예제 #1
        public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))

            var from = obj as DensityImagePlotStyle;

            if (null == from)

            using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
                _clipToLayer  = from._clipToLayer;
                ColorProvider = from._colorProvider;
                Scale         = (NumericalScale)from._scale.Clone();
                _imageType    = CachedImageType.None;

예제 #2
        private void BuildImageV1(IROMatrix <double> matrix)
            _imageType = CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant;
            // look if the image has the right dimensions
            if (null != _cachedImage && (_cachedImage.Width != matrix.ColumnCount || _cachedImage.Height != matrix.RowCount))
                _cachedImage = null;

            GetPixelwiseImage(matrix, ref _cachedImage);
예제 #3
        protected override bool HandleHighPriorityChildChangeCases(object sender, ref EventArgs e)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(sender, _scale))
                _imageType = CachedImageType.None;
            else if (object.ReferenceEquals(sender, _colorProvider))
                _imageType = CachedImageType.None;

            return(base.HandleHighPriorityChildChangeCases(sender, ref e));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an image from the cache manager.
        /// If the thumbnail image is not cached, it will be 
        /// added to the cache queue and DefaultImage of the owner image list view will
        /// be returned. If the thumbnail could not be cached ErrorImage of the owner
        /// image list view will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageType">Type of cached image to return.</param>
        /// <returns>Requested thumbnail or icon.</returns>
        internal Image GetCachedImage(CachedImageType imageType)
            if (mImageListView == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Owner control is null.");

            if (imageType == CachedImageType.SmallIcon || imageType == CachedImageType.LargeIcon)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))
                    return mImageListView.DefaultImage;

                CacheState state = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetCacheState(extension);
                if (state == CacheState.Cached)
                    if (imageType == CachedImageType.SmallIcon)
                        return mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetSmallIcon(extension);
                        return mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetLargeIcon(extension);
                else if (state == CacheState.Error)
                    if (mImageListView.RetryOnError)
                    return mImageListView.ErrorImage;
                    return mImageListView.DefaultImage;
                Image img = null;
                CacheState state = ThumbnailCacheState;

                if (state == CacheState.Error)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))
                        return mImageListView.ErrorImage;

                    if (mImageListView.ShellIconFallback && mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Width > 32 && mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Height > 32)
                        img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetLargeIcon(extension);
                    if (img == null && mImageListView.ShellIconFallback)
                        img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetSmallIcon(extension);
                    if (img == null)
                        img = mImageListView.ErrorImage;
                    return img;

                img = mImageListView.thumbnailCache.GetImage(Guid, mImageListView.ThumbnailSize, mImageListView.UseEmbeddedThumbnails,
                    mImageListView.AutoRotateThumbnails, mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.Auto || mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.ThumbnailsOnly, false);

                if (state == CacheState.Cached)
                    return img;

                mImageListView.thumbnailCache.Add(Guid, mAdaptor, mVirtualItemKey, mImageListView.ThumbnailSize,
                    mImageListView.UseEmbeddedThumbnails, mImageListView.AutoRotateThumbnails,
                    (mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.Auto || mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.ThumbnailsOnly));

                if (img == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))
                    return mImageListView.DefaultImage;

                if (img == null && mImageListView.ShellIconFallback && mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Width > 16 && mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Height > 16)
                    img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetLargeIcon(extension);
                if (img == null && mImageListView.ShellIconFallback)
                    img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetSmallIcon(extension);
                if (img == null)
                    img = mImageListView.DefaultImage;

                return img;
예제 #5
        // CoordinateSystem is not affine, or scales are non-linear
        private void BuildImageV3(Graphics gfrx, IPlotArea gl,
                                  IReadOnlyList <double> lx,
                                  IReadOnlyList <double> ly,
                                  IROMatrix <double> vcolumns)
            // allocate a bitmap of same dimensions than the underlying layer
            _imageType = CachedImageType.Other;

            int dimX = (int)Math.Ceiling(gl.Size.X / 72.0 * gfrx.DpiX);
            int dimY = (int)Math.Ceiling(gl.Size.Y / 72.0 * gfrx.DpiY);

            dimX = Math.Min(2048, dimX);
            dimY = Math.Min(2048, dimY);

            // look if the image has the right dimensions
            if (null == _cachedImage || _cachedImage.Width != dimX || _cachedImage.Height != dimY)
                if (null != _cachedImage)

                // please notice: the horizontal direction of the image is related to the row index!!! (this will turn the image in relation to the table)
                // and the vertical direction of the image is related to the column index
                _cachedImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(dimX, dimY, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            byte[] imageBytes = new byte[dimX * dimY * 4];

            double widthByDimX  = gl.Size.X / dimX;
            double heightByDimY = gl.Size.Y / dimY;
            var    rel          = new Logical3D();

            double minRX = lx[0];
            double maxRX = lx[lx.Count - 1];
            double minRY = ly[0];
            double maxRY = ly[ly.Count - 1];

            if (minRX > maxRX)
                double h = minRX;
                minRX = maxRX;
                maxRX = h;
            if (minRY > maxRY)
                double h = minRY;
                minRY = maxRY;
                maxRY = h;

            var interpol = new BivariateLinearSpline(lx, ly, vcolumns);

            Color colorInvalid = _colorProvider.GetColor(double.NaN);

            int addr = 0;

            for (int ny = 0; ny < dimY; ny++)
                double py = (ny + 0.5) * heightByDimY;

                for (int nx = 0; nx < dimX; nx++, addr += 4)
                    double px = (nx + 0.5) * widthByDimX;

                    if (false == gl.CoordinateSystem.LayerToLogicalCoordinates(px, py, out rel))
                        _cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, colorInvalid);
                    else // conversion to relative coordinates was possible
                        double rx = rel.RX;
                        double ry = rel.RY;

                        if (rx < minRX || rx > maxRX || ry < minRY || ry > maxRY)
                            //_cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, _colorInvalid);
                            imageBytes[addr + 0] = colorInvalid.B;
                            imageBytes[addr + 1] = colorInvalid.G;
                            imageBytes[addr + 2] = colorInvalid.R;
                            imageBytes[addr + 3] = colorInvalid.A;
                            double val = interpol.Interpolate(rx, ry);
                            if (double.IsNaN(val))
                                //_cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, _colorInvalid);
                                imageBytes[addr + 0] = colorInvalid.B;
                                imageBytes[addr + 1] = colorInvalid.G;
                                imageBytes[addr + 2] = colorInvalid.R;
                                imageBytes[addr + 3] = colorInvalid.A;
                                //_cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, GetColor(val));
                                Color c = GetColor(val);
                                imageBytes[addr + 0] = c.B;
                                imageBytes[addr + 1] = c.G;
                                imageBytes[addr + 2] = c.R;
                                imageBytes[addr + 3] = c.A;

            // Lock the bitmap's bits.
            var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, _cachedImage.Width, _cachedImage.Height);

            System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData =
                _cachedImage.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly,

            // Get the address of the first line.
            IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0;

            // Copy the RGB values back to the bitmap
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(imageBytes, 0, ptr, imageBytes.Length);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the density image in the layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gfrx">The graphics context painting in.</param>
        /// <param name="gl">The layer painting in.</param>
        /// <param name="plotObject">The data to plot.</param>
        public void Paint(Graphics gfrx, IPlotArea gl, object plotObject) // plots the curve with the choosen style
            if (!(plotObject is XYZMeshedColumnPlotData))
                return; // we cannot plot any other than a TwoDimMeshDataAssociation now
            var myPlotAssociation = (XYZMeshedColumnPlotData)plotObject;

                gl.XAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal, // transformation function for row header values
                Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsFinite,       // selection functiton for row header values
                gl.YAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal, // transformation function for column header values
                Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsFinite,       // selection functiton for column header values
                out var matrix,
                out var logicalRowHeaderValues,
                out var logicalColumnHeaderValues

            int cols = matrix.ColumnCount;
            int rows = matrix.RowCount;

            if (cols <= 0 || rows <= 0)
                return; // we cannot show a picture if one length is zero
            // there is a need for rebuilding the bitmap only if the data are invalid for some reason
            // if the cached image is valid, then test if the conditions hold any longer
            switch (_imageType)
            case CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant:
                var memento = new ImageTypeEquiLinearMemento(gl);
                if (!memento.Equals(_imageConditionMemento))
                    _imageType = CachedImageType.None;

            case CachedImageType.Other:
                var memento = new ImageTypeOtherMemento(gl);
                if (!memento.Equals(_imageConditionMemento))
                    _imageType = CachedImageType.None;

            // now build the image
            // note that the image type can change during the call of BuildImage
            if (_imageType == CachedImageType.None || _cachedImage == null)
                BuildImage(gfrx, gl, myPlotAssociation, matrix, logicalRowHeaderValues, logicalColumnHeaderValues);
                switch (_imageType)
                case CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant:
                    _imageConditionMemento = new ImageTypeEquiLinearMemento(gl);

                case CachedImageType.Other:
                    _imageConditionMemento = new ImageTypeOtherMemento(gl);

            // and now draw the image
                // Three tricks are neccessary to get the bitmap drawn smooth and uniformly:
                // Everything other than this will result in distorted image, or soft (unsharp) edges
                var graphicsState = gfrx.Save();                    // Of course, save the graphics state so we can make our tricks undone afterwards
                gfrx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default; // Trick1: Set the interpolation mode, whatever it was before, back to default
                gfrx.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.Default;   // Trick2: Set the PixelOffsetMode, whatever it was before, back to default

                switch (_imageType)
                case CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant:
                    double xOrgRel       = logicalRowHeaderValues[0];
                    double xEndRel       = logicalRowHeaderValues[rows - 1];
                    double yOrgRel       = logicalColumnHeaderValues[0];
                    double yEndRel       = logicalColumnHeaderValues[cols - 1];
                    bool   isConvertible = true;
                    isConvertible &= gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(xOrgRel, yEndRel), out var x0, out var y0);
                    isConvertible &= gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(xOrgRel, yOrgRel), out var x1, out var y1);
                    isConvertible &= gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(xEndRel, yEndRel), out var x2, out var y2);

                    if (isConvertible)
                        if (_clipToLayer)
                            gfrx.Clip = gl.CoordinateSystem.GetRegion();

                        var pts = new PointF[] { new PointF((float)x0, (float)y0), new PointF((float)x2, (float)y2), new PointF((float)x1, (float)y1) };
                        gfrx.DrawImage(_cachedImage, pts, new RectangleF(0, 0, _cachedImage.Width - 1, _cachedImage.Height - 1), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); // Trick3: Paint both in X and Y direction one pixel less than the source bitmap acually has, this prevents soft edges

                case CachedImageType.Other:
                    gfrx.DrawImage(_cachedImage, 0, 0, (float)gl.Size.X, (float)gl.Size.Y);

예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by the parent plot item to indicate that the associated data has changed. Used to invalidate the cached bitmap to force
 /// rebuilding the bitmap from new data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The sender of the message.</param>
 public void EhDataChanged(object sender)
     _imageType = CachedImageType.None;
예제 #8
		protected override bool HandleHighPriorityChildChangeCases(object sender, ref EventArgs e)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(sender, _scale))
				this._imageType = CachedImageType.None;
			else if (object.ReferenceEquals(sender, _colorProvider))
				this._imageType = CachedImageType.None;

			return base.HandleHighPriorityChildChangeCases(sender, ref e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an image from the cache manager.
        /// If the thumbnail image is not cached, it will be
        /// added to the cache queue and DefaultImage of the owner image list view will
        /// be returned. If the thumbnail could not be cached ErrorImage of the owner
        /// image list view will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageType">Type of cached image to return.</param>
        /// <returns>Requested thumbnail or icon.</returns>
        public Image GetCachedImage(CachedImageType imageType)
            if (mImageListView == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Owner control is null.");

            string iconPath = null;

            if (imageType == CachedImageType.SmallIcon || imageType == CachedImageType.LargeIcon)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconPath))

                CacheState state = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetCacheState(iconPath);
                if (state == CacheState.Cached)
                    if (imageType == CachedImageType.SmallIcon)
                else if (state == CacheState.Error)
                    if (mImageListView.RetryOnError)
                Image      img   = null;
                CacheState state = ThumbnailCacheState;

                if (state == CacheState.Error)
                    if (mImageListView.ShellIconFallback && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconPath))
                        CacheState iconstate = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetCacheState(iconPath);
                        if (iconstate == CacheState.Cached)
                            if (mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Width > 32 && mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Height > 32)
                                img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetLargeIcon(iconPath);
                                img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetSmallIcon(iconPath);
                        else if (iconstate == CacheState.Error)
                            if (mImageListView.RetryOnError)

                    if (img == null)
                        img = mImageListView.ErrorImage;

                img = mImageListView.thumbnailCache.GetImage(Guid, mAdaptor, mVirtualItemKey, mImageListView.ThumbnailSize, mImageListView.UseEmbeddedThumbnails,
                                                             mImageListView.AutoRotateThumbnails, mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.Auto || mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.ThumbnailsOnly, false);

                if (state == CacheState.Cached)

                mImageListView.thumbnailCache.Add(Guid, mAdaptor, mVirtualItemKey, mImageListView.ThumbnailSize,
                                                  mImageListView.UseEmbeddedThumbnails, mImageListView.AutoRotateThumbnails,
                                                  (mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.Auto || mImageListView.UseWIC == UseWIC.ThumbnailsOnly));

                if (img == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconPath))

                if (img == null && mImageListView.ShellIconFallback && mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Width > 16 && mImageListView.ThumbnailSize.Height > 16)
                    img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetLargeIcon(iconPath);
                if (img == null && mImageListView.ShellIconFallback)
                    img = mImageListView.shellInfoCache.GetSmallIcon(iconPath);
                if (img == null)
                    img = mImageListView.DefaultImage;

예제 #10
		private void BuildImageV1(IROMatrix matrix)
			_imageType = CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant;
			// look if the image has the right dimensions
			if (null != _cachedImage && (_cachedImage.Width != matrix.Columns || _cachedImage.Height != matrix.Rows))
				_cachedImage = null;

			GetPixelwiseImage(matrix, ref _cachedImage);
예제 #11
		// CoordinateSystem is not affine, or scales are non-linear
		private void BuildImageV3(Graphics gfrx, IPlotArea gl,
			IROVector lx,
			IROVector ly,
			IROMatrix vcolumns)
			// allocate a bitmap of same dimensions than the underlying layer
			_imageType = CachedImageType.Other;

			int dimX = (int)Math.Ceiling(gl.Size.X / 72.0 * gfrx.DpiX);
			int dimY = (int)Math.Ceiling(gl.Size.Y / 72.0 * gfrx.DpiY);

			dimX = Math.Min(2048, dimX);
			dimY = Math.Min(2048, dimY);

			// look if the image has the right dimensions
			if (null == _cachedImage || _cachedImage.Width != dimX || _cachedImage.Height != dimY)
				if (null != _cachedImage)

				// please notice: the horizontal direction of the image is related to the row index!!! (this will turn the image in relation to the table)
				// and the vertical direction of the image is related to the column index
				_cachedImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(dimX, dimY, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

			byte[] imageBytes = new byte[dimX * dimY * 4];

			double widthByDimX = gl.Size.X / dimX;
			double heightByDimY = gl.Size.Y / dimY;
			Logical3D rel = new Logical3D();

			double minRX = lx[0];
			double maxRX = lx[lx.Length - 1];
			double minRY = ly[0];
			double maxRY = ly[ly.Length - 1];

			if (minRX > maxRX)
				double h = minRX;
				minRX = maxRX;
				maxRX = h;
			if (minRY > maxRY)
				double h = minRY;
				minRY = maxRY;
				maxRY = h;

			BivariateLinearSpline interpol = new BivariateLinearSpline(lx, ly, vcolumns);

			Color colorInvalid = _colorProvider.GetColor(double.NaN);

			int addr = 0;
			for (int ny = 0; ny < dimY; ny++)
				double py = (ny + 0.5) * heightByDimY;

				for (int nx = 0; nx < dimX; nx++, addr += 4)
					double px = (nx + 0.5) * widthByDimX;

					if (false == gl.CoordinateSystem.LayerToLogicalCoordinates(px, py, out rel))
						_cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, colorInvalid);
					else // conversion to relative coordinates was possible
						double rx = rel.RX;
						double ry = rel.RY;

						if (rx < minRX || rx > maxRX || ry < minRY || ry > maxRY)
							//_cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, _colorInvalid);
							imageBytes[addr + 0] = colorInvalid.B;
							imageBytes[addr + 1] = colorInvalid.G;
							imageBytes[addr + 2] = colorInvalid.R;
							imageBytes[addr + 3] = colorInvalid.A;
							double val = interpol.Interpolate(rx, ry);
							if (double.IsNaN(val))
								//_cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, _colorInvalid);
								imageBytes[addr + 0] = colorInvalid.B;
								imageBytes[addr + 1] = colorInvalid.G;
								imageBytes[addr + 2] = colorInvalid.R;
								imageBytes[addr + 3] = colorInvalid.A;
								//_cachedImage.SetPixel(nx, ny, GetColor(val));
								Color c = GetColor(val);
								imageBytes[addr + 0] = c.B;
								imageBytes[addr + 1] = c.G;
								imageBytes[addr + 2] = c.R;
								imageBytes[addr + 3] = c.A;

			// Lock the bitmap's bits.
			Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, _cachedImage.Width, _cachedImage.Height);
			System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData =
					_cachedImage.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly,

			// Get the address of the first line.
			IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0;

			// Copy the RGB values back to the bitmap
			System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(imageBytes, 0, ptr, imageBytes.Length);

예제 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint the density image in the layer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="gfrx">The graphics context painting in.</param>
		/// <param name="gl">The layer painting in.</param>
		/// <param name="plotObject">The data to plot.</param>
		public void Paint(Graphics gfrx, IPlotArea gl, object plotObject) // plots the curve with the choosen style
			if (!(plotObject is XYZMeshedColumnPlotData))
				return; // we cannot plot any other than a TwoDimMeshDataAssociation now

			XYZMeshedColumnPlotData myPlotAssociation = (XYZMeshedColumnPlotData)plotObject;

			IROMatrix matrix;
			IROVector logicalRowHeaderValues, logicalColumnHeaderValues;

				gl.XAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal, // transformation function for row header values
				Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsFinite,       // selection functiton for row header values
				gl.YAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal, // transformation function for column header values
				Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsFinite,       // selection functiton for column header values
				out matrix,
				out logicalRowHeaderValues,
				out logicalColumnHeaderValues

			int cols = matrix.Columns;
			int rows = matrix.Rows;

			if (cols <= 0 || rows <= 0)
				return; // we cannot show a picture if one length is zero

			// there is a need for rebuilding the bitmap only if the data are invalid for some reason
			// if the cached image is valid, then test if the conditions hold any longer
			switch (_imageType)
				case CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant:
						ImageTypeEquiLinearMemento memento = new ImageTypeEquiLinearMemento(gl);
						if (!memento.Equals(_imageConditionMemento))
							this._imageType = CachedImageType.None;

				case CachedImageType.Other:
						ImageTypeOtherMemento memento = new ImageTypeOtherMemento(gl);
						if (!memento.Equals(_imageConditionMemento))
							this._imageType = CachedImageType.None;

			// now build the image
			// note that the image type can change during the call of BuildImage
			if (_imageType == CachedImageType.None || _cachedImage == null)
				BuildImage(gfrx, gl, myPlotAssociation, matrix, logicalRowHeaderValues, logicalColumnHeaderValues);
				switch (_imageType)
					case CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant:
						_imageConditionMemento = new ImageTypeEquiLinearMemento(gl);

					case CachedImageType.Other:
						_imageConditionMemento = new ImageTypeOtherMemento(gl);

			// and now draw the image
				// Three tricks are neccessary to get the bitmap drawn smooth and uniformly:
				// Everything other than this will result in distorted image, or soft (unsharp) edges
				var graphicsState = gfrx.Save(); // Of course, save the graphics state so we can make our tricks undone afterwards
				gfrx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default; // Trick1: Set the interpolation mode, whatever it was before, back to default
				gfrx.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Default;  // Trick2: Set the PixelOffsetMode, whatever it was before, back to default

				switch (_imageType)
					case CachedImageType.LinearEquidistant:
							double xOrgRel = logicalRowHeaderValues[0];
							double xEndRel = logicalRowHeaderValues[rows - 1];
							double yOrgRel = logicalColumnHeaderValues[0];
							double yEndRel = logicalColumnHeaderValues[cols - 1];

							double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
							bool isConvertible = true;
							isConvertible &= gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(xOrgRel, yEndRel), out x0, out y0);
							isConvertible &= gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(xOrgRel, yOrgRel), out x1, out y1);
							isConvertible &= gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(xEndRel, yEndRel), out x2, out y2);

							if (isConvertible)
								if (this._clipToLayer)
									gfrx.Clip = gl.CoordinateSystem.GetRegion();

								var pts = new PointF[] { new PointF((float)x0, (float)y0), new PointF((float)x2, (float)y2), new PointF((float)x1, (float)y1) };
								gfrx.DrawImage(_cachedImage, pts, new RectangleF(0, 0, _cachedImage.Width - 1, _cachedImage.Height - 1), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); // Trick3: Paint both in X and Y direction one pixel less than the source bitmap acually has, this prevents soft edges

					case CachedImageType.Other:
							gfrx.DrawImage(_cachedImage, 0, 0, (float)gl.Size.X, (float)gl.Size.Y);

예제 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Called by the parent plot item to indicate that the associated data has changed. Used to invalidate the cached bitmap to force
		/// rebuilding the bitmap from new data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender">The sender of the message.</param>
		public void EhDataChanged(object sender)
			this._imageType = CachedImageType.None;
예제 #14
		public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				return true;

			var from = obj as DensityImagePlotStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
				this._clipToLayer = from._clipToLayer;
				this.ColorProvider = from._colorProvider;
				this.Scale = (NumericalScale)from._scale.Clone();
				this._imageType = CachedImageType.None;

			return true;