public void DefineSalaryExecute()
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Addition.ToString()) || Addition == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("Please fill field for addition.", "Notification");
             if (Employee != null)
                 MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to define salary?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                 if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                     Employee.Salary = CalculateSalary.CalculateForOne(Manager, Employee, Addition);
                     bool isDefine = employees.SetSalary(Employee);
                     if (isDefine == true)
                         MessageBox.Show("Salary is defined.", "Notification", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                         EmployeeList = managers.GetEmployees(Manager);
                         MessageBox.Show("Salary cannot be defined.", "Notification", MessageBoxButton.OK);
         catch (Exception ex)
        private static void mv_Payment()
            CalculateSalary   c_CalcSalary = new CalculateSalary();
            MessageManagement c_Message = new MessageManagement();
            double            d_GrossPay, d_TaxRate, d_Allowance, d_Deduction, d_Netpay;

                Console.Write("Enter Gross pay   : $ ");
                d_GrossPay = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.Write("Enter Tax rate (%)   : ");
                d_TaxRate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.Write("Enter Allowance   : $ ");
                d_Allowance = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.Write("Enter Deduction   : $ ");
                d_Deduction = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

                d_Netpay = c_CalcSalary.CalculateNetPay(d_GrossPay, d_TaxRate, d_Allowance, d_Deduction);
                c_Message.DisplayMessage("Your Net Pay is     : $ " + d_Netpay);
                goto StartInput;
예제 #3
        static void Main()
            //SRP Test

            var s = new CalculateSalary()
                DailyRate = 1000, Daysworked = 20
            var salary = s.CalcaulateSalary();
            var p      = new PrintSalary();

        /// <summary>
        /// This method performs calculating salary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object.</param>
        /// <param name="e">DoWorkEventArgs object.</param>
        public void BW_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            double count  = EmployeeList.Count;
            double result = 100 / count;
            int    i      = 1;
            Random r      = new Random();

            foreach (var employee in EmployeeList)
                employee.Salary = CalculateSalary.CalculateForOne(Manager, employee, Addition);
                bool isDefine = employees.SetSalary(employee);
                if (isDefine == true)
                    Thread.Sleep(r.Next(250, 500));
                    backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(result * i++));
예제 #5
 public void Setup()
     calculateSalary = new CalculateSalary();
예제 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Your name :
            //Chun Fei Johnny Tiu 0777813

            //1 - Which Statement is correct ?
            //a.Properties of anonymous types will be read - only properties so you cannot change their values.
            //b.A dynamic type escapes type checking at run time.
            //c.Struct can declare a default constructor like a class
            //d. Partial classes can have different class names.
            Console.WriteLine("1- ============================================================");
            Console.WriteLine("A. Properties of anonymous types will be read - only properties so you cannot change their values.");

            //2- Create a class Name is as Employee(id, name, salary)
            //a.Use a generic collection to put 5 employees in that. (Use optional data)
            //b.Iterate through the collection and Write the name of the employee in the console.
            //c.Use delegate to find the lowest and highest salary among the employee
            Console.WriteLine("2- ============================================================");
            List <Employee> lEmployees = new List <Employee>();

            lEmployees.Add(new Employee(1, "John", 10000));
            lEmployees.Add(new Employee(2, "Jones", 20000));
            lEmployees.Add(new Employee(3, "Jim", 30000));
            lEmployees.Add(new Employee(4, "Jimmy", 25000));
            lEmployees.Add(new Employee(5, "Jason", 15000));

            Console.WriteLine("Employee names inside lEmployees List:");
            lEmployees.ForEach(emp => Console.WriteLine(;

            CalculateSalary maxSalary = highestSalary;
            CalculateSalary minSalary = lowestSalary;

            Console.WriteLine($"Highest salary within lEmployees: {maxSalary(lEmployees)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Lowest salary within lEmployees: { minSalary(lEmployees)}");

            //3- Use Tuple to create an object which has 3 fields (name, age, address) and print the fields in the console.
            //a.User Interpolation => $””
            //b.Use Format ({0})
            Console.WriteLine("3- ============================================================");
            var person = Tuple.Create <string, int, string>("John", 30, "Montreal");

            Console.WriteLine("name: {0}", person.Item1);
            Console.WriteLine($"age: {person.Item2}       address:{person.Item3}");

            //4- Use Dictionary to keep the values of Information of 5 employees in question 2.
            //a.Use employeeId as the key and the office address as the value.
            Console.WriteLine("4- ============================================================");
            Dictionary <int, string> empList = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            empList.Add(1, "John");
            empList.Add(2, "Jones");
            empList.Add(3, "Jim");
            empList.Add(4, "Jimmy");
            empList.Add(5, "Jason");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> e in empList)
                Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, Value:{1}", e.Key, e.Value);

            //5- Create a Generic Class the only accepts class reference
            Console.WriteLine("5- ============================================================");

            // MyGenericClass<int> genericInt;
            MyGenericClass <string> genericString;

            Console.WriteLine("MyGenericClass cannot accept <int> as a type but accepts <string> since only <string> is a reference type.");

            //6- Use Extension method for integer to check if the number is dividable by 3
            Console.WriteLine("6- ============================================================");

            int i = 5;
            int j = 6;

            Console.WriteLine($"5 is dividable by 3: { i.IsDividableBy(3)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"6 is dividable by 3: { j.IsDividableBy(3)}");

            //7- Write a method that has one string parameter.By Using predicate check if that string has vowel sounds and print all the vowel sounds in the output.
            Console.WriteLine("7- ============================================================");

            ArrayList vowels = new ArrayList()
                "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"
            Predicate <string> containsVowels = (string s) =>
                bool result = false;
                foreach (string v in vowels)
                    if (s.Contains(v))
                        result = true;

            string s = "hello";

            if (containsVowels(s))
                Console.WriteLine($"The string '{s}' contains vowel(s)");
                Console.WriteLine($"The string '{s}' contains no vowels");

            //8- (Bonus) Use Event/Func/Action/delegate with 2 classes (student, RegisterStudentOperation). If
            //the student graduates, notifies the RegisterStudentOperation and Prints a message in the
            Console.WriteLine("8- ============================================================");

            // I understand that Action is just a Delegate with a void return and Func is a Delegate with return params but I don't understand Event.
예제 #7
        public void TestMethod1()
            CalculateSalary calculateSalary = new CalculateSalary();
