예제 #1
// Member Types

// Member Functions

    // Public:

    // Protected:

    override protected void Initialise(ref string _rsDescription, ref EType _reSpellType, ref float _rfCooldownLength, ref float _rfDamageLevelIncrement,
                                       ref float _rfPushbackLevelIncrement, ref float _rfRange, ref uint _ruiCurrancyUpgradeCost, ref float _rfCastDelay)
        CSpellData.TSpellData tData = GameApp.GetInstance().GetSpellDataComponent().GetSpellData(CSpell.EType.SWAP);
        _rsDescription            = tData.sDescription;
        _reSpellType              = tData.eType;
        _rfCooldownLength         = tData.fCooldown;
        _rfDamageLevelIncrement   = tData.fDamageLevelInrement;
        _rfPushbackLevelIncrement = tData.fPushbackLevelIncrement;
        _rfRange = tData.fRange;
        _ruiCurrancyUpgradeCost = tData.uiUpgradeCost;
        _rfCastDelay            = tData.fCastDelay;
        m_fRadius = tData.fRadius;

        m_fCooldownLength = tData.fCooldown;
        m_fCooldownTimerLevelIncrement = tData.fCooldownLevelIncrement;
        m_fCastDelay = tData.fCastDelay;
        m_fCastDelayLevelIncrement = tData.fCastDelayLevelIncrement;
        m_fDamageAmount            = tData.fDamage;
        m_fDamageLevelIncrement    = tData.fDamageLevelInrement;
        m_fPushbackAmount          = tData.fPushback;
        m_fPushbackLevelIncrement  = tData.fPushbackLevelIncrement;
        m_fRange = tData.fRange;
        m_fRangeLevelIncrement = tData.fRangeLevelIncrement;
        m_fRadius = tData.fRadius;
        m_fRadiusLevelIncrement = tData.fRadiusLevelIncrement;
예제 #2
// Member Types

// Member Functions

    // Public:

    // Private:

    void Start()
        CSpellData.TSpellData tData = GameApp.GetInstance().GetSpellDataComponent().GetSpellData(CSpell.EType.TETHER);
        CSpell oSpell = GameApp.GetInstance().GetWarlock().GetComponent <CSpellbook>().GetSpell(CSpell.EType.TETHER);

        m_fTimer     = 0.0f;
        m_fTimerTime = 0.1f;

        m_fDamage   = oSpell.GetDamageAmount();
        m_fPushBack = oSpell.GetPushbackAmount();
        m_fVelocity = 13.0f;

        m_bExplode = false;
        m_bHooked  = false;

        m_fRange       = oSpell.GetRange();
        m_fDuration    = 0.0f;
        m_fMaxDuration = 6.2f;
        m_fMaxSize     = 2.0f;
        m_fRadius      = oSpell.GetRadius();

        m_fTimer = 0.1f;

        m_fDistanceTraveled = 0.0f;
예제 #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        CSpellData.TSpellData tData = GameApp.GetInstance().GetSpellDataComponent().GetSpellData(CSpell.EType.SONIC_WAVE);
        CSpell oSpell = GameApp.GetInstance().GetWarlock().GetComponent <CSpellbook>().GetSpell(CSpell.EType.SONIC_WAVE);

        m_fDamage         = oSpell.GetDamageAmount();
        m_fPushbackAmount = oSpell.GetPushbackAmount();

        m_fDuration    = 0.0f;
        m_fMaxDuration = 0.53f;
        m_fMaxSize     = 5.0f;
        m_fRadius      = oSpell.GetRadius();
예제 #4
    void OnGUI()
        // Draw the back
        GUI.DrawTexture(UnityGUIExt.CreateRect(0, 0, 800, 188,
                                               UnityGUIExt.GUI_ALLIGN.BOT_CENTRE), m_GameHUD);

        int iBorderWidth  = 50;
        int iBorderHeight = 50;
        int iOffset       = 2;
        int iIconStartX   = -100;
        int iIconStartY   = 57;

        // Draw the spells
        Rect rectSpellIcon = UnityGUIExt.CreateRect(iIconStartX, iIconStartY, iBorderWidth, iBorderHeight,

        int        iStartX = (int)rectSpellIcon.x;
        int        iCol    = 0;
        int        iSpell  = 0;
        CSpellData cData   = GameApp.GetInstance().GetSpellDataComponent();

        string[] asKeys = new string[(int)ESettings.SPELLS_MAX];
//		asKeys[0] = "1";
//		asKeys[1] = "2";
//		asKeys[2] = "3";
//		asKeys[3] = "4";
//		asKeys[4] = "Q";
//		asKeys[5] = "W";
//		asKeys[6] = "E";
//		asKeys[7] = "R";

        asKeys[0] = " Q";
        asKeys[1] = " W";
        asKeys[2] = " E";
        asKeys[3] = " R";
        asKeys[4] = " A";
        asKeys[5] = " S";
        asKeys[6] = " D";
        asKeys[7] = " F";

        foreach (CSpell spell in m_acSpellBook)
            if (spell == null)

            if (spell.GetSpellType() == CSpell.EType.INVALID)

            CSpellData.TSpellData tSpell = cData.GetSpellData(spell.GetSpellType());

            string sSpellDesc = tSpell.sTitle + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Level: " + GetSpell(spell.GetSpellType()).GetUpgradedLevel() + Environment.NewLine +

            GUI.DrawTexture(rectSpellIcon, cData.GetSpellData(spell.GetSpellType()).tTexture);
            if (rectSpellIcon.Contains(GameApp.GetInstance().GetCursor().GetScreenPosition()))
                GUI.Label(UnityGUIExt.CreateRect(0, 50, 200, 200,
                                                 UnityGUIExt.GUI_ALLIGN.BOT_CENTRE), sSpellDesc);

            // Draw Keys
            GUI.Label(rectSpellIcon, asKeys[iSpell]);

            Rect rectThisSpell = rectSpellIcon;

            if (spell.IsOnCooldown())
                GUI.DrawTexture(rectThisSpell, m_CooldownIconOverlay);

                rectThisSpell.y += rectThisSpell.height;

                rectThisSpell.height = rectSpellIcon.height * ((spell.GetCooldownTimer() - spell.GetCooldownLength()) / spell.GetCooldownLength());
                if (rectThisSpell.height < 0.0f)
                    rectThisSpell.height *= -1.0f;
                rectThisSpell.y -= rectThisSpell.height;

                GUI.DrawTexture(rectThisSpell, m_RefresherIconOverlay);
            else if (m_bSpellSelected &&
                     iSpell == m_uiSelectedSpellId)
                GUI.DrawTexture(rectThisSpell, m_SelectedIconOverlay);

            rectSpellIcon.x += iOffset + iBorderWidth;

            if (iCol == 4)
                rectSpellIcon.x  = iStartX;
                rectSpellIcon.y += iOffset + iBorderHeight;


        // Draw the borders over the spell

        Rect rectBorder = UnityGUIExt.CreateRect(iIconStartX, iIconStartY, iBorderWidth, iBorderHeight,

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            iStartX = (int)rectBorder.x;
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                GUI.DrawTexture(rectBorder, m_SpellBorder);

                rectBorder.x += iOffset + iBorderWidth;

            rectBorder.x  = iStartX;
            rectBorder.y += iOffset + iBorderHeight;

        // Draw the overlay
//		GUI.DrawTexture(UnityGUIExt.CreateRect(0, 0, 800, 188,
//												UnityGUIExt.GUI_ALLIGN.BOT_CENTRE,
//												UnityGUIExt.GUI_ALLIGN.BOT_CENTRE), m_GameHUDOverlay);
예제 #5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        uint uiCost;

        m_bFirstClick = true;
        bool bHasSpell;
        uint uiLevel;

        CCursor oCursor   = GameApp.GetInstance().GetCursor();
        Vector2 vMousePos = oCursor.GetScreenPosition();

        vMousePos.x -= m_rectTitle.x;
        vMousePos.y -= m_rectTitle.y;

        Rect      rectNextEntry = m_rectSpellEntry;
        const int iColMax       = 2;
        const int iRowMax       = 4;

        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < iColMax; ++iCol)
            for (int iRow = 0; iRow < iRowMax; ++iRow)
                int iSpellIndex = (iCol * iRowMax) + iRow;
                // Check for spell ownership
                CSpellData.TSpellData tSpell = m_atSpellData[iSpellIndex];
                if (tSpell.eType == CSpell.EType.INVALID)
                    // continue
                    // Note continue didnt work so I had to group it in this else block
                    bHasSpell = m_oSpellBook.HasSpell(tSpell.eType);

                    if (bHasSpell)
                        uiLevel = m_oSpellBook.GetSpell(tSpell.eType).GetUpgradedLevel();
                        uiCost  = tSpell.uiUpgradeCost + uiLevel;
                        //sSpellDesc = "";
                        uiCost  = tSpell.uiBuyCost;
                        uiLevel = 0;

                    if (rectNextEntry.Contains(vMousePos))
                        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                            if (m_oSpellBook.HasSpell(tSpell.eType))
                                UpgradeSpell(tSpell.eType, uiCost);
                                PurchaseSpell(tSpell.eType, uiCost);

                    rectNextEntry.y += 132;                     // height offset

            rectNextEntry.x += 365;             // width offset
            rectNextEntry.y  = m_rectSpellEntry.y;
예제 #6
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin.font = m_fStandard;

        // Title
        GUI.DrawTexture(m_rectTitle, m_TitleTexture);


        Rect rectNextEntry      = m_rectSpellEntry;
        Rect rectNextSpellTitle = m_rectSpellTitle;
        Rect rectNextSpellIcon  = m_rectSpellIcon;
        Rect rectNextSpellCost  = m_rectSpellCost;
        Rect rectNextSpellDesc  = m_rectSpellDesc;

        CCursor oCursor   = GameApp.GetInstance().GetCursor();
        Vector2 vMousePos = oCursor.GetScreenPosition();

        vMousePos.x -= m_rectTitle.x;
        vMousePos.y -= m_rectTitle.y;

        bool bHasSpell;
        //string sSpellDesc;
        uint uiCost;
        uint uiLevel;

        const int iColMax = 2;
        const int iRowMax = 4;

        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < iColMax; ++iCol)
            for (int iRow = 0; iRow < iRowMax; ++iRow)
                int iSpellIndex = (iCol * iRowMax) + iRow;
                // Check for spell ownership
                CSpellData.TSpellData tSpell = m_atSpellData[iSpellIndex];
                if (tSpell.eType == CSpell.EType.INVALID)
                    // continue
                    // Note continue didnt work so I had to group it in this else block
                    bHasSpell = m_oSpellBook.HasSpell(tSpell.eType);

                    if (bHasSpell)
                        uiLevel = m_oSpellBook.GetSpell(tSpell.eType).GetUpgradedLevel();
                        uiCost  = tSpell.uiUpgradeCost + uiLevel;
                        //sSpellDesc = "";
                        uiCost  = tSpell.uiBuyCost;
                        uiLevel = 0;

                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectNextEntry, m_SpellEntry);

                    // Show Desc here
                    GUI.Label(rectNextSpellDesc, "Lv: " + uiLevel + Environment.NewLine + tSpell.sDescription);

                    if (rectNextEntry.Contains(vMousePos))
                        if (oCursor.IsMouseDown())
                            GUI.DrawTexture(rectNextEntry, m_SpellEntry_Selected);
                            GUI.DrawTexture(rectNextEntry, m_SpellEntry_MouseOver);
                        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && m_bFirstClick)
//							if(m_oSpellBook.HasSpell(tSpell.eType))
//							{
//								UpgradeSpell(tSpell.eType, uiCost);
//							}
//							else
//							{
//								//PurchaseSpell(tSpell.eType, uiCost);
//							}
//							 m_bFirstClick = false;

                        // Show Buy/Upgrade Desc here

                        if (bHasSpell)
                            GUI.Label(rectNextSpellDesc, "Lv: " + uiLevel + " -> " + (uiLevel + 1) + Environment.NewLine + m_oSpellBook.GetSpell(tSpell.eType).GetShopUpgradeDetails());
                            GUI.Label(rectNextSpellDesc, "Lv: " + uiLevel + " -> " + (uiLevel + 1) + Environment.NewLine + tSpell.sShopDetails);

                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectNextSpellTitle, tSpell.tNameTexture);

                    // Text Spell titles
                    GUI.skin.font = m_fXXLarge;
                    Rect rectLabel = rectNextSpellTitle;
                    rectLabel.y      -= 5;
                    rectLabel.height += 5;
                    GUI.Label(rectLabel, tSpell.sTitle);
                    GUI.skin.font = m_fStandard;

                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectNextSpellIcon, tSpell.tTexture);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectNextSpellIcon, m_tSpellFrame);

                    GUI.DrawTexture(rectNextSpellCost, m_tCrystalCost);
                    Rect rectSpellCost = rectNextSpellCost;
                    rectSpellCost.x += 35;
                    rectSpellCost.y += 6;

                    GUI.skin.font = m_fXLarge;
                    GUI.Label(rectSpellCost, uiCost.ToString());
                    GUI.skin.font = m_fStandard;

                    rectNextEntry.y      += 132;                // height offset
                    rectNextSpellTitle.y += 132;
                    rectNextSpellIcon.y  += 132;
                    rectNextSpellCost.y  += 132;
                    rectNextSpellDesc.y  += 132;

            rectNextEntry.x += 365;             // width offset
            rectNextEntry.y  = m_rectSpellEntry.y;

            rectNextSpellTitle.x += 365;             // width offset
            rectNextSpellTitle.y  = m_rectSpellTitle.y;

            rectNextSpellIcon.x += 365;             // width offset
            rectNextSpellIcon.y  = m_rectSpellIcon.y;

            rectNextSpellCost.x += 365;             // width offset
            rectNextSpellCost.y  = m_rectSpellCost.y;

            rectNextSpellDesc.x += 365;             // width offset
            rectNextSpellDesc.y  = m_rectSpellDesc.y;

        GUI.skin.font = m_fXXLarge;
        GUI.Label(m_rectOwnedCrystals, m_oWarlockCurrency.Get().ToString());

        Rect rTime = m_rectOwnedCrystals;

        rTime.x -= 200;
        //GUI.Label(rTime, CSceneArena.m_kfShoppingDuration.ToString());
        GUI.Label(rTime, GameApp.GetInstance().GetSceneArena().GetShopTimer().ToString());


        GUI.skin.font = m_fLarge;