public void ReflectionShowsInTableAfterAdded()
            // TEMPORARY: When the Delete User API is developed, we can remove the below code and uncomment the code below it, which creates new users
            // on the fly. Decide this when the delete API is complete
            /// 1. Login as a learner
            LoginPage      LP  = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, UserUtils.Learner1Login, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Add a reflection
            LearnerRelectionObject LR = CLP.AddReflection();

            /// 3. Switch to the Reflection tab and verify the reflection is shown in the table
            CLP.SwitchToTab(CLP.ReflectionsTab, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.ReflectionsTab);
            Assert.True(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(browser, CLP.ReflectionsTbl, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.ReflectionsTblBdy, 0, LR.ReflectionTitle, "td",
                                                    Bys.CBDLearnerPage.TableFirstBtn, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.TableNextBtn));

            ///// 1. Login as learner
            //LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            //UserInfo LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(null, UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
            //CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.Login(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password, false);

            ///// 2. Add a reflection
            //LearnerRelectionObject LR = CLP.AddReflection();

            ///// 3. Switch to the Reflection tab and verify the reflection is shown in the table
            //CLP.SwitchToTab(CLP.ReflectionsTab, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.ReflectionsTab);
            //Assert.True(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(browser, CLP.ReflectionsTbl, LR.ReflectionTitle, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.TableFirstBtn, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.TableNextBtn));
예제 #2
        public void EPAAttnGraphUpdatesAfterObserverCompletesAssessment()
            /// 1. Create learner and observer users and login as the learner
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            // We are using a try catch here for the following reason. This test is the very first test that gets run during the build. For some reason, the
            // RegisterUser API fails to complete and throws a 500 error whenever the first test gets set off on the grid. So if the error happens, then we will
            // just call the API again in the Catch block and proceed
            UserInfo LRUser = null;

                LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
                LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
            UserInfo       OBUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.OB);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP    = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            /// 2. Store the number of observations we will use throughout the test into a variable
            int noOfObs = 4;

            /// 3. Request 4 observations for EPA 1.1, with randomized ratings for each observation
            List <LearnerRequestObsObject> LRO = CLP.RequestObservationsForEPA(CLP.EPAIMTbl, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.EPAIMTbl, "Transition to Discipline",
                                                                               "Performing preoperative assessments for ASA 1 or 2 patients who will be undergoing a minor scheduled surgical procedure",
                                                                               OBUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1", noOfObs);

            /// 4. Log out and then log in as the observer that the learner requested
            CBDObserverPage OP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.OB, OBUser.Username, OBUser.Password);

            /// 5. Accept the pending observation requests and complete the Assessment forms for all 4 of the observations
            List <CompletedAssessmentInfo> completedAssessments = OP.AcceptAndCompleteObservations(LRUser.FullName,
                                                                                                   "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1",

            /// 6. Calculate the min, max and mean values for the completed observations above
            decimal minExpected  = OP.GetMinMaxOrMeanFromMultipleCompletedAssessments(completedAssessments, "min");
            decimal maxExpected  = OP.GetMinMaxOrMeanFromMultipleCompletedAssessments(completedAssessments, "max");
            decimal meanExpected = OP.GetMinMaxOrMeanFromMultipleCompletedAssessments(completedAssessments, "mean");

            /// 8. Log out and then log in as the learner
            LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            /// 9. Open the Reports popup, obtain the actual values from the graph through JQuery, then assert them against the expected calculated values obtained above
            decimal minActual = CLP.GetMinMeanOrMaxFromEPAAttainGraph(CLP.ReportsFormEPAAttainmentChrt, string.Format("EPA 1.1 ({0})", noOfObs), "min");

            Assert.AreEqual(minExpected, minActual);
            decimal maxActual = CLP.GetMinMeanOrMaxFromEPAAttainGraph(CLP.ReportsFormEPAAttainmentChrt, string.Format("EPA 1.1 ({0})", noOfObs), "max");

            Assert.AreEqual(maxExpected, maxActual);
            decimal meanActual = CLP.GetMinMeanOrMaxFromEPAAttainGraph(CLP.ReportsFormEPAAttainmentChrt, string.Format("EPA 1.1 ({0})", noOfObs), "mean");

            Assert.AreEqual(meanExpected, meanActual);
예제 #3
        // This test cant be run in parallel across browsers because agendas in the Meeting Agenda dropdown may get mixed up between parallel runs.
        // See RCPSC-547 for the status of a redesign that would fix that
        public void LearnerStageLabelReflectsPromotion()
            // Only running this test in Chrome because it is a long test and we can not run it in parallel. Whenever JIRA task
            // is complete, we can run this test in parallel because
            // the UI will be redesigned so that the agendas will not get mixed up during parallel runs
            if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.Chrome)
                /// 1. Login as a program admin
                LoginPage        LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
                CBDProgAdminPage PP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.PA, UserUtils.ProgAdmin1Login, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

                /// 2. Create an upcoming agenda, then choose this agenda in the Meeting Agenda dropdown
                /// 4. Click on the Set Status button and then set the status of the learner to stage 2
                /// 5. Finalize the Agenda
                PP.CreateChangeAndFinalizeAgendaForLearner(learner1FullNamePerBrowser, "Reviewed", "High", "_TA_AStatic User_CC_001", "Progressing as Expected",
                                                           "Promote Learner - to Stage 3");

                /// 6. Log out then log back in as the learner
                CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, learner1LoginPerBrowser, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

                /// 7. Assert that the text to the right of the Program label reflects the change to stage 2
                Assert.True(CLP.CurrentStageValueLbl.Text.Contains("Core of Discipline"));

                // Cleanup data by setting the learner back to stage 2
                LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.PA, UserUtils.ProgAdmin1Login, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);
                PP.CreateChangeAndFinalizeAgendaForLearner(learner1FullNamePerBrowser, null, null, null, "Progressing as Expected",
                                                           "Promote Learner - to Stage 2");
        // This cant be run in parallel across browsers because agendas in the Meeting Agenda dropdown may get mixed up between parallel runs. See RCPSC-547
        // for the status of a redesign that would fix that
        public void LearnerStageLabelReflectsPromotion()
            /// 1. Login as a program admin
            LoginPage        LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            CBDProgAdminPage PP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.PA, UserUtils.ProgAdmin1Login, "test");

            /// 2. Create an upcoming agenda, then choose this agenda in the Meeting Agenda dropdown
            /// 4. Click on the Set Status button and then set the status of the learner to stage 2
            /// 5. Finalize the Agenda
            PP.CreateChangeAndFinalizeAgendaForLearner(learnerFullNamePerBrowser, "Reviewed", "High", "_TA_AStatic User_CC_001", "Progressing as Expected",
                                                       "Promote Learner - to Stage 3");

            /// 6. Log out then log back in as the learner
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, learnerLoginPerBrowser, "test");

            /// 7. Assert that the text to the right of the Program label reflects the change to stage 2
            Assert.True(CLP.CurrentStageValueLbl.Text.Contains("Core of Discipline"));

            // Cleanup data by setting the learner back to stage 2
            LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.PA, UserUtils.ProgAdmin1Login, "test");
            PP.CreateChangeAndFinalizeAgendaForLearner(learnerFullNamePerBrowser, null, null, null, "Progressing as Expected",
                                                       "Promote Learner - to Stage 2");
        public void UIUpdatesAfterLearnerAddsReflection()
            /// 1. Create learner user and login
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);

            LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            /// 2. Store the number from the label text of the Reflections tab, and also "Showing" label, for the purpose of a future Assert within this
            /// test. If there are no Reflections yet, this showing label will not appear, so skip it if so
            CLP.SwitchToTab(CLP.ReflectionsTab, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.ReflectionsTab);
            string origNumbOfReflectionsOnReflectionsTab = DataUtils.GetStringBetweenCharacters(CLP.ReflectionsTab.Text, "(", ")");

            if (browser.Exists(Bys.CBDLearnerPage.ShowingLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible))
                string origNumbOfReflectionsOnShowingLbl = DataUtils.GetStringAfterCharacter(CLP.ShowingLbl.Text, "f", 2);

            /// 3. Add a reflection
            LearnerRelectionObject LR = CLP.AddReflection();

            /// 4. Assert that the Reflections tab label increased by 1
            Assert.AreEqual(Int32.Parse(origNumbOfReflectionsOnReflectionsTab) + 1, Int32.Parse(DataUtils.GetStringBetweenCharacters(CLP.ReflectionsTab.Text, "(", ")")));

            /// 5. Assert that the label within the Reflections tab increased by 1
            // Bug RCPSC-264: "Learner->Add Reflection: "Showing" label does not update after learner adds reflection"
            // Uncomment and run the test when fixed
            if (browser.Exists(Bys.CBDLearnerPage.ShowingLbl, ElementCriteria.IsVisible))
                //Assert.AreEqual(Int32.Parse(origNumbOfReflectionsOnShowingLbl) + 1, Int32.Parse(DataUtils.GetStringAfterCharacter(CLP.ShowingLbl.Text, "f", 2)));

            /// 5. Assert that the table contains the reflection
            Assert.True(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(browser, CLP.ReflectionsTbl, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.ReflectionsTblBdy, LR.ReflectionTitle, "td", Bys.CBDLearnerPage.TableFirstBtn, Bys.CBDLearnerPage.TableNextBtn));
        public void ObserverCanCompleteObservation()
            /// 1. Create learner and observer users and login as a learner
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);

            LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
            OBUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.OB);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            /// 2. Request an observation from the observer
            CLP.RequestObservationForEPA("Transition to Discipline",
                                         "Performing preoperative assessments for ASA 1 or 2 patients who will be undergoing a minor scheduled surgical procedure",
                                         OBUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");

            /// 3. Log out and then log in as the observer that the learner requested
            CBDObserverPage OP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.OB, OBUser.Username, OBUser.Password);

            /// 4. Accept the Pending observation request
            OP.AcceptOrDeclineAssignment(LRUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1", "Accept");

            /// 5. Open the Complete Assessment form for the observation request and complete the observation
            OP.CompleteAssessment(LRUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");
예제 #7
        public void LearnerCanAddReflection()
            /// 1. Login as a learner
            LoginPage      LP  = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, UserUtils.Learner1Login, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Add a reflection
            LearnerRelectionObject LR = CLP.AddReflection();
        public void LearnerCanAddReflection()
            /// 1. Login as a learner
            LoginPage      LP  = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, UserUtils.Learner1Login, "test");

            /// 2. Add a reflection
            LearnerRelectionObject LR = CLP.AddReflection();
예제 #9
        public void LearnerCanRequestObservation()
            /// 1. Login as a learner
            LoginPage      LP  = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, UserUtils.Learner1Login, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Request an observation for a specific EPA
            CLP.RequestObservationForEPA("Transition to Discipline",
                                         "Performing preoperative assessments for ASA 1 or 2 patients who will be undergoing a minor scheduled surgical procedure",
                                         UserUtils.Observer1FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");

            /// 3. Request an observation again for that EPA
            CLP.RequestObservation(UserUtils.Observer1FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");
예제 #10
        public void DeclinedExpiredTableUpdatesAfterObserverMakesChanges()
            /// 1. Create learner and observer users and login as a learner
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            // We are using a try catch here for the following reason. This test sometimes is the very first test that gets run during the build. For some reason, the
            // RegisterUser API fails to complete and throws a 500 error whenever the first test gets set off on the grid. So if the error happens, then we will
            // just call the API again in the Catch block and proceed
            UserInfo LRUser = null;

                LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
                LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
            OBUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.OB);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            /// 2. Request an observation from the observer
            CLP.RequestObservationForEPA("Transition to Discipline",
                                         "Performing preoperative assessments for ASA 1 or 2 patients who will be undergoing a minor scheduled surgical procedure",
                                         OBUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");

            /// 3. Log out and then log in as the observer that the learner requested
            CBDObserverPage OP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.OB, OBUser.Username, OBUser.Password);

            /// 4. Decline the Pending observation request
            OP.AcceptOrDeclineAssignment(LRUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1", "Decline");
            OP.ExpandTable(OP.ExpiredDeclinedTblHdr, "", "expand");
            Assert.True(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(Browser, OP.ExpiredDeclinedTbl, Bys.CBDObserverPage.ExpiredDeclinedTblRowBody, 0,
                                                    LRUser.FullName, "td"));

            /// 5. Remove the declined request and verify that the table disappears. The table should disappear at this point
            /// because there was only 1 declined request to begin with
            OP.RemoveExpiredDeclinedRequest(LRUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");
            Assert.True(browser.FindElements(Bys.CBDObserverPage.ExpiredDeclinedTblRowBody).Count == 0);

            /// 6. Switch to the Archived Observations tab and verify that the request shows there
            Assert.True(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(Browser, OP.ArchivedObservationsTbl, Bys.CBDObserverPage.ArchivedObservationsTblRowBody, 0,
                                                    LRUser.FullName, "td"));
예제 #11
        public void ObserverGetsObservationRequestFromLearner()
            // TEMPORARY: When the Delete User API is developed, we can remove the below code and uncomment the code below it, which creates new users
            // on the fly. Decide this when the delete API is complete
            /// 1. Login as a learner
            LoginPage      LP  = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, UserUtils.Learner1Login, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 2. Request an observation from the observer
            CLP.RequestObservationForEPA("Transition to Discipline",
                                         "Performing preoperative assessments for ASA 1 or 2 patients who will be undergoing a minor scheduled surgical procedure",
                                         UserUtils.Observer1FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");

            /// 3. Log out and then log in as the observer that the learner requested
            CBDObserverPage OP = LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.OB, UserUtils.Observer1Login, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginPassword"]);

            /// 4. Check that the observation that was just created is now in the Pending Acceptance table
            Assert.True(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(browser, OP.PendingAcceptanceTbl, Bys.CBDObserverPage.PendingAcceptanceTblRowBody, 0,
                                                    UserUtils.Learner1FullName, "td"),
                        "The observation that was requested from the learner is not showing in the Observer's Pending Acceptance table");

            ///// 1. Create learner and observer users and login as the learner
            //LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            //LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(null, UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
            //OBUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(null, UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.OB);
            //CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            ///// 2. Request an observation from the observer
            //CLP.RequestObservationForEPA(CLP.EPAIMTbl, "Transition to Discipline",
            //    "Performing preoperative assessments for ASA 1 or 2 patients who will be undergoing a minor scheduled surgical procedure",
            //    OBUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");

            ///// 3. Log out and then log in as the observer that the learner requested
            //CBDObserverPage OP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.OB, OBUser.Username, OBUser.Password);

            ///// 4. Check that the observation that was just created is now in the Pending Acceptance table
            //Assert.True(ElemGet.Grid_ContainsRecord(browser, OP.PendingAcceptanceTbl, LRUser.FullName, null));
        public void ObvCntGraphUpdatesAfterObserverCompletesAssessment()
            /// 1. Create learner and observer users and login as the learner
            LoginPage LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);

            LRUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.LR);
            OBUser = UserUtils.CreateAndRegisterUser(UserUtils.Application.CBD, UserUtils.UserRole.OB);
            CBDLearnerPage CLP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            /// 2. Store the EPA observation count of EPA1.1 from the graph now, so that when the observer completes an observation, we can Assert
            /// the EPA observation count increased from this stored count
            CLP.StoreObvsCntFromEPAObvCntGraph(CLP.EPAObservCntChrt, "EPA 1.1");

            /// 3. Request an observation
            CLP.RequestObservationForEPA("Transition to Discipline",
                                         "Performing preoperative assessments for ASA 1 or 2 patients who will be undergoing a minor scheduled surgical procedure",
                                         OBUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");

            /// 4. Log out and then log in as the observer that the learner requested
            CBDObserverPage OP = LP.LoginAsNewUser(UserUtils.UserRole.OB, OBUser.Username, OBUser.Password);

            /// 5. Accept the Pending observation request and complete the Assessment form
            OP.AcceptAndCompleteObservation(LRUser.FullName, "Part A: Direct observation - Form 1");

            /// 6. Log out and then log in as the learner
            LP.LoginAsExistingUser(UserUtils.UserRole.LR, LRUser.Username, LRUser.Password);

            /// 7. Verify that the EPA count has increased on the main graph
            Assert.AreEqual(CLP.PreviousEPAObvsCntFromEPAObvGraph + 1, CLP.GetEPAObsvCntFromEPAObsGraph(CLP.EPAObservCntChrt, "EPA 1.1"),
                            "The EPA1.1 count on the graph has not increased after the observer completed the observation");

            /// 8. Open the Reports form and verify the EPA count on there
            CLP.ReportsFormReportSelElem.SelectByText("EPA Observation Count");
            Assert.AreEqual(CLP.PreviousEPAObvsCntFromEPAObvGraph + 1, CLP.GetEPAObsvCntFromEPAObsGraph(CLP.ReportsFormEPAObservCntChrt, "EPA 1.1"),
                            "The EPA1.1 count on the graph has not increased after the observer completed the observation");