public static void Print(CMS_OrderModels modelOrder, string path) { try { PrintFromHTML(modelOrder, path); } catch (Exception ex) { }; }
public ActionResult LoadOrderDetail(string OrderID) { try { var model = new CMS_OrderModels(); model = _facOrder.GetDetailOrder(OrderID); return(PartialView("_OrderDetail", model)); } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("GetOrderDetail", ex); return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, ex.Message)); } }
public void PrintManual(CMS_OrderModels modelOrder) { //PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); //document.Info.Author = "Quang Tran TP"; //document.Info.Keywords = "Lamode"; //PdfPage page = document.AddPage(); //page.Size = PageSize.A4; //// Obtain an XGraphics object to render to //XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); //// Create a font //double fontHeight = 36; //XFont font = new XFont("Times New Roman", fontHeight, XFontStyle.BoldItalic); //// Get the centre of the page //double y = page.Height / 2; //int lineCount = 0; //double linePadding = 10; //// Create a rectangle to draw the text in and draw in it //XRect rect = new XRect(0, y, page.Width, fontHeight); //gfx.DrawString("Hello, World! ", font, // XBrushes.Black, rect, XStringFormats.Center); //lineCount++; //y += fontHeight; //rect = new XRect(0, y, page.Width, fontHeight); //gfx.DrawString("This is not" + // " auto-wrap when the edge of the page is reached", // font, XBrushes.Black, // rect, XStringFormats.TopLeft); //lineCount++; //y += fontHeight; //double topY = y - (lineCount * fontHeight) - linePadding; //// Draw a line below the text //gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Black, 0, y, page.Width, y + linePadding); //// Draw a line above the text //gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Black, 0, topY, page.Width, topY); //// Save and show the document //document.Save("C:\\Users\\NoName\\Desktop\\a.pdf"); //Process.Start("C:\\Users\\NoName\\Desktop\\a.pdf"); }
public JsonResult getDetail(string id) { var model = new CMS_OrderModels(); try { model = _fac.GetDetailOrder(id); if (model != null) { model.sCreatedDate = model.CreatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt"); } } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("getDetail_Order:", ex); } return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public static void PrintFromHTML(CMS_OrderModels modelOrder, string path) { var body = CommonHelper.CreateBodyMail(modelOrder); HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(); converter.Options.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A5; converter.Options.WebPageWidth = 650; converter.Options.WebPageHeight = 0; // convert the url to pdf SelectPdf.PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(body); // save pdf document doc.Save(path); // close pdf document doc.Close(); }
public ActionResult Print(string Id) { var model = new CMS_OrderModels(); var pathReceipt = Commons._PublicImages + "Receipt/" + Id + ".pdf"; try { model = _fac.GetDetailOrder(Id); if (model != null) { model.sCreatedDate = model.CreatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt"); } var path = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/Receipt/" + model.Id + ".pdf"); PrintHelper.Print(model, path); } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("getDetail_Order:", ex); } return(Redirect(pathReceipt)); //return View("Print", model); }
public static string CreateBodyMail(CMS_OrderModels model) { string body = string.Empty; try { body += "<div class='payment-order' style = 'margin: 50px 50px 50px 50px;'>"; body += "<h3 style = 'text-align: center'>Mã đơn hàng: <b style='color: #ff0000;'>#" + model.OrderNo + "</b></h3>"; body += "<p><b>Ngày đặt:</b> <i>" + model.CreatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt") + "</i></p>"; body += "<p><b>Tên khách hàng:</b> <i>" + model.CustomerName + "</i></p>"; body += "<p><b>Số điện thoại:</b> <i>" + model.Phone + "</i></p>"; body += "<p><b>Email:</b> <i>" + model.Email + "</i></p>"; body += "<p><b>Địa chỉ:</b> <i>" + model.Address + "</i></p>"; body += "<h1 class='page-heading' style= 'font-size: 16px;color: #958457;margin-bottom: 5px;'>Thông tin đơn hàng</h1>"; body += "<table class='table' style='width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px;max-width: 100%;border-collapse: collapse;border-spacing: 0;'>"; body += "<thead style='background-color: #a0ca50 !important;color:#FFF'>"; body += "<tr>"; body += "<th style='padding: 15px;vertical-align: bottom;border-bottom: 2px solid #e7ecf1;line-height: 1.42857;'>STT</th>"; body += "<th style='padding: 15px;vertical-align: bottom;border-bottom: 2px solid #e7ecf1;line-height: 1.42857;'>SẢN PHẨM</th>"; body += "<th style='padding: 15px;vertical-align: bottom;border-bottom: 2px solid #e7ecf1;line-height: 1.42857;'>GIÁ</th>"; body += "<th style='padding: 15px;vertical-align: bottom;border-bottom: 2px solid #e7ecf1;line-height: 1.42857;'>SL</th>"; body += "<th style='padding: 15px;vertical-align: bottom;border-bottom: 2px solid #e7ecf1;line-height: 1.42857;'>T.TIỀN</th>"; body += "</tr>"; body += "</thead>"; body += " <tbody>"; if (model.Items != null && model.Items.Any()) { var Index = 1; foreach (var item in model.Items) { body += "<tr>"; body += " <td style='padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align:center;'>" + Index + "</td>"; body += "<td style='padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align:left;'>"; body += "<span>" + item.ProductName + "</span>"; body += " <p class='note'></p>"; body += "</td>"; body += "<td style='padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align:center;'>" + item.Price.ToString("#,0") + "đ</td>"; body += "<td style='padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align:center;'>" + item.Quantity + "</td>"; body += "<td style='padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align:right;'>" + item.TotalPrice.ToString("#,0") + "đ</td>"; body += "</tr>"; Index = Index + 1; } } body += "</tbody>"; body += "<tfoot>"; body += "<tr>"; body += "<td colspan='4' class='label-payment' style='text-transform: uppercase;padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align: right;!important;'><b>Thành tiền</b></td>"; body += "<td class='total-payment text-center' style='color: #ff0000;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1; padding: 8px; text-align:right'>" + model.SubTotal.Value.ToString("#,0") + "đ</td>"; body += "</tr>"; if (model.TotalDiscount > 0) { body += "<tr>"; body += "<td colspan='4' class='label-payment' style='text-transform: uppercase;padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align: right;!important;'><b>Khuyến mãi</b></td>"; body += "<td class='total-payment text-center' style='color: #ff0000;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1; padding: 8px; text-align:right'>" + model.TotalDiscount.Value.ToString("#,0") + "đ</td>"; body += "</tr>"; } if (model.TotalBill != model.SubTotal) { body += "<tr>"; body += "<td colspan='4' class='label-payment' style='text-transform: uppercase;padding: 8px;line-height: 1.42857;vertical-align: top;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align: right;!important;'><b>Tiền cần thanh toán</b></td>"; body += "<td class='total-payment' style='color: #ff0000;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1; padding: 8px; text-align:right'>" + model.TotalBill.Value.ToString("#,0") + "đ</td>"; body += "</tr>"; } body += "</tfoot>"; body += "</table>"; body += "<p><b>Địa chỉ:</b> <i>181 / 29 Âu Dương Lân, P.2, Q.8, HCM</i></p>"; body += "<p><b>Số điện thoại:</b> <i>(+84) 0993.5555.99</i></p>"; body += "<p><b>Facebook:</b> <i></i></p>"; body += "<p style='color: #ff0000;border-top: 1px solid #e7ecf1;text-align:center'><i>Lamode xin cảm ơn quý khách đã tin tưởng và ủng hộ!</i></p>"; body += "<div style = 'margin: auto; width: 50%'>"; body += "<img class='img1' src='' alt='logo' style = 'display: block; margin - left: auto; margin - right: auto;'/>"; body += "</div>"; body += "<br clear=\"all\">"; body += "</div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { } return(body); }
public ActionResult CheckOut(CMS_CheckOutModels model) { try { var _Orders = GetListOrderCookie(); NSLog.Logger.Info("List Order Cookie", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_Orders)); if (_Orders != null && _Orders.Any()) { var ItemIds = _Orders.Select(x => x.ItemId).ToList(); var data = _fac.GetList().Where(o => ItemIds.Contains(o.Id)) .Select(o => new CMS_ItemModels { Price = o.ProductPrice, ProductID = o.Id, ProductName = o.ProductName, Quantity = o.Quantity }).ToList(); if (data != null && data.Any()) { data.ForEach(o => { var item = _Orders.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ItemId.Equals(o.ProductID)); o.Quantity = item.Quantity; o.TotalPrice = Convert.ToDouble(o.Price * item.Quantity); }); model.ListItem = data; model.TotalPrice = data.Sum(o => o.TotalPrice); model.SubTotalPrice = data.Sum(o => o.TotalPrice); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DiscountID)) { model.ListItem.Add(new CMS_ItemModels { DiscountID = model.DiscountID, DiscountType = model.DiscountType, DiscountValue = model.DiscountValue }); if (model.DiscountType == (byte)CMS_Common.Commons.EValueType.Percent) { model.TotalDiscount = CommonHelper.RoundingOption4(model.TotalPrice * (model.DiscountValue / 100)); } else { model.TotalDiscount = model.DiscountValue; } model.TotalPrice = CommonHelper.RoundingOption4(model.TotalPrice - model.TotalDiscount); } } var OrderId = string.Empty; var result = _facOrder.CreateOrder(model, ref OrderId); if (result) { //get info order if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderId)) { var modelOrder = new CMS_OrderModels(); modelOrder = _facOrder.GetDetailOrder(OrderId); //body mail var body = CommonHelper.CreateBodyMail(modelOrder); var subject = "[V/v đơn hàng " + modelOrder.OrderNo + "]"; //Send to admin CommonHelper.SendContentMail(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LamodeMail"], body, "", subject, "", ""); //Send to customer CommonHelper.SendContentMail(modelOrder.Email, body, "", subject, "", ""); } HttpCookie currentUserCookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["cms-order"]; HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Remove("cms-order"); currentUserCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10); currentUserCookie.Value = null; HttpContext.Response.SetCookie(currentUserCookie); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { model.IsError = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("CheckOut", ex); } return(View(model)); }
public CMS_OrderModels GetDetailOrder(string OrderId) { var data = new CMS_OrderModels(); try { NSLog.Logger.Info("GetDetailOrder_Request : ", OrderId); using (var db = new CMS_Context()) { data = db.CMS_Order.GroupJoin(db.CMS_OrderDetail, o => o.ID, d => d.OrderID, (o, d) => new { o, d }) .GroupJoin(db.CMS_Customer, o => o.o.CustomerID, c => c.ID, (o, c) => new { o = o.o, d = o.d, c }) .Where(o => o.o.ID.Equals(OrderId)) .Select(r => new CMS_OrderModels { CreatedDate = r.o.CreatedDate, CustomerId = r.o.CustomerID, CustomerName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.o.CustomerID) ? "" : r.c.Select(x => x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName).FirstOrDefault(), OrderNo = r.o.OrderNo, Id = r.o.ID, Phone = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.o.CustomerID) ? "" : r.c.Select(x => x.Phone).FirstOrDefault(), TotalBill = r.o.TotalBill, SubTotal = r.o.SubTotal, TotalDiscount = r.o.TotalDiscount, City = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.o.CustomerID) ? "" : r.c.Select(x => x.HomeCity).FirstOrDefault(), Country = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.o.CustomerID) ? "" : r.c.Select(x => x.HomeCountry).FirstOrDefault(), Email = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.o.CustomerID) ? "" : r.c.Select(x => x.Email).FirstOrDefault(), PostCode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.o.CustomerID) ? "" : r.c.Select(x => x.HomeZipCode).FirstOrDefault(), Description = r.d.Select(x => x.Description).FirstOrDefault(), Address = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.o.CustomerID) ? "" : r.c.Select(x => x.HomeStreet).FirstOrDefault(), Items = r.d.Select(x => new CMS_ItemModels { Price = x.Price.HasValue ? x.Price.Value : 0, ProductID = x.ProductID, ProductName = x.CMS_Products.Name, Quantity = x.Quantity.HasValue ? (double)x.Quantity.Value : 0, TotalPrice = (x.Price.Value * (double)x.Quantity.Value), DiscountID = x.DiscountID, DiscountType = x.DiscountType, DiscountValue = (float)x.DiscountValue, Description = x.Description, EmployeeID = x.EmployeeID, EmployeeName = x.CMS_Employees != null ? x.CMS_Employees.Name : "", }).ToList() }).FirstOrDefault(); //var listEmployeeID = data.Items.Select(o => o.EmployeeID).ToList(); //var listEmp = db.CMS_Employee.Where(o => listEmployeeID.Contains(o.ID)).ToList(); //data.Items.ForEach(o => //{ // o.EmployeeName = listEmp.Where(e => e.ID == o.EmployeeID).Select(e => e.Name).FirstOrDefault(); //}); NSLog.Logger.Info("GetDetailOrder_Response : ", data); } } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.Logger.Error("GetDetailOrder :", ex); } return(data); }