protected override void PaintHook() { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. int num4; uint num = 0x9279d61e; º, Ôë(base.G, åG¿îÛ(0x16, 0x16, 0x16)); Label_0026: num4 = -1601247722; Label_0031 :; int num5 = 0x333599b; switch ((((--((num5 - ((~~0x4155dd01 * 0x13e608ab) + (((0x293a58b5 ^ 0x20efb25a) + ~-757095434) + ((-713715017 - -517027700) ^ (0x77f04f5d ^ -1637787795))))) - (~-332424060 - (--1120160518 ^ (0x5e3fd9e1 * 0x87904c9)))) ^ -1159655941) + num4) >> 0x10)) { case 0: goto Label_0026; case 1: Zn - (base.G, ! Xg(åG¿îÛ(12, 12, 12)), new Rectangle(0, 0, ((int)*?()) - 1, ((int)*?()) - 1)); num4 = (int)(num ^ InternalSerializerTypeE.SoapOption); goto Label_0031; case 2: goto Label_0156; } goto Label_01A3; Ç = (this, *CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[200]()); num4 = (int)(num ^ InternalSerializerTypeE.XmlToFieldTypeMap); goto Label_0031; }
internal static void Main(string[] Args) { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. int num4; Label_0007: num4 = 0x6c37d369; Label_0012:; int num5 = -2133525003; switch (((-((-1058148718 + 0x7186d8b3) - (((num5 ^ ((~(0x18c62c17 * 0x2192cd61) + ((-1158609529 * 0x1109cae1) - (0x6ac4f1ff - 0x47463bb0))) + ((0x17b3ee96 - (-275580694 + 0x4c014452)) + -~-1406599499))) - (0x4df5ac9 * 0x4b9de802)) + ((-100754499 ^ -298655188) - --1405611537))) + num4) % 4)) { case 0: goto Label_0007; case 1: goto Label_010D; case 3: *CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[10](*CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[9]()); num4 = (int)StringSplitOptions[0]; goto Label_0012; } goto Label_014E; *?(Args); num4 = (int)StringSplitOptions[1]; goto Label_0012; }
public NYX_Button() { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. int num4; uint num = 0x6fef3a58; Label_000C: num4 = 0x1676893a; Label_0017:; int num5 = 0x7c9d8fa9; switch (((((-(-num5 + ((-1301982077 * ~0x1a05ebfa) - (0x682178ef - (0x71fc3510 ^ 0x8a03b7a)))) - (-1681631303 * 0x1ec2ba93)) ^ 0x56efbdf) + num4) % 3)) { case 1: this.Cursor = (Cursor) *CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[0x5c](); num4 = (int) (num ^ InternalSerializerTypeE.StaticArrayInitTypeSize=392); goto Label_0017; case 2: goto Label_000C; } goto Label_00CC; *?(new Size(100, 0x19)); this.Font = (Font) ·)©ê("Arial", 8f);
protected override void ColorHook() { this.Base.ForeColor = (System.Drawing.Color) * CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[0xcd](); this.Base.BackColor = åG¿îÛ(12, 12, 12); }
protected override void ColorHook() { base.TransparencyKey = (System.Drawing.Color) *CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[0x23](); }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. uint num3; int num6; Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) áéCks((int) *?(), (int) *?()); Graphics graphics = (Graphics) &é(bitmap); try { *?().BackColor = this.BackColor; } catch (Exception exception1) { SerializationObjectManager.Object.StackFrameHelper(exception1); ¯3U(); } º,Ôë(graphics, this.BackColor); Label_007D: num6 = -1873864115; Label_0089:; int num7 = -1100656198; int num5 = 0x4d2; switch (((((~num7 + ~0x3b67fb84) - -1769943795) + num6) >> 0x10)) { case 0: goto Label_06D0; case 1: { int num = ((int) *?()) - 1; num6 = (int) (num3 ^ InternalSerializerTypeE.IContextPropertyActivator); goto Label_0089; } case 2: goto Label_064E; case 3: goto Label_0B49; case 4: goto Label_07AE; case 5: goto Label_0DDB; case 6: goto Label_0C56; case 7: goto Label_05A0; case 8: goto Label_068C; case 9: goto Label_0D4F; case 10: goto Label_007D; case 11: goto Label_0E97; case 12: goto Label_0207; case 13: goto Label_03F2; case 14: goto Label_01D1; case 15: goto Label_0ED7; case 0x10: goto Label_0A44; case 0x11: goto Label_060B; case 0x12: goto Label_0338; case 0x13: goto Label_053A; case 0x15: goto Label_0231; case 0x16: goto Label_0C29; } goto Label_0F17; int num2 = 0; num6 = (int) Shit.My.MyApplication.StringSplitOptions[0x1a1]; goto Label_0089; num6 = 0x305989d1; goto Label_0089; num5 = 0x4d2; num5 = 0x4d2; num6 = 0x7b206302; goto Label_0089; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(((int) *?()) - 2, (int) *?(), (int) *?(), ((int) *?()) - 2); num6 = (int) (num3 ^ InternalSerializerTypeE.XmlToFieldTypeMap); goto Label_0089; Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle(((int) *?()) - 2, (int) *?(), (int) *?(), ((int) *?()) - 1); Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle(((int) *?()) - 2, (int) *?(), (int) *?(), (int) *?()); num6 = (int) Shit.My.MyApplication.StringSplitOptions[0x1a2]; goto Label_0089; LinearGradientBrush brush = (LinearGradientBrush) >óù(rectangle2, åô(10, 0, 0, 0), åG¿îÛ(0x23, 0x23, 0x23), 90f); num6 = (int) Shit.My.MyApplication.StringSplitOptions[0x1a3]; goto Label_0089; HatchBrush brush2 = (HatchBrush) ßùDb(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, ²âÏÓ(10, (System.Drawing.Color) *CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[100]()), (System.Drawing.Color) *CONSOLESCREENBUFFERINFO[0x24]()); num6 = (int) Shit.My.MyApplication.StringSplitOptions[420]; goto Label_0089; Zn-(graphics, brush2, rectangle2); num6 = (int) Shit.My.MyApplication.StringSplitOptions[0x1a5]; goto Label_0089; µ³´(brush2); num6 = (int) (num3 ^ InternalSerializerTypeE.RemotingConfiguration); goto Label_0089; Zn-(graphics, brush, rectangle2); num6 = (int) (num3 ^ InternalSerializerTypeE.FormatterConverter); goto Label_0089; µ³´(brush);