예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh all images.
        /// </summary>
        private void RefreshImages()
            image.RegionOfInterest = originalImage.SelectionRect;
            regionOfInterest.Image = image.ToBitmap();
            originalImage.Image = image.ToBitmap();

            // update rectangle values into status bar.
            statusBar.Text = originalImage.SelectionRect.ToString() + " Update Rate: " +
                             (UpdateHistogramRate == 0 ? "Never" : UpdateHistogramRate.ToString());
예제 #2
        private void Track()
            if (image == null)

            // calculate the back projection of the current image on top of the initial histogram.
            using (CVImage bp = image.CalcBackProject(this.initialHistogram))
                // show the back projection.
                backProjectImage.Image = bp.ToBitmap();

                // calculate mean shift with user parameters and region of interest.
                CVConnectedComp conn = bp.MeanShift(originalImage.SelectionRect, Iterations);

                // update region of interest according to mean shift result.
                originalImage.SelectionRect = conn.Rect;

            // rotate update counter only if rate != 0.
            if (UpdateHistogramRate != 0)
                updateHistoCounter = (updateHistoCounter + 1) % UpdateHistogramRate;

                // update histogram is counter reached 0.
                if (updateHistoCounter == 0)

            // refresh images.
예제 #3
        private static void TestDrawContours()
            CVImage image = new CVImage(100, 100, CVDepth.Depth8U, 1);

            image.DrawRectangle(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(10, 10, 20, 30), System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3);
            new BitmapViewer(image.ToBitmap()).ShowDialog();
            CVImage res = image.DrawContours();

            new BitmapViewer(res.ToBitmap()).ShowDialog();
예제 #4
        private void ProcessBackgroundSubtraction()
            CVImage frame = videoPlayer.LastFrame;

            // access last frame from video player.
            for (int row = 0; row < frame.Height; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < frame.Width; ++col)
                    CVRgbPixel pixel = frame[row, col];

                    // get black and white value for this pixel.
                    int bwValue = pixel.BwValue;

                    // accumulate the new value to the moving average.
                    double val = (double)bwValue / 255.0;

                    if (bgAccum[row, col] == -1)
                        bgAccum[row, col] = val;
                        bgAccum[row, col] = alpha * val + (1 - alpha) * bgAccum[row, col];

                    // calculate the diff between the frame and the average up until now.
                    double delta = val - bgAccum[row, col];

                    byte currentBgValue = bgFrame[row, col].BwValue;

                    if (currentBgValue > 0)
                        currentBgValue -= STEP_SIZE;

                    // if delta is smaller than the threshold, eliminate the background.
                    if (delta < threshold)
                        // set the color of the background frame to black.
                        //bgFrame[row, col] = new CVRgbPixel(0, 0, 0);
                        currentBgValue = 255;

                    bgFrame[row, col] = new CVRgbPixel(currentBgValue, currentBgValue, currentBgValue);

            // display the updated frame on the window.
            bs.Image = bgFrame.ToBitmap();
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the next video frame.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleNextFrame()
            if (capture == null)

            // release last frame.
            if (lastFrame != null)

            // query next frame.
            lastFrame = capture.QueryFrame();

            if (lastFrame == null)
                if (loop)
                    lastFrame = capture.QueryFrame();

            // put next frame to picture box, if defined.
            if (pictureBox != null)
                pictureBox.Image = lastFrame.ToBitmap();

            // fire event.
            if (NextFrame != null)
                NextFrameEventArgs ea = new NextFrameEventArgs();
                ea.Frame   = lastFrame;
                ea.Capture = capture;
                NextFrame(this, ea);
예제 #6
        private void ProcessRegionGrowing()
            if (selectionHistogram == null)

            using (CVImage lastFrameClone = videoPlayer.LastFrame.Clone())
                using (CVImage bp = videoPlayer.LastFrame.CalcBackProject(selectionHistogram))
                    CVConnectedComp cc = bp.MeanShift(video.SelectionRect, 100);
                    video.SelectionRect = cc.Rect;

                    Point midPoint = new Point(
                        video.SelectionRect.Left + video.SelectionRect.Width / 2,
                        video.SelectionRect.Top + video.SelectionRect.Height / 2);

                    using (CVImage rg = videoPlayer.Capture.CreateCompatibleImage())
                        OpenCVDotNet.Algorithms.RegionGrowing.Fill(midPoint, rg, new OpenCVDotNet.Algorithms.RegionGrowingCriteria(MyRGCriteria), videoPlayer.LastFrame);
                        growingFrame.Image = rg.ToBitmap();

                        if (overlay.Checked)
                            // go over regions in rg and overlay on output image.
                            for (int row = 0; row < rg.Height; row++)
                                for (int col = 0; col < rg.Width; ++col)
                                    if (rg[row, col].GrayLevel != 0)
                                        videoPlayer.LastFrame[row, col] = new CVRgbPixel(0, 100, 0);

                        video.Image = videoPlayer.LastFrame.ToBitmap();
예제 #7
        void DrawHistogram(PictureBox window, CVHistogram histo, int channelIdx)
            int imageWidth  = window.Width;
            int imageHeight = window.Height;

            int bins     = histo.BinSizes[0];
            int binWidth = imageWidth / bins;

            if (binWidth <= 0)
                binWidth = 1;

            CVPair  minMax      = histo.MinMaxValue;
            CVImage outputImage = new CVImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, CVDepth.Depth8U, 3);


            for (int bin = 0; bin < bins; bin++)
                double binValue  = histo[bin];
                byte   level     = (byte)CVUtils.Round(binValue * 255 / minMax.Second);
                byte   binHeight = (byte)CVUtils.Round(binValue * imageHeight / minMax.Second);

                byte[] color = new byte[3];
                color[channelIdx] = (byte)(((double)bin / (double)bins) * 255);

                byte[] markerColor = new byte[3];
                markerColor[channelIdx] = level;

                Color colColor  = Color.FromArgb(color[2], color[1], color[0]);
                Color colMarker = Color.FromArgb(markerColor[2], markerColor[1], markerColor[0]);

                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, binWidth - 1, binHeight), colColor);
                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, binWidth - 1, binHeight), colMarker);
                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, 1, binHeight), colMarker);

            window.Image = outputImage.ToBitmap();
예제 #8
        private void CalculateMaskedHistogram()
            if (videoPlayer.LastFrame == null)

            using (CVImage frame = videoPlayer.LastFrame.CopyRegion(meanShift.SelectionRect))
                // create a list of real fg and bg markers.
                List <Point> realFg = new List <Point>(meanShift.GetMarkerLocations(Color.Blue));
                List <Point> realBg = new List <Point>(meanShift.GetMarkerLocations(Color.Red));

                // create the histogram mask.
                using (CVImage mask = MaskedHistogram.PrepareMask(frame, realFg.ToArray(), realBg.ToArray(), includeNeautral.Checked, ffThresh.Value))
                    maskPicture.Image = mask.ToBitmap();

                    // show mask histogram to user interface.
                    maskHistogram.BinsPerChannel = Bins;
                    maskHistogram.ShowHistogram(frame, mask);

                    // calculate new histogram (dispose old one if exist).
                    if (hist != null)
                    hist = frame.CalcHistogram(Bins, mask);

                    // apply mask to overlay (just for ui).
                    using (CVImage masked = MaskedHistogram.ApplyMask(frame, mask))
                        maskOverlay.Image = masked.ToBitmap();

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the video player to handle the next video frame.
        /// </summary>
        private void videoPlayer1_NextFrame(OpenCVDotNet.UI.VideoPlayer sender, OpenCVDotNet.UI.NextFrameEventArgs args)
            // args.Frame contains the frame to be handled.
            CVImage frame = args.Frame;

            // go over all the pixels (rows, cols)
            for (int y = 0; y < frame.Height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < frame.Width; ++x)
                    CVRgbPixel pixel = frame[y, x];

                    // invert RGB colors.
                    frame[y, x] = new CVRgbPixel(
                        (byte)(255 - pixel.R),
                        (byte)(255 - pixel.G),
                        (byte)(255 - pixel.B));

            // assign resulting frame to picture box as a bitmap.
            pictureBox1.Image = frame.ToBitmap();
예제 #10
        void DrawHistogram(PictureBox window, CVHistogram histo, int channelIdx)
            int imageWidth = window.Width;
            int imageHeight = window.Height;

            int bins = histo.BinSizes[0];
            int binWidth = imageWidth / bins;
            if (binWidth <= 0) binWidth = 1;

            CVPair minMax = histo.MinMaxValue;
            CVImage outputImage = new CVImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, CVDepth.Depth8U, 3);

            for (int bin = 0; bin < bins; bin++)
                double binValue = histo[bin];
                byte level = (byte)CVUtils.Round(binValue * 255 / minMax.Second);
                byte binHeight = (byte)CVUtils.Round(binValue * imageHeight / minMax.Second);

                byte[] color = new byte[3];
                color[channelIdx] = (byte)(((double)bin / (double)bins) * 255);

                byte[] markerColor = new byte[3];
                markerColor[channelIdx] = level;

                Color colColor = Color.FromArgb(color[2], color[1], color[0]);
                Color colMarker = Color.FromArgb(markerColor[2], markerColor[1], markerColor[0]);

                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, binWidth - 1, binHeight), Color.White /* colColor */);
                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, binWidth - 1, 1), colMarker);
                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, 1, binHeight), colMarker);

            window.Image = outputImage.ToBitmap();
예제 #11
        private void NextFrame(bool track)
            meanShiftNoMask.Image = videoPlayer.LastFrame.ToBitmap();

            if (!track)

            if (hist == null)
            using (CVImage backProj = videoPlayer.LastFrame.CalcBackProject(hist))
                CVConnectedComp cc = backProj.MeanShift(meanShift.SelectionRect, 1);
                vot.AddValue(cc.Area, Color.Blue);

                if (cc.Area > MIN_AREA && cc.Area < MAX_AREA)
                    if (track)
                        meanShift.SelectionRect = cc.Rect;

                bpWithMask.Image = backProj.ToBitmap();

            OpenCVDotNet.UI.Statistics blueStats = vot.GetStatistics(Color.Blue);
            if (blueStats != null)
                avgWithMask.Text  = ((int)blueStats.Average).ToString();
                lastWithMask.Text = ((int)blueStats.LastValue).ToString();

            if (histNoMask == null)
            using (CVImage backProjNoMask = videoPlayer.LastFrame.CalcBackProject(histNoMask))
                CVConnectedComp cc = backProjNoMask.MeanShift(meanShiftNoMask.SelectionRect, 1);
                vot.AddValue(cc.Area, Color.Red);

                if (cc.Area > MIN_AREA && cc.Area < MAX_AREA)
                    if (track)
                        meanShiftNoMask.SelectionRect = cc.Rect;

                bpNoMask.Image = backProjNoMask.ToBitmap();

            OpenCVDotNet.UI.Statistics redStats = vot.GetStatistics(Color.Red);
            if (redStats != null)
                avgNoMask.Text  = ((int)redStats.Average).ToString();
                lastNoMask.Text = ((int)redStats.LastValue).ToString();
예제 #12
        private static void TestBitmapConversion()
            CVImage image = new CVImage(new System.Drawing.Bitmap(@"D:\Users\Yoav HaCohen\Pictures\temp\hair_res.bmp"));

            new BitmapViewer(image.ToBitmap()).ShowDialog();
예제 #13
        private void UpdateHistogram()
            int numberOfBins;

            if (!int.TryParse(binSize.Text, out numberOfBins))
                statusBar.Text = string.Format("Number of bins '{0}' is not an integer.", binSize.Text);

            if (image == null)

            //image.RegionOfInterest = originalImage.SelectionRect;

            // split image into channels (b,g,r)
            CVImage[] planes = image.Split();

            // we will create a 1D histogram for every channel. each histogram will have
            // 'numberOfBins' bins for its single dimension (ranged from 0 to 255).
            int[]    bins   = { numberOfBins };
            CVPair[] ranges = { new CVPair(0, 255) };

            // calculate histogram for red, green and blue channels (seperately).
            CVHistogram histoRed   = planes[0].CalcHistogram(bins, ranges);
            CVHistogram histoBlue  = planes[1].CalcHistogram(bins, ranges);
            CVHistogram histoGreen = planes[2].CalcHistogram(bins, ranges);

            // draw the three histograms.
            DrawHistogram(bluePanel, histoBlue, 1);
            DrawHistogram(greenPanel, histoGreen, 2);
            DrawHistogram(redPanel, histoRed, 0);

            // resize & put original image onto form.
            CVImage output     = new CVImage(image.Width, image.Height, CVDepth.Depth8U, 3);
            CVImage emptyPlane = new CVImage(image.Width, image.Height, CVDepth.Depth8U, 1);


            CVImage[] images = new CVImage[3];
            images[0] = images[1] = images[2] = emptyPlane;

            if (blueCheck.Checked)
                images[0] = planes[0];
            if (greenCheck.Checked)
                images[1] = planes[1];
            if (redCheck.Checked)
                images[2] = planes[2];

            originalImage.Image = output.ToBitmap();

            // dispose of plane images.
            foreach (CVImage img in planes)

            statusBar.Text = "Ready";