예제 #1
        public AvatarRagdollSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            // This sample uses for a DebugRenderer for the rendering rigid bodies.
            _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, SpriteFont);

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Add some objects which allow the user to interact with the rigid bodies.
            _grabObject        = new GrabObject(Services);
            _ballShooterObject = new BallShooterObject(Services)
                Speed = 20

            // Add some default force effects.
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

            // Add a ground plane in the simulation.
            Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitY, 0))
                MotionType = MotionType.Static

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);
예제 #2
    public AvatarRagdollSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      // This sample uses for a DebugRenderer for the rendering rigid bodies.
      _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, SpriteFont);

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Add some objects which allow the user to interact with the rigid bodies.
      _grabObject = new GrabObject(Services);
      _ballShooterObject = new BallShooterObject(Services) { Speed = 20 };

      // Add some default force effects.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a ground plane in the simulation.
      Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitY, 0))
        MotionType = MotionType.Static

      // Create a random avatar.
      _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
      _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);
예제 #3
    public TerrainSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

      var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

      // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);
      cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 5), 0, 0);
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

      // Add standard game objects.
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new LavaBallsObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
        EnableCloudShadows = false,
        FogSampleAngle = 0.1f,
        FogSaturation = 1,

      var fogObject = new FogObject(Services) { AttachToCamera = true };

      // Set nice fog values.
      // (Note: If we change the fog values here, the GUI in the Options window is not
      // automatically updated.)
      fogObject.FogNode.IsEnabled = true;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start = 100;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.End = 2500;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start = 100;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.HeightFalloff = 0.25f;

      // Add an ocean at height 0.
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new OceanObject(Services));

      // Add the terrain.
      var terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);

예제 #4
    public ProjectedShadowSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
    : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
      var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
        RenderCallback = Render,
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

      // Create a new empty scene.
      _scene = new Scene();
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, _scene);

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(-8, 6, 8), -ConstantsF.PiOver4, -0.4f);

      // Add a default light setup (ambient light + 3 directional lights).
      var defaultLightsObject = new DefaultLightsObject(Services);

      // Get the main directional light.
      _mainDirectionalLightNode = ((LightNode)_scene.GetSceneNode("KeyLight"));

      // Add a ground plane model to the scene graph.
      var grid = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Ground/Ground").Clone();
      grid.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(0.3f);

      // Add a tank model to the scene graph.
      var tank = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Tank/tank").Clone();

      // Remember the mesh nodes of tank node.
      _tankMeshNodes = tank.GetSubtree().Where(n => n is MeshNode).ToArray();

      // Create the renderers.
      _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

      var spriteFont = UIContentManager.Load<SpriteFont>("UI Themes/BlendBlue/Default");
      _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, spriteFont);

      _projectedShadowRenderer = new ProjectedShadowRenderer(GraphicsService)
        // The plane onto which the shadows are projected. It is positioned a bit above the ground
        // plane to avoid z-fighting.
        ShadowedPlane = new Plane(new Vector3F(0, 1, 0), 0.01f),

        // The shadow color is a transparent black.
        ShadowColor = new Vector4F(0, 0, 0, 0.4f),

        // The light position is set in Update().
        //LightPosition = ...
        public BakedAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

            // Convert animation.
            _waveAnimation = BakeAnimation(new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Clap));
예제 #6
    public BakedAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Create a random avatar.
      _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
      _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

      // Convert animation.
      _waveAnimation = BakeAnimation(new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Clap));
        public CustomAvatarAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

            // Wrap the Stand0 AvatarAnimationPreset (see WrappedAnimationSample) to create an
            // infinitely looping stand animation.
            AvatarAnimation standAnimationPreset = new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Stand0);
            TimelineGroup   standAnimation       = new TimelineGroup
                new WrappedAvatarExpressionAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
                new WrappedAvatarSkeletonAnimation(standAnimationPreset),

            _standAnimation = new TimelineClip(standAnimation)
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Cycle the Stand animation...
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,  // ...forever.

            // Load animations from content pipeline.
            _faintAnimation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Faint");
            _jumpAnimation  = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Jump");
            _kickAnimation  = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Kick");
            _punchAnimation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Punch");

            // The walk cycle should loop: Put it into a timeline clip and set a
            // loop-behavior.
            TimelineGroup walkAnimation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Walk");

            _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(walkAnimation)
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Cycle the Walk animation...
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,  // ...forever.
예제 #8
    public CustomAvatarAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Create a random avatar.
      _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
      _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

      // Wrap the Stand0 AvatarAnimationPreset (see WrappedAnimationSample) to create an
      // infinitely looping stand animation.
      AvatarAnimation standAnimationPreset = new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Stand0);
      TimelineGroup standAnimation = new TimelineGroup
        new WrappedAvatarExpressionAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
        new WrappedAvatarSkeletonAnimation(standAnimationPreset),
      _standAnimation = new TimelineClip(standAnimation)
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Cycle the Stand animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.

      // Load animations from content pipeline.
      _faintAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Faint");
      _jumpAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Jump");
      _kickAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Kick");
      _punchAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Punch");

      // The walk cycle should loop: Put it into a timeline clip and set a
      // loop-behavior.
      TimelineGroup walkAnimation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Walk");
      _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(walkAnimation)
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Cycle the Walk animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.
        public WrappedAvatarAnimationSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            // This sample uses for a DebugRenderer for rendering text.
            _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, SpriteFont)
                DefaultColor        = Color.Black,
                DefaultTextPosition = new Vector2F(10),

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);
        public AvatarAttachmentSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            // This sample uses Scene and MeshRenderer for rendering the attached models.
            _scene        = new Scene();
            _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

            // Load walk animation using the content pipeline.
            TimelineGroup animation = ContentManager.Load <TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Walk");

            // Create a looping walk animation.
            _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(animation)
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle, // Cycle Walk animation...
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,  // ...forever.

            var baseballBatModelNode = ContentManager.Load <ModelNode>("XboxAvatars/BaseballBat").Clone();

            _baseballBatMeshNode = baseballBatModelNode.GetChildren().OfType <MeshNode>().First();

            // If we only render the baseball bat, it appears black. We need to add it to
            // a scene with some lights. (The lights do not affect the avatar.)

            // We must detach the mesh node from its current parent (the model node) before
            // we can add it to the scene.
예제 #11
    public BasicAvatarSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      // This sample uses for a DebugRenderer for the rendering Avatar skeleton.
      _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, SpriteFont)
        DefaultColor = Color.Black,
        DefaultTextPosition = new Vector2F(10),

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Create a random avatar.
      _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
      _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);
예제 #12
    public AvatarAttachmentSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      // This sample uses Scene and MeshRenderer for rendering the attached models.
      _scene = new Scene();
      _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Create a random avatar.
      _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
      _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

      // Load walk animation using the content pipeline.
      TimelineGroup animation = ContentManager.Load<TimelineGroup>("XboxAvatars/Walk");

      // Create a looping walk animation.
      _walkAnimation = new TimelineClip(animation)
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,  // Cycle Walk animation...
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,       // ...forever.

      var baseballBatModelNode = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("XboxAvatars/BaseballBat").Clone();
      _baseballBatMeshNode = baseballBatModelNode.GetChildren().OfType<MeshNode>().First();

      // If we only render the baseball bat, it appears black. We need to add it to
      // a scene with some lights. (The lights do not affect the avatar.)

      // We must detach the mesh node from its current parent (the model node) before
      // we can add it to the scene.
예제 #13
        public TerrainHoleSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            _graphicsScreen             = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
            _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

            Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

            var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;

            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

            // Add standard game objects.
            var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);

            cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 2, 0), 0, 0);
            _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
                EnableCloudShadows = false,
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));

            // Create terrain.
            _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);


예제 #14
    public TerrainHoleSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

      var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

      // Add standard game objects.
      var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);
      cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 0), 0, 0);
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
        EnableCloudShadows = false,
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));

      // Create terrain.
      _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);


예제 #15
    public TerrainDecalSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

      var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

      // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      var cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);
      cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 5), 0, 0);
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraObject.CameraNode;

      // Add standard game objects.
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new LavaBallsObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
        EnableCloudShadows = false,
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new FogObject(Services));

      // Create terrain.
      _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);

      // Add a blood decal to the terrain.
      var decal0 = new TerrainDecalLayer(GraphicsService)
        Pose = GetRandomPose(),
        Width = 2,
        Height = 2,
        DiffuseColor = new Vector3F(0.08f),
        SpecularColor = new Vector3F(0.2f),
        SpecularPower = 100,
        DiffuseTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Decal_diffuse_mask"), // Original: "Decals/Blood_diffuse_mask",
        NormalTexture =  GraphicsService.GetDefaultNormalTexture(),   // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_normal"),
        SpecularTexture = GraphicsService.GetDefaultTexture2DWhite(), // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_specular"),
        FadeOutStart = 3,
        FadeOutEnd = 5,
        Alpha = 0.9f,

      // Add a black blood decal (oil spill?)
      var decal1 = new TerrainDecalLayer(GraphicsService)
        Pose = GetRandomPose(),
        Width = 2,
        Height = 2,
        DiffuseColor = new Vector3F(0.0f),
        SpecularColor = new Vector3F(0.5f),
        SpecularPower = 100,
        DiffuseTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Decal_diffuse_mask"), // Original: "Decals/Blood_diffuse_mask",
        NormalTexture = GraphicsService.GetDefaultNormalTexture(),   // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_normal"),
        SpecularTexture = GraphicsService.GetDefaultTexture2DWhite(), // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_specular"),
        FadeOutStart = 3,
        FadeOutEnd = 5,

      // Add more random decals. The decals can share materials!
      var decal0Material = decal0.Material;
      for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
        var decal = new TerrainDecalLayer(decal0Material)
          Pose = GetRandomPose(),
          Width = 2,
          Height = 2,
예제 #16
        public ProjectedShadowSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
            var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
                RenderCallback = Render,

            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

            // Create a new empty scene.
            _scene = new Scene();
            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, _scene);

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(-8, 6, 8), -ConstantsF.PiOver4, -0.4f);

            // Add a default light setup (ambient light + 3 directional lights).
            var defaultLightsObject = new DefaultLightsObject(Services);


            // Get the main directional light.
            _mainDirectionalLightNode = ((LightNode)_scene.GetSceneNode("KeyLight"));

            // Add a ground plane model to the scene graph.
            var grid = ContentManager.Load <ModelNode>("Ground/Ground").Clone();

            grid.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(0.3f);

            // Add a tank model to the scene graph.
            var tank = ContentManager.Load <ModelNode>("Tank/tank").Clone();


            // Remember the mesh nodes of tank node.
            _tankMeshNodes = tank.GetSubtree().Where(n => n is MeshNode).ToArray();

            // Create the renderers.
            _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

            var spriteFont = UIContentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("UI Themes/BlendBlue/Default");

            _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, spriteFont);

            _projectedShadowRenderer = new ProjectedShadowRenderer(GraphicsService)
                // The plane onto which the shadows are projected. It is positioned a bit above the ground
                // plane to avoid z-fighting.
                ShadowedPlane = new Plane(new Vector3F(0, 1, 0), 0.01f),

                // The shadow color is a transparent black.
                ShadowColor = new Vector4F(0, 0, 0, 0.4f),

                // The light position is set in Update().
                //LightPosition = ...
예제 #17
        public ParallaxTerrainSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            _graphicsScreen             = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
            _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

            Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

            var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;

            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

            // Add standard game objects.
            var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);

            cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 2, 0), 0, 0);
            _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
                EnableCloudShadows = false,
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));

            // Create terrain.
            _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);

            // To see parallax occlusion mapping, we need a detail texture with a height map.
            // In this sample we reuse the pavement texture of the ParallaxMappingSample and
            // add it to the terrain.
            for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < 2; column++)
                    var    terrainTile = _terrainObject.TerrainNode.Terrain.Tiles[row * 2 + column];
                    string tilePostfix = "-" + row + "-" + column; // e.g. "-0-1"

                    var materialPavement = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
                        DiffuseColor         = new Vector3(1),
                        SpecularColor        = new Vector3(5),
                        SpecularPower        = 20,
                        DiffuseTexture       = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_diffuse"),
                        NormalTexture        = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_normal"),
                        SpecularTexture      = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_specular"),
                        HeightTexture        = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_height"),
                        TileSize             = 0.005f * 512,
                        BlendTexture         = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Terrain001-Blend-Grass" + tilePostfix),
                        BlendTextureChannel  = 0,
                        BlendHeightInfluence = 0.5f,
                        BlendThreshold       = 0.5f,
                        BlendRange           = 0.5f,


            // Replace the terrain effects with effects which support parallax occlusion mapping.

예제 #18
    public ProjectedShadowSample2(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
    : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
      var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
        RenderCallback = Render,
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

      // The dude model uses a new ProjectedShadowSkinned.fx effect. This effect contains new 
      // parameters 'ShadowMatrix' and 'ShadowColor' which are not yet supported. When an mesh is 
      // loaded via the content manager, effect bindings are automatically created. This is done
      // by effect interpreters and effect binders. The graphics service uses several predefined
      // effect interpreter and binder classes to support the most common effect parameters. E.g.
      // the SceneEffectInterpreter and SceneEffectBinder handle parameters like 'World', 'View',
      // 'ViewProjection', 'CameraPosition', 'FogColor', etc. (see also class 
      // SceneEffectParameterSemantics).
      // We can add new effect interpreters/binders or we can add an entry to an existing 
      // interpreter/binder. Let's add entries to the standard SceneEffectInterpreter which creates 
      // meta-data for the new parameters:
      var sceneEffectInterpreter = GraphicsService.EffectInterpreters.OfType<SceneEffectInterpreter>().First();
        (parameter, index) => new EffectParameterDescription(parameter, "ShadowMatrix", index, EffectParameterHint.Global));
        (parameter, index) => new EffectParameterDescription(parameter, "ShadowColor", index, EffectParameterHint.Global));

      // Add entries to the standard SceneEffectBinder which create DelegateParameterBindings for 
      // the new parameters. The delegate bindings use callback methods to compute the parameter
      // value.
      var sceneEffectBinder = GraphicsService.EffectBinders.OfType<SceneEffectBinder>().First();
        (effect, parameter, data) => new DelegateParameterBinding<Matrix>(effect, parameter, GetShadowMatrix));
        (effect, parameter, data) => new DelegateParameterBinding<Vector4>(effect, parameter, GetShadowColor));

      // Create a new empty scene.
      _scene = new Scene();
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, _scene);

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(-2, 2, 2), -ConstantsF.PiOver4, -0.4f);

      // Add a default light setup (ambient light + 3 directional lights).
      var defaultLightsObject = new DefaultLightsObject(Services);

      // Get the main directional light.
      _mainDirectionalLightNode = ((LightNode)_scene.GetSceneNode("KeyLight"));

      // Add a ground plane model to the scene graph.
      var grid = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("Ground/Ground").Clone();
      grid.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(0.3f);

      // Add a dude model to the scene graph.
      var dude = ContentManager.Load<ModelNode>("DudeWithProjectedShadow/Dude").Clone();
      dude.PoseWorld = new Pose(Matrix33F.CreateRotationY(ConstantsF.Pi));

      // Start walk animation.

      // Create the renderers.
      _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

      _shadowColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
예제 #19
        public TerrainTextureSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            _graphicsScreen             = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
            _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

            Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

            var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;

            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

            // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 60);

            cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1.8f, 0), 0, 0);
            _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicObject(Services, 1));

            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true));

            // Create a simple flat terrain.
            var terrain = new Terrain();

            _terrainTile = new TerrainTile(GraphicsService)
                OriginX  = -100,
                OriginZ  = -100,
                CellSize = 1,

            // Create a flat dummy height texture.
            float[]   heights       = new float[200 * 200];
            Texture2D heightTexture = null;

                ref heightTexture);
            _terrainTile.HeightTexture = heightTexture;

            var shadowMapEffect = ContentManager.Load <Effect>("DigitalRune/Terrain/TerrainShadowMap");
            var gBufferEffect   = ContentManager.Load <Effect>("DigitalRune/Terrain/TerrainGBuffer");
            var materialEffect  = ContentManager.Load <Effect>("DigitalRune/Terrain/TerrainMaterial");
            var material        = new Material
                { "ShadowMap", new EffectBinding(GraphicsService, shadowMapEffect, null, EffectParameterHint.Material) },
                { "GBuffer", new EffectBinding(GraphicsService, gBufferEffect, null, EffectParameterHint.Material) },
                { "Material", new EffectBinding(GraphicsService, materialEffect, null, EffectParameterHint.Material) }
            var terrainNode = new TerrainNode(terrain, material)
                DetailClipmap =
                    CellsPerLevel  = 1364,
                    NumberOfLevels =    9,
                    EnableMipMap   = true,


            // Add 3 detail textures layers: gravel, rock, snow.
            float detailCellSize = terrainNode.DetailClipmap.CellSizes[0];
            var   materialGravel = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
                DiffuseTexture  = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Gravel-Diffuse"),
                NormalTexture   = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Gravel-Normal"),
                SpecularTexture = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Gravel-Specular"),
                TileSize        = detailCellSize * 512,
                BlendRange      = 0.1f,


            var noiseTexture = NoiseHelper.GetNoiseTexture(GraphicsService, 128, 60);

            var materialRock = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
                DiffuseTexture          = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Diffuse"),
                NormalTexture           = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Normal"),
                SpecularTexture         = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Specular"),
                HeightTexture           = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Height"),
                TileSize                = detailCellSize * 1024,
                DiffuseColor            = new Vector3F(1 / 0.702f),
                BlendTexture            = noiseTexture,
                BlendTextureChannel     = 0,
                BlendRange              = 0.1f,
                TerrainHeightBlendRange = 0.1f,


            var materialSnow = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
                DiffuseTexture      = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Snow-Diffuse"),
                NormalTexture       = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Snow-Normal"),
                SpecularTexture     = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Terrain/Snow-Specular"),
                TileSize            = detailCellSize * 512,
                BlendTexture        = noiseTexture,
                BlendTextureChannel = 1,
                BlendRange          = 0.1f,


            // Create a flat plane for collision detection.
            var rigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(), new MassFrame(), null)
                MotionType = MotionType.Static,


예제 #20
        public IntersectionSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
            var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
                RenderCallback = Render,

            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services, 10);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 0, -4), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Create a new scene with some lights.
            _scene = new Scene();

            _meshRenderer  = new MeshRenderer();
            _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, null);

            _intersectionRenderer = new IntersectionRenderer(GraphicsService, ContentManager)
                DownsampleFactor = 1,

            //_submeshA = MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new SphereShape(0.5f).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70));
            //_submeshB = MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new BoxShape(1, 1, 2).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70));

            var meshNodeA = CreateMeshNode(new[]
                MeshHelper.CreateTorus(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, 1, 0.3f, 30),
                MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new BoxShape(1, 1, 2).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70)),

            meshNodeA.PoseWorld = new Pose(RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3(-0.5f, 0.5f),
            _debugRenderer.DrawObject(meshNodeA, Color.Green, true, false);

            var shape = new TransformedShape(
                new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3(1, 0, 0))));
            var meshNodeB = CreateMeshNode(new[]
                MeshHelper.CreateTorus(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, 1, 0.3f, 30),
                MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, shape.GetMesh(0.001f, 4), MathHelper.ToRadians(90)),

            meshNodeB.PoseWorld = new Pose(RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3(-1f, 1f),
            _debugRenderer.DrawObject(meshNodeB, Color.Green, true, false);

            var meshNodeC = CreateMeshNode(new[]
                MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new BoxShape(1, 1, 2).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70))

            meshNodeC.PoseWorld = new Pose(RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3(-1f, 1f),
            meshNodeC.ScaleLocal = new Vector3(0.1f, 1f, 0.5f);
            _debugRenderer.DrawObject(meshNodeC, Color.Green, true, false);

            _meshNodePairs.Add(new Pair <MeshNode>(meshNodeA, meshNodeB));
            _meshNodePairs.Add(new Pair <MeshNode>(meshNodeA, meshNodeC));
            _meshNodePairs.Add(new Pair <MeshNode>(meshNodeB, meshNodeC));

예제 #21
        public ProjectedShadowSample2(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
            var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
                RenderCallback = Render,

            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

            // The dude model uses a new ProjectedShadowSkinned.fx effect. This effect contains new
            // parameters 'ShadowMatrix' and 'ShadowColor' which are not yet supported. When an mesh is
            // loaded via the content manager, effect bindings are automatically created. This is done
            // by effect interpreters and effect binders. The graphics service uses several predefined
            // effect interpreter and binder classes to support the most common effect parameters. E.g.
            // the SceneEffectInterpreter and SceneEffectBinder handle parameters like 'World', 'View',
            // 'ViewProjection', 'CameraPosition', 'FogColor', etc. (see also class
            // SceneEffectParameterSemantics).
            // We can add new effect interpreters/binders or we can add an entry to an existing
            // interpreter/binder. Let's add entries to the standard SceneEffectInterpreter which creates
            // meta-data for the new parameters:
            var sceneEffectInterpreter = GraphicsService.EffectInterpreters.OfType <SceneEffectInterpreter>().First();

                (parameter, index) => new EffectParameterDescription(parameter, "ShadowMatrix", index, EffectParameterHint.Global));
                (parameter, index) => new EffectParameterDescription(parameter, "ShadowColor", index, EffectParameterHint.Global));

            // Add entries to the standard SceneEffectBinder which create DelegateParameterBindings for
            // the new parameters. The delegate bindings use callback methods to compute the parameter
            // value.
            var sceneEffectBinder = GraphicsService.EffectBinders.OfType <SceneEffectBinder>().First();

                (effect, parameter, data) => new DelegateParameterBinding <Matrix>(effect, parameter, GetShadowMatrix));
                (effect, parameter, data) => new DelegateParameterBinding <Vector4>(effect, parameter, GetShadowColor));

            // Create a new empty scene.
            _scene = new Scene();
            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, _scene);

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(-2, 2, 2), -ConstantsF.PiOver4, -0.4f);

            // Add a default light setup (ambient light + 3 directional lights).
            var defaultLightsObject = new DefaultLightsObject(Services);


            // Get the main directional light.
            _mainDirectionalLightNode = ((LightNode)_scene.GetSceneNode("KeyLight"));

            // Add a ground plane model to the scene graph.
            var grid = ContentManager.Load <ModelNode>("Ground/Ground").Clone();

            grid.ScaleLocal = new Vector3(0.3f);

            // Add a dude model to the scene graph.
            var dude = ContentManager.Load <ModelNode>("DudeWithProjectedShadow/Dude").Clone();

            dude.PoseWorld = new Pose(Matrix.CreateRotationY(ConstantsF.Pi));

            // Start walk animation.

            // Create the renderers.
            _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

            _shadowColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
예제 #22
        public RoadSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            _graphicsScreen             = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
            _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

            Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

            var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;

            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

            // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);

            cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 2, 5), 0, 0);

            // Add the vehicle object from the vehicle sample.
            var vehicleObject = new ConstraintVehicleObject(Services);


            // Add the car-follow-camera from the vehicle sample.
            var vehicleCameraObject = new VehicleCameraObject(vehicleObject.Vehicle.Chassis, Services);


            // Now, we have two CameraNodes. The graphics screen uses the camera node of the CameraObject,
            // as usual.
            _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;
            // The CameraObject should not react to input.
            cameraGameObject.IsEnabled = false;
            // The CameraNode of the VehicleCameraObject controls the other CameraNode.
            vehicleCameraObject.CameraNode.SceneChanged += (s, e) =>
                cameraGameObject.CameraNode.PoseWorld = vehicleCameraObject.CameraNode.PoseWorld;

            // Add standard game objects.
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
                EnableCloudShadows = false,
                FogSampleAngle     = 0.1f,
                FogSaturation      = 1,

            var fogObject = new FogObject(Services)
                AttachToCamera = true


            // Set nice default fog values.
            // (Note: If we change the fog values here, the GUI in the options window is not
            // automatically updated.)
            fogObject.FogNode.IsEnabled         = true;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start         = 100;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.End           = 2500;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start         = 100;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.HeightFalloff = 0.25f;

            // Add the terrain
            _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);

            // Add the TerrainRoadLayer to the terrain.

            // Modify the terrain height values.
예제 #23
    public ParallaxTerrainSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

      var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

      // Add standard game objects.
      var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);
      cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 0), 0, 0);
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
        EnableCloudShadows = false,
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));

      // Create terrain.
      _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);

      // To see parallax occlusion mapping, we need a detail texture with a height map.
      // In this sample we reuse the pavement texture of the ParallaxMappingSample and 
      // add it to the terrain.
      for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < 2; column++)
          var terrainTile = _terrainObject.TerrainNode.Terrain.Tiles[row * 2 + column];
          string tilePostfix = "-" + row + "-" + column; // e.g. "-0-1"

          var materialPavement = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
            DiffuseColor = new Vector3F(1),
            SpecularColor = new Vector3F(5),
            SpecularPower = 20,
            DiffuseTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_diffuse"),
            NormalTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_normal"),
            SpecularTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_specular"),
            HeightTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Parallax/AgedPavement_height"),
            TileSize = 0.005f * 512,
            BlendTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Terrain001-Blend-Grass" + tilePostfix),
            BlendTextureChannel = 0,
            BlendHeightInfluence = 0.5f,
            BlendThreshold = 0.5f,
            BlendRange = 0.5f,


      // Replace the terrain effects with effects which support parallax occlusion mapping.

예제 #24
        public TerrainDecalSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            _graphicsScreen             = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
            _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

            Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

            var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;

            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

            // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            var cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);

            cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 5), 0, 0);
            _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraObject.CameraNode;

            // Add standard game objects.
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new LavaBallsObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
                EnableCloudShadows = false,
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new FogObject(Services));

            // Create terrain.
            _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);

            // Add a blood decal to the terrain.
            var decal0 = new TerrainDecalLayer(GraphicsService)
                Pose            = GetRandomPose(),
                Width           = 2,
                Height          = 2,
                DiffuseColor    = new Vector3F(0.08f),
                SpecularColor   = new Vector3F(0.2f),
                SpecularPower   = 100,
                DiffuseTexture  = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Decals/Decal_diffuse_mask"), // Original: "Decals/Blood_diffuse_mask",
                NormalTexture   = GraphicsService.GetDefaultNormalTexture(),                    // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_normal"),
                SpecularTexture = GraphicsService.GetDefaultTexture2DWhite(),                   // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_specular"),
                FadeOutStart    = 3,
                FadeOutEnd      = 5,
                Alpha           = 0.9f,


            // Add a black blood decal (oil spill?)
            var decal1 = new TerrainDecalLayer(GraphicsService)
                Pose            = GetRandomPose(),
                Width           = 2,
                Height          = 2,
                DiffuseColor    = new Vector3F(0.0f),
                SpecularColor   = new Vector3F(0.5f),
                SpecularPower   = 100,
                DiffuseTexture  = ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Decals/Decal_diffuse_mask"), // Original: "Decals/Blood_diffuse_mask",
                NormalTexture   = GraphicsService.GetDefaultNormalTexture(),                    // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_normal"),
                SpecularTexture = GraphicsService.GetDefaultTexture2DWhite(),                   // Original: ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Decals/Blood_specular"),
                FadeOutStart    = 3,
                FadeOutEnd      = 5,


            // Add more random decals. The decals can share materials!
            var decal0Material = decal0.Material;

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                var decal = new TerrainDecalLayer(decal0Material)
                    Pose   = GetRandomPose(),
                    Width  = 2,
                    Height = 2,
예제 #25
    public RoadSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

      var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

      // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);
      cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 2, 5), 0, 0);

      // Add the vehicle object from the vehicle sample.
      var vehicleObject = new ConstraintVehicleObject(Services);

      // Add the car-follow-camera from the vehicle sample.
      var vehicleCameraObject = new VehicleCameraObject(vehicleObject.Vehicle.Chassis, Services);

      // Now, we have two CameraNodes. The graphics screen uses the camera node of the CameraObject,
      // as usual.
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;
      // The CameraObject should not react to input.
      cameraGameObject.IsEnabled = false;
      // The CameraNode of the VehicleCameraObject controls the other CameraNode.
      vehicleCameraObject.CameraNode.SceneChanged += (s, e) =>
        cameraGameObject.CameraNode.PoseWorld = vehicleCameraObject.CameraNode.PoseWorld;

      // Add standard game objects.
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
        EnableCloudShadows = false,
        FogSampleAngle = 0.1f,
        FogSaturation = 1,

      var fogObject = new FogObject(Services) { AttachToCamera = true };

      // Set nice default fog values.
      // (Note: If we change the fog values here, the GUI in the options window is not
      // automatically updated.)
      fogObject.FogNode.IsEnabled = true;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start = 100;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.End = 2500;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start = 100;
      fogObject.FogNode.Fog.HeightFalloff = 0.25f;

      // Add the terrain
      _terrainObject = new TerrainObject(Services);

      // Add the TerrainRoadLayer to the terrain.

      // Modify the terrain height values.
예제 #26
    public AdvancedAvatarRagdollSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      // This sample uses for a DebugRenderer to draw text and rigid bodies.
      _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, SpriteFont)
        DefaultColor = Color.Black,
        DefaultTextPosition = new Vector2F(10),

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Add some objects which allow the user to interact with the rigid bodies.
      _grabObject = new GrabObject(Services);
      _ballShooterObject = new BallShooterObject(Services) { Speed = 20 };

      // Add some default force effects.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Create a random avatar.
      _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
      _avatarRenderer = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

      // Use the "Wave" animation preset.
      var avatarAnimation = new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Wave);
      _expressionAnimation = new AnimationClip<AvatarExpression>(new WrappedAvatarExpressionAnimation(avatarAnimation))
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
      _skeletonAnimation = new AnimationClip<SkeletonPose>(new WrappedAvatarSkeletonAnimation(avatarAnimation))
        LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
        Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

      // Add a ground plane in the simulation.
      Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(Vector3F.UnitY, 0)) { MotionType = MotionType.Static });

      // Distribute a few dynamic spheres and boxes across the landscape.
      SphereShape sphereShape = new SphereShape(0.3f);
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        Vector3F position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-10, 10);
        position.Y = 1;
        Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(sphereShape) { Pose = new Pose(position) });

      BoxShape boxShape = new BoxShape(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        Vector3F position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-10, 10);
        position.Y = 1;
        Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(boxShape) { Pose = new Pose(position) });
        public AdvancedAvatarRagdollSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            // This sample uses for a DebugRenderer to draw text and rigid bodies.
            _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, SpriteFont)
                DefaultColor        = Color.Black,
                DefaultTextPosition = new Vector2F(10),

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services);
            _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 1, -3), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

            // Add some objects which allow the user to interact with the rigid bodies.
            _grabObject        = new GrabObject(Services);
            _ballShooterObject = new BallShooterObject(Services)
                Speed = 20

            // Add some default force effects.
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

            // Create a random avatar.
            _avatarDescription = AvatarDescription.CreateRandom();
            _avatarRenderer    = new AvatarRenderer(_avatarDescription);

            // Use the "Wave" animation preset.
            var avatarAnimation = new AvatarAnimation(AvatarAnimationPreset.Wave);

            _expressionAnimation = new AnimationClip <AvatarExpression>(new WrappedAvatarExpressionAnimation(avatarAnimation))
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,
            _skeletonAnimation = new AnimationClip <SkeletonPose>(new WrappedAvatarSkeletonAnimation(avatarAnimation))
                LoopBehavior = LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                Duration     = TimeSpan.MaxValue,

            // Add a ground plane in the simulation.
            Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(Vector3.UnitY, 0))
                MotionType = MotionType.Static

            // Distribute a few dynamic spheres and boxes across the landscape.
            SphereShape sphereShape = new SphereShape(0.3f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Vector3 position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3(-10, 10);
                position.Y = 1;
                Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(sphereShape)
                    Pose = new Pose(position)

            BoxShape boxShape = new BoxShape(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Vector3 position = RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3(-10, 10);
                position.Y = 1;
                Simulation.RigidBodies.Add(new RigidBody(boxShape)
                    Pose = new Pose(position)
예제 #28
    public IntersectionSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;
      var delegateGraphicsScreen = new DelegateGraphicsScreen(GraphicsService)
        RenderCallback = Render,
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, delegateGraphicsScreen);

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      _cameraObject = new CameraObject(Services, 10);
      _cameraObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 0, -4), ConstantsF.Pi, 0);

      // Create a new scene with some lights.
      _scene = new Scene();

      _meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();
      _debugRenderer = new DebugRenderer(GraphicsService, null);

      _intersectionRenderer = new IntersectionRenderer(GraphicsService, ContentManager)
        DownsampleFactor = 1,

      //_submeshA = MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new SphereShape(0.5f).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70));
      //_submeshB = MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new BoxShape(1, 1, 2).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70));

      var meshNodeA = CreateMeshNode(new[]
        MeshHelper.CreateTorus(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, 1, 0.3f, 30),
        MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new BoxShape(1, 1, 2).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70)),
      meshNodeA.PoseWorld = new Pose(RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-0.5f, 0.5f),
      _debugRenderer.DrawObject(meshNodeA, Color.Green, true, false);

      var shape = new TransformedShape(
        new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(0.5f), new Pose(new Vector3F(1, 0, 0))));
      var meshNodeB = CreateMeshNode(new[]
        MeshHelper.CreateTorus(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, 1, 0.3f, 30),
        MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, shape.GetMesh(0.001f, 4), MathHelper.ToRadians(90)),
      meshNodeB.PoseWorld = new Pose(RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-1f, 1f),
      _debugRenderer.DrawObject(meshNodeB, Color.Green, true, false);

      var meshNodeC = CreateMeshNode(new[]
        MeshHelper.CreateSubmesh(GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice, new BoxShape(1, 1, 2).GetMesh(0.001f, 5), MathHelper.ToRadians(70))
      meshNodeC.PoseWorld = new Pose(RandomHelper.Random.NextVector3F(-1f, 1f),
      meshNodeC.ScaleLocal = new Vector3F(0.1f, 1f, 0.5f);
      _debugRenderer.DrawObject(meshNodeC, Color.Green, true, false);

      _meshNodePairs.Add(new Pair<MeshNode>(meshNodeA, meshNodeB));
      _meshNodePairs.Add(new Pair<MeshNode>(meshNodeA, meshNodeC));
      _meshNodePairs.Add(new Pair<MeshNode>(meshNodeB, meshNodeC));

        public ProceduralTerrainSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

            _graphicsScreen             = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
            _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
            GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

            Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

            var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;

            Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

            // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
            Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

            // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
            var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 5000);

            cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3(0, 2, 5), 0, 0);
            _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

            // Add standard game objects.
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new ObjectCreatorObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new LavaBallsObject(Services));
            GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true)
                EnableCloudShadows = false,
                FogSampleAngle     = 0.1f,
                FogSaturation      = 1,

            var fogObject = new FogObject(Services)
                AttachToCamera = true


            // Set nice default fog values.
            // (Note: If we change the fog values here, the GUI in the options window is not
            // automatically updated.)
            fogObject.FogNode.IsEnabled         = true;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start         = 100;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.End           = 2500;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.Start         = 100;
            fogObject.FogNode.Fog.HeightFalloff = 0.25f;

            // Add a procedural terrain.
            var terrainObject = new ProceduralTerrainObject(Services);


예제 #30
    public TerrainTextureSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false;

      _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services);
      _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true;
      GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen);
      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services));

      Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer);

      var scene = _graphicsScreen.Scene;
      Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, scene);

      // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation.
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity());
      Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping());

      // Add a custom game object which controls the camera.
      var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services, 60);
      cameraGameObject.ResetPose(new Vector3F(0, 1.8f, 0), 0, 0);
      _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode;

      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicObject(Services, 1));

      GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DynamicSkyObject(Services, true, false, true));

      // Create a simple flat terrain.
      var terrain = new Terrain();
      _terrainTile = new TerrainTile(GraphicsService)
        OriginX = -100,
        OriginZ = -100,
        CellSize = 1,

      // Create a flat dummy height texture.
      float[] heights = new float[200 * 200];
      Texture2D heightTexture = null;
        ref heightTexture);
      _terrainTile.HeightTexture = heightTexture;
      var shadowMapEffect = ContentManager.Load<Effect>("DigitalRune/Terrain/TerrainShadowMap");
      var gBufferEffect = ContentManager.Load<Effect>("DigitalRune/Terrain/TerrainGBuffer");
      var materialEffect = ContentManager.Load<Effect>("DigitalRune/Terrain/TerrainMaterial");
      var material = new Material
        { "ShadowMap", new EffectBinding(GraphicsService, shadowMapEffect, null, EffectParameterHint.Material) },
        { "GBuffer", new EffectBinding(GraphicsService, gBufferEffect, null, EffectParameterHint.Material) },
        { "Material", new EffectBinding(GraphicsService, materialEffect, null, EffectParameterHint.Material) }
      var terrainNode = new TerrainNode(terrain, material)
        DetailClipmap =
          CellsPerLevel = 1364,
          NumberOfLevels = 9,
          EnableMipMap = true,

      // Add 3 detail textures layers: gravel, rock, snow.
      float detailCellSize = terrainNode.DetailClipmap.CellSizes[0];
      var materialGravel = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
        DiffuseTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Gravel-Diffuse"),
        NormalTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Gravel-Normal"),
        SpecularTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Gravel-Specular"),
        TileSize = detailCellSize * 512,
        BlendRange = 0.1f,

      var noiseTexture = NoiseHelper.GetNoiseTexture(GraphicsService, 128, 60);

      var materialRock = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
        DiffuseTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Diffuse"),
        NormalTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Normal"),
        SpecularTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Specular"),
        HeightTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Rock-02-Height"),
        TileSize = detailCellSize * 1024,
        DiffuseColor = new Vector3F(1 / 0.702f),
        BlendTexture = noiseTexture,
        BlendTextureChannel = 0,
        BlendRange = 0.1f,
        TerrainHeightBlendRange = 0.1f,

      var materialSnow = new TerrainMaterialLayer(GraphicsService)
        DiffuseTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Snow-Diffuse"),
        NormalTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Snow-Normal"),
        SpecularTexture = ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Terrain/Snow-Specular"),
        TileSize = detailCellSize * 512,
        BlendTexture = noiseTexture,
        BlendTextureChannel = 1,
        BlendRange = 0.1f,

      // Create a flat plane for collision detection.
      var rigidBody = new RigidBody(new PlaneShape(), new MassFrame(), null)
        MotionType = MotionType.Static,
