// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(wand, WandButton.Menu)) { transform.GetChild(childIndex).gameObject.SetActive(false); childIndex = (childIndex + 1) % transform.childCount; transform.GetChild(childIndex).gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { projectile.transform.position = new Vector3(wandTransform.position.x, wandTransform.position.y, wandTransform.position.z); permanentTrail.transform.position = projectile.transform.position; if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(wand, WandButton.Trigger)) { GameObject tempProjectile = Instantiate(projectile); tempProjectile.AddComponent <DestroyProjectile>(); tempProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; tempProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(CC_CANOE.WandGameObject(wand).transform.forward *projectileForce); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { float angle = Mathf.Atan2(CC_INPUT.GetAxis(wand, WandAxis.YAxis), CC_INPUT.GetAxis(wand, WandAxis.XAxis)); if (angle < 0f) { angle += 2 * Mathf.PI; } angle = angle * (180f / Mathf.PI); if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(wand, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { if ((angle >= 45f) && (angle <= 135f)) { Debug.Log("Up object selected"); chosenParticles = upParticles; } else if ((angle >= 225f) && (angle <= 315f)) { Debug.Log("Down object selected"); chosenParticles = downParticles; } else if ((angle > 135f) && (angle < 225f)) { Debug.Log("Left object selected"); chosenParticles = leftParticles; } else if (((angle >= 0) && (angle < 45)) || ((angle > 315) && (angle <= 360f))) { Debug.Log("Right object selected"); chosenParticles = rightParticles; } tempParticles = Instantiate(chosenParticles, wandTransform.position, wandTransform.rotation); } if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonPress(wand, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { tempParticles.transform.position = wandTransform.position; } if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonUp(wand, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { tempParticles.AddComponent <DestroyProjectile>(); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(wandToFollow, spawnButton)) { fireballInstance = Instantiate(fireball, null); } if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonPress(wandToFollow, spawnButton)) { fireballInstance.transform.position = new Vector3(wandTransform.position.x + positionOffset.x, wandTransform.position.y + positionOffset.y, wandTransform.position.z + positionOffset.z); Debug.Log(fireballInstance.transform.position); } if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonUp(wandToFollow, spawnButton)) { fireballInstance.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(wandTransform.forward * launchForce); //fireballInstance.GetComponent<DestroyFireball>().enabled = true; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Default color Color color = Color.white; updateModel(); updateTrackpad(); //On the first frame of the click, instantiate a projectile at the position of the trackpad click if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(Wand.Left, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { Debug.Log("trackpad just clicked"); //Color is calculated using the angle of the click color = new Color(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Cos(angle + (3 * Mathf.PI / 4)), Mathf.Cos(angle - (3 * Mathf.PI / 4))); controlledObject = Instantiate(projectile, new Vector3(x, y + transform.position.y, transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity); controlledObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = color; controlledObject.name = "obj_" + projectileIncrement; projectileIncrement = (projectileIncrement + 1) % projectileLimit; //When the trackpad is held, the projectile follows the position of the trackpad click and its color is updated //to match the new angle } else if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonPress(Wand.Left, WandButton.TrackpadClick) && (controlledObject != null)) { Debug.Log("trackpad being held"); controlledObject.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y + transform.position.y, transform.position.z); color = new Color(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Cos(angle + (3 * Mathf.PI / 4)), Mathf.Cos(angle - (3 * Mathf.PI / 4))); controlledObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = color; //When the trackpad is released, the force is added to the projectile at the angle it was released at } else if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonUp(Wand.Left, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { Debug.Log("trackpad just released"); //A random z-axis force is applied to the projectile float force = (float)forceEnum * forceFactor + forceFactor; zForce = CC_CANOE.RandomRange(0f, 1f) * force; if (CC_CANOE.RandomRange(0, 1) == 0) { zForce = -zForce; } //Force is added to the projectile if (controlledObject != null) { controlledObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle) * force, Mathf.Sin(angle) * force, zForce)); } //If an object of the same name exists, destroy it. This enforces the number of projectiles allowed at once. if (GameObject.Find("obj_" + projectileIncrement) != null) { Destroy(GameObject.Find("obj_" + projectileIncrement)); } } if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(Wand.Left, WandButton.Trigger)) { forceEnum = (Force)(((int)(forceEnum) + 1) % System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Force)).Length); } if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(Wand.Left, WandButton.Grip)) { modelEnum = (Model)(((int)(modelEnum) + 1) % System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Model)).Length); switch (modelEnum) { case Model.Orb: projectile = orbObject; break; case Model.Cube: projectile = cubeObject; break; default: break; } } //Press the left Menu button to delete all existing projectiles if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(Wand.Left, WandButton.Menu)) { for (int i = 0; i < projectileLimit; i++) { if (GameObject.Find("obj_" + i) != null) { Destroy(GameObject.Find("obj_" + i)); audioSource.Play(); } } } toggleInfo.text = "Newly spawned projectiles" + "\nwill be " + modelEnum + "s with " + forceEnum + " force"; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Transform wandTransform = CC_CANOE.WandTransform(wand); Vector3 offset = new Vector3(wandTransform.position.x, wandTransform.position.y + verticalOffset, wandTransform.position.z); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(CC_INPUT.GetAxis(wand, WandAxis.YAxis), CC_INPUT.GetAxis(wand, WandAxis.XAxis)); if (angle < 0f) { angle += 2 * Mathf.PI; } angle = angle * (180f / Mathf.PI); if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(wand, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { if ((angle >= 45f) && (angle <= 135f)) { Debug.Log("Up object selected"); lanternObj = upObject; chosenButton = WandButton.Up; } else if ((angle >= 225f) && (angle <= 315f)) { Debug.Log("Down object selected"); lanternObj = downObject; chosenButton = WandButton.Down; } else if ((angle > 135f) && (angle < 225f)) { Debug.Log("Left object selected"); lanternObj = leftObject; chosenButton = WandButton.Left; } else if (((angle >= 0) && (angle < 45)) || ((angle > 315) && (angle <= 360f))) { Debug.Log("Right object selected"); lanternObj = rightObject; chosenButton = WandButton.Right; } } if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonDown(wand, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { lanternObj.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero; Vector3 rotation = lanternObj.transform.eulerAngles; Quaternion quat = Quaternion.identity; lantern = Instantiate(lanternObj, offset, quat); lantern.gameObject.SetActive(true); lantern.transform.position = offset; } else if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonPress(wand, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { lantern.transform.position = offset; } else if (CC_INPUT.GetButtonUp(wand, WandButton.TrackpadClick)) { lantern.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; lantern.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(0, releaseForce, 0)); lantern.GetComponent <Lantern>().startExpiring = true; } }