public static CSGBrush CreateBrushInstanceInScene() { #if DEMO if (CSGBindings.BrushesAvailable() <= 0) { return(null); } #endif var lastUsedModelTransform = !SelectionUtility.LastUsedModel ? null : SelectionUtility.LastUsedModel.transform; if (lastUsedModelTransform == null) { lastUsedModelTransform = CreateModelInstanceInScene().transform; } var name = UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetUniqueNameForSibling(lastUsedModelTransform, "Brush"); var gameObject = new GameObject(name); var brush = gameObject.AddComponent <CSGBrush>(); gameObject.transform.SetParent(lastUsedModelTransform, true); gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // this aligns it's vertices to the grid BrushFactory.CreateCubeControlMesh(out brush.ControlMesh, out brush.Shape,; UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject; Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, "Created brush"); InternalCSGModelManager.Refresh(); InternalCSGModelManager.UpdateMeshes(); return(brush); }
public static GameObject CreateBrush(ControlMesh controlMesh, Shape shape, Transform parent, string name, bool worldPositionStays) { #if DEMO if (CSGBindings.BrushesAvailable() <= 0) { return(null); } #endif var gameObject = CreateGameObject(parent, name, worldPositionStays); var brush = gameObject.AddComponent <CSGBrush>(); brush.ControlMesh = controlMesh; brush.Shape = shape; gameObject.SetActive(shape != null && controlMesh != null); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, "Created brush"); InternalCSGModelManager.Refresh(); return(gameObject); }
protected bool UpdateExtrudedShape(bool registerUndo = true) { if (polygons == null || polygons.Length == 0) { return(false); } #if DEMO if (CSGBindings.BrushesAvailable() < polygons.Length) { Debug.Log("Demo brush limit hit (" + CSGBindings.BrushesAvailable() + " available, " + polygons.Length + " required), for the ability to create more brushes please purchase Realtime - CSG"); return(false); } #endif bool failures = false; bool modifiedHierarchy = false; if (HaveExtrusion) { UpdateBrushOperation(); if (generatedGameObjects != null && generatedGameObjects.Length > 0) { for (int i = generatedGameObjects.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (generatedGameObjects[i]) { continue; } ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref generatedGameObjects, i); } } if (generatedGameObjects == null || generatedGameObjects.Length == 0) { Cancel(); return(false); } if (generatedGameObjects != null && generatedGameObjects.Length > 0) { if (registerUndo) { Undo.RecordObjects(generatedGameObjects, "Extruded shape"); } int brushIndex = 0; for (int slice = 0; slice < extrusionPoints.Length - 1; slice++) { for (int p = 0; p < polygons.Length; p++) { var brush = generatedBrushes[brushIndex]; brushIndex++; if (!brush || !brush.gameObject) { continue; } var direction = haveForcedDirection ? forcedDirection : buildPlane.normal; var distance = new CSGPlane(direction, extrusionPoints[slice].Position).Distance(extrusionPoints[slice + 1].Position); if (float.IsInfinity(distance) || float.IsNaN(distance)) { distance = 1.0f; } var poly2dToWorldMatrix = brush.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS(extrusionPoints[slice].Position, Quaternion.FromToRotation(MathConstants.upVector3, buildPlane.normal),; // * parentModel.transform.localToWorldMatrix; ControlMesh newControlMesh; Shape newShape; if (!CreateControlMeshForBrushIndex(parentModel, brush, polygons[p], poly2dToWorldMatrix, distance, out newControlMesh, out newShape)) { failures = true; if (brush.gameObject.activeSelf) { modifiedHierarchy = true; brush.gameObject.SetActive(false); } continue; } if (!brush.gameObject.activeSelf) { modifiedHierarchy = true; brush.gameObject.SetActive(true); } brush.ControlMesh.SetDirty(); if (registerUndo) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(brush); } } } } } else { if (generatedGameObjects != null) { if (registerUndo) { Undo.RecordObjects(generatedGameObjects, "Extruded brush"); } InternalCSGModelManager.skipRefresh = false; int brushIndex = 0; for (int slice = 0; slice < extrusionPoints.Length - 1; slice++) { for (int p = 0; p < polygons.Length; p++) { if (p >= generatedBrushes.Length) { continue; } var brush = generatedBrushes[brushIndex]; brushIndex++; brush.ControlMesh.SetDirty(); if (registerUndo) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(brush); } } } HideGenerateBrushes(); } } try { InternalCSGModelManager.skipRefresh = true; if (registerUndo) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } //CSGModelManager.External.ForceModelUpdate(parentModel.modelID); InternalCSGModelManager.Refresh(forceHierarchyUpdate: modifiedHierarchy); } finally { InternalCSGModelManager.skipRefresh = false; } if (shapeEdges != null && smearTextures) { CSGBrush lastBrush = null; int lastSurfaceIndex = -1; for (int slice = 0; slice < extrusionPoints.Length - 1; slice++) { for (int se = 0; se < shapeEdges.Length; se++) { var brushIndex = shapeEdges[se].PolygonIndex + (slice * shapeEdges.Length); var surfaceIndex = shapeEdges[se].EdgeIndex; if (brushIndex < 0 || brushIndex >= generatedBrushes.Length || surfaceIndex == -1) { continue; } var brush = generatedBrushes[brushIndex]; if (brush && brush.brushID != -1) { if (lastBrush && lastBrush.brushID != -1) { SurfaceUtility.CopyLastMaterial(brush, surfaceIndex, false, lastBrush, lastSurfaceIndex, false, registerUndo = false); } else { brush.Shape.TexGens[surfaceIndex].Translation =; brush.Shape.TexGens[surfaceIndex].Scale =; brush.Shape.TexGens[surfaceIndex].RotationAngle = 0; } lastBrush = brush; lastSurfaceIndex = surfaceIndex; } } } } InternalCSGModelManager.RefreshMeshes(); return(!failures); }
protected bool GenerateBrushObjects(int brushObjectCount, bool inGridSpace = true) { Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup(); undoGroupIndex = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); var lastUsedModel = SelectionUtility.LastUsedModel; var lastUsedModelTransform = !lastUsedModel ? null : lastUsedModel.transform; if (!lastUsedModelTransform || !lastUsedModel.isActiveAndEnabled) { if (prevSelection != null && prevSelection.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < prevSelection.Length; i++) { UnityEngine.Object obj = prevSelection[i]; CSGBrush brush = obj as CSGBrush; MonoBehaviour mono = obj as MonoBehaviour; GameObject go = obj as GameObject; if (!brush) { if (mono) { brush = mono.GetComponentInChildren <CSGBrush>(); } if (go) { brush = go.GetComponentInChildren <CSGBrush>(); } } if (!brush) { continue; } if ((brush.gameObject.hideFlags & (HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.NotEditable | HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild)) != 0) { continue; } var brush_cache = InternalCSGModelManager.GetBrushCache(brush); if (brush_cache == null || brush_cache.childData == null || brush_cache.childData.ModelTransform == null) { continue; } var model = brush_cache.childData.Model; if (!model || !model.isActiveAndEnabled) { continue; } lastUsedModelTransform = brush_cache.childData.ModelTransform; break; } } } if (generatedBrushes != null && generatedBrushes.Length > 0) { for (int i = generatedBrushes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (generatedBrushes[i]) { continue; } ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref generatedBrushes, i); } for (int i = generatedGameObjects.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (generatedGameObjects[i]) { var brush = generatedGameObjects[i].GetComponentInChildren <CSGBrush>(); if (brush && ArrayUtility.Contains(generatedBrushes, brush)) { continue; } } ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(ref generatedGameObjects, i); } } if (generatedGameObjects == null || generatedGameObjects.Length != brushObjectCount) { if (generatedBrushes != null && generatedBrushes.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < generatedBrushes.Length; i++) { InternalCSGModelManager.OnDestroyed(generatedBrushes[i]); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(generatedBrushes[i]); } } if (generatedGameObjects != null && generatedGameObjects.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < generatedGameObjects.Length; i++) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(generatedGameObjects[i]); } } if (parentGameObject != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(parentGameObject); } //DebugEditorWindow.PrintDebugInfo(); #if DEMO if (CSGBindings.BrushesAvailable() < brushObjectCount) { Debug.Log("Demo brush limit hit (" + CSGBindings.BrushesAvailable() + " available, " + brushObjectCount + " required), for the ability to create more brushes please purchase Realtime-CSG"); return(false); } #endif if (lastUsedModelTransform == null) { parentGameObject = OperationsUtility.CreateGameObject(lastUsedModelTransform, "Model", true); InternalCSGModelManager.CreateCSGModel(parentGameObject); parentModel = parentGameObject.GetComponent <CSGModel>(); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(parentGameObject, "Created model"); if (brushObjectCount > 1) { operationGameObject = OperationsUtility.CreateGameObject(parentGameObject.transform, "Operation", true); var transform = operationGameObject.transform; SetBrushTransformation(transform); var operation = operationGameObject.AddComponent <CSGOperation>(); if (CurrentCSGOperationType != invalidCSGOperationType) { operation.OperationType = CurrentCSGOperationType; } operation.HandleAsOne = true; Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(operationGameObject, "Created operation"); parentTransform = operationGameObject.transform; } else { parentTransform = parentGameObject.transform; } } else if (brushObjectCount > 1) { parentModel = lastUsedModelTransform.GetComponent <CSGModel>(); parentGameObject = OperationsUtility.CreateGameObject(lastUsedModelTransform, "Brushes", true); var transform = parentGameObject.transform; SetBrushTransformation(transform); operationGameObject = parentGameObject; var operation = operationGameObject.AddComponent <CSGOperation>(); if (CurrentCSGOperationType != invalidCSGOperationType) { operation.OperationType = CurrentCSGOperationType; } operation.HandleAsOne = true; parentTransform = operationGameObject.transform; Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(parentGameObject, "Created brush"); } else { parentGameObject = null; operationGameObject = null; parentTransform = lastUsedModelTransform; parentModel = lastUsedModelTransform.GetComponent <CSGModel>(); } generatedGameObjects = new GameObject[brushObjectCount]; generatedBrushes = new CSGBrush[brushObjectCount]; for (int p = 0; p < brushObjectCount; p++) { string name; if (brushObjectCount == 1) { name = "Brush"; } else { name = "Brush (" + p + ")"; } var gameObject = OperationsUtility.CreateGameObject(parentTransform, name, false); gameObject.SetActive(false); var brushComponent = gameObject.AddComponent <CSGBrush>(); if (operationGameObject == null) { if (CurrentCSGOperationType != invalidCSGOperationType) { brushComponent.OperationType = CurrentCSGOperationType; } operationGameObject = gameObject; var transform = gameObject.transform; SetBrushTransformation(transform); } generatedBrushes[p] = brushComponent; generatedBrushes[p].ControlMesh = new ControlMesh(); generatedBrushes[p].Shape = new Shape(); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, "Created brush"); generatedGameObjects[p] = gameObject; } //InternalCSGModelManager.Refresh(forceHierarchyUpdate: true); // brushes not registered at this point!?? //DebugEditorWindow.PrintDebugInfo(); //Selection.objects = generatedGameObjects; } else { UpdateBrushPosition(); } return(generatedBrushes != null && generatedBrushes.Length > 0 && generatedBrushes.Length == brushObjectCount); }