private void FileDoc(string strDocId, string strDocClass, string strDocTitle, string strFolderPath)
            // Create a Create verb, populate it to create a new RCR
            CEWSI.CreateAction createVerb = new CEWSI.CreateAction();
            createVerb.autoUniqueContainmentName          = true;
            createVerb.autoUniqueContainmentNameSpecified = true;
            createVerb.classId = "DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship";

            CEWSI.ChangeRequestType objChange = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType();
            objChange.Action                       = new CEWSI.ActionType[1];
            objChange.Action[0]                    = (CEWSI.ActionType)createVerb;
            objChange.TargetSpecification          = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objChange.TargetSpecification.classId  = "ObjectStore";
            objChange.TargetSpecification.objectId = MainForm.Library;
   = "1";

            // Create the properties of the new RCR
            CEWSI.ObjectReference objHeadRef = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objHeadRef.classId     = strDocClass;
            objHeadRef.objectId    = strDocId;
            objHeadRef.objectStore = MainForm.Library;
            CEWSI.SingletonObject propHead = new CEWSI.SingletonObject();
            propHead.propertyId = "Head";
            propHead.Value      = (CEWSI.ObjectEntryType)objHeadRef;

            CEWSI.ObjectReference objTailRef = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objTailRef.classId     = "Folder";
            objTailRef.objectId    = strFolderPath;
            objTailRef.objectStore = MainForm.Library;
            CEWSI.SingletonObject propTail = new CEWSI.SingletonObject();
            propTail.propertyId = "Tail";
            propTail.Value      = (CEWSI.ObjectEntryType)objTailRef;

            CEWSI.SingletonString propContainmentName = new CEWSI.SingletonString();
            propContainmentName.propertyId = "ContainmentName";
            propContainmentName.Value      = strDocTitle;

            CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[] objProps = new CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[3];
            objProps[0] = propTail;
            objProps[1] = propHead;
            objProps[2] = propContainmentName;
            objChange.ActionProperties = objProps;

            // Fill in the security headers...
            CEWSI.FNCEWS40PortTypeClient objBinding = WSIUtil.ConfigureBinding(MainForm.User,
                                                                               MainForm.Domain, MainForm.Password, MainForm.URL);

            // Send off the request
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType[]  objResponseArray = null;
            CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest objRequest       = new CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest();
            objRequest.refresh          = false;
            objRequest.refreshSpecified = true;
            objRequest.ChangeRequest    = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType[1];
            objRequest.ChangeRequest[0] = objChange;
                objResponseArray = objBinding.ExecuteChanges(WSIUtil.GetLocalization(), objRequest);
            catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred while filing a document: [" + ex.Message + "]");
            catch (Exception allEx)
                MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred: [" + allEx.Message + "]");

            MessageBox.Show("Successfully filed a document!");
예제 #2
        //	Get property value in string format
        public static string getPropertyValue(CEWSI.PropertyType objProp)
            if (objProp == null)

            string strValue = "";
            Type   objType  = objProp.GetType();

            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonString))
                strValue = (string)((CEWSI.SingletonString)objProp).Value;
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonBoolean))
                strValue = (string)((CEWSI.SingletonBoolean)objProp).Value.ToString();
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonDateTime))
                strValue = (string)((CEWSI.SingletonDateTime)objProp).Value.ToString();
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonFloat64))
                strValue = (string)((CEWSI.SingletonFloat64)objProp).Value.ToString();
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonId))
                strValue = (string)((CEWSI.SingletonId)objProp).Value;
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonInteger32))
                strValue = (string)((CEWSI.SingletonInteger32)objProp).Value.ToString();
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonObject))
                CEWSI.SingletonObject objSO = (CEWSI.SingletonObject)objProp;

                if (objSO.Value == null)
                    strValue = "null";
                        CEWSI.ObjectReference objRef = (CEWSI.ObjectReference)objSO.Value;
                        strValue = (string)(objRef.objectId);
                    catch (System.Exception)
                        strValue = "Unevaluated";
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.EnumOfObject))
                StringBuilder      buffer  = new StringBuilder();
                CEWSI.EnumOfObject objEnum = (CEWSI.EnumOfObject)objProp;
                if ((CEWSI.ObjectValue[])objEnum.Value != null)
                    foreach (CEWSI.ObjectValue obj in (CEWSI.ObjectValue[])objEnum.Value)
                        buffer.Append("          " + obj.objectId + "\r\n");
                strValue = buffer.ToString();
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.ListOfString))
                if (((CEWSI.ListOfString)objProp).Value != null)
                    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (string str in (string[])((CEWSI.ListOfString)objProp).Value)
                        buffer.Append(str + ",");
                    strValue = buffer.ToString();
            if (objType == typeof(CEWSI.ListOfObject))
                CEWSI.ListOfObject objList = (CEWSI.ListOfObject)objProp;
                if (objProp.propertyId == "ContentElements")
                    strValue = ("ContentElements");
                    if (objList != null)
                        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (CEWSI.DependentObjectType obj in (CEWSI.DependentObjectType[])((CEWSI.ListOfObject)objList).Value)
                            buffer.Append(obj.classId + ", ");
                        strValue = buffer.ToString();
                strValue = (string)objProp.ToString();

            //buffer.Append((objRet == null) ? "null" : objRet.ToString());

        private void btnCreateSubclass_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            String strParentClassName;
            String strParentClassId;
            int    iRow;

            CEWSI.PropertyType    prop;
            CEWSI.ObjectReference objRef;

            // First find the selected parent class, and extract the name and ID for it
            iRow = dgrdResults.CurrentRowIndex;
            if (iRow < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a class first");
            prop = g_Classes[iRow].Property[4];
            if (prop == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot find the This property");
            if (prop.GetType() == typeof(CEWSI.SingletonObject))
                CEWSI.SingletonObject objSO = (CEWSI.SingletonObject)prop;
                objRef = (CEWSI.ObjectReference)((CEWSI.SingletonObject)prop).Value;
                    objRef             = (CEWSI.ObjectReference)objSO.Value;
                    strParentClassName = objRef.classId;
                    strParentClassId   = objRef.objectId;
                catch (System.Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot extract the class and Id of the selected item");
                MessageBox.Show("Expected to find an object valued property");

            // Create a Create verb, populate it
            CEWSI.CreateAction createVerb = new CEWSI.CreateAction();
            createVerb.classId = strParentClassName;

            CEWSI.ChangeRequestType objChange = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType();
            objChange.Action = new CEWSI.ActionType[1];
            objChange.TargetSpecification             = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objChange.TargetSpecification.classId     = strParentClassName;
            objChange.TargetSpecification.objectId    = strParentClassId;
            objChange.TargetSpecification.objectStore = MainForm.Library;
   = "1";

            // Build a list of properties to set in the new property template
            // The following meta-properties will be set:
            //   SymbolicName		String
            //   DisplayNames		ListOfObject
            CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[] objInputProps = new CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[2];

            // Symbolic name
            CEWSI.SingletonString objSymName = new CEWSI.SingletonString();
            objSymName.Value      = txtSymbolicName.Text;
            objSymName.propertyId = "SymbolicName";
            objInputProps[0]      = objSymName;

            // Set up the DisplayNames property
            //  DisplayNames is a dependent object that has the following properties:
            //    LocaleName		String
            //    LocalizedText		String
            CEWSI.ListOfObject objNameList = new CEWSI.ListOfObject();
            objNameList.propertyId = "DisplayNames";
            CEWSI.DependentObjectType[] theNames = new CEWSI.DependentObjectType[1];
            CEWSI.DependentObjectType   dispName = new CEWSI.DependentObjectType();
            theNames[0]       = dispName;
            objNameList.Value = theNames;

            dispName.dependentAction          = CEWSI.DependentObjectTypeDependentAction.Insert;
            dispName.dependentActionSpecified = true;
            dispName.classId = "LocalizedString";

            CEWSI.PropertyType[]  nameProps = new CEWSI.PropertyType[2];
            CEWSI.SingletonString objLocale = new CEWSI.SingletonString();
            objLocale.propertyId = "LocaleName";
            objLocale.Value      = "en-us";
            nameProps[0]         = objLocale;

            CEWSI.SingletonString objText = new CEWSI.SingletonString();
            objText.propertyId = "LocalizedText";
            objText.Value      = txtSymbolicName.Text;
            nameProps[1]       = objText;
            dispName.Property  = nameProps;

            objInputProps[1]           = objNameList;
            objChange.ActionProperties = objInputProps;
            objChange.Action[0]        = (CEWSI.ActionType)createVerb;

            // Fill in the security headers...
            CEWSI.FNCEWS40PortTypeClient objBinding = WSIUtil.ConfigureBinding(MainForm.User,
                                                                               MainForm.Domain, MainForm.Password, MainForm.URL);

            // Send off the request
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType[]  objResponseArray = null;
            CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest objRequest       = new CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest();
            objRequest.refresh          = true;
            objRequest.refreshSpecified = true;
            objRequest.ChangeRequest    = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType[1];
            objRequest.ChangeRequest[0] = objChange;
                objResponseArray = objBinding.ExecuteChanges(WSIUtil.GetLocalization(), objRequest);
            catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred while creating a new class: [" + ex.Message + "]");
            catch (Exception allEx)
                MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred: [" + allEx.Message + "]");

            // Created a class!  Sanity check the results
            string strObjectId = "";
            bool   bFound      = false;

            if (objResponseArray == null || objResponseArray.Length < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("The change request was executed, but a valid object was not returned");
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType objResponse = objResponseArray[0];
            foreach (CEWSI.PropertyType objProp in objResponse.Property)
                if (objProp.propertyId.CompareTo("Id") == 0)
                    strObjectId = IdmObjectType.getPropertyValue(objProp);
                    bFound      = true;
            if (!bFound)
                MessageBox.Show("The class was created, but the results do not contain an ID!");
            MessageBox.Show("Successfully created a new class!  ID = [" + strObjectId + "]");
예제 #4
        public static EcmResult CreateFolder(DocumentModel doc, string folderName, string parentFolder, string folderClass)
            EcmResult ret = new EcmResult();

            if (doc.IsUseCert == 1)

            CEWSI.ChangeRequestType objChange  = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType();
            CEWSI.CreateAction      createVerb = new CEWSI.CreateAction();
            createVerb.classId                     = folderClass;
            objChange.Action                       = new CEWSI.ActionType[1];
            objChange.Action[0]                    = (CEWSI.ActionType)createVerb;
            objChange.TargetSpecification          = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objChange.TargetSpecification.classId  = "ObjectStore";
            objChange.TargetSpecification.objectId = doc.ObjectStore;
   = "1";

            CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[] objInputProps = new CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[2];
            objChange.ActionProperties = objInputProps;

            // Build a list of properties to set in the new folder (just the folder name and parent for now)
            //    -Folder name property
            CEWSI.SingletonString objString = new CEWSI.SingletonString();
            objString.Value      = folderName;
            objString.propertyId = "FolderName";
            objInputProps[0]     = objString;

            //    -Parent property
            CEWSI.ObjectSpecification objSpec   = new CEWSI.ObjectSpecification();
            CEWSI.SingletonObject     objObject = new CEWSI.SingletonObject();
            objSpec.classId      = "Folder";
            objSpec.path         = parentFolder;
            objSpec.objectStore  = doc.ObjectStore;
            objObject.propertyId = "Parent";
            objObject.Value      = (CEWSI.ObjectEntryType)objSpec;
            objInputProps[1]     = objObject;

            // Fill in the security headers...
            CEWSI.FNCEWS40PortTypeClient objBinding = WSIUtil.ConfigureBinding(doc.EcmUser, doc.EcmDomain, doc.EcmPassword, doc.EcmUrl);

            // Send off the request
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType[]  objResponseArray = null;
            CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest objRequest       = new CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest();
            objRequest.refresh          = true;
            objRequest.refreshSpecified = true;
            objRequest.ChangeRequest    = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType[1];
            objRequest.ChangeRequest[0] = objChange;
                objResponseArray = objBinding.ExecuteChanges(WSIUtil.GetLocalization(), objRequest);
            catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                ret.ErrorCode = -1;
                ret.ErrorMsg  = ex.ToString();
            catch (Exception allEx)
                ret.ErrorCode = -1;
                ret.ErrorMsg  = allEx.ToString();

            // Created a folder!  Sanity check the results
            string strObjectId = "";
            bool   bFound      = false;

            if (objResponseArray == null || objResponseArray.Length < 1)
                ret.ErrorCode = 0;
                ret.ErrorMsg  = "The change request was executed, but a valid object was not returned";
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType objResponse = objResponseArray[0];
            foreach (CEWSI.PropertyType objProp in objResponse.Property)
                if (objProp.propertyId.CompareTo("Id") == 0)
                    strObjectId = IdmObjectType.getPropertyValue(objProp);
                    bFound      = true;
            if (!bFound)
                ret.ErrorCode = 0;
                ret.ErrorMsg  = "The folder was created, but the results do not contain a folder ID";
            ret.ErrorCode = 1;
            ret.ErrorMsg  = "Successfully created a folder";
            ret.DocId     = strObjectId;
예제 #5
        private static EcmResult FileDoc(EcmInfo info)
            EcmResult ret = new EcmResult();

            // Create a Create verb, populate it to create a new RCR
            CEWSI.CreateAction createVerb = new CEWSI.CreateAction();
            createVerb.autoUniqueContainmentName          = true;
            createVerb.autoUniqueContainmentNameSpecified = true;
            createVerb.classId = "DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship";

            CEWSI.ChangeRequestType objChange = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType();
            objChange.Action                       = new CEWSI.ActionType[1];
            objChange.Action[0]                    = (CEWSI.ActionType)createVerb;
            objChange.TargetSpecification          = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objChange.TargetSpecification.classId  = "ObjectStore";
            objChange.TargetSpecification.objectId = info.ObjectStore;
   = "1";

            // Create the properties of the new RCR
            CEWSI.ObjectReference objHeadRef = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objHeadRef.classId     = info.DocClass;
            objHeadRef.objectId    = info.DocId;
            objHeadRef.objectStore = info.ObjectStore;
            CEWSI.SingletonObject propHead = new CEWSI.SingletonObject();
            propHead.propertyId = "Head";
            propHead.Value      = (CEWSI.ObjectEntryType)objHeadRef;

            CEWSI.ObjectReference objTailRef = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objTailRef.classId     = "Folder";
            objTailRef.objectId    = info.FolderPath;
            objTailRef.objectStore = info.ObjectStore;
            CEWSI.SingletonObject propTail = new CEWSI.SingletonObject();
            propTail.propertyId = "Tail";
            propTail.Value      = (CEWSI.ObjectEntryType)objTailRef;

            CEWSI.SingletonString propContainmentName = new CEWSI.SingletonString();
            propContainmentName.propertyId = "ContainmentName";
            propContainmentName.Value      = info.DocTitle;

            CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[] objProps = new CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[3];
            objProps[0] = propTail;
            objProps[1] = propHead;
            objProps[2] = propContainmentName;
            objChange.ActionProperties = objProps;

            // Fill in the security headers...
            CEWSI.FNCEWS40PortTypeClient objBinding = WSIUtil.ConfigureBinding(info.User, info.Domain, info.Password, info.Url);

            // Send off the request
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType[]  objResponseArray = null;
            CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest objRequest       = new CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest();
            objRequest.refresh          = false;
            objRequest.refreshSpecified = true;
            objRequest.ChangeRequest    = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType[1];
            objRequest.ChangeRequest[0] = objChange;
                objResponseArray = objBinding.ExecuteChanges(WSIUtil.GetLocalization(), objRequest);
            catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                //Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred while filing a document: [" + ex.Message + "]");
                ret.ErrorCode = -1;
                ret.ErrorMsg  = ex.ToString();
            //catch (Exception allEx)
            //    //Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: [" + allEx.Message + "]");
            //    //Console.ReadLine();
            //    return false;

            //Console.WriteLine("Successfully filed a document!");
            ret.ErrorCode = 1;
            ret.ErrorMsg  = "Successfully filed a document!";
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Create the ChangeRequest
            CEWSI.ChangeRequestType objChange  = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType();
            CEWSI.CreateAction      createVerb = new CEWSI.CreateAction();
            createVerb.classId                     = txtFolderClass.Text;
            objChange.Action                       = new CEWSI.ActionType[1];
            objChange.Action[0]                    = (CEWSI.ActionType)createVerb;
            objChange.TargetSpecification          = new CEWSI.ObjectReference();
            objChange.TargetSpecification.classId  = "ObjectStore";
            objChange.TargetSpecification.objectId = MainForm.Library;
   = "1";

            CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[] objInputProps = new CEWSI.ModifiablePropertyType[2];
            objChange.ActionProperties = objInputProps;

            // Build a list of properties to set in the new folder (just the folder name and parent for now)
            //    -Folder name property
            CEWSI.SingletonString objString = new CEWSI.SingletonString();
            objString.Value      = txtName.Text;
            objString.propertyId = "FolderName";
            objInputProps[0]     = objString;

            //    -Parent property
            CEWSI.ObjectSpecification objSpec   = new CEWSI.ObjectSpecification();
            CEWSI.SingletonObject     objObject = new CEWSI.SingletonObject();
            objSpec.classId      = "Folder";
            objSpec.path         = txtParent.Text;
            objSpec.objectStore  = MainForm.Library;
            objObject.propertyId = "Parent";
            objObject.Value      = (CEWSI.ObjectEntryType)objSpec;
            objInputProps[1]     = objObject;

            // Fill in the security headers...
            CEWSI.FNCEWS40PortTypeClient objBinding = WSIUtil.ConfigureBinding(MainForm.User,
                                                                               MainForm.Domain, MainForm.Password, MainForm.URL);

            // Send off the request
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType[]  objResponseArray = null;
            CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest objRequest       = new CEWSI.ExecuteChangesRequest();
            objRequest.refresh          = true;
            objRequest.refreshSpecified = true;
            objRequest.ChangeRequest    = new CEWSI.ChangeRequestType[1];
            objRequest.ChangeRequest[0] = objChange;
                objResponseArray = objBinding.ExecuteChanges(WSIUtil.GetLocalization(), objRequest);
            catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred while creating a folder: [" + ex.Message + "]");
            catch (Exception allEx)
                MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred: [" + allEx.Message + "]");

            // Created a folder!  Sanity check the results
            string strObjectId = "";
            bool   bFound      = false;

            if (objResponseArray == null || objResponseArray.Length < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("The change request was executed, but a valid object was not returned");
            CEWSI.ChangeResponseType objResponse = objResponseArray[0];
            foreach (CEWSI.PropertyType objProp in objResponse.Property)
                if (objProp.propertyId.CompareTo("Id") == 0)
                    strObjectId = IdmObjectType.getPropertyValue(objProp);
                    bFound      = true;
            if (!bFound)
                MessageBox.Show("The folder was created, but the results do not contain a folder ID!");
            MessageBox.Show("Successfully created a folder!  ID = [" + strObjectId + "]");