예제 #1
        public virtual async Task FinalResultHandler(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <string> argument)
            string response = await argument;

            email = response;

            await context.PostAsync($@"Thank you for your interest, your request has been logged. Our customer service team will get back to you shortly.
                                    {Environment.NewLine}Your service request  summary:
                                    {Environment.NewLine}Complaint Title: {complaint},
                                    {Environment.NewLine}Customer Name: {customerName},
                                    {Environment.NewLine}Phone Number: {phone},
                                    {Environment.NewLine}Email: {email}");

            await context.PostAsync("One moment please");

            var activity = context.Activity as Activity;

            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var connector = new ConnectorClient(new System.Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
                var isTyping  = activity.CreateReply("Nerdibot is thinking...");
                isTyping.Type = ActivityTypes.Typing;
                await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(isTyping);

                // DEMO: I've added this for demonstration purposes, so we have time to see the "Is Typing" integration in the UI. Else the bot is too quick for us :)

            //context: context,
            //resume: AnythingElseHandler,
            //prompt: "Is there anything else that I could help?",
            //retry: "Sorry, I don't understand that.");
            CRMConnection.CreateCase(complaint, customerName, phone, email);

            var feedback = ((Activity)context.Activity).CreateReply("Is there anything else that I could help?");

            feedback.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions()
                Actions = new List <CardAction>()
                    //new CardAction(){ Title = "👍", Type=ActionTypes.PostBack, Value=$"yes-positive-feedback" },
                    //new CardAction(){ Title = "👎", Type=ActionTypes.PostBack, Value=$"no-negative-feedback" }

                    new CardAction()
                        Title = "Yes", Type = ActionTypes.PostBack, Value = $"Yes"
                    new CardAction()
                        Title = "No", Type = ActionTypes.PostBack, Value = $"No"

            await context.PostAsync(feedback);

예제 #2
        public async Task RegistrationFinal(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result)
            var response = await result;

            await context.PostAsync("Thank you for your membership registration. We will check your details and will get back to you shortly.");

            await context.PostAsync("One moment please");

            var activity = context.Activity as Activity;

            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var connector = new ConnectorClient(new System.Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
                var isTyping  = activity.CreateReply("Nerdibot is thinking...");
                isTyping.Type = ActivityTypes.Typing;
                await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(isTyping);

                // DEMO: I've added this for demonstration purposes, so we have time to see the "Is Typing" integration in the UI. Else the bot is too quick for us :)

            //     context: context,
            //     resume: AnythingElseHandler,
            //     prompt: "Is there anything else that I could help?",
            //     retry: "Sorry, I don't understand that.");
            CRMConnection.CreateLeadReg(customerName, email, phone, membershipdetails);

            var feedback = ((Activity)context.Activity).CreateReply("Is there anything else that I could help?");

            feedback.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions()
                Actions = new List <CardAction>()
                    //new CardAction(){ Title = "👍", Type=ActionTypes.PostBack, Value=$"yes-positive-feedback" },
                    //new CardAction(){ Title = "👎", Type=ActionTypes.PostBack, Value=$"no-negative-feedback" }

                    new CardAction()
                        Title = "Yes", Type = ActionTypes.PostBack, Value = $"Yes"
                    new CardAction()
                        Title = "No", Type = ActionTypes.PostBack, Value = $"No"

            await context.PostAsync(feedback);

예제 #3
        public FormDuplicateActions()

            var connStrs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings;
            var servers  = new Dictionary <string, List <CRMConnection> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < connStrs.Count; i++)
                var connStr = connStrs[i];
                var name    = connStr.Name;
                var str     = connStr.ConnectionString;

                if (name.StartsWith("Local"))

                CRMConnection node = new CRMConnection();
                node.Name = name;
                node.Text = name;

                string[] tokens = str.Split(';');

                foreach (var token in tokens)
                    var subTokens = token.Split('=');
                    var key       = subTokens[0];
                    var val       = subTokens[1];
                    switch (key.ToLower())
                    case "hostname":
                        node.Hostname = val;

                    case "organization":
                        node.Organization = val;

                    case "username":
                        node.Username = val;

                    case "password":
                        node.Password = val;

                    case "domain":
                        node.Domain = val;

                if (!servers.ContainsKey(node.Hostname))
                    servers[node.Hostname] = new List <CRMConnection>();

예제 #4
        public bool ProcessBulkRecordDeletion(string environmentSpace, out string errorMsg)
            errorMsg = string.Empty;
            IOrganizationService service = default(IOrganizationService);

                var repAct = new RepositorService();

                //make CRM Connection
                var crmCnct   = new CRMConnection();
                var connected = crmCnct.CreateCRMConnection(out service, environmentSpace, out errorMsg);

                if (!connected)
                    errorMsg = $"No CRM connection established. Please review the URL and Credentials.";

                Trace.WriteLine("Program started; Record deletion initiated.");

                //Get Config data list
                var cnfigServ = new ConfigurationService();
                List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > config = cnfigServ.GetConfigValues(out errorMsg);

                if (config == null || config == default(List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >))
                    errorMsg = $"Configuration list has returned no data. Program can  not continue.";

                //get case types list
                var crmInput = new CRMService();
                List <KeyValuePair <Guid, string> > caseTypes = crmInput.GetCaseTypeList(service, out errorMsg);

                if (caseTypes == null || caseTypes == default(List <KeyValuePair <Guid, string> >))
                    errorMsg = $"Case type list comprised of CRM case types contains no data.";

                // compile config with CRM case type ID's
                List <KeyValuePair <Guid, int> > compiledCaseTypeList = crmInput.MergeCRMCaseTypesWithConfig(caseTypes, config, out errorMsg);

                if (compiledCaseTypeList == null || compiledCaseTypeList == default(List <KeyValuePair <Guid, int> >))
                    errorMsg = $"The comprised list of case type ID's and configuration value amounts contains no data.";

                //get case count values from config, fetch that many cases of x case type
                EntityCollection protectedCases = crmInput.GetProtectedCases(service, compiledCaseTypeList, out errorMsg);

                if (protectedCases == null || protectedCases == default(EntityCollection))
                    errorMsg = $"The collection of protected cases has returned containing no data.";

                // bulk update protected cases
                var updateResponse = repAct.BulkUpdateProtectedCases(service, protectedCases, out errorMsg);

                if (!updateResponse)
                    errorMsg = $"There was an error whilst updating all protected cases.";

                //bulk delete unflagged cases
                var recordsDeleted = crmInput.CreateBulkCaseDeletionJob(service, out errorMsg);

                if (!recordsDeleted)
                    errorMsg = $"CRM Bulk Delete for cases message was unsuccessfully sent to CRM.";

                //bulk delete completed system jobs
                var systemJobsComplete = crmInput.CreateSystemJobDeletionJob(service, out errorMsg);

                if (!systemJobsComplete)
                    errorMsg = $"CRM Bulk Delete system jobs was unsuccessfully sent to CRM.";

            catch (FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault> e)
                errorMsg = e.Message;