예제 #1
    private void Walk(CommandAlias action)
        //convert letter-number coordinate input from action.alias[0] to bytepair
        BytePair coord = BytePair.StringListToCoordinates(action.Alias, GameManager.instance.MapHandler.MapHeight - 1, -1);

        if (coord.x == 255 || coord.y == 255)
            print("Invalid coordinate"); return;

        TargetPosition = coord;
예제 #2
    public void OnLobbyMenuStart()
        //Generate available spawn points

        List <BytePair> newPlayerSpawnPoints = BytePair.CreateBytePairList(mapWidth, mapHeight);

        playerSpawnPoints = new Stack <BytePair>(newPlayerSpawnPoints);

        List <BytePair> newHoleSpawnPoints = BytePair.CreateBytePairList(mapWidth, mapHeight);

        holeSpawnPoints = new Stack <BytePair>(newHoleSpawnPoints);
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts letter+number coordinate into BytePair
    /// Y-axis = letter, X-axis = number
    /// In case of error, 255 is returned as value
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="w">Letter+number coordinate</param>
    /// <param name="aValue">Coordinate value for 'a'</param>
    /// <param name="dir">1 if value is ascending, -1 if decending</param>
    public static BytePair StringListToCoordinates(List <string> w, int aValue, int dir)
        //TODO improve to support higher values and spacebar
        BytePair result = new BytePair(255, 255);

        if (char.IsLetter(w[0][0]) && char.IsDigit(w[0][1]))
            result.y = Extensions.CharToCoordinate(w[0][0], aValue, dir);
            result.x = byte.Parse("" + w[0][1]);
        else if (char.IsLetter(w[0][1]) && char.IsDigit(w[0][0]))
            result.y = Extensions.CharToCoordinate(w[0][1], aValue, dir);
            result.x = byte.Parse("" + w[0][0]);
예제 #4
    private void Shoot(CommandAlias action)
        //convert letter-number coordinate input from action.alias[0] to bytepair
        BytePair coord = BytePair.StringListToCoordinates(action.Alias, GameManager.instance.MapHandler.MapHeight - 1, -1);

        if (coord.x == 255 || coord.y == 255)
            print("Invalid coordinate"); return;

        Snowball newBall = (Snowball)Pool.instance.GetFromPool("Assorted", "Snowball");

        newBall.SetTargetAndShoot(this, coord);

예제 #5
        private bool IsPrt(Stream s)
            var start = s.Position;
            var h     = new PrtFile()
                ID       = s.ReadASCII(4),
                PalCount = s.ReadInt32(),

            if (h.ID != "CPAL")
                s.Position = start;

            h.PalData = new Ppal[h.PalCount];

            // Parse palettes
            for (var i = 0; i < h.PalCount; i++)
                var ppal = new Ppal
                    ID            = s.ReadASCII(4),
                    Size          = s.ReadInt32(),
                    HeadID        = s.ReadASCII(4),
                    BytesPerEntry = s.ReadInt32(),
                    Unknown       = s.ReadInt32(),
                    DataID        = s.ReadASCII(4),
                    PalSize       = s.ReadInt32()

                if (ppal.ID != "PPAL" || ppal.HeadID != "head" || ppal.DataID != "data")
                    s.Position = start;

                var numPaletteEntries = ppal.PalSize / ppal.BytesPerEntry;

                ppal.PaletteData = new RgbQuad[numPaletteEntries];

                // Populate palette
                for (var j = 0; j < numPaletteEntries; j++)
                    var rgba = new RgbQuad
                        Red      = s.ReadByte(),
                        Green    = s.ReadByte(),
                        Blue     = s.ReadByte(),
                        Reserved = s.ReadByte(),

                    ppal.PaletteData[j] = rgba;

                h.PalData[i] = ppal;

            h.ImageCount  = s.ReadInt32();
            h.ImageHeader = new Op2Image[h.ImageCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < h.ImageCount; i++)
                var img = new Op2Image
                    SizeScanline = s.ReadInt32(),

                img.ImgData      = s.ReadBytes(img.SizeScanline);
                img.SizeX        = s.ReadInt32();
                img.SizeY        = s.ReadInt32();
                img.Unknown      = s.ReadInt16();
                img.Palette      = s.ReadInt16();
                h.ImageHeader[i] = img;

            h.AllGroupCount   = s.ReadInt32();
            h.AllFrameCount   = s.ReadInt32();
            h.AllPicCount     = s.ReadInt32();
            h.AllExtInfoCount = s.ReadInt32();
            h.Groups          = new ImageGroup[h.AllGroupCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < h.AllGroupCount; i++)
                var img = new ImageGroup
                    Unknown1   = s.ReadInt32(),
                    SelLeft    = s.ReadInt32(),
                    SelTop     = s.ReadInt32(),
                    SelRight   = s.ReadInt32(),
                    SelBottom  = s.ReadInt32(),
                    CenterX    = s.ReadInt32(),
                    CenterY    = s.ReadInt32(),
                    Unknown8   = s.ReadInt32(),
                    FrameCount = s.ReadInt32()

                img.Frames = new Op2Frame[img.FrameCount];

                for (var j = 0; j < img.FrameCount; j++)
                    var frame = new Op2Frame
                        PicCount = s.ReadUInt8(),
                        Unknown  = s.ReadUInt8(),

                    frame.ExtUnknown1 = new BytePair[frame.PicCount >> 7];
                    for (var k = 0; k < frame.PicCount >> 7; k++)
                        var bp = new BytePair
                            Byte1 = s.ReadUInt8(),
                            Byte2 = s.ReadUInt8(),

                        frame.ExtUnknown1[k] = bp;

                    frame.ExtUnknown2 = new BytePair[frame.Unknown >> 7];
                    for (var k = 0; k < frame.Unknown >> 7; k++)
                        var bp = new BytePair
                            Byte1 = s.ReadUInt8(),
                            Byte2 = s.ReadUInt8(),

                        frame.ExtUnknown2[k] = bp;

                    frame.Pictures = new Op2Picture[frame.PicCount & 0x7F];
                    for (var k = 0; k < frame.Pictures.Length; k++)
                        var pic = new Op2Picture
                            ImgNumber = s.ReadInt16(),
                            Reserved  = s.ReadUInt8(),
                            PicOrder  = s.ReadUInt8(),
                            PosX      = s.ReadInt16(),
                            PosY      = s.ReadInt16()

                        frame.Pictures[k] = pic;

                    img.Frames[j] = frame;

                img.GroupExtCount = s.ReadInt32();
                img.Extended      = new GroupExt[img.GroupExtCount];

                for (var j = 0; j < img.GroupExtCount; j++)
                    var ext = new GroupExt
                        Unknown1 = s.ReadInt32(),
                        Unknown2 = s.ReadInt32(),
                        Unknown3 = s.ReadInt32(),
                        Unknown4 = s.ReadInt32(),

                    img.Extended[j] = ext;

                h.Groups[i] = img;

            file = h;

예제 #6
 public void SetTarget(Player _shooter, BytePair _target)
     shooter = _shooter;
     target  = _target;
     base.SetLocalPosition(StartPointFromTo(_shooter.transform.position, target.ToPositionVector2(), SpawnMagnitude(_shooter.Col, col)));
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Launch method for the snowball
 /// </summary>
 public void SetTargetAndShoot(Player _shooter, BytePair _target)
     SetTarget(_shooter, _target);