예제 #1
     * Support method to initialize a vector with the distances between the camera and the character associated with each Shot type.
     * Called during initialization.
     * Prevents heavy computations at runtime.
    private void _initializeDistances()
        for (int i = 0; i < System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Shot)).Length; i++)
            Shot shot = (Shot)System.Enum.ToObject(typeof(Shot), i);

            CameraFramingInfo framingInfo = _newFramingInfo(shot);

            //cam_frame_calc(shot, true, ref targetCameraPosition, ref currentCameraAngle);

            //calculating the initial camera distance:
            //the conditions:
            //1. We keep height of the camera to the height of the right eye
            //2. For each shot we set the height of the lowest and highest point of the camera frame in the plane of the character
            //3. Now knowing the camera FOV, we can calculate the distance of camera and its angle for each frame
            //the parameters are as follows. It is a matter of solving two triangles to have the position and orientation of the camera:
            //	h1: distance between top of the frame point and the eye
            //	h2: distance between the bottom of the frame and the eye
            //	bCoeeficient & bCoeeficient: coefficients of the quadratic equation
            //							top of the frame on the char's plane
            //				          * .
            //					   *	.
            //                  *	    .
            //	            *			h1
            //           *				.
            //	      * )alpha2			.
            //Camera..............d......height of the char's right eye
            //		* )alpha1			.
            //		  *					.
            //		    *				.
            //			  *				.
            //				*			h2
            //				  *			.
            //					*		.
            //					  *		.
            //						*	.
            //						  * .
            //						    bottom of of the frame on the char's plane
            // alpha1 + alpha2 = FOV
            //tg(alpha1 + alpha2) = (h1/d + h2/d) / (a + (h1*h2/d^2) = tg(FOV)
            //d^2 - [(h1 + h2) / tg(FOV) * d] + [h1 * h2] = 0

            float frameTop       = (framingInfo.Top_body.y + framingInfo.top_margin * framingInfo.heightCoefficient);
            float camera_height_ = _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.eye_R].transform.position.y;
            float h1             = frameTop - camera_height_;
            float frameBottom    = (framingInfo.Bottom_body.y + framingInfo.bottom_margin * framingInfo.heightCoefficient);
            float h2             = camera_height_ - frameBottom;
            float bCoeeficient   = -1 * (h1 + h2) / (Mathf.Tan(Camera.main.fieldOfView * Mathf.PI / 180));
            float cCoefficient   = h1 * h2;

            _initialCameraDistances[(int)shot] = (float)(-0.5 * (-bCoeeficient + Mathf.Sqrt(bCoeeficient * bCoeeficient - 4 * cCoefficient)));
예제 #2
     * Given the shot type, this method computes the desired camera position and inclination.
     * It reads on-the-fly the position of the reference bones. Hence, for the same shot, the results will be different if the character is moved or animated.
    private void _computeCameraParams(Shot current_shot, ref Vector3 newTargetPosition, ref float newAngle)
        CameraFramingInfo framing_info = _newFramingInfo(current_shot);

        // Compute the camera position, according to the current position of the eye
        float cameraZ = ((framing_info.Top_body.z + framing_info.Bottom_body.z) / 2 + _initialCameraDistances [(int)current_shot]) * (1 + distanceFineTune / 100);
        // set height of camera to right eye's height
        float camera_height = _targetBoneObjects [(int)TargetBonesEnum.eye_R].transform.position.y;

        newTargetPosition = new Vector3(framing_info.camera_x, camera_height, cameraZ);

        // Calculating the inclination of the camera (rotation around the x-axis)
        float target_frame_top = (framing_info.Top_body.y + framing_info.top_margin * framing_info.heightCoefficient);         //expected highest point that you can see in the frame on the vertical surface passing the character

        newAngle = (float)((Mathf.Atan(((target_frame_top - transform.position.y) / (transform.position.z - _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.eye_R].transform.position.z))) * 180 / Mathf.PI) + (Camera.main.fieldOfView / 2));
예제 #3
     * Instantiate a new CameraFramingInfo according to the current position of the bones.
     * Uses the cached _targetBoneObjects.
    private CameraFramingInfo _newFramingInfo(Shot current_shot)
        CameraFramingInfo outInfo;

        Vector3 head_top = _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.head_top].transform.position;

        switch (current_shot)
        case Shot.FULL_SHOT:
            outInfo = new CameraFramingInfo(1f / 12f, 1f / 12f, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.toes_R].transform.position, head_top, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.root].transform.position.x);

        case Shot.MEDIUM_SHOT:
            Vector3 lowBody = (_targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.calf_R].transform.position + _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.spine01].transform.position) / 2;
            outInfo = new CameraFramingInfo(0, 1f / 12f, lowBody, head_top, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.spine01].transform.position.x);

        case Shot.MEDIUM_CLOSE_UP:
            lowBody = _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.breast_R].transform.position;
            Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 0.05f, 0);
            outInfo = new CameraFramingInfo(0, 1f / 12f, lowBody + offset, head_top + offset / 2, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.spine01].transform.position.x);

        case Shot.FULL_CLOSE_UP:
            lowBody = _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.neck].transform.position;
            outInfo = new CameraFramingInfo(0, 1f / 12f, lowBody, head_top, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.neck].transform.position.x);

        case Shot.EXTREME_CLOSE_UP:
            Vector3 dist = _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.head_top].transform.position - _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.eye_R].transform.position;
            outInfo = new CameraFramingInfo(0, 0, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.eye_R].transform.position - dist / 4, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.eye_R].transform.position + dist / 4, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.eye_R].transform.position.x);

            outInfo = new CameraFramingInfo(1f / 12f, 1f / 12f, _targetBoneObjects[(int)TargetBonesEnum.toes_R].transform.position, head_top, 0);
            Debug.LogError("Invalid value for camera shot: " + current_shot);
