protected void InsertStep4Answers() { string strTablevalues = ""; string strComments, strModifiedBy, strFJCID; int RowsAffected, iStatus = 0; strTablevalues = ConstructCamperAnswers(); strModifiedBy = Master.UserId; strFJCID = hdnFJCID_OtherInfo.Value; strComments = txtComments.Text.Trim(); //Used by the Admin user //the status value will be set in session once btncheckeligibility_click is fired in step2_3.aspx for any questionnaire if (Session["STATUS"] != null) { iStatus = Convert.ToInt32(Session["STATUS"]); } if (strFJCID != "" && strTablevalues != "" && strModifiedBy != "" && bPerformUpdate) { RowsAffected = CamperAppl.InsertCamperAnswers(strFJCID, strTablevalues, strModifiedBy, strComments); } if (strFJCID != "") { CamperAppl.SetTermsandConditionsAcceptance(strFJCID, chkAgreement.Checked, false, false); } }