예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Шифрование Кардано
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int[] Encrypt(string text)
            //переводим строку в массив байтов
            byte[] textInBytes = ByteOperations.GetBytes(text);

            //массив с закодированными символами
            int[] codedText = new int[textInBytes.Length];

            //шифруем первый символ побитовым сложением
            codedText[0] = (int)key ^ textInBytes[0];

            int counter = 0;

            uint tempKey = key;

            //Для шифрования последующих символов исходного текста
            foreach (byte byt in textInBytes)

                if (byt == 0 || byt == 4 || counter == 1)

                //модифицирование ключа
                    tempKey = ByteOperations.shiftLeft(tempKey, 1, BITS);
                catch (Exception ex)

                int num = (int)textInBytes[counter - 1];

                //шифрование символа
                codedText[counter - 1] = (int)tempKey ^ num;

                //если 0
                if (codedText[counter - 1] == 0)
                    codedText[counter - 1] = -1;

예제 #2
        internal Version GetProductVersion()
            byte[] version = GetResource(new int[] { (int)ResourceType.RT_VERSION, 1, 1033 });

            // RT_VERSION format:
            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms647001(v=vs.85).aspx
            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646997(v=vs.85).aspx
            UInt32 FixedFileInfoPointer = 0x28;
            UInt16 Major    = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(version, FixedFileInfoPointer + 0x12);
            UInt16 Minor    = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(version, FixedFileInfoPointer + 0x10);
            UInt16 Build    = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(version, FixedFileInfoPointer + 0x16);
            UInt16 Revision = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(version, FixedFileInfoPointer + 0x14);

            return(new Version(Major, Minor, Build, Revision));
예제 #3
 public void Create()
     //TODO: set this to timer port when it is implemented
     PortA                    = new Port();
     PortB                    = new Port();
     RAM                      = new RAMModel(PortA, PortB);
     PCStack                  = new ObservableStack <short>(new Stack <short>(MemoryConstants.PC_STACK_CAPACITY));
     Memory                   = new MemoryService(RAM, PCStack);
     SourceFile               = new SourceFileModel();
     FileService              = new FileService();
     DialogService            = new DialogService();
     OperationHelpers         = new OperationHelpers(Memory);
     BitOperations            = new BitOperations(Memory);
     ByteOperations           = new ByteOperations(Memory);
     LiteralControlOperations = new LiteralControlOperations(Memory);
     ApplicationService       = new ApplicationService(Memory, SourceFile, OperationHelpers, BitOperations, ByteOperations, LiteralControlOperations);
예제 #4
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override ISensorSample TakeReading(WeatherObservation observation)
            var sensorResult = new SensorSample(this.SensorName);
            var data         = this.ReadRawBytes(CCS811ALGRESULTDATA, 4);


            var co2  = (data[0] << 8) | data[1];
            var tvoc = (data[2] << 8) | data[3];

            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(co2, "CO2", ObservationUnits.PartsPerMillion);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(tvoc, "TVOC", ObservationUnits.PartsPerBillion);
            observation.CO2  = co2;
            observation.TVOC = tvoc;


예제 #5
        public string Decrypt(int[] encrypted)
            //массив с закодированными символами
            int[] encodedText = new int[encrypted.Length];

            int counter = 0;

            uint tempKey = key;

            //Для расшифорвки последующих символов исходного текста
            foreach (int num in encrypted)
                if (num == 0)

                //расшифровка символа
                encodedText[counter] = (int)tempKey ^ num;

                //модифицирование ключа
                    tempKey = ByteOperations.shiftLeft(tempKey, 1, BITS);
                catch (Exception ex)


            byte[] bytes = ByteOperations.GetBytes(encodedText);

            string byteString = ByteOperations.GetString(bytes);

            return(byteString.Replace("\0", string.Empty));
예제 #6
        internal UInt32 CalculateChecksum()
            UInt32 Checksum = 0;
            UInt32 Hi;

            // Clear file checksum
            // ByteOperations.WriteUInt32(PEFile, GetChecksumOffset(), 0);
            UInt32 ChecksumOffset = GetChecksumOffset();

            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < ((UInt32)Buffer.Length & 0xfffffffe); i += 2)
                if ((i < ChecksumOffset) || (i >= (ChecksumOffset + 4)))
                    Checksum += ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(Buffer, i);

                Hi = Checksum >> 16;
                if (Hi != 0)
                    Checksum = Hi + (Checksum & 0xFFFF);
            if ((Buffer.Length % 2) != 0)
                Checksum += (UInt32)ByteOperations.ReadUInt8(Buffer, (UInt32)Buffer.Length - 1);
                Hi        = Checksum >> 16;
                if (Hi != 0)
                    Checksum = Hi + (Checksum & 0xFFFF);
            Checksum += (UInt32)Buffer.Length;

            // Write file checksum
            // ByteOperations.WriteUInt32(Buffer, GetChecksumOffset(), Checksum);

        public int[] Encrypt(string text)
            //переводим строку в массив байтов
            byte[] textInBytes = ByteOperations.GetBytes(text);

            //массив с закодированными символами
            int[] codedText = new int[textInBytes.Length];

            //шифруем первый символ побитовым сложением
            codedText[0] = (int)key ^ textInBytes[0];

            int counter = 0;

            //ключем становится первый зашифрованный символ
            uint tempKey = (uint)codedText[0];

            //Для шифрования последующих символов исходного текста
            foreach (byte byt in textInBytes)

                if (counter == 1)

                int num = (int)textInBytes[counter - 1];

                //шифрование символа
                codedText[counter - 1] = (int)tempKey ^ num;

                //модифицирование ключа
                tempKey = (uint)codedText[counter - 1];

예제 #8
 public UInt32 GetChecksumOffset()
     return(ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, 0x3C) + +0x58);
예제 #9
        public PeFile(byte[] Buffer)
            int P = 0;

            this.Buffer = Buffer;

            // Read MS-DOS header section
            DosHeader = MarshalBytesTo <IMAGE_DOS_HEADER>(Buffer, P);

            // MS-DOS magic number should read 'MZ'
            if (DosHeader.e_magic != 0x5a4d)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File is not a portable executable.");

            // Read NT Headers
            P = (int)DosHeader.e_lfanew;
            NtHeaders.Signature = MarshalBytesTo <UInt32>(Buffer, P);

            // Make sure we have 'PE' in the pe signature
            if (NtHeaders.Signature != 0x4550)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid portable executable signature in NT header.");

            P += sizeof(UInt32);
            NtHeaders.FileHeader = MarshalBytesTo <IMAGE_FILE_HEADER>(Buffer, P);

            // Read optional headers
            P += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER));
            if (Is32bitAssembly())
                Load32bitOptionalHeaders(Buffer, P);
                ImageBase  = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader32.ImageBase;
                EntryPoint = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader32.AddressOfEntryPoint;
                ExportDirectoryVirtualOffset  = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader32.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress;
                ImportDirectoryVirtualOffset  = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader32.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress;
                RuntimeDirectoryVirtualOffset = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader32.DataDirectory[3].VirtualAddress;
                RuntimeDirectorySize          = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader32.DataDirectory[3].Size;
                Load64bitOptionalHeaders(Buffer, P);
                ImageBase  = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader64.ImageBase;
                EntryPoint = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader64.AddressOfEntryPoint;
                ExportDirectoryVirtualOffset  = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader64.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress;
                ImportDirectoryVirtualOffset  = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader64.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress;
                RuntimeDirectoryVirtualOffset = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader64.DataDirectory[3].VirtualAddress;
                RuntimeDirectorySize          = NtHeaders.OptionalHeader64.DataDirectory[3].Size;

            // Read Sections
            _sectionHeaders.ToList().ForEach(s =>
                byte[] RawCode = new byte[s.SizeOfRawData];
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(Buffer, (int)s.PointerToRawData, RawCode, 0, (int)s.SizeOfRawData);

                Sections.Add(new Section {
                    Header = s, Buffer = RawCode, VirtualAddress = s.VirtualAddress + (UInt32)ImageBase, VirtualSize = s.Misc.VirtualSize, IsCode = ((s.Characteristics & (uint)Constants.SectionFlags.IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE) != 0)

            // Read Exports
            // TODO: Proper support for 64-bit files
            if (ExportDirectoryVirtualOffset != 0)
                IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY ExportDirectory = MarshalBytesTo <IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY>(Buffer, (int)ConvertVirtualOffsetToRawOffset((uint)(ExportDirectoryVirtualOffset)));
                if (ExportDirectory.AddressOfNames != 0)
                    Section  ExportsSection   = GetSectionForVirtualAddress((uint)(ImageBase + ExportDirectory.AddressOfNames));
                    UInt32   OffsetNames      = (UInt32)(ImageBase + ExportDirectory.AddressOfNames - ExportsSection.VirtualAddress);
                    UInt32   OffsetOrdinals   = (UInt32)(ImageBase + ExportDirectory.AddressOfNameOrdinals - ExportsSection.VirtualAddress);
                    UInt32   OffsetFunctions  = (UInt32)(ImageBase + ExportDirectory.AddressOfFunctions - ExportsSection.VirtualAddress);
                    string[] ExportNames      = new string[ExportDirectory.NumberOfNames];
                    UInt16[] Ordinals         = new UInt16[ExportDirectory.NumberOfNames];
                    UInt32[] VirtualAddresses = new UInt32[ExportDirectory.NumberOfFunctions];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ExportDirectory.NumberOfNames; i++)
                        UInt32 NamesRVA   = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(ExportsSection.Buffer, (UInt32)(OffsetNames + (i * sizeof(UInt32))));
                        UInt32 NameOffset = (UInt32)(NamesRVA + ImageBase - ExportsSection.VirtualAddress);
                        ExportNames[i] = ByteOperations.ReadAsciiString(ExportsSection.Buffer, NameOffset);

                        Ordinals[i] = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(ExportsSection.Buffer, (UInt32)(OffsetOrdinals + (i * sizeof(UInt16))));
                    for (int i = 0; i < ExportDirectory.NumberOfFunctions; i++)
                        VirtualAddresses[i]  = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(ExportsSection.Buffer, (UInt32)(OffsetFunctions + (i * sizeof(UInt32))));
                        VirtualAddresses[i] -= (VirtualAddresses[i] % 2); // Round down for Thumb2
                    for (int i = 0; i < ExportDirectory.NumberOfNames; i++)
                        Exports.Add(new FunctionDescriptor()
                            Name = ExportNames[i], VirtualAddress = (UInt32)(ImageBase + VirtualAddresses[Ordinals[i]])

            // Read Imports
            // TODO: Proper support for 64-bit files
            if (ImportDirectoryVirtualOffset != 0)
                Section ImportsSection = GetSectionForVirtualAddress((uint)(ImageBase + ImportDirectoryVirtualOffset));
                IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR ImportDirectory;
                    ImportDirectory = MarshalBytesTo <IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR>(ImportsSection.Buffer, (int)(ImportDirectoryVirtualOffset - (ImportsSection.VirtualAddress - ImageBase)));
                    if (ImportDirectory.OriginalFirstThunk != 0)
                        // ImportDirectory.OriginalFirstThunk is the VirtualOffset to an array of VirtualOffsets. They point to a struct with a word-value, followed by a zero-terminated ascii-string, which is the name of the import.
                        // ImportDirectory.FirstThunk points to an array pointers which is the actual import table.
                        UInt32 NameArrayOffset = ImportDirectory.OriginalFirstThunk - (ImportsSection.VirtualAddress - (UInt32)ImageBase);
                        UInt32 NameOffset;
                        int    i = 0;
                            NameOffset = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(ImportsSection.Buffer, NameArrayOffset);
                            if ((NameOffset < (ImportsSection.VirtualAddress - ImageBase)) || (NameOffset >= (ImportsSection.VirtualAddress + ImportsSection.VirtualSize - ImageBase)))
                                NameOffset = 0; // ImportDirectory.OriginalFirstThunk seems to contain Characteristics, not an offset to an array.
                            NameArrayOffset += sizeof(UInt32);
                            if (NameOffset != 0)
                                string Name = ByteOperations.ReadAsciiString(ImportsSection.Buffer, NameOffset + 2 - (ImportsSection.VirtualAddress - (UInt32)ImageBase));
                                Imports.Add(new FunctionDescriptor()
                                    Name = Name, VirtualAddress = ImportDirectory.FirstThunk + (UInt32)ImageBase + (UInt32)(i * sizeof(UInt32))
                        }while (NameOffset != 0);

                        ImportDirectoryVirtualOffset += (UInt64)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR));
                }while (ImportDirectory.OriginalFirstThunk != 0);

            // Read Runtime functions
            // TODO: Proper support for 64-bit files
            if (RuntimeDirectoryVirtualOffset != 0)
                Section             RuntimeSection = GetSectionForVirtualAddress((uint)(ImageBase + RuntimeDirectoryVirtualOffset));
                RUNTIME_FUNCTION_32 RuntimeFunction;
                for (int i = 0; i < (RuntimeDirectorySize / Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION_32))); i++)
                    RuntimeFunction = MarshalBytesTo <RUNTIME_FUNCTION_32>(RuntimeSection.Buffer, (int)(RuntimeDirectoryVirtualOffset - (RuntimeSection.VirtualAddress - ImageBase)) + (i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION_32))));
                    RuntimeFunctions.Add(new FunctionDescriptor()
                        Name = null, VirtualAddress = (UInt32)(RuntimeFunction.RVAofBeginAddress + ImageBase)
        public void ByteArrayToUCharTest()
            var value = ByteOperations.GetChar(CalibrationBytes2, 0);

            Assert.Equal(75, value);
        public void ByteArrayToCharTest()
            var value = ByteOperations.GetChar(CalibrationBytes3, 3);

            Assert.Equal(26, value);
        public void ByteArrayToShortTest()
            var value = ByteOperations.GetShort(CalibrationBytes1, 2);

            Assert.Equal(26373, value);
예제 #13
파일: MainPatcher.cs 프로젝트: tkbi/Patcher
 private static UInt32 GetChecksumOffset(byte[] PEFile)
     return(ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(PEFile, 0x3C) + +0x58);
예제 #14
 public String GetMessageTimestamp()
예제 #15
파일: DIV.cs 프로젝트: Zindre17/GameBoi
 public Byte Read()
예제 #16
파일: MainPatcher.cs 프로젝트: tkbi/Patcher
        // TargetFilePath is relative to the root of the PatchDefinition
        // OutputFilePath can be null
        public static void AddPatch(string InputFilePath, string OutputFilePath, string PatchDefinitionName, string TargetVersionDescription, string TargetFilePath, string PathToVisualStudioWithWP8SDK, UInt32 VirtualAddress, CodeType CodeType, string ArmCodeFragment, string PatchDefintionsXmlPath)
            SHA1Managed SHA = new SHA1Managed();

            // Compile ARM code
            byte[] CompiledCode = null;
            if (VirtualAddress != 0)
                CompiledCode = ArmCompiler.Compile(PathToVisualStudioWithWP8SDK, VirtualAddress, CodeType, ArmCodeFragment);

            // Read original binary
            byte[] Binary = File.ReadAllBytes(InputFilePath);

            // Backup original checksum
            UInt32 ChecksumOffset   = GetChecksumOffset(Binary);
            UInt32 OriginalChecksum = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Binary, ChecksumOffset);

            // Determine Raw Offset
            PeFile PeFile    = new PeFile(Binary);
            UInt32 RawOffset = 0;

            if (VirtualAddress != 0)
                RawOffset = PeFile.ConvertVirtualAddressToRawOffset(VirtualAddress);

            // Add or replace patch
            string          PatchDefintionsXml = File.ReadAllText(PatchDefintionsXmlPath);
            PatchEngine     PatchEngine        = new PatchEngine(PatchDefintionsXml);
            PatchDefinition PatchDefinition    = PatchEngine.PatchDefinitions.Where(d => (string.Compare(d.Name, PatchDefinitionName, true) == 0)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (PatchDefinition == null)
                PatchDefinition      = new PatchDefinition();
                PatchDefinition.Name = PatchDefinitionName;
            TargetVersion TargetVersion = PatchDefinition.TargetVersions.Where(v => (string.Compare(v.Description, TargetVersionDescription, true) == 0)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (TargetVersion == null)
                TargetVersion             = new TargetVersion();
                TargetVersion.Description = TargetVersionDescription;
            TargetFile TargetFile = TargetVersion.TargetFiles.Where(f => ((f.Path != null) && (string.Compare(f.Path.TrimStart(new char[] { '\\' }), TargetFilePath.TrimStart(new char[] { '\\' }), true) == 0))).FirstOrDefault();

            if (TargetFile == null)
                TargetFile = new TargetFile();
            TargetFile.Path         = TargetFilePath;
            TargetFile.HashOriginal = SHA.ComputeHash(Binary);
            Patch Patch;

            if (VirtualAddress != 0)
                Patch = TargetFile.Patches.Where(p => p.Address == RawOffset).FirstOrDefault();
                if (Patch == null)
                    Patch         = new Patch();
                    Patch.Address = RawOffset;
                Patch.OriginalBytes = new byte[CompiledCode.Length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Binary, (int)RawOffset, Patch.OriginalBytes, 0, CompiledCode.Length);
                Patch.PatchedBytes = CompiledCode;

            // Apply all patches
            foreach (Patch CurrentPatch in TargetFile.Patches)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(CurrentPatch.PatchedBytes, 0, Binary, (int)CurrentPatch.Address, CurrentPatch.PatchedBytes.Length);

            // Calculate checksum
            // This also modifies the binary
            // Original checksum is already backed up
            UInt32 Checksum = CalculateChecksum(Binary);

            // Add or replace checksum patch
            Patch = TargetFile.Patches.Where(p => p.Address == ChecksumOffset).FirstOrDefault();
            if (Patch == null)
                Patch         = new Patch();
                Patch.Address = ChecksumOffset;
            Patch.OriginalBytes = new byte[4];
            ByteOperations.WriteUInt32(Patch.OriginalBytes, 0, OriginalChecksum);
            Patch.PatchedBytes = new byte[4];
            ByteOperations.WriteUInt32(Patch.PatchedBytes, 0, Checksum);

            // Calculate hash for patched target file
            TargetFile.HashPatched = SHA.ComputeHash(Binary);

            // Write patched file
            if (OutputFilePath != null)
                File.WriteAllBytes(OutputFilePath, Binary);

            // Write PatchDefintions
예제 #17
        internal byte[] GetResource(int[] Index)
            UInt32 PEPointer                   = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, 0x3C);
            UInt16 OptionalHeaderSize          = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(Buffer, PEPointer + 0x14);
            UInt32 SectionTablePointer         = PEPointer + 0x18 + OptionalHeaderSize;
            UInt16 SectionCount                = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(Buffer, PEPointer + 0x06);
            UInt32?ResourceSectionEntryPointer = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < SectionCount; i++)
                string SectionName = ByteOperations.ReadAsciiString(Buffer, (UInt32)(SectionTablePointer + (i * 0x28)), 8);
                int    e           = SectionName.IndexOf('\0');
                if (e >= 0)
                    SectionName = SectionName.Substring(0, e);
                if (SectionName == ".rsrc")
                    ResourceSectionEntryPointer = (UInt32)(SectionTablePointer + (i * 0x28));
            if (ResourceSectionEntryPointer == null)
                throw new Exception("Resource-section not found");
            UInt32 ResourceRawSize        = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, (UInt32)ResourceSectionEntryPointer + 0x10);
            UInt32 ResourceRawPointer     = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, (UInt32)ResourceSectionEntryPointer + 0x14);
            UInt32 ResourceVirtualPointer = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, (UInt32)ResourceSectionEntryPointer + 0x0C);

            UInt32 p = ResourceRawPointer;

            for (int i = 0; i < Index.Length; i++)
                UInt16 ResourceNamedEntryCount = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(Buffer, p + 0x0c);
                UInt16 ResourceIdEntryCount    = ByteOperations.ReadUInt16(Buffer, p + 0x0e);
                for (int j = ResourceNamedEntryCount; j < ResourceNamedEntryCount + ResourceIdEntryCount; j++)
                    UInt32 ResourceID  = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, (UInt32)(p + 0x10 + (j * 8)));
                    UInt32 NextPointer = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, (UInt32)(p + 0x10 + (j * 8) + 4));
                    if (ResourceID == (UInt32)Index[i])
                        // Check high bit
                        if (((NextPointer & 0x80000000) == 0) != (i == (Index.Length - 1)))
                            throw new Exception("Bad resource path");

                        p = ResourceRawPointer + (NextPointer & 0x7fffffff);

            UInt32 ResourceValuePointer = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, p) - ResourceVirtualPointer + ResourceRawPointer;
            UInt32 ResourceValueSize    = ByteOperations.ReadUInt32(Buffer, p + 4);

            byte[] ResourceValue = new byte[ResourceValueSize];
            Array.Copy(Buffer, ResourceValuePointer, ResourceValue, 0, ResourceValueSize);

        public void ByteArrayToUShortTest()
            var value = ByteOperations.GetUShort(CalibrationBytes1, 0);

            Assert.Equal(28301, value);
예제 #19
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override ISensorSample TakeReading(WeatherObservation observation)
            var sensorResult = new SensorSample(this.SensorName);

            // Initialize for reading
            this.Device.Write(new byte[] { REGCONTROLHUM, OVERSAMPLEHUM });
            var control = GetControlCode();

            this.Device.Write(new byte[] { REGCONTROL, (byte)control });

            // Read calibaration data
            var cal1 = this.ReadBytes(0x88, 24);
            var cal2 = this.ReadBytes(0xA1, 1);
            var cal3 = this.ReadBytes(0xE1, 7);

            sensorResult.AddDiagnostic("Calibration data (1/2/3)");

            var calibrationData = ExtractcalibrationData(cal1, cal2, cal3);

            // Pause per spec
            var wait_time = GetWaitTime();

            Thread.Sleep((int)wait_time / 1000);

            // Read raw data
            var data = this.ReadBytes(REGDATA, 8);

            sensorResult.AddDiagnostic("Raw data");

            var    rawTemp        = (data[3] << 12) | (data[4] << 4) | (data[5] >> 4);
            double rawTemperature = CalculateTemperature(sensorResult, calibrationData, rawTemp, out double tFine);

            // Refine pressure and adjust for temperature
            var    rawPressure   = (data[0] << 12) | (data[1] << 4) | (data[2] >> 4);
            double pressureValue = CalculatePressure(sensorResult, calibrationData, rawPressure, tFine);

            // Refine humidity
            var    rawHumidity   = (data[6] << 8) | data[7];
            double humidityValue = CalculateHumidity(sensorResult, calibrationData, rawHumidity, tFine);

            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(rawTemperature + this.calibrationOffset, "TEMPERATURE", ObservationUnits.DegreesCelcius);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(pressureValue, "PRESSURE", ObservationUnits.HectoPascal);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(humidityValue, "HUMIDITY", ObservationUnits.Percentage);

            var pressure    = new Pressure(pressureValue, UnitsNet.Units.PressureUnit.Hectopascal);
            var humidity    = new RelativeHumidity(humidityValue, UnitsNet.Units.RelativeHumidityUnit.Percent);
            var temperature = new Temperature(rawTemperature, UnitsNet.Units.TemperatureUnit.DegreeCelsius);

            var actualAltitude     = new Length(this.altitudeInMeters, UnitsNet.Units.LengthUnit.Meter);
            var altitudeCalculated = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(pressure);

            double absHumidity             = WeatherHelper.CalculateAbsoluteHumidity(temperature, humidity).GramsPerCubicMeter;
            double dewPoint                = WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(temperature, humidity).DegreesCelsius;
            double heatIndex               = WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(temperature, humidity).DegreesCelsius;
            double vapourPressure          = WeatherHelper.CalculateActualVaporPressure(temperature, humidity).Hectopascals;
            double barometricPressure      = WeatherHelper.CalculateBarometricPressure(pressure, temperature, actualAltitude, humidity).Hectopascals;
            double vapourPressureOverIce   = WeatherHelper.CalculateSaturatedVaporPressureOverIce(temperature).Hectopascals;
            double vapourPressureOverWater = WeatherHelper.CalculateSaturatedVaporPressureOverWater(temperature).Hectopascals;
            double seaLevelPressure        = WeatherHelper.CalculateSeaLevelPressure(pressure, actualAltitude, temperature).Hectopascals;

            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(temperature.DegreesCelsius + this.calibrationOffset, "TEMPERATURE", ObservationUnits.DegreesCelcius);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(pressure.Hectopascals, "PRESSURE", ObservationUnits.HectoPascal);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(barometricPressure, "BAROMETRIC PRESSURE", ObservationUnits.HectoPascal);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(seaLevelPressure, "SEA LEVEL PRESSURE", ObservationUnits.HectoPascal);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(vapourPressureOverIce, "OVER ICE PRESSURE", ObservationUnits.HectoPascal);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(vapourPressureOverWater, "OVER WATER PRESSURE", ObservationUnits.HectoPascal);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(humidity.Percent, "RELATIVE HUMIDITY", ObservationUnits.Percentage);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(absHumidity, "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY", ObservationUnits.GramsPerCubicMeter);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(vapourPressure, "VAPOUR PRESSURE", ObservationUnits.Percentage);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(altitudeCalculated.Meters, "CALCULATED ALTITUDE", ObservationUnits.Meters);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(actualAltitude.Meters, "ACTUAL ALTITUDE", ObservationUnits.Meters);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(heatIndex, "HEAT INDEX", ObservationUnits.DegreesCelcius);
            sensorResult.AddFinalObservation(dewPoint, "DEW POINT", ObservationUnits.DegreesCelcius);

            observation.Temperature1       = temperature.DegreesCelsius + this.calibrationOffset;
            observation.Pressure           = pressure.Hectopascals;
            observation.BarometricPressure = barometricPressure;
            observation.SealevelPressure   = seaLevelPressure;
            observation.OverIcePressure    = vapourPressureOverIce;
            observation.OverWaterPressure  = vapourPressureOverWater;
            observation.RelativeHumidity   = humidity.Percent;
            observation.AbsoluteHumidity   = absHumidity;
            observation.ActualAltitude     = actualAltitude.Meters;
            observation.CalculatedAltitude = altitudeCalculated.Meters;
            observation.HeatIndex          = heatIndex;
            observation.DewPoint           = dewPoint;


예제 #20
 public ApplicationService(IMemoryService memory, ISourceFileModel <ILineOfCode> srcModel, OperationHelpers operationHelpers, BitOperations bitOperations, ByteOperations byteOperations, LiteralControlOperations literalControlOperations)
     this._memory              = memory;
     this._srcModel            = srcModel;
     _bitOperations            = bitOperations;
     _byteOperations           = byteOperations;
     _literalControlOperations = literalControlOperations;
     _operationHelpers         = operationHelpers;