예제 #1
        public static bool AlreadyThere(CPeriod p)
            if (/*p.strlen > 0.33 * s.Length || */p.strlen > p.p || p.p < minPeriod || p.p > maxPeriod)
                return true;
                return false; /////////// putting temporarily 18th August 2010

                for (int i = 0; i < preCountPerCol; i++)
                    if (periodCollection[i].p == p.p || p.p % periodCollection[i].p == 0)
                        if (p.st == periodCollection[i].st) return true;
                        if (p.st % p.p == periodCollection[i].st % periodCollection[i].p && p.strlen <= periodCollection[i].strlen)
                            int k=0;
                            for (k = 0; k < p.strlen; k++)
                                if (s[p.st + k] != s[periodCollection[i].st + k]) break;
                            if (k == p.strlen) return true;
                            else continue;
            return false;
예제 #2
        public void Add(CPeriod period)
            if (periodList.ContainsKey(period.p))  // check for stpos redundancy
                SortedList<int, CPeriod> innerList = periodList[period.p];
                List<int> keysToRemove = new List<int>();
                foreach (int sp in innerList.Keys)
                    if (sp <= period.st) continue;
                    /** April 03 2008, 7:25 pm
                     Adding another condition that would check that the new period not only start earlier but also ends later
                     * */
                    if ((sp % period.p == period.st % period.p) &&
                        (period.lastOccur >= periodList[period.p][sp].lastOccur))

                for (int i = 0; i < keysToRemove.Count; i++)

                innerList.Add(period.st, period);
            else                             // check for period value redundancy
                List<int> keysToRemove = new List<int>();
                foreach (int p in periodList.Keys)
                    if (p <= period.p) continue;
                    if (p % period.p == 0)
                        if (periodList[p].ContainsKey(period.st) && periodList[p][period.st].strlen <= period.strlen)
                            if (periodList[p].Count == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < keysToRemove.Count; i++)

                SortedList<int, CPeriod> innerList = new SortedList<int, CPeriod>();
                innerList.Add(period.st, period);
                periodList.Add(period.p, innerList);
예제 #3
            public CPeer(TimeSpan HBRcvDelay_, TimeSpan HBSndDelay_, TLinkFunc LinkFunc_, TLinkFailFunc LinkFailFunc_, TUnLinkFunc UnLinkFunc_, TRecvFunc RecvFunc_)
                _LinkFunc     = LinkFunc_;
                _LinkFailFunc = LinkFailFunc_;
                _UnLinkFunc   = UnLinkFunc_;
                _RecvFunc     = RecvFunc_;

                if (HBRcvDelay_.TotalSeconds > 0.0)
                    _HBRcvPeriod = new CPeriod(HBRcvDelay_ + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 3000));

                if (HBSndDelay_.TotalSeconds > 0.0)
                    _HBSndPeriod = new CPeriod(HBSndDelay_);
예제 #4
파일: Peer.cs 프로젝트: thinking2535/Rso
            public CPeer(Int32 HeaderSize_, TimeSpan HBRcvDelay_, TimeSpan HBSndDelay_, Socket Socket_, CKey Key_, CNamePort NamePort_)
                _RecvBuf    = new Byte[40960];
                _HeaderSize = HeaderSize_;

                if (HBRcvDelay_.TotalSeconds > 0.0)
                    _HBRcvPeriod = new CPeriod(HBRcvDelay_ + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

                if (HBSndDelay_.TotalSeconds > 0.0)
                    _HBSndPeriod = new CPeriod(HBSndDelay_);

                _Socket   = Socket_;
                _Key      = Key_;
                _NamePort = NamePort_;
예제 #5
 public bool Exist(CPeriod p)
     foreach (int i in periodList.Keys)  // 'i' would have existing period values
         if (i > p.p) break;
         if ((p.p % i) == 0)
             foreach (int j in periodList[i].Keys)   // j would have existing stpos
                 if (j > p.st) break;
                 // Nov 5 2007 - Commented and replaced line below to accomodate periodicity within a subsection of series
                 //if (j % i == p.stPos % i || (j+periodList[i][j].length-1) >= p.stPos)
                 if ((periodList[i][j].strlen >= p.strlen && periodList[i][j].lastOccur >= p.st) &&
                     (j % i == p.st % i || (j + periodList[i][j].strlen - 1) >= p.st))
                     return true;
     return false;
예제 #6
        public static void CalculatePeriod(int[] occur, int strlen)
            //occVecAddCount = addPerCount;
            //if (strlen < minPeriod || strlen > maxPeriod) return;
            if (strlen < minStrLen || strlen > maxStrLen) return;
            candPerCount += (occur.Length - 1);
            preCountPerCol = periodCollection.Count;
            int prePer = -5;
            for (int i = 0; i < occur.Length; i++)
                CPeriod p = new CPeriod();
                p.st = occur[i];
                p.count = 0;
                p.lastOccur = p.st;
                p.strlen = strlen;

                if(i < (occur.Length -1))
                    p.p = occur[i + 1] - occur[i];
                    // adding code for dmax, 11th Feb 2009 1:38 pm
                    if (p.p > dmax)
                        int y1 = 0;
                        for (int k = preCountPerCol; k < periodCollection.Count; k++)
                            // new code for A,B,C, i.e., insertion/deletion noise accomodation - 7th Feb 2009, 4:04 am
                            int A1 = occur[i] - periodCollection[k].currSt;
                            double B1 = Math.Round((double)A1 / periodCollection[k].p);
                            int C1 = A1 - (periodCollection[k].p * (int)B1);
                            if (C1 >= (-1 * tolWin) && C1 <= tolWin)
                                if (Math.Round((double)((periodCollection[k].preValidVal - periodCollection[k].currSt) / periodCollection[k].p)) != B1)
                                    periodCollection[k].preValidVal = occur[i];
                                    periodCollection[k].currSt = occur[i];
                                    periodCollection[k].sumP += (periodCollection[k].p + C1);
                                    periodCollection[k].lastOccur = occur[i];
                            // end new code for A,B,C, i.e., insertion/deletion noise accomodation

                            double avgPeriodValue = (double)(periodCollection[k].sumP - periodCollection[k].p) / (periodCollection[k].count - 1);
                            periodCollection[k].avgP = Math.Round(avgPeriodValue, 1);
                            if (((periodCollection[k].lastOccur + periodCollection[k].strlen - periodCollection[k].st) % ((int)Math.Round(avgPeriodValue))) >= periodCollection[k].strlen) y1 = 1; else y1 = 0;
                            periodCollection[k].th = periodCollection[k].count / Math.Floor(((double)(periodCollection[k].lastOccur + periodCollection[k].strlen - periodCollection[k].st) / avgPeriodValue) + y1);
                            if (periodCollection[k].th < minTh || ((periodCollection[k].lastOccur + periodCollection[k].strlen - periodCollection[k].st) < (minLengthSegment * s.Length)))
                        preCountPerCol = periodCollection.Count;
                        /************ may be add code to update prePer ************ Feb 23 2009, 4:28 am */
                        // added code to update prePer, March 3, 2009 1:52 pm
                        prePer = -5;
                        // end added code to update prePer
                    // end code for dmax, 11th Feb 2009 1:38 pmB052436764

                if ( (p.p!= 0) && (prePer != p.p) && (occur[occur.Length-1] +strlen  - p.st) > (minLengthSegment*s.Length) && !AlreadyThere(p) )
                    p.currSt = p.st;    // added for insertion/deletion noise accomodation

                prePer = p.p;

                for (int j = preCountPerCol; j < periodCollection.Count; j++)
                    // new code for A,B,C, i.e., insertion/deletion noise accomodation - 7th Feb 2009, 4:04 am
                    int A = occur[i] - periodCollection[j].currSt;
                    double B = Math.Round((double)A / periodCollection[j].p);
                    int C = A - (periodCollection[j].p * (int)B);
                    if (C >= (-1 * tolWin) && C <= tolWin)
                        if (Math.Round((double)((periodCollection[j].preValidVal - periodCollection[j].currSt) / periodCollection[j].p)) != B)
                            periodCollection[j].preValidVal = occur[i];
                            periodCollection[j].currSt = occur[i];
                            periodCollection[j].sumP += (periodCollection[j].p + C);
                            periodCollection[j].lastOccur = occur[i];

                    // end new code for A,B,C, i.e., insertion/deletion noise accomodation
                    /********* Commenting code working prior to adding A,B,C stuff
                    if ((periodCollection[j].st % periodCollection[j].p) == (p.st % periodCollection[j].p))
                        periodCollection[j].lastOccur = occur[i];
                    ****** End commenting code working prior to A,B,C stuff*/
            //Console.WriteLine("Occ Vector Length =\t\t" + occur.Length);
            //Console.WriteLine("Occ Vector Added Period Count =\t" + (addPerCount - occVecAddCount));
            int y = 0;
            for (int i = preCountPerCol; i < periodCollection.Count; i++)
                //if (((p.endPos + p.length - p.stPos) % ((int)Math.Round(p.avgPeriodValue))) >= e.value) y = 1; else y = 0;
                //double th1 = p.foundPosCount / Math.Floor(((double)(p.endPos + p.length - p.stPos) / p.avgPeriodValue) + y);

                double avgPeriodValue = (double) (periodCollection[i].sumP - periodCollection[i].p) / (periodCollection[i].count - 1);
                periodCollection[i].avgP = Math.Round(avgPeriodValue, 1);
                if (((periodCollection[i].lastOccur + periodCollection[i].strlen - periodCollection[i].st) % ((int)Math.Round(avgPeriodValue))) >= periodCollection[i].strlen) y = 1; else y = 0;
                periodCollection[i].th = periodCollection[i].count / Math.Floor(((double)(periodCollection[i].lastOccur + periodCollection[i].strlen - periodCollection[i].st) / avgPeriodValue) + y);
                if (periodCollection[i].th < minTh || ((periodCollection[i].lastOccur + periodCollection[i].strlen  - periodCollection[i].st) < (minLengthSegment * s.Length)))