void Start() { isMainCam = true; craftCam.gameObject.SetActive(false); camSwitchInstance = cameraScript.GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); backAction = goBack; }
private void SetPlayerDetails(BasicControl control) { Controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Controller").GetComponent <Controller>(); control.Controller = Controller; CameraSwitch cameraSwitch = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CameraSwitch").GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); }
void Start() { dropDown = GetComponent<Dropdown>(); cam_switcher = CameraSettingsManager.GetComponent<CameraSwitch>(); cam_switcher.Init(); dropDown.value = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(CameraSettings.Instance.CAMERA_TYPE); SetCameraType(); }
void Start() { dropDown = GetComponent <Dropdown>(); cam_switcher = CameraSettingsManager.GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); cam_switcher.Init(); dropDown.value = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(CameraSettings.Instance.CAMERA_TYPE); SetCameraType(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { isMainCam = true; chestCam.gameObject.SetActive(false); electricalCam.gameObject.SetActive(false); camSwitchInstance = cameraScript.GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); backAction = goBack; endGameImage.color = Color.black; }
public void OnEdit() { AbstractCamera.ActiveCamera?.BreakFollow(); CameraSwitch.OnEagleEye(); transform.ToRect().sizeDelta = DashboardSize[DashboardMode.EditMode]; SimulationInfo.gameObject.SetActive(false); SimPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); EdPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); CameraOptions.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("Player")) { CameraSwitch currentCamera = other.GetComponent <CameraSwitch> (); if (!currentCamera.isFPS()) { Messenger.Broadcast(GameEvent.PLAYER_TOOK_HEALTH); Destroy(this.gameObject); } } }
public void OnRun() { Selectable.Deselect(); Selectable.DeleteMode = false; AbstractCamera.ActiveCamera?.BreakFollow(); CameraSwitch.OnRTS(); transform.ToRect().sizeDelta = DashboardSize[DashboardMode.Simulation]; SimulationInfo.gameObject.SetActive(true); SimPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); EdPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); CameraOptions.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void Start() { buttonMod = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Canvas/ButtonModel").GetComponent <Button>(); buttonMod.onClick.AddListener(OnClickModel); buttonCam = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Canvas/ButtonCamera").GetComponent <Button>(); buttonCam.onClick.AddListener(OnClickCamera); buttonQuit = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Canvas/ButtonQuit").GetComponent <Button>(); buttonQuit.onClick.AddListener(OnClickQuit); modSwitch = GetComponent <ModelSwitch>(); camSwitch = GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { switcher = (CameraSwitch)FindObjectOfType(typeof(CameraSwitch)); if (switcher == null) { print("Il manque un CameraSwitch sur la scène"); } cameraTransform = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").transform; myCollider = GetComponent <Collider>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); myAnimator = GetComponent <Animator>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { udp = new UdpClient(5005); thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod)); thread.Start(); muscleLength = HumanTrait.MuscleName.Length; muscles = new float[muscleLength]; camSwitch = GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); modSwitch = GetComponent <ModelSwitch>(); isCamSwitched = false; isModSwitched = false; isFeedback = false; activeFeedbackPoints = new float[modSwitch.GetNumberOfFeedbackPoints()]; }
void Start() { Item.buttonClickDelegateItem += OnInteract; isMainCam = true; prismCam.gameObject.SetActive(false); camSwitchInstance = cameraScript.GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); backAction = goBack; dialogue = new Dialogue(); string[] new_sentences = new string[3]; new_sentences[0] = "Use your ARROW KEYS to control the laser"; new_sentences[1] = "Up, down to move and left, right to rotate"; new_sentences[2] = "Your laser has to hit the target to clear this"; dialogue.sentences = new_sentences; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (timer > 0.0f) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (!trolly.GetComponent <TrolleyMovement>().flag&& Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { timer = 0.0f; } } else { trolly.GetComponent <TrolleyMovement>().flag = true; CameraSwitch camera = GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); camera.run(); } }
void Start() { lostPlayers = new List <PlayerStatus>(); soloWin = FindObjectOfType <WinScene>(); switcher = FindObjectOfType <CameraSwitch>(); uiManager = FindObjectOfType <UIManager>(); winCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("WinCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); selectionBehaviours = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Selector>().transform.parent.gameObject; generator = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Generator>(); cameraPosition = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CameraPosition>(); musicPlayer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MusicPlayer>(); highestFloor = floor = 0; ReportNewFloor(0); state = GameState.Menu; oldState = state; State = state; players = FindObjectsOfType <PlayerStatus>(); }
private void Awake() { if (current != null && current != this) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } current = this; _cameraTarget = _virtualCamera.Follow; _cameraTarget2 = _virtualCamera2.Follow; resetTargetEvent = new UnityEvent(); _resetTarget = ResetTarget; resetTargetEvent.AddListener(_resetTarget); resetTargetEvent.Invoke(); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UI Main").GetComponent <Canvas>().worldCamera = _overlayCamera; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); t = GetComponent <Transform>(); GameMode = 0; CanGoToComputer = false; CanGoToKitchen = false; CanGetTaskList = false; CanGoToTV = false; CanGiveInput = false; CanGoToSleep = false; GotTasksToday = false; CanKillEnemy = false; CorrectEnemy = false; PuzzlePieceDirection = 1; camswitch = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); PuzzlePiece = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ComputerStartTag"); Bar = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Bar"); Cube = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("puzzle4"); Trap1 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Trap1"); Trap2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Trap2"); Trap3 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Trap3"); dt = GameObject.Find("TimeController").GetComponent <Day_TimeScript>(); SpawnLocation = new Vector3(PuzzlePiece.transform.position.x, PuzzlePiece.transform.position.y, PuzzlePiece.transform.position.z); LevelCommands = new List <string>(); TaskList = new List <string>(); SecuritySystemArr = new List <int>(); ComputerPuzzleAttempts = 1; CanLookAtSchedule = false; canvasText = canvas.GetComponentInChildren <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>(); kitchenText = KitchenC.GetComponentInChildren <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>(); TutorialValue = 0; StartOfGame = 1; StartOfKitchen = 0; StartOfComp = 0; StartOfPuzzT = 0; StartOfRadio = 0; kitchenText.SetText(""); puzzThreeText.SetText(""); }
internal void Invoke079CameraSwitch( Player player, Camera cam, bool mapSwitch, bool spawning, out bool allow ) { var ev = new Scp079CameraSwitchEventArgs { Scp079 = player, MapSwitch = mapSwitch, Camera = cam, Spawning = spawning, Allow = true }; CameraSwitch?.Invoke(ev); //If allowed by the event methods, or if this is the first spawning allow = ev.Allow || ev.Spawning; }
private void OnEnable() { AbstractCamera.ActiveCamera?.BreakFollow(); CameraSwitch.OnEagleEye(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { controller = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); checkCam = gameObject.GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); //miniMapPlayer = transform.Find("miniMapPlayer").gameObject; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { cs = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); sm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <SimpleMovement>(); }
void Start() { GameObject cameras = GameObject.Find ("Cameras"); cameraSwitch = cameras.GetComponent<CameraSwitch> (); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { GameObject flyingCamera = GameObject.Find("flyingCamera"); CameraSwitch CameraSwitchScript = flyingCamera.GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); /* if (CameraSwitchScript.cameraPositionChange) * { * * } */ //Add new variable float oldTimeScale = 1; if (timeScale != oldTimeScale) { TimeFunction(); oldTimeScale = timeScale; } //Add new variable float oldDistanceScale = 1; if (distanceScale != oldDistanceScale) { DistanceFunction(); oldDistanceScale = distanceScale; } //DistanceFunction(); /* * // If the , key is pressed during a frame, halve the speed of the simulation. I.e. < key * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Comma)) * { * timeScale *= 0.5f; * timeVariable = timeInitial * (decimal)timeScale; * // recalculate G * RescalingG(realG, timeVariable, massVariable, distanceVariable); * // Send a Debug Log to confirm the simulation has slowed down * Debug.Log("Simulation slowed down. It is now " + timeScale + " times the Default Speed"); * Debug.Log("G in Simulated units is now" + rescaledG); * } * // If the . key is pressed during a frame, double the speed of the simulation. I.e. > key * else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Period)) * { * timeScale *= 2.0f; * timeVariable = timeInitial * (decimal)timeScale; * // recalculate G * RescalingG(realG, timeVariable, massVariable, distanceVariable); * // Send a Debug Log to confirm the simulation was sped up * Debug.Log("Simulation speed up. It is now " + timeScale + " times the Default Speed"); * Debug.Log("G in Simulated units is now" + rescaledG); * } * // If the V key is pressed during a frame, halve the distance of the simulation. I.e. C for Closer * else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C)) * { * distanceScale *= 2.0f; * distanceVariable = distanceInitial * (decimal)distanceScale; * // recalculate G * RescalingG(realG, timeVariable, massVariable, distanceVariable); * // Send a Debug Log to confirm the simulation has shrunk * Debug.Log("Simulation shrunk. It is now " + (1.0f / distanceScale) + " times the Default Distance"); * Debug.Log("G in Simulated units is now" + rescaledG); * } * // If the F key is pressed during a frame, double the distance of the simulation. I.e. F for Further * else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) * { * distanceScale *= 0.5f; * distanceVariable = distanceInitial * (decimal)distanceScale; * // recalculate G * RescalingG(realG, timeVariable, massVariable, distanceVariable); * // Send a Debug Log to confirm the simulation was sped up * Debug.Log("Simulation expanded. It is now " + (1.0f / distanceScale) + " times the Default Distance"); * Debug.Log("G in Simulated units is now" + rescaledG); * } * // If the R key is pressed during a frame, reset the distances and time of the simulation. I.e. R for Reset * else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) * { * distanceScale = 1.0f; * distanceVariable = distanceInitial; * timeScale = 1.0f; * timeVariable = timeInitial; * // recalculate G * RescalingG(realG, timeVariable, massVariable, distanceVariable); * // Send a Debug Log to confirm the simulation distances were reset * Debug.Log("Simulation distances were reset. It is now " + (1.0f / distanceScale) + " times the Default distance"); * // Send a Debug Log to confirm the simulation was sped up * Debug.Log("Simulation speed was reset. It is now " + timeScale + " times the Default Speed"); * Debug.Log("G in Simulated units is now" + rescaledG); * } * * // If any other input is pressed, do nothing * else * { * * } */ }
void Start() { GameObject cameras = GameObject.Find("Cameras"); cameraSwitch = cameras.GetComponent <CameraSwitch> (); }
private void FixedUpdate() { if (m_Dis != null) { m_CameraSwitch = m_Dis.GetComponent <CameraSwitch>(); m_Distance = m_CameraSwitch.distance; Debug.Log("Get distance " + m_Distance); } if (m_Target == null || !m_Driving) { // Car should not be moving, // use handbrake to stop m_CarController.Move(0, 0, -1f, 1f); } else { Vector3 fwd = transform.forward; if (m_Rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > m_CarController.MaxSpeed * 0.1f) { fwd = m_Rigidbody.velocity; } float desiredSpeed = m_CarController.MaxSpeed; // now it's time to decide if we should be slowing down... switch (m_BrakeCondition) { case BrakeCondition.TargetDirectionDifference: { // the car will brake according to the upcoming change in direction of the target. Useful for route-based AI, slowing for corners. // check out the angle of our target compared to the current direction of the car float approachingCornerAngle = Vector3.Angle(m_Target.forward, fwd); // also consider the current amount we're turning, multiplied up and then compared in the same way as an upcoming corner angle float spinningAngle = m_Rigidbody.angularVelocity.magnitude * m_CautiousAngularVelocityFactor; // if it's different to our current angle, we need to be cautious (i.e. slow down) a certain amount float cautiousnessRequired = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, m_CautiousMaxAngle, Mathf.Max(spinningAngle, approachingCornerAngle)); desiredSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(m_CarController.MaxSpeed, m_CarController.MaxSpeed * m_CautiousSpeedFactor, cautiousnessRequired); break; } case BrakeCondition.TargetDistance: { // the car will brake as it approaches its target, regardless of the target's direction. Useful if you want the car to // head for a stationary target and come to rest when it arrives there. // check out the distance to target if (m_Distance < 400) { desiredSpeed = 0; Debug.Log("Start Break !!!!!"); } else { Vector3 delta = m_Target.position - transform.position; float distanceCautiousFactor = Mathf.InverseLerp(m_CautiousMaxDistance, 0, delta.magnitude); // also consider the current amount we're turning, multiplied up and then compared in the same way as an upcoming corner angle float spinningAngle = m_Rigidbody.angularVelocity.magnitude * m_CautiousAngularVelocityFactor; // if it's different to our current angle, we need to be cautious (i.e. slow down) a certain amount float cautiousnessRequired = Mathf.Max( Mathf.InverseLerp(0, m_CautiousMaxAngle, spinningAngle), distanceCautiousFactor); desiredSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(m_CarController.MaxSpeed, m_CarController.MaxSpeed * m_CautiousSpeedFactor, cautiousnessRequired); } break; } case BrakeCondition.NeverBrake: break; } // Evasive action due to collision with other cars: // our target position starts off as the 'real' target position Vector3 offsetTargetPos = m_Target.position; // if are we currently taking evasive action to prevent being stuck against another car: if (Time.time < m_AvoidOtherCarTime) { // slow down if necessary (if we were behind the other car when collision occured) desiredSpeed *= m_AvoidOtherCarSlowdown; // and veer towards the side of our path-to-target that is away from the other car offsetTargetPos += m_Target.right * m_AvoidPathOffset; } else { // no need for evasive action, we can just wander across the path-to-target in a random way, // which can help prevent AI from seeming too uniform and robotic in their driving offsetTargetPos += m_Target.right * (Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * m_LateralWanderSpeed, m_RandomPerlin) * 2 - 1) * m_LateralWanderDistance; } // use different sensitivity depending on whether accelerating or braking: float accelBrakeSensitivity = (desiredSpeed < m_CarController.CurrentSpeed) ? m_BrakeSensitivity : m_AccelSensitivity; // decide the actual amount of accel/brake input to achieve desired speed. float accel = Mathf.Clamp((desiredSpeed - m_CarController.CurrentSpeed) * accelBrakeSensitivity, -1, 1); // add acceleration 'wander', which also prevents AI from seeming too uniform and robotic in their driving // i.e. increasing the accel wander amount can introduce jostling and bumps between AI cars in a race accel *= (1 - m_AccelWanderAmount) + (Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * m_AccelWanderSpeed, m_RandomPerlin) * m_AccelWanderAmount); // calculate the local-relative position of the target, to steer towards Vector3 localTarget = transform.InverseTransformPoint(offsetTargetPos); // work out the local angle towards the target float targetAngle = Mathf.Atan2(localTarget.x, localTarget.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; // get the amount of steering needed to aim the car towards the target float steer = Mathf.Clamp(targetAngle * m_SteerSensitivity, -1, 1) * Mathf.Sign(m_CarController.CurrentSpeed); // feed input to the car controller. m_CarController.Move(steer, accel, accel, 0f); // if appropriate, stop driving when we're close enough to the target. if (m_StopWhenTargetReached && localTarget.magnitude < m_ReachTargetThreshold) { m_Driving = false; } } }
void FixedUpdate() { if (mustSnapToPlayerStart > 0) { if (GameObject.Find ("PlayerStart")) { Vector3 newPos = GameObject.Find ("PlayerStart").transform.position; this.transform.position = newPos; } mustSnapToPlayerStart--; } if (!started) return; if (mirrorActivationDelaying) { // Reentry condition: showing mirror activation if(elapsedTime == 0.0f) { if (ds == null) ds = GameObject.Find ("MasterController").GetComponent<MasterControllerScript> ().getStorage (); int mirrorNumber = ds.retrieveIntValue ("ActivateMirror"); // the gates will be just the 'next' mirror // if(cam != null) // { // cam.warpToMarker (mirrorNumber); // GameObject newTarget = GameObject.Find (ds.retrieveStringValue ("ActivatedMirror")); // cam.target = newTarget; // } CameraSwitch cameraController = GameObject.Find("CameraController").GetComponent<CameraSwitch>(); cameraController._wm_switchToCameraIndex (mirrorNumber); if (mirrorObject != null) { mirrorObject.activate (mirrorNumber); } } elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > mirrorActivationDelay) { ds.storeStringValue ("ReentryCondition", ""); string returnLocation = ds.retrieveStringValue ("ReturnLocation"); SceneManager.LoadScene (returnLocation); } return; } if (agent.enabled == true) { return; } string intern, backn; if (interactee != null) intern = interactee.name; else intern = "null"; if (backupInteractee != null) backn = backupInteractee.name; else backn = "null"; if (meditatingRemaining > 0.0f) { meditatingRemaining -= Time.deltaTime; return; } /* WARNING crazy statement, reformulate */ if (blocked) return; //if ((state != PlayerState.idling) && (state != PlayerState.walking)) // return; moving = false; if((state != PlayerState.materializing) && (state != PlayerState.dematerialized)) state = PlayerState.idling; //float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"); //float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical"); float moveHorizontal = 0.0f; float moveVertical = 0.0f; /*if (walkType == PlayerWalkType.floating) { if (height < equilibriumHeight) { heightSpeed += (equilibriumHeight - height)*(equilibriumHeight - height) * floatingAcceleration * Time.deltaTime; } else if (height > equilibriumHeight) { heightSpeed -= (height - equilibriumHeight)*(height - equilibriumHeight) * floatingAcceleration * Time.deltaTime; } height += heightSpeed * Time.deltaTime * equilibriumStrength; if (heightSpeed > 0.0f) { if (heightSpeed > maxHeightSpeed) heightSpeed = maxHeightSpeed; } else { if (heightSpeed < -maxHeightSpeed) heightSpeed = -maxHeightSpeed; } }*/ if (autopilot == false) { moveHorizontal = hud.touchHorizontal () * walkMultiplicator; moveVertical = hud.touchVertical () * walkMultiplicator; } else { Vector3 current = this.transform.position; current.y = 0.0f; Vector3 dest = autopilotDestination; dest.y = 0.0f; Vector3 origin = autopilotOrigin; origin.y = 0.0f; DEJAMEVERESADISTANCIA = Vector3.Dot ((dest - current).normalized, (dest - origin).normalized); if (Vector3.Dot ((dest - current).normalized, (dest - origin).normalized) < 0.0f) { autopilot = false; notifyFinishAction (); } else { moveHorizontal = (autopilotDestination - autopilotOrigin).normalized.x/10.0f * walkMultiplicator; moveVertical = (autopilotDestination - autopilotOrigin).normalized.z/10.0f * walkMultiplicator; } } if(lastHorizontal != 0.0f && lastVertical != 0.0f) direction = Direction4FromVector (new Vector2 (lastHorizontal, lastVertical)); if ((moveHorizontal != 0.0f) || (moveVertical != 0.0f)) { direction = Direction4FromVector (new Vector2 (moveHorizontal, moveVertical)); lastHorizontal = moveHorizontal; lastVertical = moveVertical; moving = true; state = PlayerState.walking; } if (moving) { setOrientation(direction); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > (1.0f / WalkingAnimationSpeed)) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; frame++; foreach (int f in footstepFrame) { if(f == frame) { levelRef.footstep(); } } if (walkType == PlayerWalkType.onGround) { switch (direction) { case PlayerDirection.left: if (frame == WalkingLeft.Length) frame = 1; break; case PlayerDirection.right: if (frame == WalkingRight.Length) frame = 1; break; case PlayerDirection.front: if (frame == WalkingFront.Length) frame = 1; break; case PlayerDirection.back: if (frame == WalkingBack.Length) frame = 1; break; case PlayerDirection.backleft: if (frame == WalkingLeftBack.Length) frame = 1; break; case PlayerDirection.backright: if (frame == WalkingBackRight.Length) frame = 1; break; case PlayerDirection.frontleft: if (frame == WalkingFrontLeft.Length) frame = 1; break; case PlayerDirection.frontright: if (frame == WalkingRightFront.Length) frame = 1; break; } } else { switch (direction) { case PlayerDirection.left: if (frame == floatingLeft.Length) frame = 0; break; case PlayerDirection.right: if (frame == floatingRight.Length) frame = 0; break; case PlayerDirection.front: if (frame == floatingFront.Length) frame = 0; break; case PlayerDirection.back: if (frame == floatingBack.Length) frame = 0; break; case PlayerDirection.backleft: if (frame == floatingBackLeft.Length) frame = 0; break; case PlayerDirection.backright: if (frame == floatingBackRight.Length) frame = 0; break; case PlayerDirection.frontleft: if (frame == floatingFrontLeft.Length) frame = 0; break; case PlayerDirection.frontright: if (frame == floatingFrontRight.Length) frame = 0; break; } } } } else { // not moving if (walkType == PlayerWalkType.onGround) { switch (direction) { case PlayerDirection.left: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingLeft [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingLeft [0]; break; case PlayerDirection.right: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingRight [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingRight [0]; break; case PlayerDirection.front: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingFront [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingFront [0]; break; case PlayerDirection.back: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingBack [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingBack [0]; break; case PlayerDirection.backleft: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingLeftBack [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingLeftBack [0]; break; case PlayerDirection.backright: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingBackRight [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingBackRight [0]; break; case PlayerDirection.frontleft: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingFrontLeft [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingFrontLeft [0]; break; case PlayerDirection.frontright: playerRendRef.sprite = WalkingRightFront [0]; otherPlayerRendRef.sprite = WalkingRightFront [0]; break; } } frame = 0; elapsedTime = 0.0f; } bool cannotWalk = false; float yVelocity = r.velocity.y; Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (externalForce.x + moveHorizontal*speed, externalForce.y + yVelocity, externalForce.z + moveVertical*speed); // WARNING magic number Vector3 flatMovement = movement; flatMovement.y = 0.0f; modulusSpeed = flatMovement.magnitude; if ((!blocked) && (!cannotWalk)) r.velocity = movement; else r.velocity = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0) && (moving == false)) { canInteract = true; } if (moving == true) canInteract = false; if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && (canInteract == true)) { canInteract = false; switch (interaction) { case Interaction.None: break; default: if(interactee!=null) interactee.effect (); break; } } }
internal void Init() { teacherInputsRemaining = 4; studentInputsRemaining = 5; maxInputs = 4; roundWins = 0; currentState = GameStates.START; ArrayList teacherPicks = new ArrayList(); ArrayList studentPicks = new ArrayList(); simonSaysSpotlight = GameObject.Find("SimonSaysLight"); simonRedGameLight = GameObject.Find("SimonSaysLightRed"); simonBlueGameLight = GameObject.Find("SimonSaysLightBlue"); simonYellowGameLight = GameObject.Find("SimonSaysLightYellow"); simonGreenGameLight = GameObject.Find("SimonSaysLightGreen"); texts = GameObject.Find ("texts"); tsquare = GameObject.Find ("tsquare"); facebook = GameObject.Find ("facebook"); studentCamera = GameObject.Find ("Student Camera").GetComponent<Camera>() as Camera; pinkEle = GameObject.Find ("PinkElephant"); teacherTextNumbers = GameObject.Find("teacherInputsRemaining").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); teacherNotifications = GameObject.Find("teacherNotifications").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); studentNotifications = GameObject.Find("studentNotifications").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); success = GameObject.Find("successNotification").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); failure = GameObject.Find("failureNotification").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); texts.SetActive(false); tsquare.SetActive(false); facebook.SetActive(false); s = studentCamera.GetComponent<sleep>(); d = studentCamera.GetComponent<dream>(); txts = texts.GetComponent<drift>(); t2 = tsquare.GetComponent<drift>(); fb = facebook.GetComponent<drift>(); roundNum = 1; teacherSelections = new ArrayList(); studentSelections = new ArrayList(); redScreen = GameObject.Find("redScreen"); redScreen.SetActive(false); greenScreen = GameObject.Find("greenScreen"); greenScreen.SetActive(false); yellowScreen = GameObject.Find("yellowScreen"); yellowScreen.SetActive(false); blueScreen = GameObject.Find("blueScreen"); blueScreen.SetActive(false); //pinkEle.SetActive(false); startCam = GameObject.Find("StartCamera"); switchScript = startCam.GetComponent<CameraSwitch>(); /*Erin*/ //startCam = GameObject.Find ("StartCamera").GetComponent<Camera>() as Camera; //endCam = GameObject.Find ("EndCamera").GetComponent<Camera>() as Camera; //snapeSound = GameObject.Find ("snapeSound"); //peanutsSound = GameObject.Find ("peanutsSound"); //anyoneSound = GameObject.Find ("anyoneSound"); //startCam.enabled = true; //endCam.enabled = false; //studentCamera.enabled = false; //startCam.gameObject.camera.enabled = true; //endCam.gameObject.camera.enabled = false; //studentCamera.gameObject.camera.enabled = false; //snapeSound.gameObject.audio.enabled = false; //peanutsSound.gameObject.audio.enabled = false; //anyoneSound.gameObject.audio.enabled = true; /*Erin*/ }
public static void ExitEditMode() { SimManager.SetStatus(SimulationStatus.Paused); CameraSwitch.OnRTS(); //Instance.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { key = GameObject.Find ("Key").GetComponent<Key> (); cameraswitch = GameObject.Find ("CameraSwitching").GetComponent<CameraSwitch> (); }