/* Constructor, in which all calibration parameters * and auxiliary variables, flags and lists are initilized */ public CalibrationAssistant() { // _imgQualityExaminer = new BackgroundWorker() { WorkerReportsProgress = true, WorkerSupportsCancellation = true }; _imgQualityExaminer.DoWork += _imgQualityExaminer_DoWork; _imgQualityExaminer.ProgressChanged += _imgQualityExaminer_ProgressChanged; _imgQualityExaminer.RunWorkerCompleted += _imgQualityExaminer_RunWorkerCompleted; _addImagTasks = new List<string>(); _imageTaskTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); _imageTaskTimer.Tick += _imageTaskTimer_Tick; CalibData = new ArrayList(15); mReferenceIndex = -1; mDescrFileName = "caltab_30mm.descr"; mCalibValid = false; mCanCalib = true; mAtImgCoord = false; mReferenceImage = new HImage(); mSimulatedImage = new HImage(); mFilterSize = resetFilterSize; mMarkThresh = resetMarkThresh; mMinMarkDiam = resetMinMarkDiam; mInitThresh = resetInitThresh; mThreshDecr = resetThreshDecr; mMinThresh = resetMinThresh; mSmoothing = resetSmoothing; mMinContLength = resetMinContL; mMaxMarkDiam = resetMaxMarkDiam; mWarnLevel = 70; mImageTests = QUALITY_ISSUE_TEST_ALL; mSequenceTests = QUALITY_ISSUE_TEST_ALL; mSeqQualityList = new ArrayList(15); procedure = new QualityProcedures(); mThickness = 630; // micrometer mCameraType = CAMERA_TYP_AREA_SCAN_DIV; mCellWidth = 8300.0; // nm mCellHeight = 8300.0; // nm mFocalLength = 8000; // micrometer isTelecentric = false; mKappa = 0.0; mK1 = 0.0; mK2 = 0.0; mK3 = 0.0; mP1 = 0.0; mP2 = 0.0; mMotionVx = 0.0; mMotionVy = 500.0; mMotionVz = 0.0; NotifyCalibObserver = new CalibDelegate(dummy); }
/* Constructor, in which all calibration parameters * and auxiliary variables, flags and lists are initilized */ public CalibrationAssistant() { CalibData = new ArrayList(15); mReferenceIndex = -1; mDescrFileName = "caltab_30mm.descr"; mCalibValid = false; mCanCalib = true; mAtImgCoord = false; mReferenceImage = new HImage(); mSimulatedImage = new HImage(); mFilterSize = resetFilterSize; mMarkThresh = resetMarkThresh; mMinMarkDiam = resetMinMarkDiam; mInitThresh = resetInitThresh; mThreshDecr = resetThreshDecr; mMinThresh = resetMinThresh; mSmoothing = resetSmoothing; mMinContLength = resetMinContL; mMaxMarkDiam = resetMaxMarkDiam; mWarnLevel = 70; mImageTests = QUALITY_ISSUE_TEST_ALL; mSequenceTests = QUALITY_ISSUE_TEST_ALL; mSeqQualityList = new ArrayList(15); procedure = new QualityProcedures(); mThickness = 1.00; // millimeter mCameraType = CAMERA_TYP_AREA_SCAN_DIV; mCellWidth = 8.300; // micrometer mCellHeight = 8.300; // micrometer mFocalLength = 8.000; // millimeter isTelecentric = false; mKappa = 0.0; mK1 = 0.0; mK2 = 0.0; mK3 = 0.0; mP1 = 0.0; mP2 = 0.0; mMotionVx = 0.0; mMotionVy = 500.0; mMotionVz = 0.0; NotifyCalibObserver = new CalibDelegate(dummy); }