예제 #1
        public CCPhysicsSprite addGrossiniAtPosition(CCPoint location)
            int posx, posy;

            posx = CCRandom.Next() * 200;
            posy = CCRandom.Next() * 200;

            posx = (Math.Abs(posx) % 4) * 85;
            posy = (Math.Abs(posy) % 3) * 121;

            CCPhysicsSprite sp = new CCPhysicsSprite(spriteTexture.Texture, new CCRect(posx, posy, 85, 121));

            cpBB verts = new cpBB(-24, -54, 24, 54);

            var body = new cpBody(1, cp.MomentForBox2(1, new cpBB(-24, -54, 24, 54)));             //);

            body.SetPosition(new cpVect(posx, posy));

            var shape = cpPolyShape.BoxShape2(body, verts, 0);

            shape.e = .5f;
            shape.u = .5f;

            sp.Body = body;

            sp.Position = location;

예제 #2
        private void AddBall()
            float ballDiameter = _gameWidth * BALL_RADIUS_PERCENT;
            float ballCenterX  = _gameWidth * BALL_X_PERCENT;
            float ballCenterY  = ballDiameter / 2 + BALL_Y_MARGIN;

            var def = new b2BodyDef();

            def.position = new b2Vec2(ballCenterX / App.PTM_RATIO, ballCenterY / App.PTM_RATIO);
            def.type     = b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
            b2Body physBody = _world.CreateBody(def);
            //Circle Physics Shape
            var shape = new b2CircleShape();

            shape.Radius = ballDiameter / 2 / App.PTM_RATIO;

            var fd = new b2FixtureDef();

            fd.shape       = shape;
            fd.density     = 1f;
            fd.restitution = BALL_RECOIL;
            fd.friction    = BALL_FRICTION;
            _contactListener.Ball = physBody;

            CCTexture2D ballTex = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_ballFilename))
                ballTex = new CCTexture2D("soccer");
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(_ballFilename, FileMode.Open);
                ballTex = new CCTexture2D(fs);
            _ballN = new CCPhysicsSprite(ballTex, physBody)
                PositionX   = ballCenterX,
                PositionY   = ballCenterY,
                ContentSize = new CCSize(ballDiameter, ballDiameter)
예제 #3
        void AddNewSpriteAt(PointF pos)
            int posx, posy;

            var parent = GetChild(parentnode) as CCSpriteBatchNode;

            posx = (int)(rnd.NextDouble() * 200.0f);
            posy = (int)(rnd.NextDouble() * 200.0f);

            posx = (posx % 4) * 85;
            posy = (posy % 3) * 121;

            var sprite = new CCPhysicsSprite(parent.Texture, new RectangleF(posx, posy, 85, 121));

            //this used to work, but crashes now, as it sets the Body's position and the Body isn't set yet :/
            //sprite.Position = pos;


            PointF[] verts =
                new PointF(-24, -54),
                new PointF(-24,  54),
                new PointF(24,   54),
                new PointF(24,  -54),

            var body = new Body(1, Helper.MomentForPolygon(1f, verts, PointF.Empty))
                Position = pos


            var shape = new PolygonShape(body, verts, PointF.Empty)
                Elasticity = .5f,
                Friction   = .5f

            sprite.Body = body;
예제 #4
        private void AddShape(b2World world, CCPoint position)
            b2Vec2 positionVec = new b2Vec2(position.X, position.Y);

            var box = new CCPhysicsSprite("hd/images/cloud", IntroLayer.PTM_RATIO);

            box.Position = position;

            var def = new b2BodyDef();

            def.position       = new b2Vec2(positionVec.x / IntroLayer.PTM_RATIO, positionVec.y / IntroLayer.PTM_RATIO);
            def.linearVelocity = new b2Vec2(0.0f, -1.0f);
            def.type           = b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
            b2Body body = world.CreateBody(def);

            // Polygon Shape
            //var shape = new b2PolygonShape();
            //shape.SetAsBox(50f / IntroLayer.PTM_RATIO, 50f / IntroLayer.PTM_RATIO);

            // Circle Shape
            var shape = new b2CircleShape();

            shape.Radius = 50f / IntroLayer.PTM_RATIO;

            var fd = new b2FixtureDef();

            fd.shape       = shape;
            fd.density     = 1f;
            fd.restitution = 0f;
            fd.friction    = 0.2f;

            box.PhysicsBody = body;

예제 #5
        public MachineLayer()
            space = new Space()
                Gravity = new PointF(0, -10),

            Add(new CCSprite("bg.jpg")
                Position = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(512, 384) : new PointF(240, 160),

            //motorblock, no body, no shape
            var motorblock = new CCSprite("motor_block.png")
                Position = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(160, 460) : new PointF(80, 230),


            var motorwheel = new CCPhysicsSprite("motor_wheel.png")
                Body     = new Body(1, Helper.MomentForCircle(1, 20, 20, PointF.Empty)),
                Position = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(160, 460) : new PointF(80, 230),


            space.Add(new CircleShape(motorwheel.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? 20 : 10, PointF.Empty)
                Group = 1
            space.Add((Constraint) new PivotJoint(space.StaticBody, motorwheel.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(160, 460) : new PointF(80, 230)));
            space.Add((Constraint) new SimpleMotor(space.StaticBody, motorwheel.Body, 10f));

            var wheel = new CCPhysicsSprite("wheel.png")
                Body     = new Body(25, Helper.MomentForCircle(25, 140, 140, PointF.Empty)),
                Position = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(160, 300) : new PointF(80, 150),

            space.Add(new CircleShape(wheel.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? 140 : 70, PointF.Empty)
                Group = 1
            space.Add((Constraint) new PivotJoint(space.StaticBody, wheel.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(160, 300) : new PointF(80, 150)));
            space.Add((Constraint) new GearJoint(motorwheel.Body, wheel.Body, 0f, -7f));

            //cylinder. no physics body. only a shape
            Add(new CCSprite("cylinder.png")
                Position = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(570, 300) : new PointF(285, 150),

            //space.Add (new PolygonShape (space.StaticBody, new [] {
            //	new PointF (350, 160),
            //	new PointF (350, 200),
            //	new PointF (750, 200),
            //	new PointF (750, 160),
            //}, PointF.Empty));
            //space.Add (new PolygonShape (space.StaticBody, new [] {
            //	new PointF (350, 400),
            //	new PointF (350, 440),
            //	new PointF (750, 440),
            //	new PointF (750, 400),
            //}, PointF.Empty));

            var piston = new CCPhysicsSprite("piston.png")
                Body     = new Body(8, float.PositiveInfinity),              //never rotates
                Position = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(370, 300) : new PointF(185, 150),

            space.Add(new PolygonShape(piston.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? 100 : 50, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? 200 : 50)
                Group = 1

            var conrod = new CCPhysicsSprite("conrod.png")
                Body = new Body(4, Helper.MomentForPolygon(4, new[] {
                    new PointF(-160, -20),
                    new PointF(-160, 20),
                    new PointF(160, 20),
                    new PointF(160, -20),
                }, PointF.Empty)),
                Position = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(190, 300) : new PointF(95, 150)

            space.Add(new PolygonShape(conrod.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? 320 : 160, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? 40 : 20)
                Group = 1
            space.Add((Constraint) new PivotJoint(wheel.Body, conrod.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(40, 300) : new PointF(20, 150)));

            space.Add((Constraint) new PivotJoint(conrod.Body, piston.Body, UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(340, 300) : new PointF(170, 150)));
            space.Add((Constraint) new GrooveJoint(space.StaticBody,
                                                   UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(0, 300) : new PointF(0, 150),
                                                   UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(1024, 300) : new PointF(480, 150),
                                                   UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IsIPad() ? new PointF(0, 0): new PointF(0, 0)));