예제 #1
        private void Camera1OnCameraChanged(object sender, CameraChangedRoutedEventArgs cameraChangedRoutedEventArgs)
            if (!(AlignWithCameraCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false))

            // On each change of camera we will update the orientation of billboard objects.
            // When using PlaneVisual3D, TextBlockVisual3D or TextVisual3D we can simply call the AlignWithCamera method.

            // If we did some changes to the Camera1 in the code,
            // it is recommended to call Refresh before calling AlignWithCamera method:
            // Camera1.Refresh();

            bool fixYAxis = FixYAxisCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false;


            if (fixYAxis)
                // To show a billboard with fixed Y axis, we first call AlignWithCamera and then set the UpDirection back to Y axis.
                PlaneVisual1.HeightDirection   = Ab3d.Common.Constants.UpVector; // = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);
                TextBlockVisual3D1.UpDirection = Ab3d.Common.Constants.UpVector;

            if (FixScreenSizeCheckBox.IsChecked ?? false)
                // When FixScreenSizeCheckBox is checked, we update the size of the billboards in 3D works
                // so that they are rendered to the same size on the screen.
                // This is done with the GetWorldSize method that calculates a size in 3D world coordinates from a size provided in 2D screen coordinates.
                // You can also use CameraUtils.GetOrthographicWorldSize and CameraUtils.GetPerspectiveWorldSize methods to get the same results but with more low level parameters.
                // It is also possible to get the opposite value - size on screen - with the following methods:
                // Camera1.GetScreenSize(Size worldSize, Point3D targetPosition3D)
                // CameraUtils.GetPerspectiveScreenSize(Size worldSize, double lookDirectionDistance, double fieldOfView, Size viewport3DSize)
                // CameraUtils.GetOrthographicScreenSize(Size worldSize, double cameraWidth, Size viewport3DSize)

                // Set the size so that it will be shown in 200 x 40 box on the screen.
                Size worldSize = Camera1.GetWorldSize(new Size(200, 40), TextBlockVisual3D1.Position);

                // With TextBlockVisual3D we can use multiple methods to adjust the size of the text:
                // 1) Change FontSize property - this is the most performance expensive method because this will require to update the text (and render the bitmap if it is used to show the content of TextBlockVisual3D - for example when in DXEngine).
                // 2) Change Size property - this is better but would require to update the plane's MeshGeometry3D. This creates a lot of objects on each camera change and require frequent garbage collections.
                //    TextBlockVisual3D1.Size = worldSize;
                // 3) Scale the TextBlockVisual3D1 to the required size. This is by far the fastest and most efficient method because only the transformation is changed:

                var scaleTransform3D = TextBlockVisual3D1.Transform as ScaleTransform3D;
                if (scaleTransform3D == null)
                    scaleTransform3D = new ScaleTransform3D();

                    // To prevent scaling the position (multiplying it with the scale factor), we need to set the center of scale
                    scaleTransform3D.CenterX = TextBlockVisual3D1.Position.X;
                    scaleTransform3D.CenterY = TextBlockVisual3D1.Position.Y;
                    scaleTransform3D.CenterZ = TextBlockVisual3D1.Position.Z;

                    TextBlockVisual3D1.Transform = scaleTransform3D;

                // Calculate required scale to get the size of the TextBlockVisual3D to the required worldSize
                double scaleFactor = worldSize.Width / TextBlockVisual3D1.Size.Width;
                scaleTransform3D.ScaleX = scaleFactor;
                scaleTransform3D.ScaleY = scaleFactor;
                scaleTransform3D.ScaleZ = scaleFactor;

                // Do the same for PlaneVisual3D
                worldSize = Camera1.GetWorldSize(new Size(200, 40), PlaneVisual1.CenterPosition);

                // The easiest way to update the size of a PlaneVisual3D is to change its Size.
                // But because this creates a new MeshGeometry3D, this can produce a lot of garbage because this is called on each frame (on each camera change).
                // Therefore it is better to use ScaleTransform3D to update the size.
                //PlaneVisual1.Size = worldSize;

                scaleTransform3D = PlaneVisual1.Transform as ScaleTransform3D;
                if (scaleTransform3D == null)
                    scaleTransform3D = new ScaleTransform3D();

                    // To prevent scaling the position (multiplying it with the scale factor), we need to set the center of scale
                    scaleTransform3D.CenterX = PlaneVisual1.CenterPosition.X;
                    scaleTransform3D.CenterY = PlaneVisual1.CenterPosition.Y;
                    scaleTransform3D.CenterZ = PlaneVisual1.CenterPosition.Z;

                    PlaneVisual1.Transform = scaleTransform3D;

                scaleFactor             = worldSize.Width / PlaneVisual1.Size.Width;
                scaleTransform3D.ScaleX = scaleFactor;
                scaleTransform3D.ScaleY = scaleFactor;
                scaleTransform3D.ScaleZ = scaleFactor;
                // When FixScreenSizeCheckBox is unchecked, reset the size back to initial size

                TextBlockVisual3D1.Transform = null;
                PlaneVisual1.Transform       = null;

                // The following code is used if we do not use ScaleTransform3D but instead change the Size

                //if (TextBlockVisual3D1.Size.Width != 80)
                //    TextBlockVisual3D1.Size = new Size(80, 20);

                //if (PlaneVisual1.Size.Width != 80)
                //    PlaneVisual1.Size = new Size(80, 20);

            // Update all tree objects
            foreach (var treePlaneVisual in TreesPlaceholerVisual3D.Children.OfType <PlaneVisual3D>())

                if (fixYAxis)
                    treePlaneVisual.HeightDirection = Ab3d.Common.Constants.UpVector;

            // After objects were rotated, we can reorder them so that those farther away from the camera are rendered first.
            // This way the objects will be correctly visible through transparent objects.
