private void bindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataGridView da = new DataGridView(); if (CMND.ToString().Trim().Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Chứng minh nhân dân đã tồn tại!", "Khach Hang", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else if (DienThoai.ToString().Trim().Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Điện thoại đã tồn tại!", "Khach Hang", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { DataRow row = ctrl.NewRow(); row["MaKhachHang"] = ""; row["TenKhachHang"] = ""; row["CMND"] = ""; row["GioiTinh"] = ""; row["DiaChi"] = ""; row["DienThoai"] = 0; row["QuocTich"] = ""; ctrl.Add(row); bindingNavigator1.BindingSource.MoveLast(); //MaKhachHang.Focus(); } }
public CMND getInfo(string SOCMND) { CMND cmnd = null; try { SqlDataReader read = Reader("select NGAY_CAP,NOI_CAP from SO_CMND where CMND='" + SOCMND + "'"); while (read.Read()) { cmnd = new CMND(); cmnd.NgayCap = read.GetDateTime(0); cmnd.NoiCap = read.GetString(1); break; } read.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } con.Close(); return(cmnd); }
private void Add_DoanVien_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Add = true; Add_DoanVien.IsEnabled = false; Mod_DoanVien.IsEnabled = false; SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data source = QuanLyDoanVien.db"); SQLiteCommand sqlite_com = new SQLiteCommand(); sqlite_conn.Open(); sqlite_com = sqlite_conn.CreateCommand(); sqlite_com.CommandText = "SELECT Max(ID) FROM DoanVien"; MaDoanVien.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(sqlite_com.ExecuteScalar()) + 1).ToString(); HoVaTen.IsEnabled = NgaySinh.IsEnabled = QueQuan.IsEnabled = GioiTinh.IsEnabled = ChiDoan.IsEnabled = ChucVu.IsEnabled = ToDanPho.IsEnabled = PhuongXa.IsEnabled = QuanHuyen.IsEnabled = TinhThanh.IsEnabled = NgayVaoDang.IsEnabled = NgayVaoDoan.IsEnabled = TinhTrang.IsEnabled = CMND.IsEnabled = Email.IsEnabled = DienThoai.IsEnabled = DanToc.IsEnabled = TonGiao.IsEnabled = HoanCanh.IsEnabled = TrinhDo.IsEnabled = true; HoVaTen.Clear(); NgaySinh.Clear(); QueQuan.Clear(); GioiTinh.Clear(); ChiDoan.Clear(); ChucVu.Clear(); ToDanPho.Clear(); PhuongXa.Clear(); QuanHuyen.Clear(); TinhThanh.Clear(); NgayVaoDang.Clear(); NgayVaoDoan.Clear(); TinhTrang.Clear(); CMND.Clear(); Email.Clear(); DienThoai.Clear(); DanToc.Clear(); TonGiao.Clear(); HoanCanh.Clear(); TrinhDo.Clear(); }
public bool create(CMND entity) { try { string sqlString = "INSERT INTO CMNDs VALUES ('" + entity.MaSo + "','" + entity.NgayCap.ToShortDateString() + "',N'" + entity.NoiCap + "')"; return(db.MyExecuteNonQuery(sqlString, CommandType.Text)); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi create CMND + " + e.Message); return(false); } }
public bool edit(CMND enitity) { try { string sqlString = " UPDATE CMNDs " + " SET MaSo = '" + enitity.MaSo + "'" + ",NgayCap = '" + enitity.NgayCap.ToShortDateString() + "'" + ",NoiCap = N'" + enitity.NoiCap + "' " + "WHERE MaCD = '" + enitity.MaSo + "'"; return(db.MyExecuteNonQuery(sqlString, CommandType.Text)); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi edit CMND + " + e.Message); return(false); } }
public CMND findById(string id) { try { string sqlString = "select * from CMNDs where MaSo = " + id + ""; DataSet ds = db.ExecuteQueryDataSet(sqlString, CommandType.Text); CMND cmnd = new CMND() { MaSo = (string)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0], NgayCap = (DateTime)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1], NoiCap = (string)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[2], }; return(cmnd); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi findById CMND + " + e.Message); return(null); } }
public CMND getLast() { try { string sqlString = "select * from CMNDs "; DataSet ds = db.ExecuteQueryDataSet(sqlString, CommandType.Text); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; List <CMND> CMNDs = new List <CMND>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { CMND cmnd = findById((string)dr.ItemArray[0]); CMNDs.Add(cmnd); } return(CMNDs.LastOrDefault()); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi getLast CMND + " + e.Message); return(null); } }
public bool taoCMND(string maCD, string tonGiao, string hinhAnh, string so, DateTime ngayCap, string noiCap) { CMND cmnd = new CMND(so, ngayCap, noiCap); if (cmndDAO.create(cmnd)) { CongDan congDan = congDanController.layCongDanBangMaCD(maCD); if (congDan != null) { congDan.HinhAnh = hinhAnh; congDan.soCMND = so; congDan.TonGiao = tonGiao; if (congDanController.chinhSuaCongDan(congDan)) { MessageBox.Show("Sửa CMND công dân thành công"); return(true); } } MessageBox.Show("Lỗi sửa CMND công dân"); xoaCMND(cmnd); } return(false); }
public int Insert(CMND cmnd) { return(ExecuteUpdate("insert into SO_CMND values('" + cmnd.SOCMND + "','" + cmnd.NgayCap.ToString() + "',N'" + cmnd.NoiCap + "')")); }
public int Edit(CMND cmnd, string CMNDCU, string MaHS) { return(ExecuteUpdate("EditCMND", System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, new SqlParameter("@CMNDCU", CMNDCU), new SqlParameter("@CMND", cmnd.SOCMND), new SqlParameter("@NGAY_CAP", cmnd.NgayCap), new SqlParameter("@NOI_CAP", cmnd.NoiCap), new SqlParameter("@MaHS", MaHS))); }
/// <summary> /// Write value in DM /// </summary> /// <param name="S_ip">Source IP: Ip of the PC</param> /// <param name="S_port">Source Port: Port of the PC (9600)</param> /// <param name="D_ip">Destination IP: IP of the PLC</param> /// <param name="D_port">Destination Port: Port of the PLC (UDP Port default: 9600)</param> /// <param name="dmnum">DM Position: (DM100)</param> /// <param name="value">Value of the DM</param> /// <returns>True if there aren't error </returns> public bool WriteDM(string S_ip, int S_port, string D_ip, int D_port, int dmnum, int value) { int X, CmdLength, Cnt = 0, retval; byte[] ByteArray = new byte[17]; byte[] myByte = new byte[1024]; string Header, tmp1, CMND; IPAddress Remote_IP, Local_IP; IPEndPoint Remote_IPEndPoint, Local_IPEndPoint; EndPoint Remote_EndPoint; Socket Ethernet_Socket; Random rnd = new Random(); string SID = rnd.Next(1, 99).ToString("00"); string[] D_parts = D_ip.Split('.'); int D_fin = Convert.ToInt16(D_parts[3]); string DA1 = D_fin.ToString("x2").ToUpper(); if (Global.settings.DA1 != DA1) { throw new Exception("configurazione di comunicazione errata (DNA) " + Global.settings.DNA + " <> " + DA1); } string[] S_parts = S_ip.Split('.'); int S_fin = Convert.ToInt16(S_parts[3]); string SA1 = S_fin.ToString("x2").ToUpper(); if (Global.settings.SA1 != SA1) { throw new Exception("configurazione di comunicazione errata (SNA) " + Global.settings.SNA + " <> " + SA1); } Header = Global.settings.ICF + Global.settings.RSV + Global.settings.GCT + Global.settings.DNA + Global.settings.DA1 + Global.settings.DA2 + Global.settings.SNA + Global.settings.SA1 + Global.settings.SA2 + SID; if (DEBUGMODE) { Console.WriteLine("Header : " + Header); } string cmd_write = "0102"; string cmd_DM = "82"; //string cmd_startaddress = "0064"; string cmd_byteempty = "00"; string cmd_wordnumber = "0001"; //string cmd_value = "0003"; string cmd_startaddress = dmnum.ToString("x4"); string cmd_value = value.ToString("x4"); CMND = Header + cmd_write + cmd_DM + cmd_startaddress + cmd_byteempty + cmd_wordnumber + cmd_value; if (DEBUGMODE) { Console.WriteLine("CMD : " + CMND); } //'txtSend.Text = "" CmdLength = CMND.Length; ByteArray = new byte[CmdLength / 2]; for (X = 0; X < CmdLength; X += 2) { tmp1 = CMND.Substring(X, 2); ByteArray[Cnt] = Convert.ToByte(tmp1, 16); Cnt += 1; } if (DEBUGMODE) { Console.WriteLine("txtSend : " + ToHex(ByteArray)); } try { Local_IP = IPAddress.Parse(S_ip); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("invalid local IP address \r\n" + e); } try { Remote_IP = IPAddress.Parse(D_ip); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("invalid PLC IP address \r\n" + e); } Remote_IPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Remote_IP, D_port); Remote_EndPoint = (EndPoint)Remote_IPEndPoint; Local_IPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Local_IP, S_port); Ethernet_Socket = new Socket(Local_IPEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); if (Ethernet_Socket != null) { Ethernet_Socket.SendTo(ByteArray, Remote_EndPoint); //send FINS cmd Ethernet_Socket.ReceiveTimeout = 200; try { retval = Ethernet_Socket.ReceiveFrom(myByte, ref Remote_EndPoint); //recv from socket return(WriteDM_Received_Data(myByte, retval, SID)); //call sub to process byte array } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("No response from PLC \r\n\r\n" + e); } } return(false); }
public bool xoaCMND(CMND cmnd) { return(cmndDAO.delete(cmnd.MaSo)); }