public void DeleteObjectNew() { if (target.GetComponent <WandScript> ().selected.Count > 0) { if (allWorkspace) { //add something to toolbar GameObject toSelect; toSelect = target.GetComponent <WandScript> ().selected [0].transform.parent.gameObject; Destroy(toSelect); } else { foreach (GameObject to in target.GetComponent <WandScript> ().selected) { GameObject toSelect; toSelect = to.transform.gameObject; CADObject ccc = to.transform.parent.GetComponent <CADObject> (); if ("Vertex")) { ccc.RemoveVertex(toSelect); } Destroy(toSelect); } } } target.GetComponent <WandScript> ().selected = new List <GameObject> (); }
public IdPath GetRelativePath(CADObject from) { var result = new IdPath(); var p = this; while (p != null) { if (p == from) { return(result); } if (p.guid == Id.Null) { return(result); } result.path.Add(p.guid); p = p.parentObject; } return(result); }
public int Absorb(CADObject toAbsorb) { //move all vertices over this.vertices.AddRange(toAbsorb.vertices); //move all the edges over List <HashSet <GameObject> > keyList = new List <HashSet <GameObject> >(toAbsorb.edges.Keys); foreach (HashSet <GameObject> key in keyList) { this.edges.Add(key, toAbsorb.edges[key]); } //loop through all children, switch gameobjects over Transform[] children = toAbsorb.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (Transform t in children) { t.SetParent(gameObject.transform); } //delete old gameobject toAbsorb.gameObject.SetActive(false); return(1); }
public void CreateFace() { Action action = new Action(Nothing); if (selected.Count < 3) { Debug.Log("-----ERROR MUST BELONG SAME OBJECT-----"); MobileNativePopups.OpenAlertDialog("Error", "Please select at least 3 vertices", "Cancel", action); return; } CADObject cadObject = selected [0].transform.parent.GetComponent <CADObject> (); string objName = selected [0]; List <GameObject> pool = new List <GameObject> (); foreach (GameObject g in selected) { pool.Add(g); if (! { Debug.Log("-----ERROR MUST BELONG SAME OBJECT-----"); MobileNativePopups.OpenAlertDialog("Error", "Please select vertices that belong to the same object", "Cancel", action); return; } } GameObject startingPoint = pool [0]; GameObject recent = startingPoint; pool.Remove(startingPoint); List <GameObject> orderedList = new List <GameObject> (); List <Vector3> orderListPositions = new List <Vector3> (); orderedList.Add(recent); orderListPositions.Add(recent.transform.position); //action += Nothing; int toFind = pool.Count; while (true) { if (pool.Count == 0) { break; } GameObject found = null; foreach (GameObject checkNeighbor in pool) { HashSet <GameObject> key = new HashSet <GameObject> (); key.Add(checkNeighbor); key.Add(recent); if (cadObject.edges.ContainsKey(key)) { found = checkNeighbor; toFind--; break; } } if (found == null) { Debug.Log("-error form loop"); MobileNativePopups.OpenAlertDialog("Error", "Please select vertices that form a single, complete loop", "Cancel", action); return; } else { recent = found; pool.Remove(found); orderedList.Add(found); orderListPositions.Add(found.transform.position); } } HashSet <GameObject> keyEnd = new HashSet <GameObject> (); keyEnd.Add(orderedList[0]); keyEnd.Add(orderedList[orderedList.Count - 1]); if (!cadObject.edges.ContainsKey(keyEnd)) { Debug.Log("-error form loop"); MobileNativePopups.OpenAlertDialog("Error", "Please select vertices that form a single, complete loop", "Cancel", action); return; } if (orderedList.Count != selected.Count) { Debug.Log("-error form loop"); MobileNativePopups.OpenAlertDialog("Error", "You need to select vertices that form a single loop", "Cancel", action); return; } Poly2Mesh.Polygon poly = new Poly2Mesh.Polygon(); poly.outside = orderListPositions; GameObject a = Poly2Mesh.CreateGameObject(poly); a.transform.parent = cadObject.gameObject.transform; a.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = meshTexture; orderListPositions.Reverse(); Poly2Mesh.Polygon poly2 = new Poly2Mesh.Polygon(); poly2.outside = orderListPositions; GameObject a2 = Poly2Mesh.CreateGameObject(poly2); a2.transform.parent = cadObject.gameObject.transform; a2.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = meshTexture; Debug.Log("CREATE FACE NOW"); Debug.Log(orderedList.Count); }