public List <CJob> GetAll() { List <CJob> jobs = new List <CJob>(); String sqlExpression = "sp_GetAllJobs"; // @"SELECT Job.ID AS JobID, CurPairNamed.BaseCurrency, CurPairNamed.QuotedCurrency,Country.Name AS Country, Tag.Name AS Tag //FROM[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Job] AS Job //JOIN[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Country] AS Country //ON Job.[CountryID] = Country.ID //Join[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Tag] AS Tag //ON Job.TagID = Tag.ID //JOIN( // SELECT CurPair.ID, CurTypeBase.CurrencyName AS BaseCurrency, CurTypeQuoted.CurrencyName AS QuotedCurrency //FROM[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyPair] AS CurPair //JOIN[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeBase //ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeBase.ID //JOIN[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeQuoted //ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeQuoted.ID // ) AS CurPairNamed //ON CurPairNamed.ID = Job.CurrencyPairID //"; using (SqlConnection conn = CDbConnection.GetConnection()) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression, conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { CJob job = new CJob(); job.CurrencyPair = new CCurrencyPair() { BaseCurrency = (CurrencyInfo)reader["BaseCurrency"], QuotedCurrency = (CurrencyInfo)reader["QuotedCurrency"] }; job.ID = (Int32)reader["JobID"]; job.Tag = new CTag((String)reader["Tag"]); jobs.Add(job); } } else { jobs = null; } } } return(jobs); }
public static void getInputsAndOutputs(string exe, string args, ref CJob job) { var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = exe, Arguments = args + " -printIOfiles", UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; string processOutput = ""; process.Start(); while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { processOutput += process.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); } int startPos = processOutput.IndexOf("<Files>"); int endPos = processOutput.IndexOf("</Files>"); if (startPos > 0 && endPos > 0) { string xml = processOutput.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos + ("</Files>").Length); XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xml); XElement[] inputFiles = doc.Descendants() .Where(e => e.Name == "Input") .ToArray(); XElement[] outputFiles = doc.Descendants() .Where(e => e.Name == "Output") .ToArray(); foreach (XElement e in inputFiles) { if (!job.inputFiles.Contains(e.Value)) { job.inputFiles.Add(e.Value); } } foreach (XElement e in outputFiles) { if (!job.outputFiles.Contains(e.Value)) { job.outputFiles.Add(e.Value); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Generic progress report of any CJob type object /// Changes progress bar and sets simple status messages /// </summary> /// <param name="s">JobStatus</param> /// <param name="j">Job</param> private void genericJobProgressReport(CJobStatus s, CJob j) { switch (s) { case CJobStatus.start: lastTaskName = null; break; case CJobStatus.taskStart: if (j.TASK_LAST.FLAG_PROGRESS_DISABLE) { lastTaskName = null; return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(j.TASK_LAST.desc)) { lastTaskName = j.TASK_LAST.desc; } else { lastTaskName =; } form_setText(lastTaskName, 0); break; case CJobStatus.progress: form_setProgress((int)Math.Ceiling(j.PROGRESS_TOTAL)); form_setText($"[{j.PROGRESS_TOTAL.ToString("0.#")}%] {lastTaskName}", 0); break; case CJobStatus.complete: form_setText( + " Complete ", 2); LOG.line(40); LOG.log(""); // newline form_setProgress(100); FormTools.invoke(this, () => { TaskbarManager.Instance.SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState.NoProgress); FormTools.FlashWindow(this.Handle); }); break; case form_setText( + " Failed ", 3); break; } }// -----------------------------------------
public static unsafe void Done() { var aJob = new CJob() { m_Str = "Hello world".NewNativeWrapper() }; try { aJob.Schedule().Complete(); } finally { aJob.m_Str.Dispose(); } }
}// ----------------------------------------- // ============================================================ // == EVENTS // ============================================================ /// <summary> /// Generic progress report of any CJob type object /// Changes progress bar and sets simple status messages /// </summary> /// <param name="s">JobStatus</param> /// <param name="j">Job</param> private void genericJobProgressReport(CJobStatus s, CJob j) { switch (s) { case CJobStatus.taskStart: if (j.TASK_LAST.PROGRESS_UNKNOWN) { form_setProgress(-1); // ("PROGRESS BAR WORKING-----------"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(j.TASK_LAST.desc)) { form_setText(, 0); } else { form_setText(j.TASK_LAST.desc, 0); } break; case CJobStatus.taskEnd: if (j.TASK_LAST.PROGRESS_UNKNOWN) { form_setProgress(0); // Restore the progress bar to normal } else { form_setProgress(j.TASKS_COMPLETION_PERCENT); } break; case CJobStatus.complete: form_setText( + " complete ", 2); FLAG_CLEAR_STATUS = true; break; case form_setText( + " failed ", 3); FLAG_CLEAR_STATUS = true; break; } }// -----------------------------------------
private CJob getJob() { CJob job = new CJob(); = m_name; //tasks, inputs and outputs foreach (MonitoredExperimentViewModel experiment in m_monitoredExperiments) { CTask task = new CTask(); //we are assuming the same exe file is used in all the experiments!!! //IMPORTANT =; task.exe = experiment.exeFile; task.arguments = experiment.filePath + " -pipe=" + experiment.pipeName; task.pipe = experiment.pipeName; job.tasks.Add(task); //add EXE files if (!job.inputFiles.Contains(task.exe)) { job.inputFiles.Add(task.exe); } //add prerrequisites foreach (string pre in experiment.prerrequisites) { if (!job.inputFiles.Contains(pre)) { job.inputFiles.Add(pre); } } //add experiment file to inputs if (!job.inputFiles.Contains(experiment.filePath)) { job.inputFiles.Add(experiment.filePath); } Utility.getInputsAndOutputs(experiment.exeFile, experiment.filePath, ref job); } return(job); }
public CReport PutRequest(QueryInfo dataInput) { CJob job = _gates.JobGateway.GetByQueryInfo(dataInput); CReport report = new CReport(); if (job != null) { job.UpdateReports(); //it's happen to update db return(job.Report); } else { CJob newJob = new CJob(dataInput, _parsingExpressions, _gates); report = newJob.CreateReport(dataInput); } //check for job existance //if job exists - > find get reports and update them //if not exists -> create job and push it work return(report); }
public async Task <ExperimentBatch> sendJobAndMonitor() { m_failedExperiments.Clear(); try { //SEND THE JOB DATA m_monitoredExperiments.ForEach((exp) => exp.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.WAITING_EXECUTION); CJob job = getJob(); bool bConnected = m_shepherd.connectToHerdAgent(m_herdAgent.ipAddress); if (bConnected) { logMessage("Sending job to herd agent " + m_herdAgent.ipAddress); m_monitoredExperiments.ForEach((exp) => exp.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.SENDING); m_herdAgent.status = "Sending job query"; m_shepherd.SendJobQuery(job, m_cancelToken); logMessage("Job sent to herd agent " + m_herdAgent.ipAddress); //await m_shepherd.waitAsyncWriteOpsToFinish(); m_monitoredExperiments.ForEach((exp) => exp.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.RUNNING); m_herdAgent.status = "Executing job query"; } else { foreach (MonitoredExperimentViewModel exp in m_monitoredExperiments) { m_failedExperiments.Add(exp); } m_monitoredExperiments.ForEach((exp) => exp.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.ERROR); logMessage("Failed to connect to herd agent " + m_herdAgent.ipAddress); return(this); } logMessage("Monitoring remote job run by herd agent " + m_herdAgent.ipAddress); //MONITOR THE REMOTE JOB while (true) { int numBytesRead = await m_shepherd.readAsync(m_cancelToken); m_cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); string xmlItem = m_shepherd.m_xmlStream.processNextXMLItem(); while (xmlItem != "") { string experimentId = m_shepherd.m_xmlStream.getLastXMLItemTag(); string message = m_shepherd.m_xmlStream.getLastXMLItemContent(); MonitoredExperimentViewModel experimentVM = m_monitoredExperiments.Find(exp => == experimentId); string messageId = m_shepherd.m_xmlStream.getLastXMLItemTag(); //previous call to getLastXMLItemContent reset lastXMLItem string messageContent = m_shepherd.m_xmlStream.getLastXMLItemContent(); if (experimentVM != null) { if (messageId == "Progress") { double progress = double.Parse(messageContent, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); experimentVM.progress = Convert.ToInt32(progress); } else if (messageId == "Evaluation") { //<Evaluation>0.0,-1.23</Evaluation> string [] values = messageContent.Split(','); string seriesName =; int seriesId; if (values.Length == 2) { if (!m_experimentSeriesId.Keys.Contains( { seriesId = m_evaluationPlot.addLineSeries(seriesName); m_experimentSeriesId.Add(seriesName, seriesId); } else { seriesId = m_experimentSeriesId[seriesName]; } m_evaluationPlot.addLineSeriesValue(seriesId, double.Parse(values[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) , double.Parse(values[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } else if (messageId == "Message") { experimentVM.addStatusInfoLine(messageContent); } else if (messageId == "End") { if (messageContent == "Ok") { logMessage("Job finished sucessfully"); experimentVM.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.WAITING_RESULT; } else { logMessage("Remote job execution wasn't successful"); //Right now, my view on adding failed experiments back to the pending exp. list: //Some experiments may fail because the parameters are just invalid (i.e. FAST) //Much more likely than a network-related error or some other user-related problem //m_failedExperiments.Add(experimentVM); experimentVM.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.ERROR; } } } else { if (experimentId == XMLStream.m_defaultMessageType) { //if (content == CJobDispatcher.m_endMessage) { //job results can be expected to be sent back even if some of the tasks failed logMessage("Receiving job results"); m_monitoredExperiments.ForEach((exp) => exp.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.RECEIVING); m_herdAgent.status = "Receiving output files"; bool bret = await m_shepherd.ReceiveJobResult(m_cancelToken); m_monitoredExperiments.ForEach((exp) => exp.state = MonitoredExperimentViewModel.ExperimentState.FINISHED); m_herdAgent.status = "Finished"; logMessage("Job results received"); return(this); } } } xmlItem = m_shepherd.m_xmlStream.processNextXMLItem(); } } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { //quit remote jobs logMessage("Cancellation requested by user"); m_shepherd.writeMessage(Shepherd.m_quitMessage, true); await m_shepherd.readAsync(new CancellationToken()); //we synchronously wait until we get the ack from the client m_monitoredExperiments.ForEach((exp) => { exp.resetState(); }); m_herdAgent.status = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { logMessage("Unhandled exception in Badger.sendJobAndMonitor(). Agent " + m_herdAgent.ipAddress); logMessage(ex.ToString()); m_failedExperiments.Clear(); foreach (MonitoredExperimentViewModel exp in m_monitoredExperiments) { m_failedExperiments.Add(exp); } Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } finally { logMessage("Disconnected from herd agent " + m_herdAgent.ipAddress); m_shepherd.disconnect(); } return(this); }
public void Update(CJob entity) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public CJob GetByQueryInfo(QueryInfo info) { CCountryGateway countryGateway = new CCountryGateway(); CJob job = new CJob(); String sqlExpression = "sp_GetJobByUserQuery"; // $@" WITH JobTable AS (SELECT Job.ID AS JobID, CurPairNamed.BaseCurrency, CurPairNamed.QuotedCurrency,Country.Name AS Country, Tag.Name AS Tag // FROM [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Job] AS Job // JOIN [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Country] AS Country // ON Job.[CountryID] = Country.ID // Join [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[Tag] AS Tag // ON Job.TagID = Tag.ID // JOIN( //SELECT CurPair.ID, CurTypeBase.CurrencyCode AS BaseCurrency, CurTypeQuoted.CurrencyCode AS QuotedCurrency //FROM [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyPair] AS CurPair //JOIN [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeBase //ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeBase.ID //JOIN [ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeQuoted //ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeQuoted.ID //) AS CurPairNamed //ON CurPairNamed.ID = Job.CurrencyPairID) //SELECT * FROM JobTable //WHERE BaseCurrency = '{info.CurrencyPair.BaseCurrency.Code}' AND QuotedCurrency = '{info.CurrencyPair.QuotedCurrency.Code}' AND Country = '{info.Country.Name}' AND Tag = '{info.Tag.Value}'"; using (SqlConnection conn = CDbConnection.GetConnection()) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression, conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter baseParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@base", Value = info.CurrencyPair.BaseCurrency.Code }; command.Parameters.Add(baseParam); SqlParameter quotedParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@quoted", Value = info.CurrencyPair.QuotedCurrency.Code }; command.Parameters.Add(quotedParam); SqlParameter countryParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@country", Value = info.Country.Name }; command.Parameters.Add(countryParam); SqlParameter tagParam = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@tag", Value = info.Tag.Value }; command.Parameters.Add(tagParam); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { job.CurrencyPair = new CCurrencyPair() { BaseCurrency = (CurrencyInfo)reader["BaseCurrency"], QuotedCurrency = (CurrencyInfo)reader["QuotedCurrency"] }; job.ID = (Int32)reader["JobID"]; job.Tag = new CTag((String)reader["Tag"]); job.Country = countryGateway.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => String.Compare(x.Name, (String)reader["Country"], StringComparison.InvariantCulture) == 0); } } else { job = null; } } } return(job); }
public Int32 Create(CJob entity) { Int32 id = 0; Int32 CurrencyPairID = 0; String getCurrencyPairID = $@"WITH CurPairNamed AS (SELECT CurPair.ID, CurTypeBase.CurrencyCode AS BaseCurrency, CurTypeQuoted.CurrencyCode AS QuotedCurrency FROM[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyPair] AS CurPair JOIN[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeBase ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeBase.ID JOIN[ONLOOKER].[dbo].[CurrencyType] AS CurTypeQuoted ON CurPair.BaseCurrencyID = CurTypeQuoted.ID) SELECT ID FROM CurPairNamed WHERE BaseCurrency = '{entity.CurrencyPair.BaseCurrency.Code}' AND QuotedCurrency = '{entity.CurrencyPair.QuotedCurrency.Code}'"; String insertJob = $@"INSERT INTO Job (CurrencyPairID, CountryID, TagID) values ({CurrencyPairID},{entity.Country.ID},{entity.Tag.ID}) SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()"; using (SqlConnection conn = CDbConnection.GetConnection()) { SqlCommand cmdGetCurPairId = new SqlCommand(getCurrencyPairID, conn); cmdGetCurPairId.CommandType = CommandType.Text; using (var reader = cmdGetCurPairId.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { CurrencyPairID = (Int32)reader["ID"]; } } } SqlCommand cmdInsertJob = new SqlCommand(insertJob, conn); cmdInsertJob.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //SqlParameter curPairParam = new SqlParameter //{ // ParameterName = "@curPair", // Value = CurrencyPairID //}; //cmdInsertJob.Parameters.Add(curPairParam); //SqlParameter countryParam = new SqlParameter //{ // ParameterName = "@country", // Value = entity.Country.ID //}; //cmdInsertJob.Parameters.Add(countryParam); //SqlParameter tagParam = new SqlParameter //{ // ParameterName = "@tag", // Value = entity.Tag.ID //}; //cmdInsertJob.Parameters.Add(tagParam); try { var result = cmdInsertJob.ExecuteScalar(); Console.WriteLine("Id добавленного объекта: {0}", result); id = 1; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unexpected termination" + e.Message); //SLogger.Log.Fatal($"CArticleGateway.Create method. Exception: {e.Message}") } return(id); } }