internal static CRegistationResult RegisterPerson(String name, String username, String email, SecureString securePassword, SecureString securePasswordConfirmation) { CRegistationResult result = new CRegistationResult(); String password = securePassword.ConvertToUnsecureString(); String passwordConfirmation = securePasswordConfirmation.ConvertToUnsecureString(); result.IsEmailValidated = IsMailValid(email); result.IsPasswordValidated = IsPasswordValid(password); result.IsPasswordConfirmed = password.Equals(passwordConfirmation); if (!result.IsEmailValidated || !result.IsPasswordValidated || !result.IsPasswordConfirmed) { result.IsRegistered = false; return(result); } CDataSupplierProxy dataSupplier = new CDataSupplierProxy(); result.IsUsernameFree = !dataSupplier.IsUsernameExisted(username); result.IsEmailFree = !dataSupplier.IsEmailExisted(email); if (!result.IsUsernameFree || !result.IsEmailFree) { result.IsRegistered = false; return(result); } CDataRecorderProxy dataRecorder = new CDataRecorderProxy(); String salt = GenerateRandomString(10); String passwordHash = CalculateHash(SaltPassword(password, salt)); try { dataRecorder.RegisterPerson(name, username, email, salt, passwordHash); } //TODO: Find what exception throw when added new entity with existed primary Key or unique field dublicate catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, "Some error occure while trying to register person in CSLoginServis. Message: {0}", ex.Message); result.IsRegistered = false; return(result); } CLoginVerificationResult verRes = VerifyPassword(username, securePassword); if (verRes.IsVerified) { result.Token = verRes.Token; result.IsRegistered = true; } else { result.IsRegistered = false; } return(result); }
public Boolean CreateFamily(String token, String familyName, Int32 budget) { try { log.Trace("Entered CreateFamily"); Int32 personId; if (IsTokenBad(token, out personId)) { log.Info("Token is invalid. Can't create family. Token: {0}", token); return(false); } IDataRecorder recorder = new CDataRecorderProxy(); return(recorder.CreateFamily(personId, familyName, budget)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, "Some error occure in CBllFacadeForUI.CreateFamily. Message: {0}", ex.Message); return(false); } }
public Boolean DeleteSubCategory(String token, Int32 subCategoryId) { try { log.Trace("Entered DeleteSubCategory"); Int32 personId; if (IsTokenBad(token, out personId)) { log.Info("Token is invalid. Can't delete subCategory (id = {1}). Token: {0}", token, subCategoryId); return(false); } IDataRecorder recorder = new CDataRecorderProxy(); return(recorder.DeleteSubCategory(personId, subCategoryId)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, "Some error occure in CBllFacadeForUI.DeleteSubCategory (subCategoryId = {1}). Message: {0}", ex.Message, subCategoryId); return(false); } }
public Int32 AddSubCategory(String token, String categoryTitle, String subCategoryTitle, String subCategoryDescription) { try { log.Trace("Entered AddSubCategory"); Int32 personId; if (IsTokenBad(token, out personId)) { log.Info("Token is invalid. Can't add Payment. Token: {0}", token); return(0); } IDataRecorder recorder = new CDataRecorderProxy(); return(recorder.AddSubCategory(personId, categoryTitle, subCategoryTitle, subCategoryDescription)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, "Some error occure in CBllFacadeForUI.AddSubCategory (categoryTitle = {1}, subCategoryTitle = {2}, subCategoryDescription = {3}). Message: {0}", ex.Message, categoryTitle, subCategoryTitle, subCategoryDescription); return(0); } }
public Int32 AddPayment(String token, DateTime date, String category, String subCategory, Decimal spended) { try { log.Trace("Entered AddPayment"); Int32 personId; if (IsTokenBad(token, out personId)) { log.Info("Token is invalid. Can't add Payment. Token: {0}", token); return(0); } IDataRecorder recorder = new CDataRecorderProxy(); return(recorder.AddPayment(personId, date, category, subCategory, spended)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, "Some error occure in CBllFacadeForUI.AddPayment (date = {1}, category = {2}, subCategory = {3}, sum = {4}). Message: {0}", ex.Message, date, category, subCategory, spended); return(0); } }
public Boolean EditSubCategory(String token, Int32 subCategoryId, String newCategoryTitle, String newSubCategoryTitle, String newSubCategoryDescription) { try { log.Trace("Entered EditSubCategory"); Int32 personId; if (IsTokenBad(token, out personId)) { log.Info("Token is invalid. Can't edit subCategory (id = {1}). Token: {0}", token, subCategoryId); return(false); } IDataRecorder recorder = new CDataRecorderProxy(); return(recorder.EditSubCategory(personId, subCategoryId, newCategoryTitle, newSubCategoryTitle, newSubCategoryDescription)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, "Some error occure in CBllFacadeForUI.EditSubCategory " + "(subCategoryId = {1}, newCategoryTitle = {2}, newSubCategoryTitle = {3}, newSubCategoryDescription = {4}). Message: {0}", ex.Message, subCategoryId, newCategoryTitle, newSubCategoryTitle, newSubCategoryDescription); return(false); } }
public Boolean EditPayment(String token, Int32 paymentId, DateTime newDate, String newCategoryTitle, String newSubCategoryTitle, Decimal newSum) { try { log.Trace("Entered EditPayment"); Int32 personId; if (IsTokenBad(token, out personId)) { log.Info("Token is invalid. Can't edit Payment (id = {1}). Token: {0}", token, paymentId); return(false); } IDataRecorder recorder = new CDataRecorderProxy(); return(recorder.EditPayment(personId, paymentId, newDate, newCategoryTitle, newSubCategoryTitle, newSum)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, "Some error occure in CBllFacadeForUI.EditPayment " + "(paymentId = {1}, newDate = {2}, newCategory = {3}, newSubCategory = {4} newSum = {5}). Message: {0}", ex.Message, paymentId, newDate, newCategoryTitle, newSubCategoryTitle, newSum); return(false); } }