public DataTable downloadNSEEquityData(int UserId, DateTime Startdate, DateTime Enddate) { string pathval = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; if (pathval.EndsWith("\\bin\\Debug\\")) { pathval = pathval.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", ""); } string pathNse = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\NseEquities.txt"); string pathFilter = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\NseEquitiesFiltered.txt"); string pathNseZip = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\"); string pathNSEEquityFile = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\NSEEquities.CSV"); string pathextract = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles"); string Downloadtype = "NSEEquities"; MarketDataPullDao marketdatapullDao = new MarketDataPullDao(); DateTime date = Startdate; DataTable dtResult = new DataTable("NSECorpActsDownloadResult"); dtResult.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("Result", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("NumofRecords", typeof(int)); DataRow dr; //date = CEodFetch.ValidateDay(date); do { bool result = true; string ProcessStatus_NseData = ""; int num_of_rec_NseData = -1; ProductPriceDownloadLogBo productPriceDownloadLogBo = new ProductPriceDownloadLogBo(); AdminDownloadProcessLogVo processLogVo = new AdminDownloadProcessLogVo(); processLogVo.CreatedBy = UserId; processLogVo.AssetClass = "Equity"; processLogVo.SourceName = "NSE"; processLogVo.StartTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedBy = UserId; processLogVo.ForDate = date; //Create a process for the download processLogVo.ProcessID = productPriceDownloadLogBo.CreateProcessLog(processLogVo); try { string fetchData = CEodFetch.GetNseEquities(date); //Download data from NSE Site WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); myWebClient.DownloadFile(fetchData, pathNseZip); processLogVo.IsConnectionToSiteEstablished = 1; processLogVo.IsFileDownloaded = 1; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); if (result) { //Zip Extracting Code FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.ExtractZip(pathNseZip, pathextract, ""); //filename convert string pathNSEDownloadFile = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\") + CEodFetch.GetDownloadFile(date, Downloadtype); FileInfo renamefile = new FileInfo(pathNSEDownloadFile); if (renamefile.Exists) { File.Delete(pathNSEEquityFile); File.Move(pathNSEDownloadFile, pathNSEEquityFile); } // ******************************************************************************** //Store the retrieved data in a text file //result = CEodFetch.WriteToFile(pathNse, pathNSEEquityFile); if (result) { //Create a stream reader for the text file StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pathNSEEquityFile); StringBuilder strNewData = new StringBuilder(); String line; //Omit lines which are there in the text files //for information purpose while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Contains(",")) { strNewData.AppendLine(line); } } sr.Close(); //Create Filtered Data text file result = CEodFetch.WriteToFile(pathFilter, strNewData.ToString()); if (result) { //Create Data Set from the filtered data DataSet ds = TextToDataSet.GetNseEquitiesDataSet(pathFilter); if (null != ds) { processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; ds.WriteXml(Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\" + processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"), XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema); processLogVo.IsConversiontoXMLComplete = 1; processLogVo.XMLFileName = processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); //Store the data set into NSE EOD Market Data Table string Message = ""; //result = DBHelper.UpdateTable(ds.Tables["NSE"], out Message); result = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataToTemp(ds, "NSE"); if (result) { num_of_rec_NseData = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataintoMarketPriceTable(date, "NSE"); if (num_of_rec_NseData == 0) { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Latest data already exists in the database for the date : " + date + ""; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Data Updated successfully into the table"; processLogVo.IsInsertiontoDBdone = 1; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Failed to insert the data into NSEEquities: " + Message; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Could not create data set from the filtered data!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Could not write the filtered data to the disk!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Could not write the downloaded data to the disk!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Data not available on the site!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } catch (Exception exp) { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Exception in NSE Equities EOD Fetch: " + exp.Message; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); dr = dtResult.NewRow(); dr["Date"] = date.ToShortDateString(); dr["Result"] = ProcessStatus_NseData; dr["NumofRecords"] = num_of_rec_NseData; dtResult.Rows.Add(dr); date = date.AddDays(1); } while (date <= Enddate); DataTable dtresulttable = dtResult; return(dtResult); }
public DataTable downloadBSEEquityData(int UserId, DateTime Startdate, DateTime EndDate) { string pathval = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; if (pathval.EndsWith("\\bin\\Debug\\")) { pathval = pathval.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", ""); } string pathNse = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\"); string pathFilter = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\BseEquitiesFiltered.txt"); //string pathXml = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\BseEquities.xml"); string pathextract = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles"); string pathEquityFile = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\BseEquities.CSV"); string Downloadtype = "BSEEquities"; MarketDataPullDao marketdatapullDao = new MarketDataPullDao(); DataTable dtResult = new DataTable("BseDownloadResult"); dtResult.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("Result", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("NumofRecords", typeof(int)); DataRow dr; DateTime date = Startdate; do { bool result = true; string ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = ""; int num_of_rec_BSEEqt = -1; //date = CEodFetch.ValidateDay(date); string fetchData = CEodFetch.GetDownloads(date); string[] splitstring = fetchData.Split(new Char[] { '_' }); ProductPriceDownloadLogBo productPriceDownloadLogBo = new ProductPriceDownloadLogBo(); AdminDownloadProcessLogVo processLogVo = new AdminDownloadProcessLogVo(); processLogVo.CreatedBy = UserId; processLogVo.AssetClass = "Equity"; processLogVo.SourceName = "BSE"; processLogVo.StartTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedBy = UserId; processLogVo.ForDate = date; //Create a process for the download processLogVo.ProcessID = productPriceDownloadLogBo.CreateProcessLog(processLogVo); try { //// Create a new WebClient instance. WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); // Concatenate the domain with the Web resource filename. string myStringWebResource = fetchData + pathNse; myWebClient.DownloadFile(fetchData, pathNse); processLogVo.IsConnectionToSiteEstablished = 1; //Zip Extracting Code FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.ExtractZip(pathNse, pathextract, ""); processLogVo.IsFileDownloaded = 1; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); //filename convert string pathBSE = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\") + CEodFetch.GetDownloadFile(date, Downloadtype); FileInfo renamefile = new FileInfo(pathBSE); if (renamefile.Exists) { File.Delete(pathEquityFile); File.Move(pathBSE, pathEquityFile); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fetchData)) { if (result) { Console.WriteLine("Writing into a text file........"); //Create a stream reader for the text file StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pathEquityFile); StringBuilder strNewData = new StringBuilder(); String line; //Omit lines which are there in the text files //for information purpose while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Contains(",")) { strNewData.AppendLine(line); } } sr.Close(); //Create Filtered Data text file result = CEodFetch.WriteToFile(pathFilter, strNewData.ToString()); if (result) { //Create Data Set from the filtered data DataSet ds = TextToDataSet.GetBSEEquitiesDataSet(pathFilter, date); if (null != ds) { processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; //Create an XML file from the Created Data set ds.WriteXml(Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\" + processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"), XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);; processLogVo.IsConversiontoXMLComplete = 1; processLogVo.XMLFileName = processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); //insert into bse temp table result = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataToTemp(ds, "BSE"); if (result) { num_of_rec_BSEEqt = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataintoMarketPriceTable(date, "BSE"); if (num_of_rec_BSEEqt == 0) { ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = "Latest data already exists in the database for the date : " + date + ""; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_BSEEqt; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; } else { ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = "Data Updated successfully into the table"; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_BSEEqt; processLogVo.IsInsertiontoDBdone = 1; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; } } } else { ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = "Could not create data set from the filtered data!"; num_of_rec_BSEEqt = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_BSEEqt; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; } } else { ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = "Could not write the filtered data to the disk!"; num_of_rec_BSEEqt = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_BSEEqt; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; } } else { ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = "Could not write the downloaded data to the disk!"; num_of_rec_BSEEqt = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_BSEEqt; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; } } } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (WebException Ex) { ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = "Data not available on the site!"; num_of_rec_BSEEqt = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_BSEEqt; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; } catch (Exception Ex) { result = false; ProcessStatus_BSEEqt = "Stacktrace --- :" + Ex.StackTrace + "---Inner Ex:" + Ex.InnerException; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("downloadBSEEquityData", "MarketDataPullBo.cs:GetProcessLog()"); object[] objects = new object[3]; objects[0] = UserId; objects[1] = Startdate; objects[2] = EndDate; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, null); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); } processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); dr = dtResult.NewRow(); dr["Date"] = date.ToShortDateString(); dr["Result"] = ProcessStatus_BSEEqt; dr["NumofRecords"] = num_of_rec_BSEEqt; dtResult.Rows.Add(dr); date = date.AddDays(1); } while (date <= EndDate); DataTable dtresulttable = dtResult; return(dtResult); }
public DataTable downloadAmfiCurrentData(int UserId) { string pathval = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //if (pathval.EndsWith("\\bin\\Debug\\")) //{ // pathval = pathval.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", ""); //} MarketDataPullDao marketdatapullDao = new MarketDataPullDao(); string pathAmfi = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\AMFIData.txt"); string pathFilter = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\AMFIDataFiltered.txt"); string pathXml = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\AMFIData.xml"); DataTable dtResult = new DataTable("AMFIDownloadResult"); dtResult.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("Result", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("NumofRecords", typeof(int)); DataRow dr; DateTime date = DateTime.Now.Date; string ProcessStatus_AmfiData = ""; int num_of_rec_AmfiData = -1; bool result = true; ProductPriceDownloadLogBo productPriceDownloadLogBo = new ProductPriceDownloadLogBo(); AdminDownloadProcessLogVo processLogVo = new AdminDownloadProcessLogVo(); processLogVo.CreatedBy = UserId; processLogVo.AssetClass = "MF"; processLogVo.SourceName = "AMFI"; processLogVo.StartTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedBy = UserId; //Create a process for the download processLogVo.ProcessID = productPriceDownloadLogBo.CreateProcessLog(processLogVo); try { processLogVo.ForDate = date; string orginalData = CEodFetch.GetAmfiCurrentData(); if (orginalData != null) { result = CEodFetch.WriteToFile(pathAmfi, orginalData); if (result) { processLogVo.IsConnectionToSiteEstablished = 1; processLogVo.IsFileDownloaded = 1; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pathAmfi); StringBuilder strNewData = new StringBuilder(); String line; //Omit lines which are there in the text files for information purpose while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Contains(";")) { strNewData.AppendLine(line); } num_of_rec_AmfiData++; } sr.Close(); //Create Filtered Data text file result = CEodFetch.WriteToFile(pathFilter, strNewData.ToString()); if (result) { DataSet ds = TextToDataSet.GetAmfiDataSet(pathFilter, date); if (null != ds) { processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; ds.WriteXml(Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\" + processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"), XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema); processLogVo.IsConversiontoXMLComplete = 1; processLogVo.XMLFileName = processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); // result = DBHelper.UpdateTable(ds.Tables["AMFI"], out Message); result = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataToTemp(ds, "AMFI"); if (result) { num_of_rec_AmfiData = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataintoMarketPriceTable(date, "AMFI"); if (num_of_rec_AmfiData == 0) { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Latest data already exists in the database for the date : " + date + ""; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } else { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Data Updated successfully into the table"; processLogVo.IsInsertiontoDBdone = 1; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } } else { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Failed to insert data into Amfi table"; num_of_rec_AmfiData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } } else { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Could not create data set from the filtered data!"; num_of_rec_AmfiData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } } else { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Failed to insert data into Amfi table"; num_of_rec_AmfiData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } } else { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Could not write the downloaded data to the disk!"; num_of_rec_AmfiData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } } else { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Data not available on the site!"; num_of_rec_AmfiData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } } catch (Exception ex) { ProcessStatus_AmfiData = "Exception in Amfi Data Fectch, " + ex.Message; num_of_rec_AmfiData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_AmfiData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; } processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); dr = dtResult.NewRow(); dr["Date"] = date.ToShortDateString(); dr["Result"] = ProcessStatus_AmfiData; dr["NumofRecords"] = num_of_rec_AmfiData; dtResult.Rows.Add(dr); date = date.AddDays(1); DataTable dtresulttable = dtResult; return(dtResult); }
public DataTable downloadNSEEquityData(int UserId, DateTime Startdate, DateTime Enddate) { string pathval = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; if (pathval.EndsWith("\\bin\\Debug\\")) { pathval = pathval.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", ""); } string pathNse = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\NseEquities.txt"); string pathFilter = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\NseEquitiesFiltered.txt"); string pathNseZip = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\"); string pathNSEEquityFile = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\NSEEquities.CSV"); string pathextract = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles"); string Downloadtype = "NSEEquities"; MarketDataPullDao marketdatapullDao = new MarketDataPullDao(); DateTime date = Startdate; DataTable dtResult = new DataTable("NSECorpActsDownloadResult"); dtResult.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("Result", typeof(string)); dtResult.Columns.Add("NumofRecords", typeof(int)); DataRow dr; //date = CEodFetch.ValidateDay(date); do { bool result = true; string ProcessStatus_NseData = ""; int num_of_rec_NseData = -1; ProductPriceDownloadLogBo productPriceDownloadLogBo = new ProductPriceDownloadLogBo(); AdminDownloadProcessLogVo processLogVo = new AdminDownloadProcessLogVo(); processLogVo.CreatedBy = UserId; processLogVo.AssetClass = "Equity"; processLogVo.SourceName = "NSE"; processLogVo.StartTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; processLogVo.ModifiedBy = UserId; processLogVo.ForDate = date; //Create a process for the download processLogVo.ProcessID = productPriceDownloadLogBo.CreateProcessLog(processLogVo); try { string fetchData = CEodFetch.GetNseEquities(date); //string sPostData = ""; //string sResponse = ""; //HttpWebRequest oRequest = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(fetchData); //oRequest.Method = "POST"; //oRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //oRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"; //oRequest.Accept = "application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"; ////oRequest.ContentLength = sPostData.Length; //UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); //byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(sPostData); //Stream oWStream = oRequest.GetRequestStream(); //oWStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //oWStream.Close(); //sResponse = ""; //oRequest.Timeout = Timeout.Infinite; //WebResponse oResponse = oRequest.GetResponse(); //using (StreamReader oSR = new StreamReader(oResponse.GetResponseStream())) //{ // sResponse = oSR.ReadToEnd(); // oSR.Close(); //} //Download data from NSE Site WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); // myWebClient.Headers.Add("Accept: application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"); myWebClient.Headers.Add("Accept: application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"); myWebClient.Headers.Add("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.44 Safari/534.7"); //myWebClient.Headers.Add("Accept","application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"); //myWebClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); myWebClient.DownloadFile(fetchData, pathNseZip); processLogVo.IsConnectionToSiteEstablished = 1; processLogVo.IsFileDownloaded = 1; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); if (result) { //Zip Extracting Code FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.ExtractZip(pathNseZip, pathextract, ""); //filename convert string pathNSEDownloadFile = Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\") + CEodFetch.GetDownloadFile(date, Downloadtype); FileInfo renamefile = new FileInfo(pathNSEDownloadFile); if (renamefile.Exists) { File.Delete(pathNSEEquityFile); File.Move(pathNSEDownloadFile, pathNSEEquityFile); } // ******************************************************************************** //Store the retrieved data in a text file //result = CEodFetch.WriteToFile(pathNse, pathNSEEquityFile); if (result) { //Create a stream reader for the text file StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pathNSEEquityFile); StringBuilder strNewData = new StringBuilder(); String line; //Omit lines which are there in the text files //for information purpose while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Contains(",")) { strNewData.AppendLine(line); } } sr.Close(); //Create Filtered Data text file result = CEodFetch.WriteToFile(pathFilter, strNewData.ToString()); if (result) { //Create Data Set from the filtered data DataSet ds = TextToDataSet.GetNseEquitiesDataSet(pathFilter); if (null != ds) { processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; ds.WriteXml(Path.Combine(pathval, @"MarketDataDownloadFiles\" + processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"), XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema); processLogVo.IsConversiontoXMLComplete = 1; processLogVo.XMLFileName = processLogVo.ProcessID + ".xml"; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); //Store the data set into NSE EOD Market Data Table string Message = ""; //result = DBHelper.UpdateTable(ds.Tables["NSE"], out Message); result = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataToTemp(ds, "NSE"); if (result) { num_of_rec_NseData = marketdatapullDao.InsertDataintoMarketPriceTable(date, "NSE"); if (num_of_rec_NseData == 0) { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Latest data already exists in the database for the date : " + date + ""; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Data Updated successfully into the table"; processLogVo.IsInsertiontoDBdone = 1; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Failed to insert the data into NSEEquities: " + Message; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Could not create data set from the filtered data!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Could not write the filtered data to the disk!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsInserted = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Could not write the downloaded data to the disk!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } else { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Data not available on the site!"; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } } catch (Exception exp) { ProcessStatus_NseData = "Exception in NSE Equities EOD Fetch: " + exp.Message; num_of_rec_NseData = 0; processLogVo.NoOfRecordsDownloaded = num_of_rec_NseData; processLogVo.Description = ProcessStatus_NseData; } processLogVo.EndTime = DateTime.Now; result = productPriceDownloadLogBo.UpdateProcessLog(processLogVo); dr = dtResult.NewRow(); dr["Date"] = date.ToShortDateString(); dr["Result"] = ProcessStatus_NseData; dr["NumofRecords"] = num_of_rec_NseData; dtResult.Rows.Add(dr); date = date.AddDays(1); } while (date <= Enddate); DataTable dtresulttable = dtResult; return(dtResult); }