public static Vector3 StringToVector3(string sVector) { // Remove the parentheses if (sVector.StartsWith("(") && sVector.EndsWith(")")) { sVector = sVector.Substring(1, sVector.Length - 2); } // split the items string[] sArray = sVector.Split(','); if (sArray == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("sVector = " + sVector + "数组没有用,隔开"); return(; } if (sArray != null && sArray.Length != 3) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("sVector = " + sVector + "数组数据长度不够3"); return(; } // store as a Vector3 Vector3 result = new Vector3(float.Parse(sArray[0].ToString()), float.Parse(sArray[1].ToString()), float.Parse(sArray[2].ToString())); return(result); }
public void AddGetRecordStatusEvent(System.Action <bool> actionCallback = null) { C_DebugHelper.LogErrorFormat("SpeechRecognizeSystemEvent AddGetRecordStatusEvent start "); _ActionCallback = actionCallback; if (_GetRecordStatusEvent != null) { _GetRecordStatusEvent.UnregisterEvent(); } _GetRecordStatusEvent = null; _GetRecordStatusEvent = new C_Event(); _GetRecordStatusEvent.RegisterEvent(C_EnumEventChannel.Global, "ResponseRecordStatus", (status) => { _GetRecordStatusEvent.UnregisterEvent(); if (status != null) { C_DebugHelper.LogErrorFormat("ResponseRecordStatus is :" + status); string answer = "1"; if (answer.Equals(status[0])) { if (_ActionCallback != null) { _ActionCallback(true); } } else { Tips.Create("开启语音权限后,才可以继续使用噢!"); if (_ActionCallback != null) { _ActionCallback(false); } } } }); }
public bool IsTalked() { try { if (audio.clip == null) { return(false); } float[] tempSamples; //临时数据存储 tempSamples = new float[audio.clip.samples * audio.clip.channels]; audio.clip.GetData(tempSamples, 0); float sourceData = 0.0f; sourceData = Array.Find(tempSamples, e => Mathf.Abs(e) > 0.05f); if (Mathf.Abs(sourceData) > 0.05f) { return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { C_DebugHelper.Log("IsTalked line173:" + e); return(false); } finally { } }
public bool CreataUICover() { if (_UICover != null) { _UICover.gameObject.SetActive(true); return(true); } GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load(_UICoverName) as GameObject); if (go == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("the Canvas u want to Load does'nt Exist in the path:" + _UICoverName); return(false); } go.SetActive(true); go.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); _UICover = go.GetComponent <Canvas>(); _UICover.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera; _UICover.worldCamera = Assets.Scripts.C_Framework.C_UIMgr.c_UICameraHigh; //_Mic = _UICover.transform.Find(_MicName); //if (_Mic == null) //{ // C_DebugHelper.LogError("can't find the mic with the parent" + + ".check the child named by: " + _MicName); // return false; //} //if(_Mic.gameObject.activeSelf == false) //{ // _Mic.gameObject.SetActive(true); //} return(true); }
public string GetAffectResPath() { string res = ""; if (actor != null) { MonoBehaviour[] monos = actor.GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>(); for (int i = 0; i < monos.Length; i++) { if (monos[i].GetType().ToString().EndsWith(ScriptEnd)) { res += monos[i].GetType().GetMethod("GetAffectResPath", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public). Invoke(actor, new System.Object[] { }); } } return(res); } if (CutsceneSequencePlayer._CurrentCutScene != null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError( + "CollectRes Component is null or actor is null"); } else { C_DebugHelper.LogError("CollectRes Component is null or actor is null"); } return(""); }
protected virtual void TouchEvent() { if (_CanTouch && TouchManager.Instance.IsTouchValid(0)) { TouchPhaseEnum touchPhase = TouchManager.Instance.GetTouchPhase(0); if (touchPhase == TouchPhaseEnum.BEGAN) { TouchManager.Instance.GetTouchPos(0, out _StartTouchpos); RaycastHit hit; C_DebugHelper.Log("TouchManager begin.."); Ray ray = GetCurrentCamera().ScreenPointToRay(_StartTouchpos); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, _TouchDistance)) { C_DebugHelper.Log("book is touch" +; if (hit.collider.gameObject == gameObject) { C_DebugHelper.Log("book is touch in:" +; //播放动画 _IsTouch = true; TouchHandle(); } } } } }
public void InitCutScene(int start, int end) { InitCutScene(); GameObject go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CutScene"); int count = go.transform.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < FileName.Count; i++) { C_DebugHelper.Log(FileName[i]); Transform temp = go.transform.Find(FileName[i]); if (temp == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError(FileName[i] + "not find"); return; } Cutscene cut = temp.GetComponent <Cutscene>(); if (cut == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError(FileName[i] + "not find cutscene"); return; } if (i >= start && i <= end) { cutscenes.Add(cut); } } }
public byte[] GetClipData() { if (audio.clip == null) { C_DebugHelper.Log("GetClipData audio.clip is null"); return(null); } float[] samples = new float[audio.clip.samples]; audio.clip.GetData(samples, 0); byte[] outData = new byte[samples.Length * 2]; int rescaleFactor = 32767; for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++) { short temshort = (short)(samples[i] * rescaleFactor); byte[] temdata = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(temshort); outData[i * 2] = temdata[0]; outData[i * 2 + 1] = temdata[1]; } if (outData == null || outData.Length <= 0) { C_DebugHelper.Log("GetClipData intData is null"); return(null); } return(outData); }
public void SetMainScene(string sceneName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sceneName)) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("mainScenName is null"); return; } Scene activescene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (activescene != null && { OnSceneChanged(activescene, activescene); } else { for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCount; i++) { if (sceneName.Equals(SceneManager.GetSceneAt(i).name)) { SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SceneManager.GetSceneAt(i)); _SetActive = true; break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 播放背景音乐 /// </summary> /// <param name="musicName"></param> /// <param name="isLocal"></param> /// <param name="loop"></param> public void PlayBgMusic(string musicName, bool isLocal = false, bool loop = true, SoundFadeState state = SoundFadeState.NONE) { if ((this.audioBg == null) && this.audioBg.mute) { return; } soundFadeState = SoundFadeState.NONE; string name = musicName; AudioClip clip = C_Singleton <LocalAssetMgr> .Instance.Load_Music(name, isLocal); if (clip == null || (this.audioBg == null)) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("musicName :" + musicName + "-Sound Clip Does Not Exists !"); } else { audioBg.clip = clip; audioBg.loop = loop; audioBg.Play(); if (state != SoundFadeState.NONE) { this.soundFadeState = state; } else { audioBg.volume = audioBgMusicVolumn; } } }
public void PlayBgMusic(AudioClip clip, float voulume = 1, bool loop = true, SoundFadeState state = SoundFadeState.NONE) { if ((this.audioBg == null) && this.audioBg.mute) { return; } soundFadeState = SoundFadeState.NONE; if (clip == null || (this.audioBg == null)) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("musicName :" + + "-Sound Clip Does Not Exists !"); } else { audioBg.clip = clip; audioBg.loop = loop; audioBg.Play(); if (state != SoundFadeState.NONE) { this.soundFadeState = state; } else { audioBg.volume = audioBgMusicVolumn; } audioBg.volume = voulume; } }
protected override void Init() { string[] ms = Microphone.devices; deviceCount = ms.Length; if (deviceCount == 0) { C_DebugHelper.Log("no microphone found"); } }
void GenerateCutsceneAsync(int loadSum) { int sum = loadSum; //动态创建5个镜头 for (int i = _CurrentNeedLoadIndex; i < _CurrentNeedLoadIndex + sum; i++) { //获取名字,创建cutscene,添加go对象为父节点 if (i >= FileName.Count) { continue; } bool loadRes = false; GameObject temp = null; if (_CutsceneNode != null) { C_DebugHelper.Log("FileName[i]:" + FileName[i]); Transform tran = _CutsceneNode.transform.Find(FileName[i]); if (tran != null) { temp = tran.gameObject; } if (temp == null) { loadRes = true; } } else { loadRes = true; } if (loadRes) { _StringBuilder.Length = 0; _StringBuilder.Append("story/").Append(_ModuleName).Append("/").Append("cutscene/").Append(FileName[i]); C_DebugHelper.Log("_StringBuilder.ToString():" + _StringBuilder.ToString()); temp = C_Singleton <GameResMgr> .GetInstance().LoadResource <GameObject>(_StringBuilder.ToString(), true, false); if (temp == null) { continue; } } temp.transform.SetParent(_CutsceneNode.transform); Cutscene cutscene = temp.GetComponent <Cutscene>(); if (cutscene == null) { continue; } cutscenes.Add(cutscene); } if (sum > 0) { _CurrentNeedLoadIndex += sum; } }
/// <summary> /// 超时 判断 默认 正确 /// </summary> void StopWithStartOverTimeCheck() { //没网 弹窗tips 不走腾讯云语音识别 等待超时 if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable) { DelayCallback = DOVirtual.DelayedCall(2f, () => { ClearEvent(); DoScoreCallBack("100"); C_DebugHelper.Log("本轮语音识别无网络,默认正确!"); }); Tips.Create("语音识别异常,请切换网络后重试"); return; } //等待结果返回,5秒之后如果没有返回结果,则自动返回 DelayCallback = DOVirtual.DelayedCall(_DelayTime, () => { ClearEvent(); DoScoreCallBack("100"); C_DebugHelper.Log("当轮语音识别没有拿到结果,默认正确!请确定网络状况是否良好!"); }); float time = Time.time; //float timeScale = Time.timeScale; //DelayCallback.OnUpdate(() => //{ // if (Time.timeScale != timeScale) // { // C_DebugHelper.Log("TimeScale:" + Time.timeScale); // timeScale = Time.timeScale; // } // C_DebugHelper.Log("花费时间:" + (Time.time - time)); //}); if (_GetTecentWordEvent != null) { _GetTecentWordEvent.UnregisterEvent(); } _GetTecentWordEvent = null; _GetTecentWordEvent = new C_Event(); _GetTecentWordEvent.RegisterEvent(C_EnumEventChannel.Global, "ResponseRecord", (word) => { //停掉超时计算 //if (DelayCallback != null) //{ // DelayCallback.Kill(); // DelayCallback = null; //} ClearEvent(); GetTecentReslut((word == null || word.Length <= 0) ? "" : word[0].ToString()); }); _IsRecording = false; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="clip"></param> /// <param name="animEvtReceiverObject"></param> /// <param name="atPosition">当前动画片段的某一个时间位置</param> /// <param name="callback"></param> /// <param name="bind">绑定事件或者是解绑</param> private static bool BindOrUnbindCallback(this AnimationClip clip, GameObject animEvtReceiverObject, float atPosition, Action callback, bool bind) { var actionWord = bind ? "register" : "unregister"; if (animEvtReceiverObject == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogWarningFormat("Trying to {0} callback for null animation event receiver game object", actionWord); return(false); } if (callback == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogWarningFormat("Trying to {0} null callback for animation clip", actionWord); return(false); } if (atPosition < 0.0f || atPosition > clip.length) { C_DebugHelper.LogWarningFormat("Trying to {0} callback for position outside of clip timeline", actionWord); return(false); } var eventReceiver = animEvtReceiverObject.GetComponent <AnimationEventReceiver>(); if (bind) { if (eventReceiver == null) { eventReceiver = animEvtReceiverObject.AddComponent <AnimationEventReceiver>(); } if (!eventReceiver.RegisterTimelineCallback(atPosition, callback)) { return(false); } // Debug.Log("clip.AddEvent :"+ "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<atPosition" + atPosition); clip.AddEvent(OnTimelineEventRaisedMethodName, atPosition, atPosition); } else { if (eventReceiver == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Trying to unregister callback for game object without AnimationEventReceiver component"); return(false); } // Debug.Log("clip.RemoveEvent :" + + "++++++++++++++++++atPosition" + atPosition); var lastCallbackForPositionRemoved = eventReceiver.UnregisterTimelineCallback(atPosition, callback); if (lastCallbackForPositionRemoved) { clip.RemoveEvent(OnTimelineEventRaisedMethodName, atPosition, atPosition); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 评分 /// </summary> /// <param name="result">返回腾讯云的识别结果</param> public void GetTecentReslut_old(string result) { float score = 0; string resultWord = "0"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { WordRespone itemDate = JsonUtility.FromJson <WordRespone>(result);//特殊处理的jason,一般jason类继续使用框架jason string word = itemDate.inputWords; C_DebugHelper.Log("class:RecognizeAudio function:GetTecentReslut line 59.. word =" + word); int resultCode = itemDate.resultCode; if (resultCode == 1) { if (_ResultType == ResultType.PickWord) { //解析所有的文字,找到分数最高的文字 float wordMaxScore = 0f; List <WordItem> wordList = itemDate.words; if (wordList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < wordList.Count; i++) { if (wordList[i] != null) { string wordName = wordList[i].word; float tmpScore = wordList[i].pronAccuracy * 0.6f + wordList[i].pronFluency * 100f * 0.4f; if (tmpScore >= wordMaxScore || (i == 0)) { wordMaxScore = tmpScore; resultWord = wordName; } } } } DoScoreCallBack(resultWord); return; } else if (_ResultType == ResultType.PickScore) { //直接计算分数 score = (itemDate.pronAccuracy * 0.6f + itemDate.pronFluency * 100f * 0.4f) * itemDate.pronCompletion; } } if (_ResultCallback != null) { C_DebugHelper.Log("_ResultCallback ..GetTecentReslut result =" + result); _ResultCallback(score.ToString()); _ResultCallback = null; } } else { DoScoreCallBack(score.ToString()); } }
public static void ResumeCurrentCutscene() { if (_CurrentCutScene != null) { _CurrentCutScene.Resume(); } else { C_DebugHelper.Log("_CurrentCutScene is null ,resume fail.."); } }
public static void getCutsceneState() { if (Utility.FindCurrentCutscene().isPaused) { C_DebugHelper.Log("current cus state: Utility.FindCurrentCutscene().isPaused"); } else { C_DebugHelper.Log("current cus state: Utility.FindCurrentCutscene().play"); } }
public static void PauseCurrentCutscene() { if (_CurrentCutScene != null) { _CurrentCutScene.Pause(); } else { C_DebugHelper.Log("_CurrentCutScene is null ,pause fail.."); } }
public void PokeRequestHttp(WWWForm form, string url, Action <string> callback, float timeout = 2.0f) { form.AddField("app", APP_CONST.PinYin); form.AddField("device", GameDataMgr.c_DeviceType); form.AddField("deviceid", GameDataMgr.c_DeviceUID); form.AddField("udid", GameDataMgr.c_UDID); form.AddField("ver", GameConfig.AppVersion); C_DebugHelper.Log("NetworkMgr SendHttpPost url = " + url + ", data = " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(; SendHttpPost(url,, callback, timeout); }
public static bool isPause() { if (_CurrentCutScene != null) { return(_CurrentCutScene.isPaused); } else { C_DebugHelper.Log("_CurrentCutScene is null ,pause fail.."); } return(false); }
public static void StopCurrentCutscene() { if (_CurrentCutScene != null) { _CurrentCutScene.Stop(); _CurrentCutScene = null; } else { C_DebugHelper.Log("_CurrentCutScene is null ,resume Stop.."); } }
//... protected override bool OnInitialize() { animator = actor.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); if (animator == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("Animator Track requires that the actor has the Animator Component attached:" + actor); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 开始录音,腾讯云 /// </summary> /// <param name="answer"></param> /// <param name="scoreCallback"></param> public void StartRecognizeAudioTecent(string word, System.Action <string> scoreCallback, ResultType type = ResultType.PickScore, int langType = 1, int speechType = 1, float recordDur = 3f, bool reward = false) { _ResultCallback = scoreCallback; _ResultType = type; if (recordDur <= 0) { DoScoreCallBack("0"); C_DebugHelper.LogError("您设置的录音时间过短,请重新确认!"); return; } #if UNITY_EDITOR DelayStop = DOVirtual.DelayedCall(recordDur, () => { StopWithStartOverTimeCheck(); }); return; #endif if (_GetRecordStatusEvent != null) { _GetRecordStatusEvent.UnregisterEvent(); } _GetRecordStatusEvent = null; _GetRecordStatusEvent = new C_Event(); _GetRecordStatusEvent.RegisterEvent(C_EnumEventChannel.Global, "ResponseRecordStatus", (status) => { _GetRecordStatusEvent.UnregisterEvent(); if (status != null) { string answer = "1"; if (answer.Equals(status[0])) { _IsRecording = true; } else { Tips.Create("开启语音权限后,才可以继续使用噢!"); } } #if !UNITY_IOS StartRecordAction(recordDur); #endif }); _AnswerWord = word; #if UNITY_IOS StartRecordAction(recordDur); #endif }
public void InitFile() { string[] moudleName = fileName.Split('_'); if (moudleName.Length <= 0) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("读取的配置文件没有_符号进行命名模块,需要检查"); return; } StoryName = _ModuleName = moudleName[0]; StringBuilder filePath = new StringBuilder(); filePath.Append("SlatePlayer/").Append(_ModuleName).Append("/").Append(fileName); ReadFile(filePath.ToString()); }
public string StopRecord() { /* if (!Microphone.IsRecording(null)) * { * return null; * }*/ C_DebugHelper.LogErrorFormat("MicphoneSinglton StopRecord line56 ..."); Microphone.End(null); audio.Stop(); //保存语音文件 // WavUtility.FromAudioClip(audio.clip, out _CurrentAudioFilePath); return(_CurrentAudioFilePath); }
protected virtual void MoveNext() { if (_JumpFlag)//中途退出 { isPlaying = false; onFinish.Invoke(); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_CurrentMoudle) && cutscenes != null && cutscenes.Count == 1) { } if (!isPlaying || currentIndex >= cutscenes.Count) { isPlaying = false; onFinish.Invoke(); return; } _CurrentCutScene = null; // DoClick(); var cutscene = _CurrentCutScene = cutscenes[currentIndex]; if (cutscene == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("Cutscene is null in Cutscene Sequencer" + gameObject); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_CurrentMoudle)) { } cutscene.gameObject.SetActive(true); cutscene.isActive = false; cutscene.Play(() => { //埋点 // C_MonoSingleton<GameHelper>.GetInstance().StoryDataStatistics(Slate.CutsceneSequencePlayer.CurrentPlayerName); _CurrentCutScene = null; if (cutscenes != null && cutscenes.Count > 0) { GameObject go = cutscenes[0].gameObject; cutscenes.RemoveAt(0); _DirtyCutsceneList.Add(go); //StartCoroutine("ReleaseDirtyCutscene"); } MoveNext(); //GenerateCutsceneAsync(_LoadOnceCutsceneSUM); }); }
//根据文本,获取需要加载的对象 public void StartLoadRes(string filepath, string resPath = "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath)) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("filename is null"); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resPath)) { _ResFloder = resPath; } TextAsset binAsset = Resources.Load("PackagingResources/" + _ResFloder + "/" + filepath) as TextAsset; //解析文本 if (binAsset == null) { C_DebugHelper.LogError(filepath + "出场文件路径不存在"); return; } //读取每一行的内容 string strAsset = binAsset.text.Replace("\r", string.Empty); string[] Info = strAsset.Split('\n'); if (Info.Length <= 0) { C_DebugHelper.LogError(filepath + "剧情的文本文件有误"); return; } try { _ResList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Info.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info[i])) { Info[i].Trim(); _ResList.Add(Info[i]); } } } catch (Exception e) { C_DebugHelper.LogError("文件名" + filepath + "错误信息" + e.Message); } //调用全部对象加载的接口 // Debug.Log(filepath); _CurrentFilePath = filepath; GameResMgr.Instance.LoadAssetBundle_CacheList(filepath, _ResList); }
public void StartRecord() { C_DebugHelper.LogErrorFormat("MicphoneSinglton StartRecord ..."); #if UNITY_EDITOR #else audio.Stop(); audio.loop = false; audio.mute = true; Microphone.End(null); audio.clip = Microphone.Start(null, false, 5, int.Parse(sFrequency)); C_DebugHelper.LogErrorFormat("MicphoneSinglton StartRecord ... line46 "); #endif }
public virtual void TouchHandle() { AudioManager.Instance.PlayEffectSound("public/sound/public_sd_009.ogg"); mCollider.enabled = false; C_DebugHelper.Log(_AudioName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_AudioName)) { AudioManager.Instance.PlayerSound(_AudioName, false, new System.Action(PlaySoundOver)); } if (OnTouch != null) { OnTouch(mCurrentIndex); } }