private void setListView() { if (grfView.IsDisposed) { return; } if (grfView.Rows == null) { return; } grfView.Rows.Count = 0; Column colpic1 = grfView.Cols[colUploadImg]; colpic1.DataType = typeof(Image); foreach (String file in lFile) { try { Row row = grfView.Rows.Add(); row[colUploadPath] = file; string ext = Path.GetExtension(file); Image loadedImage, resizedImage; if (ext.ToLower().IndexOf("pdf") < 0) { loadedImage = Image.FromFile(file); int originalWidth = 0; originalWidth = loadedImage.Width; int newWidth = 280; newWidth = bc.imggridscanwidth; resizedImage = loadedImage.GetThumbnailImage(newWidth, (newWidth * loadedImage.Height) / originalWidth, null, IntPtr.Zero); row[colUploadImg] = resizedImage; loadedImage.Dispose(); } else { row[colUploadImg] = Resources.pdf_symbol_300; } } catch (Exception ex) { new LogWriter("e", file + " " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("err " + file + " " + ex.Message, ""); } } grfView.AutoSizeCols(); grfView.AutoSizeRows(); }
public void GetData() { CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; if (this.ListofModule != null) { try { PaginationModule _pm = this.ListofModule.Where(c => c.ModuleName == _currentModule).SingleOrDefault(); if (_pm != null) { if (_pm.PageLocked == true) { cboLimit.Enabled = false; chkLocked.Checked = true; cboLimit.Text = _pm.Limit; chkLocked.Enabled = false; chkLocked.Checked = true; chkLocked.Enabled = true; cboLimit.Enabled = true; } else if (_pm.PageLocked == false) { chkLocked.Enabled = false; chkLocked.Checked = false; chkLocked.Enabled = true; } } } catch (Exception) { chkLocked.Enabled = false; chkLocked.Checked = false; chkLocked.Enabled = true; } } else { chkLocked.Enabled = false; chkLocked.Checked = false; chkLocked.Enabled = true; } string _display = "Page {0} of {1}"; string _status = "Showing {0} to {1} of {2} entries"; string _cursearch = ""; if (_search == "" || _search == "''") { _cursearch = "''"; } else { _cursearch = "'%" + _search + "%'"; } long _limit = 0; if (cboLimit.Text != "ALL") { _limit = Convert.ToInt64(cboLimit.Text); } string _query = string.Format(_commandtext, (_cursearch == "''" ? _page : 0), _limit, _cursearch); DataTable _tb = new DataTable(); try { MySqlConnection _con = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); MySqlCommand _com = new MySqlCommand(_query, _con); MySqlDataAdapter _adp = new MySqlDataAdapter(_com); _com.CommandTimeout = 500; _adp.Fill(_tb); _con.Dispose(); _con = null; _com.Dispose(); _com = null; _adp.Dispose(); _adp = null; } catch (Exception) { } if (grid != null) { try { grid.DataSource = _tb; } catch (Exception) { } } if (cboLimit.Text != "ALL") { lblRecord.Text = "record per page"; flpPage.Visible = true; if (_tb.Columns.Contains("Total") && _tb.Rows.Count > 0) { _total = _tb.Rows[0].Field <long>("Total"); } long _recordfrom = (_page * _limit) + 1; long _recordto = (_recordfrom - 1) + _limit; decimal _temp = Convert.ToDecimal(_total) / Convert.ToDecimal(_limit); lblDisplay.Text = string.Format(_display, _page + 1, Math.Ceiling(_temp)); if (_page > Math.Ceiling(_temp)) { _page = _total; GetData(); return; } if (Math.Ceiling(_temp) == 1 || _page == Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(_temp)) - 1) { btnNext.Enabled = false; btnLast.Enabled = false; _recordto = _total; } else { btnNext.Enabled = true; btnLast.Enabled = true; } if (_page == 0) { btnFirst.Enabled = false; btnPrev.Enabled = false; } else { btnFirst.Enabled = true; btnPrev.Enabled = true; } if (_label != null) { _label.Text = _total == 0 ? "No record to display" : String.Format(_status, _recordfrom, _recordto, _total); _label.Width = 170; } this.Visible = (_total > 100); } else { if (_tb.Columns.Contains("Total") && _tb.Rows.Count > 0) { _total = _tb.Rows[0].Field <long>("Total"); } this.Visible = (_total > 100); lblRecord.Text = "record"; flpPage.Visible = false; } foreach (Column _col in grid.Cols) { if (_col.DataType != null) { if (_col.DataType.Name == typeof(System.DateTime).Name) { _col.Format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; _col.TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.CenterCenter; } } } if (grid.Cols.Contains("...")) { grid.Cols["..."].AllowResizing = false; grid.Cols["..."].AllowSorting = false; grid.Cols["..."].Width = 45; grid.Cols["..."].TextAlignFixed = TextAlignEnum.CenterCenter; } if (grid.Cols.Contains("Total")) { grid.Cols["Total"].Visible = false; } grid.Cols[0].Visible = false; grid.AllowFreezing = AllowFreezingEnum.None; grid.Cols.Frozen = 2; grid.AllowEditing = false; grid.AllowDelete = false; grid.AutoSizeCols(2, grid.Cols.Count - 1, 0); if (AfterDataLoaded != null) { AfterDataLoaded(this, new EventArgs()); } }
private void BtnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); grfVs.AutoSizeCols(); grfVs.AutoSizeRows(); }
private void FormatGrid(C1FlexGrid grid) { if (grid == null) { return; } ColumnCollection _cols = grid.Cols; if (grid.Name == grdUsers.Name) { grid.AllowEditing = true; for (int i = 0; i <= (_cols.Count - 1); i++) { _cols[i].AllowEditing = false; } _cols["AccountHolder"].AllowEditing = true; for (int i = 0; i <= (grid.Rows.Count - 1); i++) { CheckEnum _checked = CheckEnum.Unchecked; if (i == (_cols.Fixed - 1)) { _checked = CheckEnum.Checked; } else { if (VisualBasic.CBool(grid[i, "Select"])) { _checked = CheckEnum.Checked; } } grid.SetCellCheck(i, _cols["AccountHolder"].Index, _checked); } _cols["AccountHolder"].Caption = "Account Holder"; _cols["Username"].Visible = false; _cols["Select"].Visible = false; grid.ExtendLastCol = true; _cols[_cols.Fixed - 1].Visible = false; } else if (grid == grdActions) { grid.AllowEditing = true; for (int i = 0; i <= (_cols.Count - 1); i++) { _cols[i].AllowEditing = false; } _cols["Action"].AllowEditing = true; for (int i = 0; i <= (grid.Rows.Count - 1); i++) { CheckEnum _checked = CheckEnum.Unchecked; if (i == (_cols.Fixed - 1)) { _checked = CheckEnum.Checked; } else { if (VisualBasic.CBool(grid[i, "Select"])) { _checked = CheckEnum.Checked; } } grid.SetCellCheck(i, _cols["Action"].Index, _checked); } _cols["Id"].Visible = false; _cols["Select"].Visible = false; grid.ExtendLastCol = true; _cols[_cols.Fixed - 1].Visible = false; } else if (grid == grdLogs) { _cols["DateAndTime"].Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"; _cols["DateAndTime"].Caption = "Date and Time"; _cols["AccountHolder"].Caption = "Account Holder"; _cols["ReferenceNo"].Caption = "Reference No"; _cols["ComputerName"].Caption = "Computer Name"; _cols["IPAddress"].Caption = "IP Address"; _cols["Image"].Caption = ""; _cols["DetailId"].Visible = false; grid.AutoSizeCols(); grid.ExtendLastCol = true; _cols[_cols.Fixed - 1].Visible = false; _cols["Image"].Width = 30; } else { } }
private void setImage(String[] file1) { String err = ""; txtVN.Hide(); btnVn.Hide(); //label3.Hide(); //txtAN.Hide(); //txtAnCnt.Hide(); //chkIPD.Hide(); label6.Hide(); txtVisitDate.Hide(); setVisible(false); Application.DoEvents(); //txtAnDate.Hide(); //txtPreNo.Hide(); err = "01"; //MessageBox.Show("222", ""); ProgressBar pB1 = new ProgressBar(); pB1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 15); pB1.Name = "pB1"; pB1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(862, 23); groupBox1.Controls.Add(pB1); //pB1.Left = txtVN.Left; pB1.Show(); int i = 1, j = 1, row = grf.Rows.Count; grf.Rows.Add(); row = grf.Rows.Count; String re = ""; array1.Clear(); try { err = "02"; pB1.Value = 0; pB1.Minimum = 0; pB1.Maximum = file1.Length; foreach (String file in file1) { try { Image loadedImage, resizedImage; String[] sur = file.Split('.'); String ex = ""; if (sur.Length == 2) { ex = sur[1]; } err = "021"; if (!ex.Equals("pdf")) { String ext = ""; ext = Path.GetExtension(file); if (ext.IndexOf("db") > 0) { continue; } loadedImage = Image.FromFile(file); //byte[] buff = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file); //System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(buff); //MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buff); //loadedImage.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg); //loadedImage.Dispose(); //loadedImage = Image.FromStream(stream); int originalWidth = 0; originalWidth = loadedImage.Width; int newWidth = 280; resizedImage = loadedImage.GetThumbnailImage(newWidth, (newWidth * loadedImage.Height) / originalWidth, null, IntPtr.Zero); arrayImg.Add(file + ","); loadedImage.Dispose(); } else { resizedImage = Resources.pdf_symbol_80_2; } if (j > 4) { grf.Rows.Add(); row = grf.Rows.Count; j = 1; i++; } err = "022"; //grf.Cols[colPic1].ImageAndText = true; //grf.Cols[colPic2].ImageAndText = true; //grf.Cols[colPic3].ImageAndText = true; //grf.Cols[colPic4].ImageAndText = true; int hei = grf.Rows.DefaultSize; //grf[row - 1, colDay2PathPic] = file; //grfDay2Img[row - 1, colBtn] = "send"; array1.Add(i + "," + j + ",*" + file); if (j == 1) { //grf[i, colPic1] = resizedImage; grf.SetCellImage(i, colPic1, resizedImage); } else if (j == 2) { //grf[i, colPic2] = resizedImage; grf.SetCellImage(i, colPic2, resizedImage); } else if (j == 3) { //grf[i, colPic3] = resizedImage; grf.SetCellImage(i, colPic3, resizedImage); } else if (j == 4) { //grf[i, colPic4] = resizedImage; grf.SetCellImage(i, colPic4, resizedImage); } err = "023"; j++; pB1.Value++; if (pB1.Value == 47) { String aaa = ""; } //resizedImage.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { re = ex.Message; MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message + " Lenght " + file1.Length + " row " + pB1.Value, "err " + err); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error" + ex.Message, ""); } setVisible(true); //MessageBox.Show("555", ""); grf.AutoSizeCols(); grf.AutoSizeRows(); grf.Rows[0].Visible = false; grf.Cols[0].Visible = false; pB1.Dispose(); txtVN.Show(); btnVn.Show(); //label3.Show(); //txtAN.Show(); //txtAnCnt.Show(); //chkIPD.Show(); label6.Show(); //if (chkIPD.Checked) //{ // txtVisitDate.Hide(); // txtAnDate.Show(); //} //else //{ txtVisitDate.Show(); // txtAnDate.Hide(); //} //txtPreNo.Show(); }