public static void ModifyOperationsOnSelected(CSGOperationType operationType) { var modified = false; foreach (var gameObject in Selection.gameObjects) { var brush = gameObject.GetComponent <CSGBrush>(); if (brush != null && brush.OperationType != operationType) { modified = true; Undo.RecordObject(brush, "Modifying csg operation of brush component"); brush.OperationType = operationType; } var operation = gameObject.GetComponent <CSGOperation>(); if (operation == null || operation.OperationType == operationType) { continue; } modified = true; Undo.RecordObject(operation, "Modifying csg operation of operation component"); operation.PassThrough = false; operation.OperationType = operationType; } if (modified) { InternalCSGModelManager.Refresh(); EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow(); } }
static void ChooseOperation(EditModeGenerate tool, bool isSceneGUI) { var generator = tool.CurrentGenerator; bool enabled = generator.HaveBrushes; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!enabled); { if (isSceneGUI) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(, Width100); } else { GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUIStyle.none); } { bool mixedValues = !enabled; CSGOperationType operation = generator.CurrentCSGOperationType; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); operation = CSG_EditorGUIUtility.ChooseOperation(operation, mixedValues); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { generator.CurrentCSGOperationType = operation; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); }
static void SetMenuOperation(MenuCommand menuCommand, CSGOperationType operationType) { var context = (menuCommand.context as GameObject); var gameObject = (context == null) ? Selection.activeGameObject : context; if (!gameObject) { return; } var generator = gameObject.GetComponent <ChiselGeneratorComponent>(); if (generator && generator.Operation != operationType) { Undo.RecordObject(generator, "Modified Operation"); generator.Operation = operationType; } var composite = gameObject.GetComponent <ChiselComposite>(); if (composite && composite.Operation != operationType) { Undo.RecordObject(generator, "Modified Operation"); composite.Operation = operationType; } }
/// <summary>Generates a branch and returns a <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBranch"/> struct that contains a reference to it.</summary> /// <param name="userID">A unique id to help identify this particular branch. For instance, this could be an InstanceID to a [UnityEngine.Object](</param> /// <param name="children">The child nodes that are children of this branch. A branch may not have duplicate children, contain itself or contain a <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTree"/>.</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBranch"/>. May be an invalid node if it failed to create it.</returns> public static CSGTreeBranch Create(Int32 userID = 0, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, params CSGTreeNode[] children) { int branchNodeID; if (!GenerateBranch(userID, out branchNodeID)) { return new CSGTreeBranch() { branchNodeID = 0 } } ; if (children != null && children.Length > 0) { if (operation != CSGOperationType.Additive) { CSGTreeNode.SetNodeOperationType(userID, operation); } if (!CSGTreeNode.SetChildNodes(branchNodeID, children)) { CSGTreeNode.DestroyNode(branchNodeID); return(new CSGTreeBranch() { branchNodeID = 0 }); } } return(new CSGTreeBranch() { branchNodeID = branchNodeID }); }
static void OnHierarchyWindowItemOnGUI(int instanceID, Rect selectionRect) { var o = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as GameObject; if (selectionRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Transform t = (o == null) ? null : o.transform; OnHandleDragAndDrop(inSceneView: false, transformInInspector: t, selectionRect: selectionRect); } if (o == null) { return; } GUIStyleUtility.InitStyles(); var node = o.GetComponent <CSGNode>(); if (node == null || !node.enabled || (node.hideFlags & (HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideInInspector)) != 0) { return; } CSGOperationType operationType = CSGOperationType.Additive; var brush = node as CSGBrush; if (brush != null) { operationType = brush.OperationType; var skin = GUIStyleUtility.Skin; GUI.Label(selectionRect, skin.hierarchyOperations[(int)operationType], GUIStyleUtility.rightAlignedLabel); return; } var operation = node as CSGOperation; if (operation != null) { var skin = GUIStyleUtility.Skin; if (!operation.PassThrough) { operationType = operation.OperationType; var operationTypeIndex = (int)operationType; if (operationTypeIndex >= 0 && operationTypeIndex < skin.hierarchyOperations.Length) { GUI.Label(selectionRect, skin.hierarchyOperations[operationTypeIndex], GUIStyleUtility.rightAlignedLabel); } } else { GUI.Label(selectionRect, skin.hierarchyPassThrough, GUIStyleUtility.rightAlignedLabel); } return; } }
public CompactNodeID CreateBranch(NodeID nodeID, float4x4 transformation, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, Int32 userID = 0) { return(CreateNode(nodeID, new CompactNode { userID = userID, operation = operation, transformation = transformation, brushMeshHash = Int32.MaxValue })); }
public static GeneratedNode GenerateBranch(float4x4 transformation, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, int parentIndex = -1) { return(new GeneratedNode { parentIndex = parentIndex, transformation = transformation, operation = operation, brushMesh = ChiselBlobAssetReference <BrushMeshBlob> .Null }); }
public static Texture2D[] GetIcons(CSGOperationType operation, string name) { int typeIndex = (int)operation; if (typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex > s_NamesWithOperations.Length) { typeIndex = 0; } return(ChiselEditorResources.LoadIconImages(s_OperationIcons[typeIndex])); }
public static GUIContent[] GetIconContent(CSGOperationType operation, string name) { int typeIndex = (int)operation; if (typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex > s_NamesWithOperations.Length) { typeIndex = 0; } return(ChiselEditorResources.GetIconContent(s_OperationIcons[typeIndex], GetOperationName(typeIndex, name))); }
static BrushMeshInstance CreateBox(Vector3 size, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, Material material = null) { if (material == null) { material = material2; } var brushMaterial = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(material); BrushMesh brushMesh = TestUtility.CreateBox(size, brushMaterial); return(BrushMeshInstance.Create(brushMesh)); }
public static GUIContent[] GetIconContent(CSGOperationType operation, string name) { switch (operation) { default: case CSGOperationType.Additive: return(ChiselEditorResources.GetIconContent(kAdditiveIconName, $"{nameof(CSGOperationType.Additive)} {name}")); case CSGOperationType.Subtractive: return(ChiselEditorResources.GetIconContent(kSubtractiveIconName, $"{nameof(CSGOperationType.Subtractive)} {name}")); case CSGOperationType.Intersecting: return(ChiselEditorResources.GetIconContent(kIntersectingIconName, $"{nameof(CSGOperationType.Intersecting)} {name}")); } }
public static CSGOperationType ChooseOperation(CSGOperationType operation, bool mixedValues) { InitStyles(); var rcsgSkin = Skin; if (rcsgSkin == null) { return(operation); } var oldColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); try { GUIContent content; GUIStyle style; bool have_selection = !mixedValues && GUI.enabled; for (int i = 0; i < operationTypeCount; i++) { if (!have_selection || (int)operation != i) { content = rcsgSkin.operationNames[i]; style = unselectedIconLabelStyle; } else { content = rcsgSkin.operationNamesOn[i]; style = selectedIconLabelStyle; } if (content == null || style == null) { continue; } if (GUILayout.Button(content, style)) { operation = (CSGOperationType)i; GUI.changed = true; } TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(operationTooltip[i]); } } finally { GUILayout.EndVertical(); } GUI.color = oldColor; return(operation); }
public virtual void Reset() { editMode = EditMode.CreatePlane; brushPosition = MathConstants.zeroVector3; parentGameObject = null; parentModel = null; operationGameObject = null; parentTransform = null; generatedGameObjects = null; generatedBrushes = null; undoGroupIndex = -1; forceCurrentCSGOperationType = invalidCSGOperationType; currentCSGOperationType = invalidCSGOperationType; }
static BrushMeshInstance CreateCube(Vector3 size, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, Material material = null) { if (material == null) { material = material2; } ControlMesh controlMesh; Shape shape; BrushFactory.CreateCubeControlMesh(out controlMesh, out shape, size, material); BrushMesh brushMesh = RealtimeCSG.Legacy.BrushFactory.GenerateFromControlMesh(controlMesh, shape); return(BrushMeshInstance.Create(brushMesh)); }
static BrushMeshInstance CreateBox(Vector3 size, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, Material material = null) { if (material == null) { material = material2; } var layers = new SurfaceLayers { layerUsage = LayerUsageFlags.All, layerParameter1 = (material) ? material.GetInstanceID() : 0 }; BrushMesh brushMesh = TestUtility.CreateBox(size, layers); return(BrushMeshInstance.Create(brushMesh)); }
protected void UpdateOperationType(CSGOperationType opType) { if (operationGameObject != null) { var operation = operationGameObject.GetComponent<CSGOperation>(); if (operation != null) operation.OperationType = opType; var brush = operationGameObject.GetComponent<CSGBrush>(); if (brush != null) brush.OperationType = opType; } InternalCSGModelManager.CheckForChanges(); EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow(); }
public static unsafe CSGTreeBranch Create(Int32 userID = 0, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, params CSGTreeNode[] children) { if (children == null || children.Length == 0) { return(CreateUnsafe(userID, operation, null, 0)); } var length = children.Length; var arrayPtr = (CSGTreeNode *)Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.UnsafeUtility.PinGCArrayAndGetDataAddress(children, out var handle); try { return(CreateUnsafe(userID, operation, arrayPtr, length)); } finally { Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.UnsafeUtility.ReleaseGCObject(handle); } }
public static unsafe CSGTreeBranch CreateUnsafe(Int32 userID = 0, CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive, CSGTreeNode *childrenArray = null, int childrenArrayLength = 0) { var branchNodeID = CompactHierarchyManager.CreateBranch(operation, userID); Debug.Assert(CompactHierarchyManager.IsValidNodeID(branchNodeID)); if (childrenArray != null && childrenArrayLength > 0) { if (!CompactHierarchyManager.SetChildNodes(branchNodeID, childrenArray, childrenArrayLength)) { CompactHierarchyManager.DestroyNode(branchNodeID); return(CSGTreeBranch.Invalid); } } CompactHierarchyManager.SetDirty(branchNodeID); return(CSGTreeBranch.Find(branchNodeID)); }
public static void SetOperationForSelection(CSGOperationType newOperation) { if (currOperation == newOperation) { return; } foreach (var hasOperation in operationNodes) { hasOperation.Operation = newOperation; } var prevOperation = currOperation; UpdateOperationSelection(); if (prevOperation != currOperation) { NodeOperationUpdated?.Invoke(); } }
static void SetMenuOperation(MenuCommand menuCommand, CSGOperationType operationType) { var gameObject = (menuCommand.context as GameObject) ?? Selection.activeGameObject; if (!gameObject) { return; } var generator = gameObject.GetComponent <ChiselGeneratorComponent>(); if (generator && generator.Operation != operationType) { Undo.RecordObject(generator, "Modified Operation"); generator.Operation = operationType; } var operation = gameObject.GetComponent <ChiselOperation>(); if (operation && operation.Operation != operationType) { Undo.RecordObject(generator, "Modified Operation"); operation.Operation = operationType; } }
static void ShowCSGOperations(bool isSceneGUI, EditModePlace tool, FilteredSelection filteredSelection) { bool operations_enabled = (tool != null && filteredSelection.NodeTargets.Length > 0 && filteredSelection.NodeTargets.Length == (filteredSelection.BrushTargets.Length + filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length)); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!operations_enabled); { bool mixedValues = tool == null || ((filteredSelection.BrushTargets.Length == 0) && (filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length == 0)); CSGOperationType operationType = CSGOperationType.Additive; if (tool != null) { if (filteredSelection.BrushTargets.Length > 0) { operationType = filteredSelection.BrushTargets[0].OperationType; for (int i = 1; i < filteredSelection.BrushTargets.Length; i++) { if (filteredSelection.BrushTargets[i].OperationType != operationType) { mixedValues = true; } } } else if (filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length > 0) { operationType = filteredSelection.OperationTargets[0].OperationType; } if (filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length; i++) { if (filteredSelection.OperationTargets[i].OperationType != operationType) { mixedValues = true; } } } } GUILayout.BeginVertical(isSceneGUI ? : GUIStyle.none); { bool passThroughValue = false; if (tool != null && filteredSelection.BrushTargets.Length == 0 && filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length > 0 && filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length == filteredSelection.NodeTargets.Length) // only operations { bool?passThrough = filteredSelection.OperationTargets[0].PassThrough; for (int i = 1; i < filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length; i++) { if (passThrough.HasValue && passThrough.Value != filteredSelection.OperationTargets[i].PassThrough) { passThrough = null; break; } } mixedValues = !passThrough.HasValue || passThrough.Value; var ptMixedValues = !passThrough.HasValue; passThroughValue = passThrough.HasValue ? passThrough.Value : false; if (CSG_EditorGUIUtility.PassThroughButton(passThroughValue, ptMixedValues)) { Undo.RecordObjects(filteredSelection.OperationTargets, "Changed CSG operation of nodes"); foreach (var operation in filteredSelection.OperationTargets) { operation.PassThrough = true; } InternalCSGModelManager.CheckForChanges(); EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow(); } if (passThroughValue) { operationType = (CSGOperationType)255; } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { operationType = CSG_EditorGUIUtility.ChooseOperation(operationType, mixedValues); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && tool != null) { Undo.RecordObjects(filteredSelection.NodeTargets, "Changed CSG operation of nodes"); for (int i = 0; i < filteredSelection.BrushTargets.Length; i++) { filteredSelection.BrushTargets[i].OperationType = operationType; } for (int i = 0; i < filteredSelection.OperationTargets.Length; i++) { filteredSelection.OperationTargets[i].PassThrough = false; filteredSelection.OperationTargets[i].OperationType = operationType; } InternalCSGModelManager.CheckForChanges(); EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); }
public void GenerateFromPolygon(Camera camera, CSGBrush brush, CSGPlane plane, Vector3 direction, Vector3[] meshVertices, int[] indices, uint[] smoothingGroups, bool drag, CSGOperationType forceDragSource, bool autoCommitExtrusion) { BuilderMode = ShapeMode.FreeDraw; freedrawGenerator.GenerateFromPolygon(camera, brush, plane, direction, meshVertices, indices, smoothingGroups, drag, forceDragSource, autoCommitExtrusion); }
void SetOperationType(CSGOperationType operationType) { CurrentGenerator.CurrentCSGOperationType = operationType; }
internal static bool SetNodeOperationType(Int32 nodeID, CSGOperationType operation) { return(CSGManager.SetNodeOperationType(nodeID, operation)); }
public static void GenerateFromSurface(CSGBrush cSGBrush, CSGPlane polygonPlane, Vector3 direction, Vector3[] points, int[] pointIndices, uint[] smoothingGroups, bool drag, CSGOperationType forceDragSource, bool autoCommitExtrusion) { EditModeManager.EditMode = ToolEditMode.Generate; UpdateTool(); var generateBrushTool = brushTools[(int)ToolEditMode.Generate] as EditModeGenerate; generateBrushTool.GenerateFromPolygon(cSGBrush, polygonPlane, direction, points, pointIndices, smoothingGroups, drag, forceDragSource, autoCommitExtrusion); }
static public void OnInspectorGUI(Editor editor, UnityEngine.Object[] targets) { TooltipUtility.InitToolTip(editor); try { var models = new CSGModel[targets.Length]; for (int i = targets.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { models[i] = targets[i] as CSGModel; if (!models[i]) { ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref models, i); } } CSG_GUIStyleUtility.InitStyles(); ShowRealtimeCSGDisabledMessage(); if (models.Length > 0 && models.Length == targets.Length) { CSGModelComponentInspectorGUI.OnInspectorGUI(targets); return; } var filteredSelection = EditModeManager.FilteredSelection; var targetNodes = filteredSelection.NodeTargets; var targetModels = filteredSelection.ModelTargets; var targetBrushes = filteredSelection.BrushTargets; var targetOperations = filteredSelection.OperationTargets; if (targetNodes == null) { return; } bool?isPrefab = false; PrefabInstantiateBehaviour?prefabBehaviour = PrefabInstantiateBehaviour.Reference; PrefabSourceAlignment? prefabSourceAlignment = PrefabSourceAlignment.AlignedTop; PrefabDestinationAlignment?prefabDestinationAlignment = PrefabDestinationAlignment.AlignToSurface; if (targetNodes.Length > 0) { var gameObject = targetNodes[0].gameObject; isPrefab = CSGPrefabUtility.IsPrefabAsset(gameObject); prefabBehaviour = targetNodes[0].PrefabBehaviour; prefabSourceAlignment = targetNodes[0].PrefabSourceAlignment; prefabDestinationAlignment = targetNodes[0].PrefabDestinationAlignment; for (int i = 1; i < targetNodes.Length; i++) { gameObject = targetNodes[i].gameObject; var currentIsPrefab = CSGPrefabUtility.IsPrefabAsset(gameObject); var currentPrefabBehaviour = targetNodes[i].PrefabBehaviour; var currentPrefabSourceAlignment = targetNodes[i].PrefabSourceAlignment; var currentPrefabDestinationAlignment = targetNodes[i].PrefabDestinationAlignment; if (isPrefab.HasValue && isPrefab.Value != currentIsPrefab) { isPrefab = null; } if (prefabBehaviour.HasValue && prefabBehaviour.Value != currentPrefabBehaviour) { prefabBehaviour = null; } if (prefabSourceAlignment.HasValue && prefabSourceAlignment.Value != currentPrefabSourceAlignment) { prefabSourceAlignment = null; } if (prefabDestinationAlignment.HasValue && prefabDestinationAlignment.Value != currentPrefabDestinationAlignment) { prefabDestinationAlignment = null; } } } GUILayout.BeginVertical(; { if (isPrefab.HasValue && isPrefab.Value) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(PrefabLabelContent); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(RaySnappingLabelContent); TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(RaySnappingBehaviourTooltip); } EditorGUI.indentLevel++; { if (isPrefab.HasValue && isPrefab.Value) { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !prefabBehaviour.HasValue; var prefabBehavour = prefabBehaviour.HasValue ? prefabBehaviour.Value : PrefabInstantiateBehaviour.Reference; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { prefabBehavour = (PrefabInstantiateBehaviour)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(PrefabInstantiateBehaviourContent, prefabBehavour); TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(PrefabInstantiateBehaviourTooltip); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObjects(targetNodes, "Changed CSG operation of nodes"); for (int i = 0; i < targetNodes.Length; i++) { targetNodes[i].PrefabBehaviour = prefabBehavour; } } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false; } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !prefabDestinationAlignment.HasValue; var destinationAlignment = prefabDestinationAlignment.HasValue ? prefabDestinationAlignment.Value : PrefabDestinationAlignment.AlignToSurface; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { destinationAlignment = (PrefabDestinationAlignment)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(DestinationAlignmentContent, destinationAlignment); TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(DestinationAlignmentTooltip); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObjects(targetNodes, "Changed CSG operation of nodes"); for (int i = 0; i < targetNodes.Length; i++) { targetNodes[i].PrefabDestinationAlignment = destinationAlignment; } } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false; EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !prefabSourceAlignment.HasValue; var sourceAlignment = prefabSourceAlignment.HasValue ? prefabSourceAlignment.Value : PrefabSourceAlignment.AlignedFront; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { sourceAlignment = (PrefabSourceAlignment)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(SourceAlignmentContent, sourceAlignment); TooltipUtility.SetToolTip(SourceAlignmentTooltip); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObjects(targetNodes, "Changed CSG operation of nodes"); for (int i = 0; i < targetNodes.Length; i++) { targetNodes[i].PrefabSourceAlignment = sourceAlignment; } } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false; } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10); if (targetModels.Length == 0) { int invalidOperationType = 999; bool? handleAsOne = null; bool selMixedValues = false; CSGOperationType operationType = (CSGOperationType)invalidOperationType; bool opMixedValues = false; if (targetBrushes.Length > 0) { operationType = targetBrushes[0].OperationType; } for (int b = 1; b < targetBrushes.Length; b++) { var brush = targetBrushes[b]; if (operationType != brush.OperationType) { opMixedValues = true; } } foreach (var operation in targetOperations) { if (operationType == (CSGOperationType)invalidOperationType) { operationType = operation.OperationType; } else if (operationType != operation.OperationType) { opMixedValues = true; } if (!handleAsOne.HasValue) { handleAsOne = operation.HandleAsOne; } else if (handleAsOne.Value != operation.HandleAsOne) { selMixedValues = true; } } GUILayout.BeginVertical(; { bool passThroughValue = false; if (targetBrushes.Length == 0 && targetOperations.Length > 0) // only operations { bool?passThrough = targetOperations[0].PassThrough; for (int i = 1; i < targetOperations.Length; i++) { if (passThrough.HasValue && passThrough.Value != targetOperations[i].PassThrough) { passThrough = null; break; } } opMixedValues = !passThrough.HasValue || passThrough.Value; var ptMixedValues = !passThrough.HasValue; passThroughValue = passThrough.HasValue ? passThrough.Value : false; if (CSG_EditorGUIUtility.PassThroughButton(passThroughValue, ptMixedValues)) { Undo.RecordObjects(targetNodes, "Changed CSG operation of nodes"); foreach (var operation in targetOperations) { operation.PassThrough = true; } InternalCSGModelManager.CheckForChanges(); EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow(); } if (passThroughValue) { operationType = (CSGOperationType)255; } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { operationType = CSG_EditorGUIUtility.ChooseOperation(operationType, opMixedValues); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObjects(targetNodes, "Changed CSG operation of nodes"); foreach (var brush in targetBrushes) { brush.OperationType = operationType; } foreach (var operation in targetOperations) { operation.PassThrough = false; operation.OperationType = operationType; } InternalCSGModelManager.CheckForChanges(); EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (targetOperations.Length == 0 && targetModels.Length == 0) { GUILayout.Space(10); if (targetBrushes.Length == 1) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(; { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; OpenSurfaces = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(OpenSurfaces, SurfacesContent); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; if (OpenSurfaces) { var targetShape = targetBrushes[0].Shape; var texGens = targetShape.TexGens; var texGenFlagArray = targetShape.TexGenFlags; for (int t = 0; t < texGens.Length; t++) { GUILayout.Space(2); var texGenFlags = texGenFlagArray[t]; var material = targetShape.TexGens[t].RenderMaterial; var physicsMat = targetShape.TexGens[t].PhysicsMaterial; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Space(4); material = CSG_EditorGUIUtility.MaterialImage(material); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); { //EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(texGenFlags != TexGenFlags.None); { material = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(material, typeof(Material), true) as Material; } //EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); physicsMat = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(physicsMat, typeof(PhysicMaterial), true) as PhysicMaterial; texGenFlags = EditModeCommonGUI.OnSurfaceFlagButtons(texGenFlags); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(4); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { var selectedBrushSurfaces = new [] { new SelectedBrushSurface(targetBrushes[0], t) }; using (new UndoGroup(selectedBrushSurfaces, "discarding surface")) { texGenFlagArray[t] = texGenFlags; targetShape.TexGens[t].RenderMaterial = material; targetShape.TexGens[t].PhysicsMaterial = physicsMat; } } GUILayout.Space(4); } } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); } } if (handleAsOne.HasValue) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = selMixedValues; handleAsOne = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(HandleAsOneLabel, handleAsOne.Value); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObjects(targetNodes, "Changed CSG operation 'Handle as one object'"); foreach (var operation in targetOperations) { operation.HandleAsOne = handleAsOne.Value; } EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow(); } } } #if false if (targetNodes.Length == 1) { var node = targetNodes[0]; var brush = node as CSGBrush; if (brush != null) { var brush_cache = CSGSceneManager.GetBrushCache(brush); if (brush_cache == null || brush_cache.childData == null || brush_cache.childData.modelTransform == null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("brush-cache: null"); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("node-id: " + brush.brushNodeID); } } var operation = node as CSGOperation; if (operation != null) { var operation_cache = CSGSceneManager.GetOperationCache(operation); if (operation_cache == null || operation_cache.childData == null || operation_cache.childData.modelTransform == null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("operation-cache: null"); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("operation-id: " + operation.operationNodeID); } } var model = node as CSGModel; if (model != null) { var model_cache = CSGSceneManager.GetModelCache(model); if (model_cache == null || model_cache.meshContainer == null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("model-cache: null"); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("model-id: " + model.modelNodeID); } } } #endif } finally { TooltipUtility.DrawToolTip(getLastRect: true, goUp: true); } }
public static CSGTreeBrush Create(Int32 userID, float4x4 localTransformation, BrushMeshInstance brushMesh = default(BrushMeshInstance), CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive) { var brushNodeID = CompactHierarchyManager.CreateBrush(brushMesh, localTransformation, operation, userID); Debug.Assert(CompactHierarchyManager.IsValidNodeID(brushNodeID)); CompactHierarchyManager.SetDirty(brushNodeID); return(CSGTreeBrush.Find(brushNodeID)); }
public static GUIContent GetHierarchyIcon(CSGOperationType operation, string name) { return(GetIconContent(operation, name)[0]); }
/// <summary>Generates a brush and returns a <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/> struct that contains a reference to it.</summary> /// <param name="localTransformation">The transformation of the brush relative to the tree root</param> /// <param name="brushMesh">A <see cref="Chisel.Core.BrushMeshInstance"/>, which is a reference to a <see cref="Chisel.Core.BrushMesh"/>.</param> /// <param name="operation">The <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGOperationType"/> that needs to be performed with this <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/>.</param> /// <param name="flags"><see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/> specific flags</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/>. May be an invalid node if it failed to create it.</returns> public static CSGTreeBrush Create(Matrix4x4 localTransformation, Int32 userID = 0, BrushMeshInstance brushMesh = default(BrushMeshInstance), CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive) { return(Create(userID, localTransformation, brushMesh, operation)); }
/// <summary>Generates a brush and returns a <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/> struct that contains a reference to it.</summary> /// <param name="userID">A unique id to help identify this particular brush. For instance, this could be an InstanceID to a [UnityEngine.Object](</param> /// <param name="brushMesh">A <see cref="Chisel.Core.BrushMeshInstance"/>, which is a reference to a <see cref="Chisel.Core.BrushMesh"/>.</param> /// <param name="operation">The <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGOperationType"/> that needs to be performed with this <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/>.</param> /// <param name="flags"><see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/> specific flags</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="Chisel.Core.CSGTreeBrush"/>. May be an invalid node if it failed to create it.</returns> public static CSGTreeBrush Create(Int32 userID = 0, BrushMeshInstance brushMesh = default(BrushMeshInstance), CSGOperationType operation = CSGOperationType.Additive) { return(Create(userID, float4x4.identity, brushMesh, operation)); }