예제 #1
//                                                              LinkToUserData

 *   LinkToUserData() inserts a link from the static installation INI file to
 *   the editable user configuration file. The [AppInstall] section is a
 *   predetermined name which is required by this deployment application in
 *   order to function correctly.
        private void LinkToUserData()
            CLibIniFile oStaticIni;

            oStaticIni = new CLibIniFile(mstrSoftware, mstrIni);
            oStaticIni.SetString(EnumSections.AppInstall, EnumKeys.UserData, mstrData);
            oStaticIni.SetString(EnumSections.AppInstall, EnumKeys.Version, mstrVersion);
// Check if only allowing the current user to run the application
            if (rbPrivate.Checked)
                oStaticIni.SetString(EnumSections.AppInstall, EnumKeys.Account, mstrAccount);
                oStaticIni.SetString(EnumSections.AppInstall, EnumKeys.Account, "");
예제 #2
//                                                             DoSelectFolders
        private void DoSelectFolders()
            string strAppend;

// Set up form
            btnInstall.Enabled = true;
// Load deployment configuration
            moDeployIni = new CLibIniFile(mstrWorking, "Deployment.ini");
            mstrManufac = moDeployIni.GetString(EnumSections.Target, EnumKeys.Manufacturer);
            mstrProduct = moDeployIni.GetString(EnumSections.Target, EnumKeys.Product);
            mstrVersion = moDeployIni.GetString(EnumSections.Target, EnumKeys.Version);
            mstrIni     = moDeployIni.GetString(EnumSections.Target, EnumKeys.Ini);
            mstrDeploy  = moDeployIni.GetString(EnumSections.Target, EnumKeys.DeployUsing);
// Append manufacturer and product
            strAppend     = $"\\{mstrManufac}\\{mstrProduct}";
            mstrCommon   += strAppend;
            mstrPrivate  += strAppend;
            mstrSoftware += strAppend;
// Assign software product details to visible controls
            tbTitle.Text   = "Install " + moDeployIni.GetString(EnumSections.Target, EnumKeys.Title);
            tbVersion.Text = "Version " + mstrVersion;
// Display OS environment