예제 #1
        /// <summary>Casts a spell on the MostFocused Target (used for smite healing with disc priest mainly)</summary>
        /// <param name="name">the name of the spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The on Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="checkmovement">checks movement </param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <param name="faceTarget">true if you want to auto face target</param>
        /// <returns>The cast spell at location.</returns>
        public static Composite CastSpellOnTargetFacing(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, bool checkmovement, string label, bool faceTarget)
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a)
                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;

                    if (!Spell.CanCast(name, onUnit(a), true, checkmovement)) return false; //This is checking spell, unit, Range, Movement

                    return onUnit(a) != null;
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))),
                new Decorator(x => faceTarget && !StyxWoW.Me.IsSafelyFacing(onUnit(x), 45f), new Action(a => WoWMovement.Face(onUnit(a).Guid))),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(name, onUnit(a)))));
예제 #2
        // TODO: Check if we have an obstacle in our way and clear it ALSO need a mounted CHECK!!.
        private static Composite MovingFacingBehavior(CLU.UnitSelection onUnit)
            var badStuff = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(false, false).Where(q => q.CreatedByUnitGuid != Me.Guid && q.FactionId == 14 && !q.Attackable && q.Distance < 8).OrderBy(u => u.DistanceSqr).FirstOrDefault();
            return new Sequence(
                // No Target?
                // Targeting Enabled?
                // Aquire Target
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => (onUnit == null || onUnit(ret) == null || onUnit(ret).IsDead || onUnit(ret).IsFriendly) && CLUSettings.Instance.EnableTargeting,
                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                ctx =>
                                                    // Clear our current target if its Dead or is Friendly.
                                                    if (ctx != null && (onUnit(ctx).IsDead || onUnit(ctx).IsFriendly))
                                                        CLULogger.TroubleshootLog(" Target Appears to be dead or a Friendly. Clearing Current Target [" + CLULogger.SafeName((WoWUnit)ctx) + "]");

                                                    // Aquires a target.
                                                    if (Unit.EnsureUnitTargeted != null)
                                                        // Clear our current target if its blacklisted.
                                                        if (Blacklist.Contains(Unit.EnsureUnitTargeted.Guid) || Unit.EnsureUnitTargeted.IsDead)
                                                            CLULogger.TroubleshootLog(" EnsureUnitTargeted Appears to be dead or Blacklisted. Clearing Current Target [" + CLULogger.SafeName(Unit.EnsureUnitTargeted) + "]");

                                                        return Unit.EnsureUnitTargeted;

                                                    return null ;
                                                new Decorator(
                                                    ret => ret != null, //checks that the above ctx returned a valid target.
                                                    new Sequence(
                                                        //new Action(ret => SysLog.DiagnosticLog(" CLU targeting activated. Targeting " + SysLog.SafeName((WoWUnit)ret))),
                                                        // pending spells like mage blizard cause targeting to fail.
                                                        //new DecoratorContinue(ctx => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell != null,
                                                        //        new Action(ctx => Lua.DoString("SpellStopTargeting()"))),
                                                        new Action(ret => ((WoWUnit)ret).Target()),
                                                        new WaitContinue(2, ret => onUnit(ret) != null && onUnit(ret) == (WoWUnit)ret, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()))))),

                        // Are we Facing the target?
                        // Is the Target in line of site?
                        // Face Target
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => onUnit(ret) != null && !StyxWoW.Me.IsSafelyFacing(onUnit(ret), 45f) && onUnit(ret).InLineOfSight,
                                             new Sequence(
                                                 new Action(ret => WoWMovement.Face(onUnit(ret).Guid)))),

                        // Target in Line of site?
                        // We are not casting?
                        // We are not channeling?
                        // Move to Location
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => onUnit(ret) != null && !onUnit(ret).InLineOfSight && !Me.IsCasting && !Spell.PlayerIsChanneling,
                                             new Sequence(
                                                 new Action(ret => CLULogger.MovementLog(" [CLU Movement] Target not in LoS. Moving closer.")),
                                                 new Action(ret => Navigator.MoveTo(onUnit(ret).Location)))),

                       // Blacklist targets TODO:  check this.
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => onUnit(ret) != null && !Me.IsInInstance && Navigator.GeneratePath(Me.Location, onUnit(ret).Location).Length <= 0,
                                             new Action(delegate
                                                            Blacklist.Add(Me.CurrentTargetGuid, TimeSpan.FromDays(365));
                                                            CLULogger.MovementLog("[CLU] " + CLU.Version + ": Failed to generate path to: {0} blacklisted!", Me.CurrentTarget.Name);
                                                            return RunStatus.Success;
                       // Move away from bad stuff
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => badStuff != null,
                                            new Sequence(
                                                new Action(ret => CLULogger.MovementLog("[CLU Movement] Movin out of bad Stuff.")),
                                                new Action(ret =>
                                                                   if (badStuff != null)
                                                                       CLULogger.MovementLog("[CLU Movement] Movin out of {0}.", badStuff);
                                                                       Navigator.MoveTo(WoWMovement.CalculatePointFrom(badStuff.Location, 10));
                        // Move Behind Target enabled?
                        // Target is Alive?
                        // Target is not Moving?
                        // Are we behind the target?
                        // We are not casting?
                        // We are not the tank?
                        // We are not channeling?
                        // Move Behind Target
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => CLUSettings.Instance.EnableMoveBehindTarget && onUnit(ret) != null && onUnit(ret) != StyxWoW.Me && // && !onUnit(ret).IsMoving
                                             onUnit(ret).InLineOfSight && onUnit(ret).IsAlive && !onUnit(ret).MeIsBehind && !Me.IsCasting && !Spell.PlayerIsChanneling &&
                                             Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox() >= 10,// && (Unit.Tanks != null && Unit.Tanks.Any(x => x.Guid != Me.Guid))
                                             new Sequence(
                                                 new Action(ret => CLULogger.MovementLog(" [CLU Movement] Not behind the target. Moving behind target.")),
                                                 new Action(ret => Navigator.MoveTo(CalculatePointBehindTarget())))),

                        // Target is greater than CombatMinDistance?
                        // Target is Moving?
                        // We are not moving Forward?
                        // Move Forward to   wards target
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => onUnit(ret) != null && Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox() >= CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMinDistance &&
                                             onUnit(ret).IsMoving && !Me.MovementInfo.MovingForward && onUnit(ret).InLineOfSight && !IsFlyingUnit,
                                             new Sequence(
                                                 new Action(ret => CLULogger.MovementLog(" [CLU Movement] Too far away from moving target (T[{0}] >= P[{1}]). Moving forward.", Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox(), CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMinDistance)),
                                                 new Action(ret => WoWMovement.Move(WoWMovement.MovementDirection.Forward)))),

                        // Target is less than CombatMinDistance?
                        // Target is Moving?
                        // We are moving Forward
                        // Stop Moving Forward
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => onUnit(ret) != null && Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox() < CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMinDistance &&
                                             onUnit(ret).IsMoving && Me.MovementInfo.MovingForward && onUnit(ret).InLineOfSight,
                                             new Sequence(
                                                 new Action(ret => CLULogger.MovementLog(" [CLU Movement] Too close to target (T[{0}] < P[{1}]). Movement Stopped.", Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox(), CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMinDistance)),
                                                 new Action(ret => WoWMovement.MoveStop()))),

                        // Target is not Moving?
                        // Target is greater than CombatMaxDistance?
                        // We are not Moving?
                        // Move Forward
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => onUnit(ret) != null && !onUnit(ret).IsMoving &&
                                             Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox() >= CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMaxDistance && onUnit(ret).InLineOfSight,
                                             new Sequence(
                                                 new Action(ret => CLULogger.MovementLog(" [CLU Movement] Too far away from non moving target (T[{0}] >= P[{1}]). Moving forward.", Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox(), CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMaxDistance)),
                                                 new Action(ret => WoWMovement.Move(WoWMovement.MovementDirection.Forward, new TimeSpan(99, 99, 99))))),

                        // Target is less than CombatMaxDistance?
                        // We are Moving?
                        // We are moving Forward?
                        // Stop Moving
                       new DecoratorContinue(ret => onUnit(ret) != null && Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox() < CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMaxDistance &&
                                             Me.IsMoving && Me.MovementInfo.MovingForward && onUnit(ret).InLineOfSight,
                                             new Sequence(
                                                 new Action(ret => CLULogger.MovementLog(" [CLU Movement] Too close to target  (T[{0}] < P[{1}]). Movement Stopped", Unit.DistanceToTargetBoundingBox(), CLU.Instance.ActiveRotation.CombatMaxDistance)),
                                                 new Action(ret => WoWMovement.MoveStop()))));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>Casts a spell on a specified unit</summary>
        /// <param name="spell">the WoWSpell to be casted</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="checkmovement"> check movement </param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <returns>The cast spell on the unit</returns>
        public static Composite CastSpell(WoWSpell spell, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, bool checkmovement, string label)
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a)
                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;

                    if (!Spell.CanCast(spell.ToString(), onUnit(a), true, checkmovement)) return false; //This is checking spell, unit, Range, Movement

                    return onUnit(a) != null;
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(spell, onUnit(a))),
                new Action(a => LastspellCast = spell.Name)));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>Casts a spell on the MostFocused Target (used for smite healing with disc priest mainly)</summary>
        /// <param name="name">the name of the spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The on Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="checkmovement">check movement </param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <param name="faceTarget">true if you want to auto face target</param>
        /// <returns>The cast spell at location.</returns>
        public static Composite CastSpellOnMostFocusedTarget(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, bool checkmovement, string label, bool faceTarget)
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a)
                    if (onUnit == null || onUnit(a) == null)
                        return false;

                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;
                    if (!Spell.CanCast(name, onUnit(a), true, checkmovement)) return false; //This is checking spell, unit, Range, Movement

                    // if (Unit.TimeToDeath(onUnit(a).CurrentTarget) < 5)
                    // return false;

                    return (Unit.NearbyNonControlledUnits(onUnit(a).Location, 15, false).Any() || BossList.IgnoreRangeCheck.Contains(onUnit(a).CurrentTarget.Entry));
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))),
                new DecoratorContinue(x => faceTarget, new Action(a => WoWMovement.Face(onUnit(a).Guid))),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(name, onUnit(a)))));
예제 #5
 /// <summary>Casts a spell on a specified unit</summary>
 /// <param name="name">the name of the spell to cast</param>
 /// <param name="onUnit">The Unit.</param>
 /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
 /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
 /// <returns>The cast spell on the unit</returns>
 public static Composite CastSpell(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
     return CastSpell(name, onUnit, cond, true, label);
예제 #6
 /// <summary>Casts a spell on a specified unit</summary>
 /// <param name="spell">the name of the spell to cast</param>
 /// <param name="onUnit">The Unit.</param>
 /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
 /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
 /// <returns>The cast spell on the unit</returns>
 public static Composite CastSpell(WoWSpell spell, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
     return CastSpell(spell, ret => Me.CurrentTarget, cond, true, label);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>Casts Sanctuary at the units location</summary>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The on Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <returns>Sanctuary at location.</returns>
        public static Composite CastSanctuaryAtLocation(CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a)

                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;

                    return onUnit(a) != null && !WoWSpell.FromId(88685).Cooldown;
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting at Location] {0} ", label)),
                Item.RunMacroText("/cast Holy Word: Sanctuary", cond, label),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onUnit(a).Location))));
예제 #8
        public static Composite CastSpell(int spellid, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
            var spell = WoWSpell.FromId(spellid);
            return new Decorator
                (context =>
                    if (!cond(context))
                        return false;
                    if (spell == null)
                        CLULogger.TroubleshootLog("SpellID not found: {0}", spellid);
                        return false;

                    var target = onUnit(context);

                    if (target == null)
                        CLULogger.TroubleshootLog("Target not found.");
                        return false;

                    if (!Spell.CanCast(spell.ToString(), target, true)) return false;

                    return true;
                 new Sequence
                     (new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))),
                      new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(spell, onUnit(a)))));
예제 #9
        /// <summary>Casts the interupt by name on the provided target. Checks CanInterruptCurrentSpellCast.</summary>
        /// <param name="name">the name of the spell in english</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">the unit to cas the interupt on. </param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <returns>The cast interupt.</returns>
        public static Composite CastInterupt(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a)
                    if (!CLUSettings.Instance.EnableInterupts)
                        return false;

                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;

                    if (onUnit != null && onUnit(a) != null && !(onUnit(a).IsCasting && onUnit(a).CanInterruptCurrentSpellCast))
                        return false;

                    if (onUnit != null && Spell.CanCast(name, onUnit(a), true, true))
                        return false;

                    return true;
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Interupt] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(name, onUnit(a)))));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>Casts a spell at the units location</summary>
        /// <param name="name">the name of the spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The on Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <returns>The cast spell at location.</returns>
        public static Composite CastOnUnitLocation(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a)
                    if (!CLUSettings.Instance.UseAoEAbilities)
                        return false;

                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;

                    return onUnit != null && Spell.CanCast(name, onUnit(a));
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting at Location] {0} ", label)),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(name)),
                //new WaitContinue(
                //   1,
                //   ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell != null &&
                //          StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell.Name == name,
                //   new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                //new WaitContinue(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200), ret => false, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                new Action(ret => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onUnit(ret).Location))));
예제 #11
        /// <summary>Casts a spell on a specified unit (used primarily for healing)</summary>
        /// <param name="name">the name of the spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <returns>The cast spell on the unit</returns>
        public static Composite CastHeal(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
            return new Sequence(
                       CastSpell(name, onUnit, cond, label),
                       new WaitContinue(
                           ret =>
                               WoWSpell spell;
                               if (SpellManager.Spells.TryGetValue(name, out spell))
                                   if (spell.CastTime == 0)
                                       return true;

                                   return StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting;

                               return true;
            new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                       new WaitContinue(
                           ret =>
                               // Dont interupt chanelled spells
                               if (StyxWoW.Me.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0)
                                   return false;

                               // Interrupted or finished casting. Continue
                               if (!StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting)
                                   return true;

                               // If conditions are no longer valid, stop casting and continue
                               if (!cond(ret))
                                   return true;

                               return false;
            new ActionAlwaysSucceed()));
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a trap at the current targets location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trapName">the name of the trap to use</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">the unit to place the trap on.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">check conditions supplied are true </param>
        /// <returns>nothing</returns>
        public static Composite HunterTrapBehavior(string trapName, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond)
            return new PrioritySelector(
                new Decorator(
                    delegate(object a)
                        if (!CLUSettings.Instance.Hunter.EnableHunterTraps)
                            return false;

                        if (!CLUSettings.Instance.UseAoEAbilities)
                            return false;

                        if (!cond(a)) return false;

                        return onUnit != null && onUnit(a) != null && !onUnit(a).IsMoving && onUnit(a).DistanceSqr < 40 * 40
                            && SpellManager.HasSpell(trapName) && !SpellManager.Spells[trapName].Cooldown;
            new PrioritySelector(
                Buff.CastBuff("Trap Launcher", ret => true, "Trap Launcher"),
                new Decorator(
                    ret => Me.HasAura("Trap Launcher"),
                    new Sequence(
                //new Switch<string>(ctx => trapName,
                //                   new SwitchArgument<string>("Immolation Trap",
                //                           new Action(ret => SpellManager.CastSpellById(82945))),
                //                   new SwitchArgument<string>("Freezing Trap",
                //                           new Action(ret => SpellManager.CastSpellById(60192))),
                //                   new SwitchArgument<string>("Explosive Trap",
                //                           new Action(ret => SpellManager.CastSpellById(82939))),
                //                   new SwitchArgument<string>("Ice Trap",
                //                           new Action(ret => SpellManager.CastSpellById(82941))),
                //                   new SwitchArgument<string>("Snake Trap",
                //                           new Action(ret => SpellManager.CastSpellById(82948)))
                //                  ),
                //// new ActionSleep(200),
                //new Action(a => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onUnit(a).Location))))

                        new Action(ret => Lua.DoString(string.Format("CastSpellByName(\"{0}\")", trapName))),
                                new WaitContinue(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200), ret => false, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                new Action(ret => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onUnit(ret).Location))
예제 #13
        /// <summary>Casts a Pet spell at the units location</summary>
        /// <param name="name">the name of the spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The on Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <returns>The cast spell at location.</returns>
        public static Composite CastPetSpellAtLocation(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
            // CLU.DebugLog(" [CastSpellAtLocation] name = {0} location = {1} and can we cast it? {2}", name, SysLog.SafeName(unit), CanCast(name));
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a) {
                    if (!CLUSettings.Instance.UseAoEAbilities)
                        return false;

                    if (Me.CurrentTarget == null)
                        return false;

                    WoWPoint currTargetLocation = Me.CurrentTarget.Location;
                    if (Unit.NearbyControlledUnits(currTargetLocation, 20, false).Any())
                        return false;

                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;

                    if (!CanCastPetSpell(name))
                        return false;

                    return onUnit != null;
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Pet Casting at location] {0} ", label)),
                new Action(a => CastMyPetSpell(name)),
                // new WaitContinue(
                //    0,
                //    ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell != null &&
                //           StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell.Name == name,
                //    new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onUnit(a).Location))));
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets a trap at the specified targets location
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trapName">The name of the trap to use</param>
 /// <param name="onUnit">The unit to place the trap on</param>
 /// <param name="cond">Check conditions supplied are true</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Composite pvpTrapBehavior(string trapName, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond)
     return (
         new PrioritySelector(
             new Decorator(delegate(object a)
                     if (!cond(a))
                         return false;
                     return onUnit != null && onUnit(a) != null && onUnit(a).DistanceSqr <= 20 * 20 && SpellManager.HasSpell(trapName) && !SpellManager.Spells[trapName].Cooldown;
         new PrioritySelector(
             Buff.CastBuff("Trap Launcher", ret => !Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Trap Launcher"), "Trap Launcher"),
             Spell.CastSpell("Scatter Shot", ret => true, "Scatter Shot"),
             new Decorator(ret => Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Trap Launcher"),
                 new Sequence(
                     new Action(ret => Lua.DoString(string.Format("CastSpellByName(\"{0}\")", trapName))),
                     new WaitContinue(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200), ret => false, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                     new Action(ret => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onUnit(ret).Location)))))
예제 #15
파일: Buff.cs 프로젝트: Asphodan/Alphabuddy
        /// <summary>Casts a Buff on a specified unit</summary>
        /// <param name="name">the name of the Buff to cast</param>
        /// <param name="onUnit">The Unit.</param>
        /// <param name="cond">The conditions that must be true</param>
        /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the clients GUI logging output</param>
        /// <returns>Buff on the unit</returns>
        public static Composite CastBuffonUnit(string name, CLU.UnitSelection onUnit, CanRunDecoratorDelegate cond, string label)
            return new Decorator(
                delegate(object a)
                    if (TargetHasBuff(name))
                        return false;

                    if (!cond(a))
                        return false;

                    if (!SpellManager.CanBuff(name, Me))
                        return false;

                    return onUnit(a) != null;
            new Sequence(
                new Action(a => CLULogger.Log(" [Casting] {0} on {1}", label, CLULogger.SafeName(onUnit(a)))),
                new Action(a => SpellManager.Cast(name, onUnit(a)))));