public async override Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
                ApiEnvironment environment = ((OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant)authorizationData.Authentication).Environment;

                CampaignManagementExampleHelper CampaignManagementExampleHelper = new CampaignManagementExampleHelper(
                    OutputStatusMessageDefault: this.OutputStatusMessage);
                CampaignManagementExampleHelper.CampaignManagementService = new ServiceClient <ICampaignManagementService>(
                    authorizationData: authorizationData,
                    environment: environment);

                // A conversion goal cannot be deleted, so even if this is a test
                // please choose an appropriate name accordingly.
                var offlineConversionGoalName = "My Offline Conversion Goal";

                var conversionGoals = new ConversionGoal[]
                    new OfflineConversionGoal
                        // Determines how long after a click that you want to count offline conversions.
                        ConversionWindowInMinutes = 43200,

                        // If the count type is 'Unique' then only the first offline conversion will be counted.
                        // By setting the count type to 'All', then all offline conversions for the same
                        // MicrosoftClickId with different conversion times will be added cumulatively.
                        CountType = ConversionGoalCountType.All,

                        Name = offlineConversionGoalName,

                        // The default conversion currency code and value. Each offline conversion can override it.
                        Revenue = new ConversionGoalRevenue
                            CurrencyCode = null,
                            Type         = ConversionGoalRevenueType.FixedValue,
                            Value        = 5.00m,
                        Scope  = EntityScope.Account,
                        Status = ConversionGoalStatus.Active,
                        TagId  = null

                var addConversionGoalsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.AddConversionGoalsAsync(
                    conversionGoals : conversionGoals);

                var          conversionGoalIds    = addConversionGoalsResponse.ConversionGoalIds.ToArray();
                BatchError[] conversionGoalErrors = addConversionGoalsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                List <long> goalIds = GetNonNullableIds(conversionGoalIds);

                var conversionGoalTypes = ConversionGoalType.OfflineConversion;

                var getConversionGoalsResponse = (await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetConversionGoalsByIdsAsync(
                                                      conversionGoalIds: goalIds,
                                                      conversionGoalTypes: conversionGoalTypes));
                var getConversionGoals = getConversionGoalsResponse.ConversionGoals;
                conversionGoalErrors = getConversionGoalsResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                // Every time you create a new OfflineConversionGoal via either the Bing Ads web application or Campaign Management API,
                // the MSCLKIDAutoTaggingEnabled value of the corresponding AccountProperty is set to 'true' automatically.
                // We can confirm the setting now.

                var accountPropertyNames = new List <AccountPropertyName>();

                var getAccountPropertiesResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.GetAccountPropertiesAsync(
                    accountPropertyNames : accountPropertyNames);

                var          accountProperties       = getAccountPropertiesResponse.AccountProperties;
                BatchError[] accountPropertiesErrors = getAccountPropertiesResponse.PartialErrors.ToArray();

                var offlineConversions = new[]
                    new OfflineConversion
                        // If you do not specify an offline conversion currency code,
                        // then the 'CurrencyCode' element of the goal's 'ConversionGoalRevenue' is used.
                        ConversionCurrencyCode = "USD",

                        // The conversion name must match the 'Name' of the 'OfflineConversionGoal'.
                        // If it does not match you won't observe any error, although the offline
                        // conversion will not be counted.
                        ConversionName = offlineConversionGoalName,

                        // The date and time must be in UTC, should align to the date and time of the
                        // recorded click (MicrosoftClickId), and cannot be in the future.
                        ConversionTime = DateTime.UtcNow,

                        // If you do not specify an offline conversion value,
                        // then the 'Value' element of the goal's 'ConversionGoalRevenue' is used.
                        ConversionValue = 10,

                        MicrosoftClickId = "f894f652ea334e739002f7167ab8f8e3"

                // After the OfflineConversionGoal is set up, wait two hours before submitting the offline conversions.
                // This example would not succeed in production because we created the goal very recently i.e.,
                // please see above call to AddConversionGoalsAsync.

                var applyOfflineConversionsResponse = await CampaignManagementExampleHelper.ApplyOfflineConversionsAsync(
                    offlineConversions : offlineConversions);

            // Catch authentication exceptions
            catch (OAuthTokenRequestException ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Format("Couldn't get OAuth tokens. Error: {0}. Description: {1}", ex.Details.Error, ex.Details.Description));
            // Catch Campaign Management service exceptions
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.AdApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.Errors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.ApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.BingAds.V12.CampaignManagement.EditorialApiFaultDetail> ex)
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.OperationErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
                OutputStatusMessage(string.Join("; ", ex.Detail.BatchErrors.Select(error => string.Format("{0}: {1}", error.Code, error.Message))));
            catch (Exception ex)