceCampgroundID, DatabaseConnection); decimal totalCampingCost = cgDal.GetCampgroundDailyRate(); int totalDays = Convert.ToInt32((userChoiceEndDate - userChoiceStartDate).TotalDays); if (availableSites.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Showing First Five Available Sites:"); Console.WriteLine("Site No. Max Occupancy Accessible? Max RV Length Utilites? Total Cost"); foreach (Site site in availableSites) { Console.WriteLine("#" + site.SiteNumber + " " + site.MaxOccupancy + " " + site.IsAccessible + " " + site.MaxRVLength + " " + site.HasUtilities + " " + (totalCampingCost * totalDays).ToString("C2")); } } else { Console.WriteLine("**** NO RESULTS ****"); } }
public void TestGetAllCampgroundsParkIDDate() { //Arrange CampgroundSQLDAL campgroundDAL = new CampgroundSQLDAL(connectionString); //Act int campgroundCount = campgroundDAL.GetAllCampgroundsParkID(1).Count; //Assert Assert.IsNotNull(campgroundCount); Assert.AreEqual(numberOfAvailableCampgrounds, campgroundCount); }
public void SearchForReservation(int parkID) { bool done = false; while (!done) { Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Search for Campground Reservation"); PrintCampgrounds(parkID); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Which campground? (enter 0 to cancel)"); int campgroundID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (campgroundID == 0) { done = true; break; } else if (!(CampgroundSQLDAL.GetAvailableCampgrounds(parkID, campgroundID))) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Not a valid selection. Press enter to continue."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); continue; } Console.WriteLine("What is the arrival date? (MM/DD/YYYY)"); DateTime arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("What is the departure date? (MM/DD/YYYY)"); DateTime departureDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (arrivalDate > departureDate) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid date selection. Press enter to continue."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); continue; } PrintAvailableCampsites(campgroundID, arrivalDate, departureDate); } }
public void DisplayCampgrounds(bool datesAreGiven) { CampgroundSQLDAL dal = new CampgroundSQLDAL(connectionString); List <Campground> campgrounds = new List <Campground>(); if (datesAreGiven) { campgrounds = dal.GetAllCampgroundsParkIDDate(newCampsite.ParkId, newReservation.FromDate, newReservation.ToDate); } else { campgrounds = dal.GetAllCampgroundsParkID(newCampsite.ParkId); } foreach (var campground in campgrounds) { Console.WriteLine(campground.CampID + "- " + campground.Name); } }
public void PrintCampgrounds(int parkID) { CampgroundSQLDAL dal = new CampgroundSQLDAL(DatabaseConnection); List <Campground> campgrounds = CampgroundSQLDAL.GetAllCampgrounds(parkID); if (campgrounds.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Name".PadLeft(11).PadRight(43) + "Open".PadRight(15) + "Close".PadRight(15) + "Fee"); Console.WriteLine(new String('=', 79)); foreach (Campground campground in campgrounds) { Console.WriteLine($"#{campground.CampgroundID.ToString().PadRight(5)} {campground.CampgroundName.ToString().PadRight(35)} {CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(campground.OpenMonth).PadRight(14)} {CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(campground.CloseMonth).PadRight(14)} {campground.DailyFee.ToString("C2")}"); } Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("NO RESULTS"); Console.WriteLine(); } }