private void AnimateCamera(Point3D newTargetPosition, double newDistance) { // See samples in Animations folder for more info about animations // Create a new CameraAnimationNode that will animate the Camera1 var cameraAnimationNode = new CameraAnimationNode(Camera1); if ((Camera1.TargetPosition - newTargetPosition).Length > 5) // We animate the TargetPosition if the difference is bigger the 5 { cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(0, Camera1.TargetPosition)); // Start with current TargetPosition cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(100, newTargetPosition)); // End at newTargetPosition // Set easing function to smooth the transition cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); } if (Math.Abs(Camera1.Distance - newDistance) > 5) // We animate the Distance if the difference is bigger the 5 { cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, doubleValue: Camera1.Distance)); // Start with current Distance cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 100, doubleValue: newDistance)); // End with newDistance cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); } Camera1.AnimationController.AnimationNodes.Clear(); Camera1.AnimationController.AnimationNodes.Add(cameraAnimationNode); Camera1.AnimationController.AutoRepeat = false; Camera1.AnimationController.AutoReverse = false; Camera1.AnimationController.FramesPerSecond = 100; // Take 1 second for the whole animation Camera1.AnimationController.StartAnimation(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if(Input.anyKeyDown){ stop(); return; } float lerp = 1f-Vector3.Distance(trans.position,node.transform.position)/distanceToNextNode; float curSpeed=baseSpeed; if(!fixedSpeed&&node.useAnimationCurve){ curSpeed*=node.curve.Evaluate(lerp); curSpeed = Mathf.Max(curSpeed,0.001f);//the camera must be moving at all times! } trans.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(trans.position,node.transform.position,curSpeed*Time.deltaTime); trans.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (oldRot,node.transform.rotation,lerp); if(trans.position.Equals(node.transform.position)){ // velocity =; // oldPos = node.transform.position; oldRot = node.transform.rotation; if(node.HasNext){ distanceToNextNode = node.DistanceToNextNode; node = node.nextNode; if(node.instantFade){ trans.position = node.transform.position; trans.rotation = node.transform.rotation; } }else{ stop(); } } }
private void AnimateCameraRotationToWithCameraAnimationNode(double targetHeading, double targetAttitude, bool useShortestPath = true) { var lookDirection = Camera1.TargetPosition - Camera1.CameraPosition; var distance = lookDirection.Length; lookDirection /= distance; // Normalize // IMPORTANT: // FreeCamera allows rotation around arbitrary axes and cannot be always converted reliably into heading, attitude and bank. // This means that angles (heading, attitude and bank) at the start of the animation may not be always correct. double startHeading, startAttitude, startBank; Ab3d.Utilities.CameraUtils.CalculateCameraAngles(lookDirection, Camera1.UpDirection, out startHeading, out startAttitude, out startBank); if (double.IsNaN(targetHeading)) { targetHeading = startHeading; } if (double.IsNaN(targetAttitude)) { targetAttitude = startAttitude; } // Adjust start heading and attitude so that we will come with the shortest path to the target heading and attitude if (useShortestPath) { startHeading = Ab3d.Utilities.CameraUtils.GetClosestPathStartAngle(startHeading, targetHeading); startAttitude = Ab3d.Utilities.CameraUtils.GetClosestPathStartAngle(startAttitude, targetAttitude); } // Create a new CameraAnimationNode that will animate the Camera1 var cameraAnimationNode = new CameraAnimationNode(Camera1); // Start with current camera Heading and Attitude cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(0, startHeading, startAttitude)); // Animate to the specified heading and attitude in 100 frames cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(100, targetHeading, targetAttitude)); // It is possible to set different interpolation mode to each KeyFrame, but it is easier // to set the same interpolation mode to all key frames with SetInterpolationToAllKeys method. cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); // Set this animation as one-time only _animationController.AutoRepeat = false; _animationController.AutoReverse = false; // Use StartAnimation helper method to stop current animation and start the animation defined in cameraAnimationNode StartAnimation(cameraAnimationNode); }
private void Animation2Button_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Create a new CameraAnimationNode that will animate the Camera1 var cameraAnimationNode = new CameraAnimationNode(Camera1); // Start with current camera Heading and Attitude int startFrameNumber; // If animation camera's Heading is not 30 and Attitude is not -20 (with 0.5 degree of tolerance), // Than start with CameraRotationKeyFrame that will rotate camera from the current position to the // animation start position: Heading = 30; Attitude = -20 // // We also check if the distance is 300 if (Math.Abs(Camera1.Heading - 30) > 0.5 || Math.Abs(Camera1.Attitude - -20) > 0.5 || Math.Abs(Camera1.Distance - 300) > 1.0) { cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, heading: Camera1.Heading, attitude: Camera1.Attitude)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, doubleValue: Camera1.Distance)); startFrameNumber = 100; } else { // Camera is already at desired start orientation startFrameNumber = 0; } // Move the predefined camera rotation in 200 frames (2 seconds in default 100 animation frames per second setting - see constructor of this sample) cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(frameNumber: startFrameNumber, heading: 30, attitude: -20)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(startFrameNumber + 300, -90, -30)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(startFrameNumber + 400, -90, -30)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(startFrameNumber + 500, -90, -30, bank: 360)); // It is possible to set different interpolation mode to each KeyFrame, but it is easier // to set the same interpolation mode to all key frames with SetInterpolationToAllKeys method. cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: startFrameNumber, doubleValue: 300)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: startFrameNumber + 150, doubleValue: 500)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: startFrameNumber + 300, doubleValue: 200)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: startFrameNumber + 400, doubleValue: 120)); // Note that rotation animation is longer then distance animation (last frame number is 500 vs 400). // This is not a problem when reversing the animation because the distance value will stay the same on all frame numbers bigger then 400. cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); // Set this animation to revert but not to repeat _animationController.AutoReverse = true; _animationController.AutoRepeat = false; // Use StartAnimation helper method to stop current animation and start the animation defined in cameraAnimationNode StartAnimation(cameraAnimationNode); }
private void Animation3Button_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Create a new CameraAnimationNode that will animate the Camera1 var cameraAnimationNode = new CameraAnimationNode(Camera1); // Start with current camera Heading and Attitude // Move the predefined camera rotation in 200 frames (2 seconds in default 100 animation frames per second setting - see constructor of this sample) cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, heading: Camera1.Heading, attitude: Camera1.Attitude)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(100, 30, -30)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(200, 120, -30)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(300, 210, -30)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(400, 300, -30)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(500, 300, -20)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(600, 30, 0)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(700, 30, -20)); // It is possible to set different interpolation mode to each KeyFrame, but it is easier // to set the same interpolation mode to all key frames with SetInterpolationToAllKeys method. cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(0, Camera1.Distance)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(100, 150)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(200, 150)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(250, 400)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(300, 150)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(400, 150)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(500, 150)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(600, 40)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(700, 300)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(0, Camera1.TargetPosition)); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(100, new Point3D(-50, 50, 0))); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(200, new Point3D(-50, 50, 0))); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(300, new Point3D(50, 50, 0))); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(400, new Point3D(50, 50, 0))); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(500, new Point3D(0, 50, 0))); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(600, new Point3D(0, 50, 0))); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(700, new Point3D(0, 0, 0))); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); // Set this animation to revert but not to repeat _animationController.AutoReverse = false; _animationController.AutoRepeat = false; _animationController.FramesPerSecond = 100; // Use StartAnimation helper method to stop current animation and start the animation defined in cameraAnimationNode StartAnimation(cameraAnimationNode); }
private void Animation1Button_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Create a new CameraAnimationNode that will animate the Camera1 var cameraAnimationNode = new CameraAnimationNode(Camera1); // Start with current camera Heading and Attitude int startFrameNumber; // If animation camera's Heading is not 30 and Attitude is not -20 (with 0.5 degree of tolerance), // Than start with CameraRotationKeyFrame that will rotate camera from the current position to the // animation start position: Heading = 30; Attitude = -20 if (Math.Abs(Camera1.Heading - 30) > 0.5 || Math.Abs(Camera1.Attitude - -20) > 0.5) { cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, heading: Camera1.Heading, attitude: Camera1.Attitude)); startFrameNumber = 100; } else { // Camera is already at desired start orientation startFrameNumber = 0; } // Move the predefined camera rotation in 200 frames (2 seconds in when using 100 animation frames per second setting - see constructor of this sample) cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(frameNumber: startFrameNumber, heading: 30, attitude: -20)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(100 + startFrameNumber, 90, -20)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(300 + startFrameNumber, 90, 90)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(400 + startFrameNumber, 180, -20)); cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.Keys.Add(new CameraRotationKeyFrame(600 + startFrameNumber, 30, -20)); // It is possible to set different interpolation mode to each KeyFrame, but it is easier // to set the same interpolation mode to all key frames with SetInterpolationToAllKeys method. cameraAnimationNode.RotationTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); // Set this animation to revert but not to repeat _animationController.AutoReverse = true; _animationController.AutoRepeat = false; // Use StartAnimation helper method to stop current animation and start the animation defined in cameraAnimationNode StartAnimation(cameraAnimationNode); }
private void MoveCameraTo(BoxVisual3D selectedBoxVisual3D) { // We will animate the camera's TargetPosition from the current position to the center of the selected Box // We will also animate camera distance (it will increase slightly and then decrease) var targetPosition = selectedBoxVisual3D.CenterPosition; if (MathUtils.IsSame(targetPosition, Camera1.TargetPosition)) { return; // If camera is already pointing to the desired location, we do not need to create an animation } // Create a new CameraAnimationNode that will animate the Camera1 var cameraAnimationNode = new CameraAnimationNode(Camera1); // Move the predefined camera rotation in 200 frames (2 seconds in when using 100 animation frames per second setting) cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, position: Camera1.TargetPosition)); cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.Keys.Add(new Position3DKeyFrame(frameNumber: 200, position: targetPosition)); // It is possible to set different interpolation mode to each KeyFrame, but it is easier // to set the same interpolation mode to all key frames with SetInterpolationToAllKeys method. cameraAnimationNode.PositionTrack.EasingFunction = Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction; // Animate camera distance from the current distance to 100 cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, doubleValue: Camera1.Distance)); // If camera is close to the box, then we animate distance with increasing it at first and then going closer later. // If camera is farther away, then we go directly to the final distance. if (Camera1.Distance < 200) { cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 100, doubleValue: 200)); } cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 200, doubleValue: 100)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.SinusoidalEaseInOutFunction); // Use StartAnimation helper method to stop current animation and start the animation defined in cameraAnimationNode StartAnimation(cameraAnimationNode); }
private void AnimateCameraDistanceTo(double newDistance) { // Create a new CameraAnimationNode that will animate the Camera1 var cameraAnimationNode = new CameraAnimationNode(Camera1); // Start with current camera Heading and Attitude cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 0, doubleValue: Camera1.Distance)); cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.Keys.Add(new DoubleKeyFrame(frameNumber: 100, doubleValue: newDistance)); // It is possible to set different interpolation mode to each KeyFrame, but it is easier // to set the same interpolation mode to all key frames with SetInterpolationToAllKeys method. cameraAnimationNode.DistanceTrack.SetEasingFunctionToAllKeys(Ab3d.Animation.EasingFunctions.QuadraticEaseInOutFunction); // Set this animation as one-time only _animationController.AutoRepeat = false; _animationController.AutoReverse = false; // Use StartAnimation helper method to stop current animation and start the animation defined in cameraAnimationNode StartAnimation(cameraAnimationNode); }