public void FromDataTest() { #if MONOMAC NSData data = NSData.FromFile(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("xamarin2", "png")); #else NSData data = NSData.FromFile(filename); #endif using (var img = CGImageSource.FromData(data)) { Assert.NotNull(img, "#a1"); } using (var img = CGImageSource.FromData(data, new CGImageOptions())) { Assert.NotNull(img, "#b1"); } using (var img = CGImageSource.FromData(data, null)) { Assert.NotNull(img, "#c1"); } }
static public async Task <FormsCAKeyFrameAnimation> CreateAnimationFromUriImageSourceAsync(UriImageSource imageSource, CancellationToken cancelationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { FormsCAKeyFrameAnimation animation = null; if (imageSource is IStreamImageSource streamImageSource) { using (var streamImage = await streamImageSource.GetStreamAsync(cancelationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { if (streamImage != null) { using (var parsedImageSource = CGImageSource.FromData(NSData.FromStream(streamImage))) { animation = ImageAnimationHelper.CreateAnimationFromCGImageSource(parsedImageSource); } } } } return(animation); }
public static UIImage LoadGIFImage(string gifImage) { try { using (NSData imgData = NSData.FromFile(gifImage)) using (CGImageSource imgSource = CGImageSource.FromData(imgData)) { NSString gifKey = new NSString(GIFKey); NSString gifDelayKey = new NSString(GIFDelayTimeKey); List <double> frameDelays = new List <double>(); // Array that will hold each GIF frame. UIImage[] frames = new UIImage[imgSource.ImageCount]; // Get all individual frames and their delay time. for (int i = 0; i < imgSource.ImageCount; i++) { // Get the frame's property dictionary and the '{GIF}' dictionary from that. using (NSDictionary frameProps = imgSource.CopyProperties(null, i)) using (NSMutableDictionary gifDict = (NSMutableDictionary)frameProps[gifKey]) { double frameDelay = ((NSNumber)gifDict[gifDelayKey]).DoubleValue; frameDelays.Add(frameDelay); } //end using // Fill the array. using (CGImage cgImage = imgSource.CreateImage(i, null)) { frames[i] = UIImage.FromImage(cgImage); } //end using cgImage } //end for // Create animated image. return(UIImage.CreateAnimatedImage(frames, frameDelays.Sum())); } //end using } catch (Exception ex) { // Something went wrong! throw ex; } //end try catch } //end static UIImage LoadGifImage
public void CopyImageSource() { if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemAndSDKVersion(7, 0)) { Assert.Ignore("Requires iOS 7+"); } using (NSData data = NSData.FromFile("xamarin2.png")) using (var source = CGImageSource.FromData(data)) using (NSMutableData destData = new NSMutableData()) #if XAMCORE_2_0 // FromData => Create using (var id = CGImageDestination.Create(destData, GoodUti, 1)) { #else using (var id = CGImageDestination.FromData(destData, GoodUti, 1)) { #endif NSError err; // testing that null is allowed (no crash) so the fact that is return false and an error does not matter Assert.False(id.CopyImageSource(source, (NSDictionary)null, out err), "CopyImageSource"); Assert.NotNull(err, "NSError"); } }
private async Task LoadImage() { NSData bytes = null; var s = img.Img; bytes = await Task.Run(() => { return(NSData.FromFile(s + ".gif")); }); if (bytes == null) { return; } try { var sourceRef = CGImageSource.FromData(bytes); CreateAnimatedImageView(sourceRef, Control); } catch (Exception ex) { //Debug.WriteLine("Unable to load gif: " + ex.Message); } }
public void CopyImageSource() { TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(5, 0); #if MONOMAC using (NSData data = NSData.FromFile(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("xamarin2", "png"))) #else using (NSData data = NSData.FromFile("xamarin2.png")) #endif using (var source = CGImageSource.FromData(data)) using (NSMutableData destData = new NSMutableData()) #if XAMCORE_2_0 // FromData => Create using (var id = CGImageDestination.Create(destData, GoodUti, 1)) { #else using (var id = CGImageDestination.FromData(destData, GoodUti, 1)) { #endif NSError err; // testing that null is allowed (no crash) so the fact that is return false and an error does not matter Assert.False(id.CopyImageSource(source, (NSDictionary)null, out err), "CopyImageSource"); Assert.NotNull(err, "NSError"); } }
public void AvailableDepthDataTypesTest() { #if !MONOMAC TestRuntime.AssertDevice(); #endif TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(9, 0); // xamarinmonkey.heic is the new photo format, also this one includes depth data var imgdata = NSData.FromUrl(NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource("xamarinmonkey", "heic", "CoreImage")); Assert.NotNull(imgdata, "imgdata"); var imageSource = CGImageSource.FromData(imgdata); Assert.NotNull(imageSource, "imageSource"); var info = imageSource.CopyAuxiliaryDataInfo(0, CGImageAuxiliaryDataType.Disparity); Assert.NotNull(info, "info"); NSError err; var depthData = AVDepthData.Create(info, out err); Assert.NotNull(depthData, "depthData"); Assert.NotNull(depthData.AvailableDepthDataTypes, "AvailableDepthDataTypes"); }
private void FinishedPickingMedia(object sender, UIImagePickerMediaPickedEventArgs e) { var originalImage = e.Info[UIImagePickerController.OriginalImage] as UIImage; if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(11, 0)) { var imageManager = new PHImageManager(); imageManager.RequestImageData(e.PHAsset, null, (data, dataUti, orientation, info) => { var source = CGImageSource.FromData(data); var metadata = source.GetProperties(0).Dictionary; GoToDescription(originalImage, UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait, metadata); _imagePicker.DismissViewControllerAsync(false); }); } else { GoToDescription(originalImage, UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait); _imagePicker.DismissViewControllerAsync(false); } }
protected override async void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e); if (e.PropertyName == Image.SourceProperty.PropertyName) { NSData bytes = null; var s = Element.Source; if (s is UriImageSource) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) bytes = NSData.FromArray(await client.GetByteArrayAsync(((UriImageSource)s).Uri)); } else if (s is StreamImageSource) { bytes = NSData.FromStream(await((StreamImageSource)s).Stream(default(CancellationToken))); } else if (s is FileImageSource) { bytes = await Task.Run(() => { return(NSData.FromFile(((FileImageSource)s).File)); }); } if (bytes == null) { return; } try { var sourceRef = CGImageSource.FromData(bytes); CreateAnimatedImageView(sourceRef, Control); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to load gif: " + ex.Message); } } }
public void AvailableDepthDataTypesTest() { TestRuntime.AssertDevice(); TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(9, 0); // xamarinmonkey.heic is the new photo format, also this one includes depth data var imgdata = NSData.FromFile("CoreImage/xamarinmonkey.heic"); Assert.NotNull(imgdata, "imgdata"); var imageSource = CGImageSource.FromData(imgdata); Assert.NotNull(imageSource, "imageSource"); var info = imageSource.CopyAuxiliaryDataInfo(0, CGImageAuxiliaryDataType.Disparity); Assert.NotNull(info, "info"); NSError err; var depthData = AVDepthData.Create(info, out err); Assert.NotNull(depthData, "depthData"); Assert.NotNull(depthData.AvailableDepthDataTypes, "AvailableDepthDataTypes"); }
protected override async void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e); if (e.PropertyName == ImageGifs.ImgProperty.PropertyName) { NSData bytes = null; var s = img.Img; bytes = await Task.Run(() => { return(NSData.FromFile(s + ".gif")); }); if (bytes == null) { return; } try { var sourceRef = CGImageSource.FromData(bytes); CreateAnimatedImageView(sourceRef, Control); } catch (Exception ex) { //Debug.WriteLine("Unable to load gif: " + ex.Message); } } }
// Shamelessly copied from React-Native: public static UIImage ToImage(this NSData data, CGSize destSize, nfloat destScale, RCTResizeMode resizeMode = RCTResizeMode.ScaleAspectFit, ImageInformation imageinformation = null, bool allowUpscale = false) { using (var sourceRef = CGImageSource.FromData(data)) { var imageProperties = GetImageProperties(sourceRef); if (imageProperties == null) { throw new BadImageFormatException("Image is null"); } if (imageinformation != null) { if (imageProperties.PixelWidth.HasValue && imageProperties.PixelHeight.HasValue) { imageinformation.SetOriginalSize(imageProperties.PixelWidth.Value, imageProperties.PixelHeight.Value); } } var sourceSize = new CGSize((nfloat)imageProperties.PixelWidth, (nfloat)imageProperties.PixelHeight); if (destSize.IsEmpty) { destSize = sourceSize; if (destScale <= 0) { destScale = 1; } } else if (destScale <= 0) { destScale = ScaleHelper.Scale; } // Calculate target size CGSize targetSize = RCTTargetSize(sourceSize, 1, destSize, destScale, resizeMode, allowUpscale); CGSize targetPixelSize = RCTSizeInPixels(targetSize, destScale); int maxPixelSize = (int)Math.Max( Math.Min(sourceSize.Width, targetPixelSize.Width), Math.Min(sourceSize.Height, targetPixelSize.Height) ); var options = new CGImageThumbnailOptions() { ShouldAllowFloat = true, CreateThumbnailWithTransform = true, CreateThumbnailFromImageAlways = true, MaxPixelSize = maxPixelSize, ShouldCache = false, }; UIImage image = null; // gif if (sourceRef.ImageCount > 1) { image = GifHelper.AnimateGif(sourceRef, destScale); } else { // Get thumbnail using (var imageRef = sourceRef.CreateThumbnail(0, options)) { if (imageRef != null) { // Return image image = new UIImage(imageRef, destScale, UIImageOrientation.Up); } } } if (imageinformation != null && image != null) { int width = (int)image.Size.Width; int height = (int)image.Size.Height; imageinformation.SetCurrentSize(width.PointsToPixels(), height.PointsToPixels()); } return(image); } }
public static async Task <IDecodedImage <PImage> > SourceRegfToDecodedImageAsync(NSData nsdata, CGSize destSize, nfloat destScale, Configuration config, TaskParameter parameters, RCTResizeMode resizeMode = RCTResizeMode.ScaleAspectFit, ImageInformation imageinformation = null, bool allowUpscale = false) { using (var sourceRef = CGImageSource.FromData(nsdata)) { if (sourceRef == null) { throw new BadImageFormatException("Decoded image is null or corrupted"); } var imageProperties = sourceRef.GetProperties(0); if (imageProperties == null || !imageProperties.PixelWidth.HasValue || !imageProperties.PixelHeight.HasValue) { throw new BadImageFormatException("Can't read image size properties. File corrupted?"); } imageinformation.SetOriginalSize(imageProperties.PixelWidth.Value, imageProperties.PixelHeight.Value); var sourceSize = new CGSize(imageProperties.PixelWidth.Value, imageProperties.PixelHeight.Value); if (destSize.IsEmpty) { destSize = sourceSize; if (destScale <= 0) { destScale = 1; } } else if (destScale <= 0) { destScale = ScaleHelper.Scale; } // Calculate target size var targetSize = RCTTargetSize(sourceSize, 1, destSize, destScale, resizeMode, allowUpscale); var targetPixelSize = RCTSizeInPixels(targetSize, destScale); var maxPixelSize = (int)Math.Max( allowUpscale ? targetPixelSize.Width : Math.Min(sourceSize.Width, targetPixelSize.Width), allowUpscale ? targetPixelSize.Height : Math.Min(sourceSize.Height, targetPixelSize.Height) ); var options = new CGImageThumbnailOptions() { ShouldAllowFloat = true, CreateThumbnailWithTransform = true, CreateThumbnailFromImageAlways = true, MaxPixelSize = maxPixelSize, ShouldCache = false, }; PImage image = null; IAnimatedImage <PImage>[] images = null; // GIF if (sourceRef.ImageCount > 1 && config.AnimateGifs && imageinformation.Type != ImageInformation.ImageType.ICO) { try { await _gifLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var frameCount = sourceRef.ImageCount; // no need to animate, fail safe. if (frameCount <= 1) { using (var imageRef = sourceRef.CreateThumbnail(0, options)) { #if __IOS__ || __TVOS__ image = new PImage(imageRef, destScale, UIImageOrientation.Up); #elif __MACOS__ image = new PImage(imageRef, CGSize.Empty); #endif } } #if __IOS__ || __TVOS__ var frames = GetFrames(sourceRef, options); var delays = GetDelays(sourceRef); var totalDuration = delays.Sum(); var adjustedFrames = AdjustFramesToSpoofDurations(frames, destScale, delays, totalDuration); var avgDuration = (double)totalDuration / adjustedFrames.Length; images = new AnimatedImage <PImage> [adjustedFrames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++) { images[i] = new AnimatedImage <PImage>() { Image = adjustedFrames[i], Delay = (int)avgDuration }; } #elif __MACOS__ images = new AnimatedImage <PImage> [frameCount]; var delays = GetDelays(sourceRef); for (var i = 0; i < images.Length; i++) { var nsImage = new PImage(sourceRef.CreateThumbnail(i, options), CGSize.Empty); images[i] = new AnimatedImage <PImage>() { Image = nsImage, Delay = delays[i] }; } #endif } finally { _gifLock.Release(); } } else { // Get thumbnail using (var imageRef = sourceRef.CreateThumbnail(0, options)) { if (imageRef != null) { #if __IOS__ || __TVOS__ image = new PImage(imageRef, destScale, UIImageOrientation.Up); #elif __MACOS__ image = new PImage(imageRef, CGSize.Empty); #endif } } } var result = new DecodedImage <PImage>(); if (images != null && images.Length > 1) { result.IsAnimated = true; result.AnimatedImages = images; if (imageinformation != null) { var width = (int)images[0].Image.Size.Width; var height = (int)images[0].Image.Size.Height; imageinformation.SetCurrentSize(width.DpToPixels(), height.DpToPixels()); } } else { result.Image = image; if (imageinformation != null) { var width = (int)image.Size.Width; var height = (int)image.Size.Height; imageinformation.SetCurrentSize(width.DpToPixels(), height.DpToPixels()); } } return(result); } }
public static UIImageView GetAnimatedImageView(NSData nsData, UIImageView imageView = null) { var sourceRef = CGImageSource.FromData(nsData); return(CreateAnimatedImageView(sourceRef, imageView)); }
public AnimatedImage(NSData data) : this(CGImageSource.FromData(data, null)) { }
// Shamelessly copied from React-Native: public static NSImage ToImage(this NSData data, CGSize destSize, nfloat destScale, Configuration config, TaskParameter parameters, RCTResizeMode resizeMode = RCTResizeMode.ScaleAspectFit, ImageInformation imageinformation = null, bool allowUpscale = false) { using (var sourceRef = CGImageSource.FromData(data)) { if (sourceRef == null) { throw new BadImageFormatException("Decoded image is null or corrupted"); } var imageProperties = sourceRef.GetProperties(0); if (imageProperties == null || !imageProperties.PixelWidth.HasValue || !imageProperties.PixelHeight.HasValue) { throw new BadImageFormatException("Can't read image size properties. File corrupted?"); } imageinformation.SetOriginalSize(imageProperties.PixelWidth.Value, imageProperties.PixelHeight.Value); var sourceSize = new CGSize(imageProperties.PixelWidth.Value, imageProperties.PixelHeight.Value); if (destSize.IsEmpty) { destSize = sourceSize; if (destScale <= 0) { destScale = 1; } } else if (destScale <= 0) { destScale = ScaleHelper.Scale; } // Calculate target size CGSize targetSize = RCTTargetSize(sourceSize, 1, destSize, destScale, resizeMode, allowUpscale); CGSize targetPixelSize = RCTSizeInPixels(targetSize, destScale); int maxPixelSize = (int)Math.Max( allowUpscale ? targetPixelSize.Width : Math.Min(sourceSize.Width, targetPixelSize.Width), allowUpscale ? targetPixelSize.Height : Math.Min(sourceSize.Height, targetPixelSize.Height) ); var options = new CGImageThumbnailOptions() { ShouldAllowFloat = true, CreateThumbnailWithTransform = true, CreateThumbnailFromImageAlways = true, MaxPixelSize = maxPixelSize, ShouldCache = false, }; NSImage image = null; // Get thumbnail using (var imageRef = sourceRef.CreateThumbnail(0, options)) { if (imageRef != null) { // Return image image = new NSImage(imageRef, CGSize.Empty); } } if (imageinformation != null && image != null) { int width = (int)image.Size.Width; int height = (int)image.Size.Height; imageinformation.SetCurrentSize(width.PointsToPixels(), height.PointsToPixels()); } return(image); } }