public override bool Execute(List <string> args)
            if (args.Count != 2)
            var outDir = args[1];
            ITagLayoutWriter writer;

            switch (args[0])
            case "csharp":
                writer = new CSharpClassWriter(_stringIds, outDir);

            case "cpp":
                writer = new CppStructWriter(_stringIds, outDir);

            var count = 0;

            using (var stream = _fileInfo.OpenRead())
                foreach (var tagClass in _cache.TagClasses)
                    TagLayoutGuess layout  = null;
                    HaloTag        lastTag = null;
                    foreach (var tag in _cache.Tags.FindAllByClass(tagClass))
                        Console.Write("Analyzing ");

                        lastTag = tag;
                        var analyzer  = new TagAnalyzer(_cache, tag);
                        var data      = _cache.ExtractTag(stream, tag);
                        var tagLayout = analyzer.Analyze(data);
                        if (layout != null)
                            layout = tagLayout;
                    if (layout != null && lastTag != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} layout", tagClass);
                        LayoutGuessWriter.Write(lastTag, layout, writer);
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully generated {0} layouts!", count);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method builds the classes for the current project.
        /// If Write Classes is false the database schema will be
        /// loaded the classes will not be built.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentProject"></param>
        /// <param name="fileManager"></param>
        /// <param name="writeClasses"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool BuildClasses(Project currentProject, ProjectFileManager fileManager, bool writeClasses)
            // initial value
            bool success = false;

            // Create DataManager

            // 12.19.2021
            TargetFrameworkEnum targetFramework = (TargetFrameworkEnum)currentProject.TargetFramework;

            // Create New ClassWriter Object
            CSharpClassWriter classWriter = new CSharpClassWriter(fileManager, BusinessObjectPass, false, targetFramework);

            // Add Databases
            AddDatabases(ref currentProject);

            // if write classes
            if (writeClasses)
                // Write DataManager
                success = classWriter.WriteDataClasses(DataManager);
                // set success to true
                success = true;

            // return value
예제 #3
        private void btnRefresTables_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mapper = new ORMapper();
            Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();

            tableReader      = new DbTableReader(database);
            classWriter      = new CSharpClassWriter();
            classLogicWriter = new CSharpClassLogicWriter();
            mapWriter        = new XmlMapWriter();
            queryParaWriter  = new CSharpClassQueryParaWriter();
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the Parameters Text
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetParametersText(ref FieldSet fieldSet, List <Enumeration> enumerations)
            // initial value
            string parametersText = "";

            // locals
            int    count = 0;
            string parameterFieldDataType = "";
            string fieldParameter         = "";

            // If the fieldSet object exists
            if (NullHelper.Exists(fieldSet))
                // load the fields for this fieldSet
                fieldSet.Fields = FieldSetHelper.LoadFieldSetFields(fieldSet.FieldSetId);

                // If the fields collection exists and has one or more items
                if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(fieldSet.Fields))
                    // Create a new instance of a 'StringBuilder' object.
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    // Iterate the collection of DTNField objects
                    foreach (DTNField field in fieldSet.Fields)
                        // Increment the value for count

                        // convert the DTN Field back to a DataField
                        DataField parameterField = DataConverter.ConvertDataField(field);

                        // If the value for the property field.IsEnumeration is true
                        if (field.DataType.ToString().ToLower() == "enumeration")
                            // set the dataType and fieldName
                            parameterFieldDataType = EnumerationHelper.GetEnumerationDataType(field.FieldName, enumerations);
                            // Convert the DataType
                            parameterFieldDataType = CSharpClassWriter.ConvertDataType(parameterField);

                        // set the dataType and fieldName
                        fieldParameter = parameterFieldDataType + " " + CSharpClassWriter.CapitalizeFirstCharEx(field.FieldName, true);

                        // if this is after the firstItem
                        if (count > 1)
                            // append a comma and a space
                            sb.Append(", ");

                        // append the paremter

                    // set the return value
                    parametersText = sb.ToString();

            // return value
        /// <summary>
        /// event is fired when Create Blazor Services Button _ Link Clicked
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateBlazorServicesButton_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
            // locals
            int    attempts     = 0;
            string path         = "";
            string path2        = "";
            bool   filesCreated = false;
            string message      = "";

                // if the value for HasServicesFolder is true
                if ((HasServicesFolder) && (HasTable))
                    // Setup the Graph
                    Graph.Maximum = 20;
                    Graph.Minimum = 0;
                    Graph.Value   = 0;

                    // Show the graph
                    Graph.Visible = true;

                    // Create a Process to launch a command window (hidden) to create the item templates
                    Process          process   = new Process();
                    ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    startInfo.WindowStyle      = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                    startInfo.FileName         = "cmd.exe";
                    startInfo.WorkingDirectory = Project.ServicesFolder;
                    startInfo.Arguments        = "/C " + CreateServices;
                    process.StartInfo          = startInfo;

                    // next I am performing a wait for the files to be here, which on different people's machines
                    // speeds I am allowing up to 5 seconds. My machine takes about half a second maybe more,
                    // so 5 should be enough or give up. If it doesn't work for and you haven't upgraded your
                    // computer in a while, maybe you should buy a new computer.

                    // If your internet is slow and this takes longer than 5 seconds let me know and I will extend
                    // the wait.

                        // Increment the value for attempt

                        // Show the graph
                        Graph.Value = attempts;

                        // refresh everything

                        // Try every half second

                        // get the path
                        path = Path.Combine(Project.ServicesFolder, DataWatcherFileName);

                        // if the file exists
                        if (File.Exists(path))
                            // The files were created
                            filesCreated = true;

                            // break out of the loop
                    }while (attempts < 20);

                    // Wait one extra half second after the file is avialable before trying to modify it

                    // if the files were created
                    if (filesCreated)
                        // ***************************************
                        // ************** DataWatcher.cs Class *************
                        // ***************************************

                        // Now the file must be read
                        string fileText = File.ReadAllText(path);

                        // now create the replaceParameter values
                        string tableName              = table.TableName;
                        string variableName           = CSharpClassWriter.CapitalizeFirstCharEx(table.TableName, true);
                        string pluralTableName        = PluralWordHelper.GetPluralName(table.TableName, false);
                        string pluralVariableName     = PluralWordHelper.GetPluralName(table.TableName, true);
                        string primaryKeyDataType     = "";
                        string primaryKeyVariableName = "";
                        string primaryKeyPropertyName = "";

                        // Update 12.12.2020: The DataService (for Blazor) requires the PrimaryKey
                        // cataType and field name.
                        DTNField field = FindPrimaryKey(table);

                        // if the field was found
                        if (NullHelper.Exists(field))
                            // get the dataType
                            primaryKeyDataType     = field.DataType.ToString().ToLower();
                            primaryKeyVariableName = CSharpClassWriter.CapitalizeFirstCharEx(field.FieldName, true);
                            primaryKeyPropertyName = CSharpClassWriter.CapitalizeFirstCharEx(field.FieldName, false);

                            // if an autonumber identity field (which most will be)
                            if (primaryKeyDataType == "autonumber")
                                // switch to int
                                primaryKeyDataType = "int";

                        // string parameterDataType = FindPrimaryKey

                        // Replace out the fileText replacement parameters
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[TableName]", tableName);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[VariableName]", variableName);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[PluralVariableName]", pluralVariableName);

                        // Delete the current file at path

                        // rename the file
                        path = path.Replace("DataWatcher.cs", Table.TableName + "DataWatcher.cs");

                        // Write out the next text
                        File.WriteAllText(path, fileText);

                        // ***************************************
                        // ************** Service.cs Class *************
                        // ***************************************

                        // now change path to the Service class
                        path2 = Path.Combine(Project.ServicesFolder, ServiceFileName);

                        // Now the file must be read
                        fileText = File.ReadAllText(path2);

                        // Replace out the fileText replacement parameters
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[TableName]", tableName);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[VariableName]", variableName);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[PluralVariableName]", pluralVariableName);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[PluralTableName]", pluralTableName);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[ParameterDataType]", primaryKeyDataType);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[PrimaryKey]", primaryKeyVariableName);
                        fileText = fileText.Replace("[PrimaryKeyPropertyName]", primaryKeyPropertyName);

                        // Delete the current file at path2

                        // rename the file
                        path2 = path2.Replace("Service.cs", Table.TableName + "Service.cs");

                        // Write out the next text
                        File.WriteAllText(path2, fileText);

                        // Show a message
                        message = "The following classes were created:" + Environment.NewLine + path + Environment.NewLine + path2;

                        // Hide the graph
                        Graph.Visible = false;

                        // Show the user a message
                        MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessage(message, "Files Created");
                        // change the message
                        message = "Oops, something went wrong. Step through the code in DataTier.Net.Client.Controls.BlazorDataServices.cs, event name CreateBlazorServicesButton_Click.";

                        // Show the user a message
                        MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessage(message, "Files Could Not Be Created", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            catch (Exception error)
                // Set the error
                DebugHelper.WriteDebugError("CreateBlazorServicesButton_LinkClicked", this.Name, error);

                // show the user a message
                MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessage("The Blazor Data Services Either Were Not Installed Or You Do Not Have Permission To Create Files In This Directory", "Create Data Services Failed");
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the Classes as C# Code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inOutPath"></param>
        /// <param name="tmpClassList"></param>
        /// <param name="inProjectInformation"></param>
        /// <param name="tmpReplacer"></param>
        private static void WriteCSharpCode(string inOutPath, ProjectInformation inProjectInformation, List <StringReplacement> inReplacementList)
            var tmpWriter = new CSharpClassWriter();
            //Predo StringReplacements
            var tmpList = new List <Tuple <Regex, StringReplacement> >();

            foreach (var tmpEntry in inReplacementList)
                tmpList.Add(new Tuple <Regex, StringReplacement>
                                new Regex(tmpEntry.NameRegex, RegexOptions.Compiled)
                                , tmpEntry

            foreach (var tmpClass in inProjectInformation.ClassList)
                if (tmpClass.ClassType == ClassTypeEnum.System)

                var tmpCSharp = tmpWriter.CreateClassFile(tmpClass).Content;

                foreach (var tmpReplacement in tmpList)
                    if (tmpReplacement.Item1.IsMatch(tmpClass.Name))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpReplacement.Item2.RequiredUsing))
                            if (tmpCSharp.Contains(tmpReplacement.Item2.SourceText) &&
                                tmpCSharp = $"using {tmpReplacement.Item2.RequiredUsing};{Environment.NewLine}{tmpCSharp}";
                        tmpCSharp = tmpCSharp.Replace(tmpReplacement.Item2.SourceText, tmpReplacement.Item2.ReplacementText);

                var tmpNewNamespace = tmpClass.Namespace.Split('.');
                var tmpNewPath      = Path.Combine(inOutPath, Path.Combine(tmpNewNamespace));

                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tmpNewPath, tmpClass.Name + ".cs"), tmpCSharp);

            //Write UnknownType File
            var tmpUnknownFilePaths = new List <string>();
            var tmpUsings           = new List <string>();

            foreach (var tmpClass in inProjectInformation.GetAllUnknownTypes())
                var tmpCSharp = new StringBuilder();
                new CSharpClassWriter().AddClassContainerString(tmpClass, tmpCSharp, 1);


            //Write unknown Types into File
            var tmpUnknownFile = $@"
{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, tmpUsings.OrderBy(inItem => inItem).Select(inItem => $"using {inItem};"))}

namespace UnknownTypes
{string.Join(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, tmpUnknownFilePaths)}

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(inOutPath, "UnknownTypes.cs"), tmpUnknownFile);