internal static async Task <StorageItemThumbnail> CreatePhotoThumbnailAsync(StorageFile file) { #if __MAC__ NSImage image = NSImage.FromStream(await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync()); double ratio = image.Size.Width / image.Size.Height; NSImage newImage = new NSImage(new CGSize(240, 240 * ratio)); newImage.LockFocus(); image.Size = newImage.Size; image.Draw(new CGPoint(0, 0), new CGRect(0, 0, newImage.Size.Width, newImage.Size.Height), NSCompositingOperation.Copy, 1.0f); newImage.UnlockFocus(); NSMutableData buffer = new NSMutableData(); CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.Create(buffer, UTType.JPEG, 1); dest.AddImage(newImage.CGImage); return(new StorageItemThumbnail(buffer.AsStream())); #else UIImage image = UIImage.FromFile(file.Path); UIImage image2 = image.Scale(new CGSize(240, 240)); image.Dispose(); return(new StorageItemThumbnail(image2.AsJPEG().AsStream())); #endif }
public void SaveTo(Stream stream, CompressionFormat compression) { var data = new NSMutableData(); CGImageDestination dest = null; switch (compression) { case CompressionFormat.Jpeg: dest = CGImageDestination.Create(data, MobileCoreServices.UTType.JPEG, imageCount: 1); break; case CompressionFormat.Png: dest = CGImageDestination.Create(data, MobileCoreServices.UTType.PNG, imageCount: 1); break; } if (dest != null) { dest.AddImage(cgImage); dest.Close(); using (var bitmapStream = data.AsStream()) { bitmapStream.CopyTo(stream); } data.Dispose(); } }
internal static async Task <StorageItemThumbnail> CreateVideoThumbnailAsync(StorageFile file) { AVAsset asset = AVUrlAsset.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(file.Path)); AVAssetImageGenerator generator = AVAssetImageGenerator.FromAsset(asset); generator.AppliesPreferredTrackTransform = true; NSError error; CMTime actualTime; CMTime time = CMTime.FromSeconds(asset.Duration.Seconds / 2, asset.Duration.TimeScale); CGImage image = generator.CopyCGImageAtTime(time, out actualTime, out error); #if __MAC__ NSMutableData buffer = new NSMutableData(); CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.Create(buffer, UTType.JPEG, 1, null); dest.AddImage(image); return(new StorageItemThumbnail(buffer.AsStream())); #else UIImage image2 = UIImage.FromImage(image); image.Dispose(); UIImage image3 = image2.Scale(new CGSize(240, 240)); image2.Dispose(); return(new StorageItemThumbnail(image3.AsJPEG().AsStream())); #endif }
private NSData GetDataWriteMetadata(UIImage originalImage, NSDictionary imageMetadata, float compress) { //return originalImage.AsJPEG(compress); // turn off efix CGImageSource imgSrc = CGImageSource.FromData(originalImage.AsJPEG(compress)); NSMutableData outImageData = new NSMutableData(); CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.Create(outImageData, MobileCoreServices.UTType.JPEG, 1, new CGImageDestinationOptions()); dest.AddImage(imgSrc, 0, imageMetadata); dest.Close(); return(outImageData); }
public void ExportEveryGlyphsAsPNGTo(string path) { float scale = Window.BackingScaleFactor; var glyphInfos = _tableViewSource.GlyphInfos; //actvw.StartAnimating (); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Func <string, string> makeName = (rawName) => { return(String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}.png", rawName, (int)this.unitFontSize , ((scale > 2f) ? "@4x" : (scale > 1f) ? "@2x" : ""))); }; //string documentDirPath = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); string documentDirPath = path; NSDictionary prop = new NSDictionary(); // int nSucceeded = 0; int nFailed = 0; glyphInfos.ForEach((gi) => { var url = new NSUrl(System.IO.Path.Combine(documentDirPath, makeName(gi.RawName)), false); try { CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.FromUrl(url, "public.png", 1); dest.AddImage(gi.GlyphImage, prop); dest.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(url.Path)) { //Console.WriteLine ("Succeeded to write {0}", url); ++nSucceeded; } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to write {0}", url); ++nFailed; } BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { //ShowProgressionLabel (String.Format ("{0} of {1} processed", (nSucceeded + nFailed), glyphInfos.Count)); }); }); InvokeOnMainThread(() => { //actvw.StopAnimating (); //DismissProgressionLabel (); var alert = new NSAlert(); alert.MessageText = String.Format("{0} succeeded, {1} failed", nSucceeded, nFailed); alert.RunModal(); }); }); }
private void SaveEveryImageToPNG() { float scale = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale; var glyphInfos = _tableViewSource.GlyphInfos; actvw.StartAnimating(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Func <string, string> makeName = (rawName) => { return(String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}.png", rawName, (int)this.unitFontSize , ((scale > 2f) ? "@4x" : (scale > 1f) ? "@2x" : ""))); }; string documentDirPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); NSDictionary prop = new NSDictionary(); // int nSucceeded = 0; int nFailed = 0; glyphInfos.ForEach((gi) => { var url = new NSUrl(System.IO.Path.Combine(documentDirPath, makeName(gi.RawName)), false); try { CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.FromUrl(url, "public.png", 1); dest.AddImage(gi.GlyphImage, prop); dest.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } if (File.Exists(url.Path)) { //Console.WriteLine ("Succeeded to write {0}", url); ++nSucceeded; } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to write {0}", url); ++nFailed; } BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { ShowProgressionLabel(String.Format("{0} of {1} processed", (nSucceeded + nFailed), glyphInfos.Count)); }); }); InvokeOnMainThread(() => { actvw.StopAnimating(); DismissProgressionLabel(); var alert = new UIAlertView("Result of save" , String.Format("{0} succeeded, {1} failed", nSucceeded, nFailed) , null, "Close", null); alert.Show(); }); }); }
// static CCVerticalTextAlignment vertical; // static CCTextAlignment horizontal; // Used for debuggin purposes internal static void SaveToFile(string fileName, CGBitmapContext bitmap) { if (bitmap == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("cgimage"); } // With MonoTouch we can use UTType from CoreMobileServices but since // MonoMac does not have that yet (or at least can not find it) I will // use the string version of those for now. I did not want to add another // #if #else in here. // for now we will just default this to png var typeIdentifier = "public.png"; // * NOTE * we only support one image for right now. //NSMutableData imgData = new NSMutableData(); NSUrl url = NSUrl.FromFilename(fileName); // Create an image destination that saves into the imgData #if IOS CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.Create(url, typeIdentifier, 1); #else CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.FromUrl(url, typeIdentifier, 1); #endif // Add an image to the destination dest.AddImage(bitmap.GetImage(), (NSDictionary)null); // Finish the export //bool success = dest.Close (); // if (success == false) // Console.WriteLine("did not work"); // else // Console.WriteLine("did work: " + path); dest.Dispose(); dest = null; }
bool TryAddFrame(CGImageDestination dest, int frame) { try { var corrupted = imageSource != null && imageSource.GetPropertiesSafe(frame) == null; if (frame != currentFrame && imageSource != null && !corrupted) { InitializeImageFrame(frame); } if (!corrupted) { dest.AddImage(NativeCGImage, (NSDictionary)null); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Assert(false, "Failed adding destination: " + e.ToString()); return(false); } }
private void Save(CGImageDestination dest) { if (NativeCGImage == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("cgimage"); } int framesSaved = 0; int savedFrame = currentFrame; for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { var corrupted = imageSource != null && imageSource.GetPropertiesSafe(frame) == null; if (frame != currentFrame && imageSource != null && !corrupted) { InitializeImageFrame(frame); } if (!corrupted) { dest.AddImage(NativeCGImage, (NSDictionary)null); ++framesSaved; } } if (currentFrame != savedFrame) { InitializeImageFrame(savedFrame); } if (framesSaved == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("no frame could be saved"); } dest.Close(); }
private void Save(CGImageDestination dest) { if (NativeCGImage == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("cgimage"); } int savedFrame = currentFrame; for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { if (frame != currentFrame && imageSource != null) { InitializeImageFrame(frame); } dest.AddImage(NativeCGImage, (NSDictionary)null); } if (currentFrame != savedFrame) { InitializeImageFrame(savedFrame); } dest.Close(); }
void CameraImageCaptured(object sender, UIImagePickerMediaPickedEventArgs e) { bool result = false; string imagePath = null; // create a url of the path for the file to write NSUrl imageDestUrl = NSUrl.CreateFileUrl(new string[] { ImageDest }); // create a CGImage destination that converts the image to jpeg CGImageDestination cgImageDest = CGImageDestination.Create(imageDestUrl, MobileCoreServices.UTType.JPEG, 1); if (cgImageDest != null) { // note: the edited image is saved "correctly", so we don't have to rotate. // rotate the image 0 degrees since we consider portrait to be the default position. CIImage ciImage = new CIImage(e.OriginalImage.CGImage); float rotationDegrees = 0.00f; switch (e.OriginalImage.Orientation) { case UIImageOrientation.Up: { // don't do anything. The image space and the user space are 1:1 break; } case UIImageOrientation.Left: { // the image space is rotated 90 degrees from user space, // so do a CCW 90 degree rotation rotationDegrees = 90.0f; break; } case UIImageOrientation.Right: { // the image space is rotated -90 degrees from user space, // so do a CW 90 degree rotation rotationDegrees = -90.0f; break; } case UIImageOrientation.Down: { rotationDegrees = 180; break; } } // create our transform and apply it to the image CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity( ); transform.Rotate(rotationDegrees * Rock.Mobile.Math.Util.DegToRad); CIImage rotatedImage = ciImage.ImageByApplyingTransform(transform); // create a context and render it back out to a CGImage. (Cast to ints so we account for any floating point error) CIContext ciContext = CIContext.FromOptions(null); CGImage rotatedCGImage = ciContext.CreateCGImage(rotatedImage, new System.Drawing.RectangleF((int)rotatedImage.Extent.X, (int)rotatedImage.Extent.Y, (int)rotatedImage.Extent.Width, (int)rotatedImage.Extent.Height)); // put the image in the destination, converting it to jpeg. cgImageDest.AddImage(rotatedCGImage); // close and dispose. if (cgImageDest.Close( )) { result = true; imagePath = ImageDest; cgImageDest.Dispose( ); } } CameraFinishedCallback(result, imagePath); }
public void Save(string path, ImageFormat format) { if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (NativeCGImage == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("cgimage"); } // With MonoTouch we can use UTType from CoreMobileServices but since // MonoMac does not have that yet (or at least can not find it) I will // use the string version of those for now. I did not want to add another // #if #else in here. // for now we will just default this to png var typeIdentifier = "public.png"; // Get the correct type identifier if (format == ImageFormat.Bmp) { typeIdentifier = ""; } // else if (format == ImageFormat.Emf) // typeIdentifier = "image/emf"; // else if (format == ImageFormat.Exif) // typeIdentifier = "image/exif"; else if (format == ImageFormat.Gif) { typeIdentifier = "com.compuserve.gif"; } else if (format == ImageFormat.Icon) { typeIdentifier = ""; } else if (format == ImageFormat.Jpeg) { typeIdentifier = "public.jpeg"; } else if (format == ImageFormat.Png) { typeIdentifier = "public.png"; } else if (format == ImageFormat.Tiff) { typeIdentifier = "public.tiff"; } else if (format == ImageFormat.Wmf) { typeIdentifier = "com.adobe.pdf"; } // Not sure what this is yet else if (format == ImageFormat.MemoryBmp) { throw new NotImplementedException("ImageFormat.MemoryBmp not supported"); } // Obtain a URL file path to be passed NSUrl url = NSUrl.FromFilename(path); // * NOTE * we only support one image for right now. // Create an image destination that saves into the path that is passed in CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.FromUrl(url, typeIdentifier, imageCount, null); // Add an image to the destination dest.AddImage(NativeCGImage, null); // Finish the export bool success = dest.Close(); // if (success == false) // Console.WriteLine("did not work"); // else // Console.WriteLine("did work: " + path); dest.Dispose(); dest = null; }