예제 #1
        /*   public void addSSIDExtraData(Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass Device, string Key, string value)
         * {
         *     var EDO = Device.get_PlugExtraData_Get(Instance.host);
         *     var parts = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(EDO.GetNamed("SSIDKey").ToString());
         *     parts[Key] = value;
         *     EDO.RemoveNamed("SSIDKey");
         *     EDO.AddNamed("SSIDKey", parts.ToString());
         *     Device.set_PlugExtraData_Set(Instance.host, EDO);
         * }*/

        public void setValue(CAPI.CAPIControl ActionIn)
            var devID     = ActionIn.Ref;
            var newDevice = SiidDevice.GetFromListByID(Instance.Devices, devID);

            Instance.host.SetDeviceValueByRef(newDevice.Ref, ActionIn.ControlValue, true);
            Instance.host.SetDeviceString(newDevice.Ref, "" + ActionIn.ControlValue, true);
            newDevice.UpdateExtraData("ScratchPadString", "" + ActionIn.ControlValue);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// for all accumulators:					 float/double value
        ///SIID reset accumulator:            -1
        ///SIID set day of monthly reset:			   integer between 0 and 28
        ///SIID set rate(units per dollar):		   float between 200 and 1000 (subtract 200 round to 4 decimal places), rate range between 0 and 800
        ///SIID fixed cost: Between 1000 and 2000(subtract 1000 round to 4 decmil, range from 0 to 1000)
        ///For indoor / outdoor water:
        ///SIID Tiers(4 tiers with boundaries based on AWC or Lotsize), each tier needs an editable rate.
        ///        Tier 1 rate between 2000 and 3000(subtract 2000, round to 4 decmil, range 0 to 1000)
        ///        Tier 2 rate between 3000 and 4000(subtract 3000, round to 4 decmil, range 0 to 1000)
        ///        Tier 3 rate between 4000 and 5000(subtract 4000, round to 4 decmil, range 0 to 1000)

        ///SIID AWC: Negative number less than - 10(negate, subtract 10) No hardcoded upper range
        ///SIID LotSize: -Either AWC or LOTSIZE depending on indooor / outdoor, can use the same range for setting

        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ActionIn"></param>
        public void scratchpadCommandIn(CAPI.CAPIControl ActionIn)
                var devID     = ActionIn.Ref;
                var newDevice = SiidDevice.GetFromListByID(Instance.Devices, devID);
                if (ActionIn.ControlValue == -1)
                { //reset if -1
                else if (ActionIn.ControlValue >= 0 && ActionIn.ControlValue < 35)
                    newDevice.UpdateExtraData("IsEnabled", "True");
                    newDevice.UpdateExtraData("IsAccumulator", "True");
                    newDevice.UpdateExtraData("ResetType", "3");
                    newDevice.UpdateExtraData("DayOfMonth", "" + Math.Round(ActionIn.ControlValue).ToString() + "");
                else if (ActionIn.ControlValue >= 200 && ActionIn.ControlValue < 1000)
                    SetRate(newDevice, ActionIn.ControlValue);
                else if (ActionIn.ControlValue >= 1000 && ActionIn.ControlValue < 2000)
                    SetFixedCost(newDevice, ActionIn.ControlValue);
                else if (ActionIn.ControlValue >= 2000)
                    SetTieredRate(newDevice, ActionIn.ControlValue);
                else if (ActionIn.ControlValue <= -10)
                    SetAWC_LotSize(newDevice, ActionIn.ControlValue);

                { //Set to monthly, accumulator, active, with date as value
                    Instance.hspi.Log("Error when parsing scratchpad command: Command was not in a recognised range. \nDevice: " + ActionIn.Ref + " Command: " + ActionIn.ControlValue.ToString(), 2);
            catch (Exception E)
                Instance.hspi.Log("Error when parsing scratchpad command " + E.Message + "\nDevice: " + ActionIn.Ref + " Command: " + ActionIn.ControlValue.ToString(), 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper for MakeVSpsListControl
        /// If pair.PairType is SingleRangeEntry - make a range string, i.e. "Dim 30-100%"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capi">CAPI.CAPIControl</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static MyPair MakePair(CAPI.CAPIControl capi)
            string name;
            object value;

            if (capi.Range == null)
                name  = capi.Label;
                value = capi.ControlValue;
                value = $"{capi.Range.RangeStart}-{capi.Range.RangeEnd}";
                // make a range string, i.e. "Dim 30-100%"
                name = $"{capi.Range.RangeStatusPrefix}({value}){capi.Range.RangeStatusSuffix}";

            return(new MyPair(name, value));