public static bool IntersectsWithShapePolygon(ShapePolygon shapePolygon, CSGPlane polygonPlane, Ray ray) { var intersection = polygonPlane.RayIntersection(ray); var vertices = shapePolygon.Vertices; for (int v0 = vertices.Length - 1, v1 = 0; v1 < vertices.Length; v0 = v1, v1++) { var vertex0 = vertices[v0]; var vertex1 = vertices[v1]; var delta = (vertex1 - vertex0); var length = delta.sqrMagnitude; if (length <= MathConstants.EqualityEpsilonSqr) { continue; } var tangent = delta / Mathf.Sqrt(length); var normal = Vector3.Cross(polygonPlane.normal, tangent); var plane = new CSGPlane(normal, vertex0); if (plane.Distance(intersection) < MathConstants.DistanceEpsilon) { return(false); } } return(true); }
Vector3 GetHeightHandlePosition(SceneView sceneView, Vector3 point) { var mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(heightPosition); var alignedPlane = new CSGPlane(, point); var planePosition = alignedPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay); // buildPlane.Project() - grabOffset; var worldPosition = GeometryUtility.ProjectPointOnInfiniteLine(planePosition, brushPosition, movePolygonDirection); return(worldPosition); }
protected override void HandleCreateShapeEvents(SceneView sceneView, Rect sceneRect) { bool pointOnEdge = false; bool havePlane = false; bool vertexOnGeometry = false; CSGBrush vertexOnBrush = null; CSGPlane hoverBuildPlane = buildPlane; var camera =; var assume2DView = CSGSettings.Assume2DView(camera); if (camera != null && camera.pixelRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (!hoverDefaultPlane.HasValue || settings.vertices.Length == 0) { bool forceGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.ForceGrid; RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.ForceGrid = false; hoverDefaultPlane = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.CurrentGridPlane; RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.ForceGrid = forceGrid; firstSnappedEdges = null; firstSnappedBrush = null; firstSnappedPlanes = null; base.geometryModel = null; } if (editMode == EditMode.CreatePlane) { LegacyBrushIntersection intersection; if (!assume2DView && !havePlane && EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow == sceneView && SceneQueryUtility.FindWorldIntersection(camera, Event.current.mousePosition, out intersection)) { worldPosition = intersection.worldIntersection; hoverBuildPlane = intersection.worldPlane; vertexOnBrush = intersection.brush; vertexOnGeometry = true; } else { hoverBuildPlane = hoverDefaultPlane.Value; vertexOnBrush = null; var mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition); worldPosition = hoverBuildPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay); vertexOnGeometry = false; } ResetVisuals(); if (snapFunction != null) { CSGBrush snappedOnBrush; worldPosition = snapFunction(camera, worldPosition, hoverBuildPlane, ref visualSnappedEdges, out snappedOnBrush, generatedBrushes, ignoreAllBrushes: true); if (snappedOnBrush != null) { pointOnEdge = (visualSnappedEdges != null && visualSnappedEdges.Count > 0); vertexOnBrush = snappedOnBrush; vertexOnGeometry = true; } } if (settings.vertices.Length == 1) { if (hoverBuildPlane.normal != MathConstants.zeroVector3) { editMode = EditMode.CreateShape; havePlane = true; } } } else { var mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition); worldPosition = hoverBuildPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay); ResetVisuals(); if (snapFunction != null) { CSGBrush snappedOnBrush; worldPosition = snapFunction(camera, worldPosition, hoverBuildPlane, ref visualSnappedEdges, out snappedOnBrush, generatedBrushes, ignoreAllBrushes: true); if (snappedOnBrush != null) { pointOnEdge = (visualSnappedEdges != null && visualSnappedEdges.Count > 0); vertexOnBrush = snappedOnBrush; } } } if (geometryModel == null && vertexOnBrush != null) { if (vertexOnBrush.ChildData != null && vertexOnBrush.ChildData.Model) geometryModel = vertexOnBrush.ChildData.Model; } if (worldPosition != prevWorldPosition) { prevWorldPosition = worldPosition; if (settings.vertices.Length > 0) { if (hadSphere || (settings.vertices[0] - worldPosition).sqrMagnitude > MathConstants.EqualityEpsilon) { hadSphere = true; UpdateBaseShape(true); } } if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) CSG_EditorGUIUtility.RepaintAll(); } visualSnappedGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.FindAllGridEdgesThatTouchPoint(camera, worldPosition); visualSnappedBrush = vertexOnBrush; } RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.SetForcedGrid(camera, hoverBuildPlane); if (!SceneDragToolManager.IsDraggingObjectInScene && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { PaintSnapVisualisation(); PaintCircle(sceneView, base.shapeId); } var type = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(base.shapeId); switch (type) { case EventType.Layout: { return; } case EventType.ValidateCommand: case EventType.KeyDown: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId) { if (Keys.PerformActionKey.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.DeleteSelectionKey.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { Event.current.Use(); } } return; } case EventType.KeyUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId) { if (Keys.CylinderBuilderMode.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.PerformActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { HotKeyReleased(); Event.current.Use(); return; } if (Keys.DeleteSelectionKey.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { Cancel(); Event.current.Use(); return; } } return; } case EventType.MouseDown: { if (!sceneRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) break; if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) return; if ((GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != shapeEditId && GUIUtility.hotControl != base.shapeId) || Event.current.button != 0) return; Event.current.Use(); if (settings.vertices.Length == 0) { if ((GUIUtility.hotControl == 0 || GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeEditId) && base.shapeId != -1) { base.CalculateWorldSpaceTangents(camera); GUIUtility.hotControl = base.shapeId; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = base.shapeId; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; } } if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId && settings.vertices.Length < 2) { if (!float.IsNaN(worldPosition.x) && !float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.x) && !float.IsNaN(worldPosition.y) && !float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.y) && !float.IsNaN(worldPosition.z) && !float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.z)) { if (hoverBuildPlane.normal.sqrMagnitude != 0) buildPlane = hoverBuildPlane; CalculateWorldSpaceTangents(camera); if (settings.vertices.Length == 0) { if (pointOnEdge) { firstSnappedEdges = visualSnappedEdges.ToArray(); firstSnappedBrush = visualSnappedBrush; firstSnappedPlanes = null; } else { firstSnappedBrush = null; firstSnappedEdges = null; firstSnappedPlanes = null; } planeOnGeometry = vertexOnGeometry; } else { if (firstSnappedEdges != null) { if (firstSnappedPlanes == null) CreateSnappedPlanes(); bool outside = true; for (int i = 0; i < firstSnappedPlanes.Length; i++) { if (firstSnappedPlanes[i].Distance(worldPosition) <= MathConstants.DistanceEpsilon) { outside = false; break; } } planeOnGeometry = !outside; } if (vertexOnGeometry) { var plane = hoverDefaultPlane.Value; var distance = plane.Distance(worldPosition); plane.d += distance; hoverDefaultPlane = plane; for (int i = 0; i < settings.vertices.Length; i++) { if (!settings.onGeometryVertices[i]) { settings.vertices[i] = GeometryUtility.ProjectPointOnPlane(plane, settings.vertices[i]); settings.onGeometryVertices[i] = true; } } } } ArrayUtility.Add(ref settings.onGeometryVertices, vertexOnGeometry); settings.AddPoint(worldPosition); CSG_EditorGUIUtility.RepaintAll(); if (settings.vertices.Length == 2) { HotKeyReleased(); } } } return; } case EventType.MouseDrag: { if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) break; if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId && Event.current.button == 0) { Event.current.Use(); } return; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl != base.shapeId) return; if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) return; if (Event.current.button == 0) { Event.current.Use(); ResetVisuals(); if (settings.vertices.Length == 2) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; editMode = EditMode.CreateShape; HotKeyReleased(); } } return; } } }
protected override void HandleEditShapeEvents(SceneView sceneView, Rect sceneRect) { var camera =; if (!SceneDragToolManager.IsDraggingObjectInScene && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (visualSnappedEdges != null) PaintUtility.DrawLines(visualSnappedEdges.ToArray(), GUIConstants.oldThickLineScale, ColorSettings.SnappedEdges); if (visualSnappedGrid != null) { var _origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; PaintUtility.DrawDottedLines(visualSnappedGrid.ToArray(), ColorSettings.SnappedEdges); Handles.matrix = _origMatrix; } if (visualSnappedBrush != null) { if (visualSnappedBrush.compareTransformation != null && visualSnappedBrush.ChildData != null && visualSnappedBrush.ChildData.ModelTransform) { var brush_transformation = visualSnappedBrush.compareTransformation.localToWorldMatrix; CSGRenderer.DrawOutlines(visualSnappedBrush.brushNodeID, brush_transformation, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines); } } var origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; bool isValid; var realVertices = settings.GetVertices(buildPlane, worldPosition, gridTangent, gridBinormal, out isValid); if (editMode == EditMode.EditShape) shapeIsValid = isValid; var wireframeColor = ColorSettings.WireframeOutline; //var topWireframeColor = ColorSettings.BoundsEdgeHover; if (!shapeIsValid || !isValid) wireframeColor =; if (realVertices.Length > 0) { if (realVertices.Length >= 3) { var color = ColorSettings.ShapeDrawingFill; PaintUtility.DrawPolygon(MathConstants.identityMatrix, realVertices, color); } for (int i = 1; i < realVertices.Length; i++) { PaintUtility.DrawLine(realVertices[i - 1], realVertices[i], GUIConstants.oldLineScale, wireframeColor); PaintUtility.DrawDottedLine(realVertices[i - 1], realVertices[i], wireframeColor, 4.0f); } PaintUtility.DrawLine(realVertices[realVertices.Length - 1], realVertices[0], GUIConstants.oldLineScale, wireframeColor); PaintUtility.DrawDottedLine(realVertices[realVertices.Length - 1], realVertices[0], wireframeColor, 4.0f); /* if (editMode == EditMode.ExtrudeShape) { var delta = (base.extrusionPoints[1].Vertex - base.extrusionPoints[0].Vertex); for (int i = 1; i < realVertices.Length; i++) { PaintUtility.DrawLine(realVertices[i - 1] + delta, realVertices[i] + delta, GUIConstants.oldLineScale, topWireframeColor); PaintUtility.DrawDottedLine(realVertices[i - 1] + delta, realVertices[i] + delta, topWireframeColor, 4.0f); } for (int i = 0; i < realVertices.Length; i++) { PaintUtility.DrawLine(realVertices[i] + delta, realVertices[i], GUIConstants.oldLineScale, wireframeColor); PaintUtility.DrawDottedLine(realVertices[i] + delta, realVertices[i], wireframeColor, 4.0f); } PaintUtility.DrawLine(realVertices[realVertices.Length - 1] + delta, realVertices[0] + delta, GUIConstants.oldLineScale, topWireframeColor); PaintUtility.DrawDottedLine(realVertices[realVertices.Length - 1] + delta, realVertices[0] + delta, topWireframeColor, 4.0f); } */ PaintSquare(camera); PaintRadiusMessage(camera); } Handles.matrix = origMatrix; } var shapeType = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(shapeId); HandleKeyboard(shapeType); for (int i = 1; i < settings.vertices.Length; i++) { var id = settings.vertexIDs[i]; var point_type = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(id); switch (point_type) { case EventType.Repaint: { if (SceneDragToolManager.IsDraggingObjectInScene) break; bool isSelected = id == GUIUtility.keyboardControl; var temp = Handles.color; var origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; var rotation = camera.transform.rotation; if (isSelected) { Handles.color = ColorSettings.PointInnerStateColor[3]; } else if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id) { Handles.color = ColorSettings.PointInnerStateColor[1]; } else { Handles.color = ColorSettings.PointInnerStateColor[0]; } float handleSize = CSG_HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(settings.vertices[i]); float scaledHandleSize = handleSize * GUIConstants.handleScale; PaintUtility.SquareDotCap(id, settings.vertices[i], rotation, scaledHandleSize); Handles.matrix = origMatrix; Handles.color = temp; break; } case EventType.Layout: { if ((Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan)) break; var origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; float handleSize = CSG_HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(settings.vertices[i]); float scaledHandleSize = handleSize * GUIConstants.handleScale; HandleUtility.AddControl(id, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(settings.vertices[i], scaledHandleSize)); Handles.matrix = origMatrix; break; } case EventType.ValidateCommand: case EventType.KeyDown: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id) { if (Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { Event.current.Use(); break; } } break; } case EventType.KeyUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id) { if (Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; Event.current.Use(); break; } } break; } case EventType.MouseDown: { if (!sceneRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) break; if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) break; if (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0 && HandleUtility.nearestControl == id && Event.current.button == 0) { GUIUtility.hotControl = id; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(1); Event.current.Use(); break; } break; } case EventType.MouseDrag: { if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) break; if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && Event.current.button == 0) { Undo.RecordObject(this, "Modify shape"); var mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition); var alignedPlane = new CSGPlane(RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.CurrentWorkGridPlane.normal, settings.vertices[0]); var worldPosition = buildPlane.Project(alignedPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay)); if (float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.x) || float.IsNaN(worldPosition.x) || float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.y) || float.IsNaN(worldPosition.y) || float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.z) || float.IsNaN(worldPosition.z)) worldPosition = settings.vertices[i]; ResetVisuals(); if (snapFunction != null) { CSGBrush snappedOnBrush; worldPosition = snapFunction(camera, worldPosition, buildPlane, ref base.visualSnappedEdges, out snappedOnBrush, generatedBrushes, ignoreAllBrushes: true); } base.visualSnappedGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.FindAllGridEdgesThatTouchPoint(camera, worldPosition); settings.vertices[i] = worldPosition; UpdateBaseShape(true); GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); break; } break; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl != id) break; if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) break; if (Event.current.button == 0) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(0); Event.current.Use(); ResetVisuals(); if (SphereRadius == 0) { Cancel(); } break; } break; } } } }
protected override void HandleEditShapeEvents(SceneView sceneView, Rect sceneRect) { var camera =; if (settings.vertices.Length < 2) { if (editMode == EditMode.ExtrudeShape || editMode == EditMode.EditShape) editMode = EditMode.CreatePlane; } if (!SceneDragToolManager.IsDraggingObjectInScene && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (visualSnappedEdges != null) PaintUtility.DrawLines(visualSnappedEdges.ToArray(), GUIConstants.oldThickLineScale, ColorSettings.SnappedEdges); if (visualSnappedGrid != null) { var _origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; PaintUtility.DrawDottedLines(visualSnappedGrid.ToArray(), ColorSettings.SnappedEdges); Handles.matrix = _origMatrix; } if (visualSnappedBrush != null) { if (visualSnappedBrush.compareTransformation != null && visualSnappedBrush.ChildData != null && visualSnappedBrush.ChildData.ModelTransform) { var brush_transformation = visualSnappedBrush.compareTransformation.localToWorldMatrix; CSGRenderer.DrawOutlines(visualSnappedBrush.brushNodeID, brush_transformation, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines, ColorSettings.SelectedOutlines); } } var origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; PaintBounds(camera); Handles.matrix = origMatrix; } HandleHeightHandles(sceneView, sceneRect, false); for (int i = 0; i < settings.vertices.Length; i++) { var id = settings.vertexIDs[i]; var point_type = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(id); switch (point_type) { case EventType.Repaint: { if (SceneDragToolManager.IsDraggingObjectInScene) break; bool isSelected = id == GUIUtility.keyboardControl; var temp = Handles.color; var origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; var rotation = camera.transform.rotation; if (isSelected) { Handles.color = ColorSettings.PointInnerStateColor[3]; } else if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id) { Handles.color = ColorSettings.PointInnerStateColor[1]; } else { Handles.color = ColorSettings.PointInnerStateColor[0]; } float handleSize = CSG_HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(settings.vertices[i]); float scaledHandleSize = handleSize * GUIConstants.handleScale; PaintUtility.SquareDotCap(id, settings.vertices[i], rotation, scaledHandleSize); Handles.matrix = origMatrix; Handles.color = temp; break; } case EventType.Layout: { if ((Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan)) break; var origMatrix = Handles.matrix; Handles.matrix = MathConstants.identityMatrix; float handleSize = CSG_HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(settings.vertices[i]); float scaledHandleSize = handleSize * GUIConstants.handleScale; HandleUtility.AddControl(id, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(settings.vertices[i], scaledHandleSize)); Handles.matrix = origMatrix; break; } case EventType.ValidateCommand: case EventType.KeyDown: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id) { if (Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { Event.current.Use(); break; } } break; } case EventType.KeyUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id) { if (Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; Event.current.Use(); break; } } break; } case EventType.MouseDown: { if (!sceneRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) break; if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) break; if (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0 && HandleUtility.nearestControl == id && Event.current.button == 0) { GUIUtility.hotControl = id; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(1); Event.current.Use(); break; } break; } case EventType.MouseDrag: { if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) break; if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && Event.current.button == 0) { Undo.RecordObject(this, "Modify shape"); var mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition); RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.SetForcedGrid(camera, buildPlane); var alignedPlane = new CSGPlane(RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.CurrentWorkGridPlane.normal, settings.vertices[0]); var worldPosition = buildPlane.Project(alignedPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay)); if (float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.x) || float.IsNaN(worldPosition.x) || float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.y) || float.IsNaN(worldPosition.y) || float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.z) || float.IsNaN(worldPosition.z)) worldPosition = settings.vertices[i]; ResetVisuals(); if (snapFunction != null) { CSGBrush snappedOnBrush; worldPosition = snapFunction(camera, worldPosition, buildPlane, ref base.visualSnappedEdges, out snappedOnBrush, generatedBrushes); } base.visualSnappedGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.FindAllGridEdgesThatTouchPoint(camera, worldPosition); settings.vertices[i] = worldPosition; CenterExtrusionPoints(buildPlane); UpdateBaseShape(); if (editMode == EditMode.ExtrudeShape) { StartExtrudeMode(camera); UpdateBaseShape(); } UpdateExtrudedShape(); GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); break; } break; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl != id) break; if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) break; if (Event.current.button == 0) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(0); Event.current.Use(); ResetVisuals(); //if (Length == 0 || Width == 0) //{ // Cancel(); //} break; } break; } } } }
protected override void HandleCreateShapeEvents(Rect sceneRect) { bool pointOnEdge = false; bool havePlane = false; bool vertexOnGeometry = false; CSGBrush vertexOnBrush = null; CSGPlane hoverBuildPlane = buildPlane; var sceneView = SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView; //(SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView != null) ? SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView : SceneView.lastActiveSceneView; var camera =; if (camera != null && camera.pixelRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (!hoverDefaultPlane.HasValue || settings.vertices.Length == 0) { bool forceGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.ForceGrid; RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.ForceGrid = false; hoverDefaultPlane = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.CurrentGridPlane; RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.ForceGrid = forceGrid; firstSnappedEdges = null; firstSnappedBrush = null; firstSnappedPlanes = null; base.geometryModel = null; } if (editMode == EditMode.CreatePlane) { LegacyBrushIntersection intersection; if (!IgnoreDepthForRayCasts(sceneView) && !havePlane && SceneQueryUtility.FindWorldIntersection(Event.current.mousePosition, out intersection)) { worldPosition = intersection.worldIntersection; hoverBuildPlane = intersection.worldPlane; vertexOnBrush = intersection.brush; vertexOnGeometry = true; } else { hoverBuildPlane = hoverDefaultPlane.Value; vertexOnBrush = null; var mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition); worldPosition = hoverBuildPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay); vertexOnGeometry = false; } ResetVisuals(); if (snapFunction != null) { CSGBrush snappedOnBrush; worldPosition = snapFunction(worldPosition, hoverBuildPlane, ref visualSnappedEdges, out snappedOnBrush, generatedBrushes, ignoreAllBrushes: true); if (snappedOnBrush != null) { pointOnEdge = (visualSnappedEdges != null && visualSnappedEdges.Count > 0); vertexOnBrush = snappedOnBrush; vertexOnGeometry = true; } } if (settings.vertices.Length == 1) { if (hoverBuildPlane.normal != MathConstants.zeroVector3) { editMode = EditMode.CreateShape; havePlane = true; } } } else { var mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition); if (settings.vertices.Length == 2) { var startPoint = settings.vertices[1]; var forward = camera.transform.forward; if (Vector3.Dot(forward, gridBinormal) < Vector3.Dot(forward, gridTangent)) { hoverBuildPlane = new CSGPlane(gridBinormal, startPoint); } else { hoverBuildPlane = new CSGPlane(gridTangent, startPoint); } worldPosition = hoverBuildPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay); // the third point is always straight up from the second point //worldPosition = startPoint + (Vector3.Dot(worldPosition - startPoint, gridNormal) * gridNormal); RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.SetForcedGrid(hoverBuildPlane); ResetVisuals(); if (raySnapFunction != null) { Ray ray = new Ray(startPoint, gridNormal); CSGBrush snappedOnBrush; worldPosition = raySnapFunction(worldPosition, ray, ref visualSnappedEdges, out snappedOnBrush); if (snappedOnBrush != null) { pointOnEdge = (visualSnappedEdges != null && visualSnappedEdges.Count > 0); vertexOnBrush = snappedOnBrush; } } worldPosition = GeometryUtility.ProjectPointOnInfiniteLine(worldPosition, startPoint, gridNormal); } else { worldPosition = hoverBuildPlane.RayIntersection(mouseRay); RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.SetForcedGrid(hoverBuildPlane); ResetVisuals(); if (snapFunction != null) { CSGBrush snappedOnBrush; worldPosition = snapFunction(worldPosition, hoverBuildPlane, ref visualSnappedEdges, out snappedOnBrush, generatedBrushes, ignoreAllBrushes: true); if (snappedOnBrush != null) { pointOnEdge = (visualSnappedEdges != null && visualSnappedEdges.Count > 0); vertexOnBrush = snappedOnBrush; } } } } if (geometryModel == null && vertexOnBrush != null) { if (vertexOnBrush.ChildData != null && vertexOnBrush.ChildData.Model) { geometryModel = vertexOnBrush.ChildData.Model; } } if (worldPosition != prevWorldPosition) { prevWorldPosition = worldPosition; if (settings.vertices.Length > 0) { if ((settings.vertices[0] - worldPosition).sqrMagnitude > MathConstants.EqualityEpsilon) { UpdateSizes(); UpdateBaseShape(true); } } if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { CSG_EditorGUIUtility.UpdateSceneViews(); } } visualSnappedGrid = RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.FindAllGridEdgesThatTouchPoint(worldPosition); visualSnappedBrush = vertexOnBrush; } RealtimeCSG.CSGGrid.SetForcedGrid(hoverBuildPlane); if (!SceneDragToolManager.IsDraggingObjectInScene && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { PaintSnapVisualisation(); PaintShape(base.shapeId); } var type = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(base.shapeId); switch (type) { case EventType.Layout: { return; } case EventType.ValidateCommand: case EventType.KeyDown: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId) { if (Keys.PerformActionKey.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.DeleteSelectionKey.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { Event.current.Use(); } } return; } case EventType.KeyUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId) { if (Keys.CylinderBuilderMode.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.PerformActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { HotKeyReleased(); Event.current.Use(); return; } if (Keys.DeleteSelectionKey.IsKeyPressed() || Keys.CancelActionKey.IsKeyPressed()) { Cancel(); Event.current.Use(); return; } } return; } case EventType.MouseDown: { if (!sceneRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { break; } if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) { return; } if ((GUIUtility.hotControl != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl != shapeEditId && GUIUtility.hotControl != base.shapeId) || Event.current.button != 0) { return; } Event.current.Use(); if (settings.vertices.Length == 0) { if ((GUIUtility.hotControl == 0 || GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeEditId) && base.shapeId != -1) { base.CalculateWorldSpaceTangents(); GUIUtility.hotControl = base.shapeId; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = base.shapeId; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; } } if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId && settings.vertices.Length < kMaxPoints) { if (!float.IsNaN(worldPosition.x) && !float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.x) && !float.IsNaN(worldPosition.y) && !float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.y) && !float.IsNaN(worldPosition.z) && !float.IsInfinity(worldPosition.z)) { if (settings.vertices.Length < 2 && hoverBuildPlane.normal.sqrMagnitude != 0) { buildPlane = hoverBuildPlane; } CalculateWorldSpaceTangents(); if (settings.vertices.Length == 0) { if (pointOnEdge) { firstSnappedEdges = visualSnappedEdges.ToArray(); firstSnappedBrush = visualSnappedBrush; firstSnappedPlanes = null; } else { firstSnappedBrush = null; firstSnappedEdges = null; firstSnappedPlanes = null; } planeOnGeometry = vertexOnGeometry; } else { if (firstSnappedEdges != null) { if (firstSnappedPlanes == null) { CreateSnappedPlanes(); } bool outside = true; for (int i = 0; i < firstSnappedPlanes.Length; i++) { if (firstSnappedPlanes[i].Distance(worldPosition) <= MathConstants.DistanceEpsilon) { outside = false; break; } } planeOnGeometry = !outside; } if (vertexOnGeometry) { var plane = hoverDefaultPlane.Value; var distance = plane.Distance(worldPosition); plane.d += distance; hoverDefaultPlane = plane; for (int i = 0; i < settings.vertices.Length; i++) { if (!settings.onGeometryVertices[i]) { settings.SetPoint(i, GeometryUtility.ProjectPointOnPlane(plane, settings.vertices[i])); settings.onGeometryVertices[i] = true; } } } } ArrayUtility.Add(ref settings.onGeometryVertices, vertexOnGeometry); settings.AddPoint(worldPosition); UpdateSizes(); CSG_EditorGUIUtility.UpdateSceneViews(); if (settings.vertices.Length == kMaxPoints) { HotKeyReleased(); } } } return; } case EventType.MouseDrag: { if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) { break; } if (GUIUtility.hotControl == base.shapeId && Event.current.button == 0) { Event.current.Use(); } return; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl != base.shapeId) { return; } if (Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.None && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Pan) { return; } if (Event.current.button == 0) { Event.current.Use(); ResetVisuals(); if (settings.vertices.Length == kMaxPoints) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; editMode = EditMode.CreateShape; HotKeyReleased(); } } return; } } }