public CCodePhrase(TerminologyId terminologyId, List <string> codeList, string rmTypeName, string nodeId, AssumedTypes.Interval <int> occurrences, CAttribute parent, object assumedValue) : base(rmTypeName, nodeId, occurrences, parent, assumedValue) { this.TerminologyId = terminologyId; this.CodeList = codeList; }
public CDvState(string rmTypeName, string nodeId, AssumedTypes.Interval <int> occurrences, CAttribute parent, object assumedValue, StateMachine value) : base(rmTypeName, nodeId, occurrences, parent, assumedValue) { this.Value = value; }
protected override void SetAttributeValue(string attributeName, object value) { // Set Constraint if (value != null && HasConstraint) { CAttribute attributeConstraint = Constraint.GetAttribute(attributeName); if (attributeConstraint != null) { CMultipleAttribute multipleAttributeConstraint = attributeConstraint as CMultipleAttribute; if (multipleAttributeConstraint != null) { IAggregate aggregate = value as IAggregate; Check.Assert(aggregate != null, "value must implement IAggregate when attribute constraint is CMultipleAttribute"); aggregate.Constraint = multipleAttributeConstraint; } else { bool isValid = false; foreach (CObject objectConstraint in attributeConstraint.Children) { if (objectConstraint.ValidValue(value)) { isValid = true; IRmType rmType = value as IRmType; if (rmType != null) { rmType.Constraint = objectConstraint; } break; } } } } } }
public virtual DataTypes.Quantity.DateTime.DvDuration Offset() { History <T> parent = this.Parent as History <T>; if (parent == null) { throw new ApplicationException("parent must not be null."); } DataTypes.Quantity.DateTime.DvDuration offset; if (parent.Origin != null) { offset = this.Time.Diff(parent.Origin); } else { if (this.HasConstraint) { CAttribute attribute = this.Constraint.GetAttribute("offset"); Check.Assert(attribute != null, "attribute must not be null"); CComplexObject constraint = attribute.Children[0] as CComplexObject; Check.Assert(constraint != null, "constraint must not be null"); offset = constraint.DefaultValue as DataTypes.Quantity.DateTime.DvDuration; } else { throw new ApplicationException("origin is null with no offset constraint"); } } Check.Ensure(offset != null, "offset must not be null"); return(offset); }
public CDvQuantity(string rmTypeName, string nodeId, AssumedTypes.Interval <int> occurrences, CAttribute parent, object assumedValue, List <CQuantityItem> list, CodePhrase property) : base(rmTypeName, nodeId, occurrences, parent, assumedValue) { this.List = list; this.Property = property; }
public void ParseExample1_Selection() { CAttributes attributes = CHtmlParser.ParseAttributes(HtmlExamples.HtmlExample1); CAttribute attribute = attributes["Y00T00250.Y00A01088"]; Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Description == "Status"); Assert.IsTrue(string.Compare(@"For information", attribute.Value) == 0); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "N/A").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "New").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "For information").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "Confirmed").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "Suspended").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "Completed").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "Delegated").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "N/A").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "New").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "For information").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "Confirmed").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "Suspended").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "Completed").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Value == "Delegated").Count() == 1); }
//获取页面的值并组合成MODEL public CAttribute GetCAttributeValue() { CAttribute cAttribute = new CAttribute(); cAttribute.Construction = construction.Text; cAttribute.HeavyCollar = heavyCollar.SelectedValue; cAttribute.Pttern = cmbPattern.SelectedValue; cAttribute.YarnLength = yarnLength.Text; cAttribute.Layout = Layout.Text; cAttribute.QC_Ref_PPO = txtQC_Ref_PPO.Text; cAttribute.QC_Ref_GP = DropQC_Ref_GP.SelectedValue; cAttribute.HF_Ref_PPO = txtHF_Ref_PPO.Text; cAttribute.HF_Ref_GP = DropHF_Ref_GP.SelectedValue; cAttribute.RF_Remart = TxtRemart.Text; cAttribute.ListFinishing = new List <string>(); string sFinishTemp = finishValue.Value; if (sFinishTemp.Contains(";")) { string[] arrS = sFinishTemp.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < arrS.Length; i++) { if (arrS[i] != "" && arrS[i] != null) { cAttribute.ListFinishing.Add(arrS[i]); } } } return(cAttribute); }
public void Parse_HtmlExample_TextArea() { CAttributes attributes = CHtmlParser.ParseAttributes(HtmlExamples.HtmlExample_TextArea); CAttribute attribute = attributes["Y00T00156.Y00A00171"]; Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Description == "Binding norms and standards"); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Value == ""); }
internal static string LocalTermDefText(string codeString, CAttribute cAttribute) { Check.Require(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeString), "codeString must not be null or empty."); Check.Require(cAttribute != null, "cAttribute must not be null"); CComplexObject parent = cAttribute.parent; return LocalTermDefText(codeString, parent); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: // LoadPrebuiltTree // // Purpose: // Loads a decision tree that has already been // built. Returns FALSE if the load fails. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool LoadPrebuiltTree( string szInFilename) { using (var input = new StreamReader(szInFilename)) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int iNumClasses = 0; int iNumAttributes = 0; int numValues = 0; string szInputString; string szAttributeName; string szAttributeValue; m_rwClasses.Clear(); m_rwExamples.Clear(); m_rwAttributes.Clear(); //fscanf(input, "%d", &iNumClasses); iNumClasses = int.Parse(input.ReadLine()); for (i = 0; i < iNumClasses; ++i) { //fscanf(input, "%s", szInputString); szInputString = input.ReadLine().Trim(); m_rwClasses.Add(szInputString); } //fscanf(input, "%d", &iNumAttributes); iNumAttributes = int.Parse(input.ReadLine()); for (i = 0; i < iNumAttributes; ++i) { //fscanf(input, "%s %d", szAttributeName, &numVals); string[] tokens = input.ReadLine().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); szAttributeName = tokens[0]; numValues = int.Parse(tokens[1]); var newAttribute = new CAttribute(szAttributeName); for (j = 0; j < numValues; ++j) { //fscanf(input, "%s", szAttributeValue); szAttributeValue = input.ReadLine().Trim(); newAttribute.AddValue(szAttributeValue); } m_rwAttributes.Add(newAttribute); } m_decisionTreeRootNode.SetDecisionTree(this); m_decisionTreeRootNode.LoadFromFile(input); input.Close(); } return(true); }
private void WriteCMulitpleAttribute(XmlWriter writer, CAttribute attribute) { WriteCAttribute(writer, attribute); writer.WriteStartElement( UseOpenEhrPrefix(writer), "cardinality", RmXmlSerializer.OpenEhrNamespace); amSerializer.WriteCardinality(writer, ((CMultipleAttribute)attribute).Cardinality); writer.WriteEndElement(); }
// TODO: this must be reinstated when ConfigurationSource is able to be specified #endregion void ReadCAttribute(XmlReader reader, CAttribute cAttribute) { Check.Require(cAttribute != null, string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "cAttribute")); if (reader.LocalName != "rm_attribute_name") { throw new InvalidXmlException("rm_attribute_name", reader.LocalName); } cAttribute.RmAttributeName = reader.ReadElementContentAsString("rm_attribute_name", OpenEhrNamespace); reader.MoveToContent(); if (reader.LocalName != "existence") { throw new InvalidXmlException("existence", reader.LocalName); } cAttribute.Existence = new Interval <int>(); amSerializer.ReadExistence(reader, cAttribute.Existence); if (reader.LocalName == "children") { cAttribute.Children = new OpenEhr.AssumedTypes.List <CObject>(); do { string cObjectType = reader.GetAttribute("type", RmXmlSerializer.XsiNamespace); DesignByContract.Check.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cObjectType), "cObjectType must not be null or empty."); CObject cObj; switch (cObjectType) { case "C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT": CArchetypeRoot archetypeRoot = new CArchetypeRoot(); ReadCArchetypeRoot(reader, archetypeRoot); cObj = archetypeRoot; break; case "C_COMPLEX_OBJECT": CComplexObject complexObject = new CComplexObject(); ReadCComplexObject(reader, complexObject); cObj = complexObject; break; default: cObj = AmFactory.CObject(cObjectType); amSerializer.ReadCObject(reader, cObj); break; } cObj.Parent = cAttribute; cAttribute.Children.Add(cObj); } while (reader.LocalName == "children" && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement); } }
public void Parse_HtmlExample_OptionsDuplicate() { CAttributes attributes = CHtmlParser.ParseAttributes(HtmlExamples.HtmlExampleOptionsDuplicate); CAttribute attribute = attributes["Y00T00001.Y00A03066"]; Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Description == "Object class"); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Value == "Boundary stream"); // Process stream is defined 2 times in this example of coos web. // Make sure it exists only once. Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "Process stream").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options["Process stream"] == "Process stream"); }
public string GetNameAttribute(MemberInfo memberInfo) { var name = string.Empty; var attribute = (JoinNameAttribute)CAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(memberInfo, typeof(JoinNameAttribute)); if (attribute == null) { return(name); } name = attribute.Name; Debug.Console(2, "JoinName Attribute value: {0}", name); return(name); }
protected virtual string FullPath() { string result = ""; ArchetypeConstraint parent = constraint; do { CArchetypeRoot cArchetypeRoot = parent as CArchetypeRoot; if (cArchetypeRoot != null) { string rootPath = cArchetypeRoot.Parent != null ? cArchetypeRoot.Path : ""; if (result.StartsWith(rootPath)) { result = result.Substring(rootPath.Length); } result = rootPath + CArchetypeRootPredicate(cArchetypeRoot) + result; parent = cArchetypeRoot.Parent; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { result = parent.Path; } CObject cObject = parent as CObject; if (cObject != null) { parent = cObject.Parent; } else { CAttribute cAttribute = parent as CAttribute; if (cAttribute != null) { parent = cAttribute.parent; } } } } while (parent != null); Check.Ensure(result != null); return(result); }
private void WriteCAttribute(XmlWriter writer, CAttribute cAttribute) { Check.Require(cAttribute != null, string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "cAttribute")); Check.Require(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cAttribute.RmAttributeName), string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNullOrEmpty, "cAttribute.RmAttributeName")); Check.Require(cAttribute.Existence != null, string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "cAttribute.Existence")); string openEhrPrefix = UseOpenEhrPrefix(writer); writer.WriteElementString(openEhrPrefix, "rm_attribute_name", OpenEhrNamespace, cAttribute.RmAttributeName); writer.WriteStartElement(openEhrPrefix, "existence", OpenEhrNamespace); amSerializer.WriteExistence(writer, cAttribute.Existence); writer.WriteEndElement(); if (cAttribute.Children != null) { foreach (CObject child in cAttribute.Children) { string cChildTypeName = AmType.GetName(child); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(openEhrPrefix)) { cChildTypeName = string.Format("{0}:{1}", openEhrPrefix, cChildTypeName); } writer.WriteStartElement(openEhrPrefix, "children", OpenEhrNamespace); writer.WriteAttributeString( UseXsiPrefix(writer), "type", RmXmlSerializer.XsiNamespace, cChildTypeName); switch (cChildTypeName) { case "C_ARCHETYPE_ROOT": WriteCArchetypeRoot(writer, (CArchetypeRoot)child); break; case "C_COMPLEX_OBJECT": WriteCComplexObject(writer, (CComplexObject)child); break; default: amSerializer.WriteCObject(writer, child); break; } writer.WriteEndElement(); } } }
public void testPath() { string adl = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\..\..\java-libs\adl-parser\src\test\resources\adl-test-car.paths.test.adl"); se.acode.openehr.parser.ADLParser parser = new se.acode.openehr.parser.ADLParser(adl); archetype = parser.parse(); Assert.IsNotNull(archetype); CComplexObject definition = archetype.getDefinition(); // root path CAR Assert.AreEqual("/", definition.path()); // wheels attribute CAttribute wheels = (CAttribute)definition.getAttributes().get(0); Assert.AreEqual("/wheels", wheels.path()); // first WHEEL node CObject firstWheel = (CObject)wheels.getChildren().get(0); Assert.AreEqual("/wheels[at0001]", firstWheel.path()); // description and parts of first WHEEL CComplexObject firstWheelObj = (CComplexObject)firstWheel; CAttribute description = (CAttribute)firstWheelObj.getAttributes().get(0); Assert.AreEqual("/wheels[at0001]/description", description.path()); CAttribute parts = (CAttribute)firstWheelObj.getAttributes().get(1); Assert.AreEqual("/wheels[at0001]/parts", parts.path()); // WHEEL_PART node CObject wheelParts = (CObject)parts.getChildren().get(0); Assert.AreEqual("/wheels[at0001]/parts[at0002]", wheelParts.path()); // something and something_else of WHEEL_PART node //CComplexObject wheelPartsObj = (CComplexObject)wheelParts; //Assert.AreEqual("something of WHEEL_PART", // "/wheels[at0001]/parts[at0002]/something", // wheelPartsObj.getAttributes().get(0).path()); //Assert.AreEqual("something_else of WHEEL_PART", // "/wheels[at0001]/parts[at0002]/something_else", // wheelPartsObj.getAttributes().get(1).path()); }
private static CObject Map(this C_OBJECT model, CAttribute parent) { CObject constraintObject; if (model is C_COMPLEX_OBJECT) { constraintObject = ((C_COMPLEX_OBJECT)model).Map(); } else if (model is C_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT) { constraintObject = ((C_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT)model).Map(); } else if (model is ARCHETYPE_SLOT) { constraintObject = ((ARCHETYPE_SLOT)model).Map(); } else if (model is ARCHETYPE_INTERNAL_REF) { constraintObject = ((ARCHETYPE_INTERNAL_REF)model).Map(); } else if (model is CONSTRAINT_REF) { constraintObject = ((CONSTRAINT_REF)model).Map(); } else if (model is C_CODE_PHRASE) { constraintObject = ((C_CODE_PHRASE)model).Map(); } else if (model is C_DV_QUANTITY) { constraintObject = ((C_DV_QUANTITY)model).Map(); } else if (model is C_DV_ORDINAL) { constraintObject = ((C_DV_ORDINAL)model).Map(); } else { throw new ParseException(string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid object type.", model.GetType())); } if (constraintObject != null) { constraintObject.Parent = parent; } return(constraintObject); }
/// <summary> /// Adds information about attribure <c>att</c> to <c>entity</c> /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">ProfileElement to which attribute is being added</param> /// <param name="att">CAttribute contains information about attribute</param> private void addAttributeToElement(ProfileElement entity, CAttribute att, CClass modelClass) { ProfileElement newProperty = new ProfileElement(); newProperty.URI =; newProperty.DataType = att.type; if (ProfileElementStereotype.StereotypeEnumeration.Equals(modelClass.stereotype)) { newProperty.DataType = "int"; newProperty.TypeAsEnumValue = ProfileElementTypes.EnumerationElement; entity.AddToMyEnumerationMembers(newProperty); } else { newProperty.TypeAsEnumValue = ProfileElementTypes.Property; if (!newProperty.IsPropertyDataTypeSimple) { List <ProfileElement> list = new List <ProfileElement>(); list.AddRange(profile.GetAllProfileElementsOfType(ProfileElementTypes.Class)); list.AddRange(predefined); list.AddRange(newPredefined); //if it is not simple, then it is a reference in profile, or another missing one? foreach (ProfileElement type in list) { if (type.UniqueName.Equals(att.type)) { //if its from profile, add needed references newProperty.DataTypeAsComplexObject = type; break; } } if (newProperty.DataTypeAsComplexObject == null) { //not found so it has to be added in next iteration //create flawed element so that it can be found //flawed in a way that it only has URI ProfileElement newElement = new ProfileElement(); newElement.URI = att.type; newPredefined.Add(newElement); newProperty.DataTypeAsComplexObject = newElement; } } entity.AddToMyProperties(newProperty); } }
/// <summary> /// an internal static method returning the targetPath corresponding CObject. /// Returns null if the targetPath doesn't have any associated CObject /// </summary> /// <param name="archetypeDefinition"></param> /// <param name="targetPath"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static CObject GetCObjectAtTargetPath(CComplexObject archetypeDefinition, string targetPath) { CComplexObject cObj = archetypeDefinition; CAttribute attribute = null; Path pathProcessor = new Path(targetPath); do { foreach (CAttribute cAttri in cObj.Attributes) { if (cAttri.RmAttributeName == pathProcessor.CurrentAttribute) { attribute = cAttri; break; } } Check.Assert(attribute != null, string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "attribute")); if (attribute.RmAttributeName != pathProcessor.CurrentAttribute) { return(null); } foreach (CObject obj in attribute.Children) { if (obj.NodeId == pathProcessor.CurrentNodeId) { cObj = obj as CComplexObject; break; } } Check.Assert(cObj != null, string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "cObj")); if (cObj.NodeId != pathProcessor.CurrentNodeId) { return(null); } } while (pathProcessor.NextStep()); Check.Ensure(cObj.Path == targetPath, "cObj.Path must be the same as this.TargetPath"); return(cObj); }
internal static CArchetypeRoot GetCArchetypeRoot(CObject cObject) { Check.Require(cObject != null, "cObject must not be null"); CObject parentObject = cObject; CArchetypeRoot cArchetypeRoot = null; while (parentObject != null && (cArchetypeRoot = parentObject as CArchetypeRoot) == null) { CAttribute cattribute = parentObject.Parent; Check.Assert(cattribute != null, "cattribute must not be null"); parentObject = cattribute.parent; } if (cArchetypeRoot == null) throw new ApplicationException("Operational template must contain CArchetypeRoot"); return cArchetypeRoot; }
public CAttribute GetCAttributeValue() { CAttribute cAttribute = new CAttribute(); cAttribute.YarnLength = yarnLength.Text; cAttribute.Size = size.Text; cAttribute.TappingType = tappingType.SelectedValue; cAttribute.Layout = Layout.Text; cAttribute.QC_Ref_PPO = txtQC_Ref_PPO.Text; cAttribute.QC_Ref_GP = DropQC_Ref_GP.SelectedValue; cAttribute.HF_Ref_PPO = txtHF_Ref_PPO.Text; cAttribute.HF_Ref_GP = DropHF_Ref_GP.SelectedValue; cAttribute.RF_Remart = TxtRemart.Text; return(cAttribute); }
public void testExistenceCardinalityAndOccurrences() { // second attribute of root object CAttribute attr = (CAttribute)definition.getAttributes().get(1); Cardinality card = new Cardinality(true, false, interval(0, 8)); assertCAttribute(attr, "members", CAttribute.Existence.OPTIONAL, card, 2); // 1st PERSON CComplexObject obj = (CComplexObject)attr.getChildren().get(0); assertCComplexObject(obj, "PERSON", null, interval(1, 1), 1); // 2nd PERSON obj = (CComplexObject)attr.getChildren().get(1); assertCComplexObject(obj, "PERSON", null, new Interval(new java.lang.Integer(0), null, java.lang.Boolean.TRUE, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE), 1); }
public void ParseExample2_TextWithUnits() { CAttributes attributes = CHtmlParser.ParseAttributes(HtmlExamples.HtmlExample2); CAttribute attribute = attributes["Y00T00235.Y00A02875"]; Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Description == "Units/time"); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Value == ""); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "ppm").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "1/1").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "%").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options.Where(x => x.Key == "‰").Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options["ppm"] == "F25.AA100"); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options["1/1"] == "F25.AA110"); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options["%"] == "F25.AA120"); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Options["‰"] == "F25.AA130"); Assert.IsTrue(attribute.Unit == "%"); }
internal static CComplexObject GetRootDefinition(ArchetypeInternalRef archeytpeInternalRef) { DesignByContract.Check.Require(archeytpeInternalRef != null, string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "archeytpeInternalRef")); DesignByContract.Check.Require(archeytpeInternalRef.Parent != null, string.Format(CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "archeytpeInternalRef.Parent")); CComplexObject root = null; CAttribute parent = archeytpeInternalRef.Parent; while (parent != null) { root = parent.parent; parent = root.Parent; } DesignByContract.Check.Ensure(root != null, "Root definition must not be null."); return(root); }
/// <summary> /// Get the origin value based on the history.Events time or IntervalStartTime /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="history"></param> /// <returns></returns> static public DvDateTime CalculateOrigin(History <T> history) { Check.Require(history != null, "history must not be null"); DvDateTime originValue = null; if (history.Events != null && history.Events.Count > 0) { foreach (Event <T> anEvent in history.Events) { DvDateTime eventTime; IntervalEvent <T> intervalEvent = anEvent as IntervalEvent <T>; if (intervalEvent != null) { eventTime = intervalEvent.IntervalStartTime(); } else { eventTime = anEvent.Time; } CComplexObject constraint = ((IRmType)anEvent).Constraint as CComplexObject; if (constraint != null) { CAttribute offsetConstraint = constraint.GetAttribute("offset"); if (offsetConstraint != null && offsetConstraint.Children != null && offsetConstraint.Children.Count == 1) { CComplexObject offsetDuration = offsetConstraint.Children[0] as CComplexObject; eventTime = eventTime.Subtract((DvDuration)offsetDuration.DefaultValue); } } if (originValue == null || originValue > eventTime) { originValue = new DvDateTime(eventTime.Value); } } } Check.Ensure(originValue != null, "originValue must not be null"); return(originValue); }
internal static bool ValidValueTermDef(DvCodedText dvCodedText, CAttribute cAttribute, ITerminologyService terminologyService) { string value = string.Empty; if (dvCodedText.DefiningCode.TerminologyId.Value == OpenEhrTerminologyIdentifiers.TerminologyIdOpenehr) value = OpenEhrTermDefTerm(dvCodedText.DefiningCode.CodeString, terminologyService); else if (dvCodedText.DefiningCode.TerminologyId.Value == "local") value = LocalTermDefText(dvCodedText.DefiningCode.CodeString, cAttribute); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dvCodedText.Value) && value != dvCodedText.Value) { return false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dvCodedText.Value)) dvCodedText.Value = value; return true; }
protected void ValidateBase(CAttribute cAttribute) { this.Validate((ArchetypeConstraint)cAttribute); Invariant(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cAttribute.RmAttributeName), string.Format( CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNullOrEmpty, "CAttribute.RmAttributeName")); Invariant(cAttribute.Existence != null, string.Format( CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNullOrEmpty, "CAttribute.Existence")); this.Validate(cAttribute.Existence); Invariant(cAttribute.Existence.Lower >= 0 && cAttribute.Existence.Upper <= 1, AmValidationStrings.ExistenceOutOfRange); // TODO: Children_validity: any_allowed xor children /= Void if (cAttribute.Children != null) { foreach (CObject cObj in cAttribute.Children) { this.Validate(cObj); } } }
internal static bool ValidateCAttribute(CAttribute cAttribute, ITerminologyService terminologyService) { AmValidator amValidator = new AmValidator(terminologyService); try { amValidator.Validate(cAttribute); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.GetType() == typeof(RmInvariantException)) { return(false); } else { throw ex; } } return(true); }
public void testStructure() { // root object CComplexObject obj = definition; java.lang.Integer temp1 = new java.lang.Integer(1); Interval occurrences = new Interval(temp1, temp1); assertCComplexObject(obj, "ENTRY", "at0000", occurrences, 2); // first attribute of root object CAttribute attr = (CAttribute)obj.getAttributes().get(0); assertCAttribute(attr, "subject_relationship", 1); // 2nd level object obj = (CComplexObject)attr.getChildren().get(0); assertCComplexObject(obj, "RELATED_PARTY", null, occurrences, 1); // attribute of 2nd level object attr = (CAttribute)obj.getAttributes().get(0); assertCAttribute(attr, "relationship", 1); // leaf object obj = (CComplexObject)attr.getChildren().get(0); assertCComplexObject(obj, "TEXT", null, occurrences, 1); // attribute of leaf object attr = (CAttribute)obj.getAttributes().get(0); assertCAttribute(attr, "value", 1); // primitive constraint of leaf object CString str = (CString)((CPrimitiveObject)attr.getChildren().get(0)).getItem(); Assert.AreEqual(null, str.getPattern(), "pattern"); Assert.AreEqual(1, str.getList().size(), "set.size"); Assert.IsTrue(str.getList().contains("self"), "set has"); }