private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a new instance of C1Ribbon and add it to the form.
            C1Ribbon c1Ribbon1 = new C1Ribbon();


            // Add the Home tab and the Font group.
            RibbonTab   homeTab   = c1Ribbon1.Tabs.Add("Home");
            RibbonGroup fontGroup = homeTab.Groups.Add("Font");

            // Add a toolbar to arrange the buttons in a row.
            RibbonToolBar toolBar1 = new RibbonToolBar();


            // Add the Bold, Italic, and Strike Through buttons.
            var boldButton = new RibbonToggleButton();

            boldButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("Bold", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));
            var italicButton = new RibbonToggleButton();

            italicButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("Italic", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));
            var strikeButton = new RibbonToggleButton();

            strikeButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("StrikeThrough", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));

            // Add a separator to visually separate the button groups.
            toolBar1.Items.Add(new RibbonSeparator());

            // Add a toggle button group
            RibbonToggleGroup toggleGroup = new RibbonToggleGroup();


            // Add the Subscript and Superscript buttons to the toggle group.
            // This makes the buttons behave like radio buttons (pressing one releases all others).
            var subscriptButton = new RibbonToggleButton();

            subscriptButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("Subscript", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));
            var superscriptButton = new RibbonToggleButton();

            superscriptButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("Superscript", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));

            // Add another toolbar for the second row.
            RibbonToolBar toolbar2 = new RibbonToolBar();


            // Add a combo box.
            toolbar2.Items.Add(new RibbonComboBox());
        internal static object GetChildAtPoint(object parent, Point pt)
            object child = null;

            // check the parent object type whether we need to handle it
            if (parent is C1Ribbon)
                C1Ribbon ribbon = (C1Ribbon)parent;
                // use a method of the C1Ribbon control to get the child at the specified point
                child = ribbon.GetItemAt(ribbon.PointToClient(pt));
예제 #3
        public void BuildRibbonTab(C1Ribbon c1Ribbon, IList<MenuDTO> mainMenu, Int32 defaultModuleId)
            RibbonButton defaultModuleRibbonButton = null;

            RibbonTab ribbonTab = c1Ribbon.Tabs[0];
            c1Ribbon.SelectedTab = ribbonTab;

            var modules = mainMenu.Where(x => x.Parent == null)
                .OrderBy(x => x.OrderId)

            MenuDTO defaultModule = modules.Where(x => x.Id == defaultModuleId).FirstOrDefault();

            foreach(var module in modules)
                RibbonGroup ribbonGroup = ribbonTab.Groups.Add(string.Empty);
                RibbonButton ribbonButton = new RibbonButton()
                    Name = module.Id.ToString(),
                    Text = module.Name,
                    LargeImage = GetImage(module.IconPath),
                    TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText,
                    Tag = module,
                ribbonButton.Click += new EventHandler(ribbonButton_ClickEventHandler);

                if (defaultModuleRibbonButton == null)
                    if (defaultModule == null)
                        defaultModuleRibbonButton = ribbonButton;
                    else if (module.Id == defaultModuleId)
                        defaultModuleRibbonButton = ribbonButton;

            ribbonButton_ClickEventHandler(defaultModuleRibbonButton, null);
        public Form1()

            // Create a new instance of C1Ribbon and add it to the form.
            C1Ribbon c1Ribbon1 = new C1Ribbon();


            var saveButton = new RibbonButton();

            saveButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("Save", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));
            var undoButton = new RibbonButton();

            undoButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("Undo", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));
            var redoButton = new RibbonButton();

            redoButton.IconSet.Add(new C1BitmapIcon("Redo", new Size(16, 16), Color.Transparent, "Preset_SmallImages", -1));
예제 #5
파일: Ribbon.cs 프로젝트: julioanyosa/ERPH
 public Ribbon(C1Ribbon objRibbon, DataTable data)
     _data      = data;
     _objRibbon = objRibbon;
        internal static int IndexOf(UIElementInfo info)
            int    pos    = -1;
            object parent = info.Parent;

            // try to get the index of info.UIElement
            if (parent is RibbonGroup)
                pos = ((RibbonGroup)parent).Items.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
            else if (parent is RibbonTab)
                pos = ((RibbonTab)parent).Groups.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonGroup);
            else if (parent is RibbonDropDownBase)
                if (parent is RibbonApplicationMenu)
                    RibbonApplicationMenu appMenu = ((RibbonApplicationMenu)parent);
                    // RibbonApplicationMenu has three child collections,
                    // so we use index range from 0 to 999 for BottomPaneItems,
                    // index range from 1000 to 1999 for LeftPaneItems, and
                    // index range starting with 2000 for RightPaneItems
                    pos = appMenu.BottomPaneItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                    if (pos < 0)
                        pos = appMenu.LeftPaneItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                        if (pos >= 0)
                            pos += 1000;
                            pos = appMenu.RightPaneItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                            if (pos >= 0)
                                pos += 2000;
                else if (parent is RibbonComboBox)
                    pos = ((RibbonComboBox)parent).MenuItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                    if (pos < 0)
                        pos = ((RibbonComboBox)parent).Items.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                        if (pos >= 0)
                            pos += 1000;
                else if (parent is RibbonGallery)
                    pos = ((RibbonGallery)parent).MenuItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                    if (pos < 0)
                        pos = ((RibbonGallery)parent).Items.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                        if (pos >= 0)
                            pos += 1000;
                    pos = ((RibbonDropDownBase)parent).Items.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
            else if (parent is RibbonItemContainer)
                pos = ((RibbonItemContainer)parent).Items.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                if (parent is RibbonQat && pos == -1)
                    pos = ((RibbonQat)parent).MenuItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                    if (pos >= 0)
                        pos += 1000;
            else if (parent is RibbonListItem)
                pos = ((RibbonListItem)parent).Items.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
            else if (parent is C1Ribbon)
                C1Ribbon ribbon = (C1Ribbon)parent;
                if (ribbon.ApplicationMenu.Equals(info.UIElement))
                    pos = 0;
                else if (ribbon.ConfigToolBar.Equals(info.UIElement))
                    pos = 1;
                else if (ribbon.Qat.Equals(info.UIElement))
                    pos = 2;
                    pos = ribbon.Tabs.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonTab);
                    if (pos >= 0)
                        pos += 1000;
            else if (parent is C1StatusBar)
                C1StatusBar bar = (C1StatusBar)parent;
                pos = bar.LeftPaneItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                if (pos < 0)
                    pos = bar.RightPaneItems.IndexOf(info.UIElement as RibbonItem);
                    if (pos >= 0)
                        pos += 1000;

            // if uiElement does not have an index, return -1
            if (pos < 0)
                pos = -1;
        internal static object FindUIElement(object parent, string name)
            int pos;

            // Check if the name contains the UI element's index in the parent children collection instead of its real Name.
            // This way we handle UI elements whose Name property is not set.
            if (!int.TryParse(name, out pos))
                pos = -1;
            object child = null;

                // check the parent object type, whether we need to handle it
                if (parent is RibbonGroup)
                    // if the name contains an index, try to get the child UI element by that index
                    if (pos != -1)
                        child = ((RibbonGroup)parent).Items[pos];
                    // otherwise, try to get the child UI element by its name
                        child = ((RibbonGroup)parent).Items[name];
                else if (parent is RibbonTab)
                    if (pos != -1)
                        child = ((RibbonTab)parent).Groups[pos];
                        child = ((RibbonTab)parent).Groups[name];
                else if (parent is RibbonDropDownBase)
                    if (parent is RibbonApplicationMenu)
                        RibbonApplicationMenu appMenu = ((RibbonApplicationMenu)parent);
                        if (pos != -1)
                            // RibbonApplicationMenu has three child collections,
                            // so we use index range from 0 to 999 for BottomPaneItems
                            if (pos < 1000)
                                child = appMenu.BottomPaneItems[pos];
                            // use index range from 1000 to 1999 for LeftPaneItems
                            else if (pos < 2000)
                                child = appMenu.LeftPaneItems[pos - 1000];
                            // use index range starting from 2000 for RightPaneItems
                                child = appMenu.RightPaneItems[pos - 2000];
                            // RibbonApplicationMenu has three child collections,
                            // so we look the child UI element up in all of them
                            if (appMenu.BottomPaneItems.Contains(name))
                                child = appMenu.BottomPaneItems[name];
                            else if (appMenu.LeftPaneItems.Contains(name))
                                child = appMenu.LeftPaneItems[name];
                                child = appMenu.RightPaneItems[name];
                    else if (parent is RibbonComboBox)
                        if (pos != -1)
                            // RibbonComboBox has two child collections,
                            // so we use index range from 0 to 999 for MenuItems
                            if (pos < 1000)
                                child = ((RibbonComboBox)parent).MenuItems[pos];
                            // use index range starting from 1000 for Items
                                child = ((RibbonComboBox)parent).Items[pos - 1000];
                    else if (parent is RibbonGallery)
                        if (pos != -1)
                            if (pos < 1000)
                                child = ((RibbonGallery)parent).MenuItems[pos];
                                child = ((RibbonGallery)parent).Items[pos - 1000];
                        if (pos != -1)
                            child = ((RibbonDropDownBase)parent).Items[pos];
                            child = ((RibbonDropDownBase)parent).Items[name];
                else if (parent is RibbonItemContainer)
                    if (pos != -1)
                        if (pos < 1000)
                            child = ((RibbonItemContainer)parent).Items[pos];
                            child = ((RibbonQat)parent).MenuItems[pos - 1000];
                        if (((RibbonItemContainer)parent).Items.Contains(name))
                            child = ((RibbonItemContainer)parent).Items[name];
                            child = ((RibbonQat)parent).MenuItems[name];
                else if (parent is RibbonListItem)
                    if (pos != -1)
                        child = ((RibbonListItem)parent).Items[pos];
                        child = ((RibbonListItem)parent).Items[name];
                else if (parent is C1Ribbon)
                    C1Ribbon ribbon = (C1Ribbon)parent;
                    if (pos != -1)
                        if (pos == 0)
                            child = ribbon.ApplicationMenu;
                        else if (pos == 1)
                            child = ribbon.ConfigToolBar;
                        else if (pos == 2)
                            child = ribbon.Qat;
                            child = ribbon.Tabs[pos - 1000];
                        child = ribbon.Tabs[name];
                else if (parent is C1StatusBar)
                    C1StatusBar bar = (C1StatusBar)parent;
                    if (pos != -1)
                        if (pos < 1000)
                            child = bar.LeftPaneItems[pos];
                            child = bar.RightPaneItems[pos - 1000];
                        child = bar.LeftPaneItems[name];
                        if (child == null)
                            child = bar.RightPaneItems[name];
            // an exception can occur if parent doesn't contain a child UI element with the specified name,
            // in that case we return null
            catch { }
        internal static UIElementInfo ResolveControl(object uiElement)
            // initialize UIElementInfo object with the uiElement
            C1.Win.C1DynamicHelp.UIElementInfo info = new C1.Win.C1DynamicHelp.UIElementInfo(uiElement);
            // check the parent object type whether we need to handle it
            if (uiElement is C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonTab)
                C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonTab tab = (C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonTab)uiElement;
                // set the Name and Parent properties for the UIElementInfo object
                info.Name   = tab.ID;
                info.Parent = tab.Ribbon;
            else if (uiElement is C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonGroup)
                C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonGroup grp = (C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonGroup)uiElement;
                // set the Name and Parent properties for the UIElementInfo object
                info.Name   = grp.ID;
                info.Parent = (grp.Tab != null) ? grp.Tab : (object)grp.Ribbon;
            else if (uiElement is C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonItem)
                C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonItem item = (C1.Win.C1Ribbon.RibbonItem)uiElement;
                // set the Name property for the UIElementInfo object
                info.Name = item.ID;
                // set the Parent property for the UIElementInfo object
                // (since a RibbonItem can be inside different parents, we need to consider all cases)
                if (item.Parent != null)
                    info.Parent = item.Parent;
                else if (item.Tab != null)
                    info.Parent = item.Tab;
                    info.Parent = item.Ribbon;
            else if (uiElement is TextBox)
                TextBox txt = (TextBox)uiElement;
                // check if this TextBox is inside a C1Ribbon,
                // then we can handle it here, otherwise we should return null to allow the C1DynamicHelp control to process it
                RibbonItem parent = C1Ribbon.GetHostRibbonItem(txt);
                if (parent == null)
                info.Parent = parent;
                info.Name   = txt.Name;
                // the uiElement can be handled by the C1DynamicHelp control automatically, so return null

            // check if the uiElement has a name
            if (info.Name == "")
                // if the name is empty, we can use the uiElement's index instead of the name to identify it later inside a parent
                int pos = IndexOf(info);
                if (pos != -1)
                    info.Name = pos.ToString();
