/** * The color applied to the lines of this shape. */ public void SetLineStyleColor(int red, int green, int blue) { CT_ShapeProperties props = GetShapeProperties(); CT_LineProperties ln = props.IsSetLn() ? props.ln : props.AddNewLn(); CT_SolidColorFillProperties fill = ln.IsSetSolidFill() ? ln.solidFill : ln.AddNewSolidFill(); CT_SRgbColor rgb = new CT_SRgbColor(); rgb.val = (new byte[] { (byte)red, (byte)green, (byte)blue }); fill.srgbClr = (rgb); }
public void SetLineStyleColor(int red, int green, int blue) { CT_ShapeProperties shapeProperties = this.GetShapeProperties(); CT_LineProperties ctLineProperties = shapeProperties.IsSetLn() ? shapeProperties.ln : shapeProperties.AddNewLn(); (ctLineProperties.IsSetSolidFill() ? ctLineProperties.solidFill : ctLineProperties.AddNewSolidFill()).srgbClr = new CT_SRgbColor() { val = new byte[3] { (byte)red, (byte)green, (byte)blue } }; }