예제 #1
        private static void ReadPCRs(TPMWrapper tpm)
            uint i = 0;

            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("ReadPCRs");

            Parameters param = new Parameters();

            param.AddPrimitiveType("capArea", CapabilityData.TPMCapabilityArea.TPM_CAP_PROPERTY);
            param.AddPrimitiveType("subCap", CapabilityData.TPMSubCapProperty.TPM_CAP_PROP_PCR);
            TPMCommandRequest  request  = new TPMCommandRequest(TPMCommandNames.TPM_CMD_GetCapability, param);
            TPMCommandResponse response = tpm.Process(request);

            uint maxPcrs = response.Parameters.GetValueOf <uint>(CapabilityData.PARAM_PROP_PCR);

            for (i = 0; i < maxPcrs; ++i)
                param = new Parameters();
                param.AddPrimitiveType("pcrnum", i);
                TPMCommandRequest  req  = new TPMCommandRequest(TPMCommandNames.TPM_CMD_PCRRead, param);
                TPMCommandResponse resp = tpm.Process(req);

                byte[] val = resp.Parameters.GetValueOf <byte[]>("value");

                log.InfoFormat("Answer for PCR {0} is: 0x{1}", resp.Parameters.GetValueOf <UInt32>("pcrnum"),

//			TPMCommandRequest req = new TPMCommandRequest(TPMCommandNames.TPM_CMD_PCRRead, null);
//			TPMCommand com = TPMCommandFactory.Create(req);
//			com.Init(param, tpm);
//			com.Process();
            //Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!");
예제 #2
        private void LoadData(GundamInfo gundam)
            if (gundam != null)
                txtName.Text     = gundam.GundamName;
                txtAddress.Text  = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(ByteHelper.Int2Bytes(gundam.Index));
                txtHP.Text       = gundam.HP.ToString();
                txtEN.Text       = gundam.EN.ToString();
                txtAct.Text      = gundam.ACT.ToString();
                txtDef.Text      = gundam.DEF.ToString();
                txtSpd.Text      = gundam.SPD.ToString();
                txtMove.Text     = gundam.Move.ToString();
                txtSize.Text     = gundam.Size.ToString();
                txtTeamSize.Text = gundam.TeamSize.ToString();

                string shiyin = gundam.Earch;

                cboE1.SelectedValue = shiyin[0].ToString();
                cboE2.SelectedValue = shiyin[1].ToString();
                cboE3.SelectedValue = shiyin[2].ToString();
                cboE4.SelectedValue = shiyin[3].ToString();
                cboE5.SelectedValue = shiyin[4].ToString();

                cboSkill1.SelectedValue = gundam.Skill1.ToString();
                cboSkill2.SelectedValue = gundam.Skill2.ToString();
                cboSkill3.SelectedValue = gundam.Skill3.ToString();
                cboSkill4.SelectedValue = gundam.Skill4.ToString();
                cboSkill5.SelectedValue = gundam.Skill5.ToString();

                btnSave.Enabled = true;
                txtName.Text     = null;
                txtAddress.Text  = null;
                txtHP.Text       = null;
                txtEN.Text       = null;
                txtAct.Text      = null;
                txtDef.Text      = null;
                txtSpd.Text      = null;
                txtMove.Text     = null;
                txtSize.Text     = null;
                txtTeamSize.Text = null;

                cboE1.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboE2.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboE3.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboE4.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboE5.SelectedValue = "-1";

                cboSkill1.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboSkill2.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboSkill3.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboSkill4.SelectedValue = "-1";
                cboSkill5.SelectedValue = "-1";
                btnSave.Enabled         = false;
예제 #3
        public void SessionIdTest()
            var guid          = new Guid("ea0fd556-801c-4bee-a9fe-672a6837dabf");
            var bytes         = ByteHelper.HexStringToByteArray(guid.ToString().Replace("-", ""));
            var bytesAsString = BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", "");
            var newGuid       = new Guid(ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(bytes));

            Console.WriteLine(bytesAsString + " @ " + guid.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(guid, newGuid);
예제 #4
        private void LoadData(MasterInfo master)
            if (master != null)
                txtName.Text      = master.MasterName;
                txtAddress.Text   = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(ByteHelper.Int2Bytes(master.Index));
                txtSheJi.Text     = master.SheJi.ToString();
                txtGeDou.Text     = master.GeDou.ToString();
                txtShouBei.Text   = master.ShouBei.ToString();
                txtFanYin.Text    = master.FanYin.ToString();
                txtJueXin.Text    = master.JueXin.ToString();
                txtZhiHui.Text    = master.ZhiHui.ToString();
                txtFuZuo.Text     = master.FuZuo.ToString();
                txtTongXun.Text   = master.TongXun.ToString();
                txtCaoDuo.Text    = master.CaoDuo.ToString();
                txtWeiXiu.Text    = master.WeiXiu.ToString();
                txtMeiLi.Text     = master.MeiLi.ToString();
                txtJinYan.Text    = master.JinYan.ToString();
                txtChenZhang.Text = master.ChengZhang.ToString();

                cboGuYou1.SelectedValue = master.GuYou1;
                cboGuYou2.SelectedValue = master.GuYou2;
                cboGuYou3.SelectedValue = master.GuYou3;

                btnSave.Enabled = true;
                txtName.Text      = null;
                txtSheJi.Text     = null;
                txtGeDou.Text     = null;
                txtShouBei.Text   = null;
                txtFanYin.Text    = null;
                txtJueXin.Text    = null;
                txtZhiHui.Text    = null;
                txtFuZuo.Text     = null;
                txtTongXun.Text   = null;
                txtCaoDuo.Text    = null;
                txtWeiXiu.Text    = null;
                txtMeiLi.Text     = null;
                txtJinYan.Text    = null;
                txtChenZhang.Text = null;

                cboGuYou1.SelectedValue = -1;
                cboGuYou2.SelectedValue = -1;
                cboGuYou3.SelectedValue = -1;

                btnSave.Enabled = false;
예제 #5
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: smuthubabu/doTSS
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string quoteMe = "Hallo IAIK!";

            byte[] quoteMeBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(quoteMe);

            // Establish Connections
            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> sessions =
                XMLConfiguration.EstablischConnection(base_path + "ClientConfigXml/UnixSocketDeviceLin.xml");

            // Create one keystore per opened session
            foreach (TPMSession tpmSes in sessions.Values)
                tpmSes.Keystore = new InMemoryKeystore();

            TPMSession sessionToUse = sessions["local0"];


            ClientKeyHandle myFirstSignKey =
                sessionToUse.KeyClient.GetSrkKeyHandle().CreateKey("my_first_sign_key", TPMKeyUsage.TPM_KEY_SIGNING);

            ISigner signer = myFirstSignKey.CreateSigner();

            signer.Init(true, null);
            signer.BlockUpdate(quoteMeBytes, 0, quoteMeBytes.Length);

            byte[] quote = signer.GenerateSignature();

            Console.WriteLine("Sign of \"Hallo IAIK\" is:\n" + ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(quote));

            Console.WriteLine("Now we would verify this sign.");

            signer.Init(false, null);
            signer.BlockUpdate(quoteMeBytes, 0, quoteMeBytes.Length);

            if (signer.VerifySignature(quote) == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Sign is OK!");
                Console.WriteLine("UUUUPPPPSSS something went wrong!");
예제 #6
        private void btnBatchImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            //dialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
            dialog.Filter      = "机体数据|*.machine";
            dialog.Multiselect = true;

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && dialog.FileNames.Length > 0)
                txtSearch.Text = null;

                foreach (string fileName in dialog.FileNames)
                    byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);

                    byte[] bt = new byte[GGCRStaticConfig.GundamUIDLength];
                    Array.Copy(data, 0, bt, 0, bt.Length);
                    string uid = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(bt).Trim();

                    GundamInfo select = null;
                    foreach (GundamInfo info in gundams)
                        if (info.UUID == uid)
                            select = info;
                    if (select != null)
                        short nameId = select.UnitNameTblIndex;
                        select.UnitNameTblIndex = nameId;

                lsGundam.SelectedItem = null;


                MessageBox.Show("导入成功,已自动保存", "操作提示");
                // lsGundam.SelectedIndex = 0;
예제 #7
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WeaponInfo weapon = lsGundam.SelectedItem as WeaponInfo;

            if (weapon != null)
                btnSave.Enabled = false;

                txtName.Text     = weapon.WeaponName;
                txtAddress.Text  = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(ByteHelper.Int2Bytes(weapon.Index));
                txtPower.Text    = weapon.POWER.ToString();
                txtEN.Text       = weapon.EN.ToString();
                txtMP.Text       = weapon.MP.ToString();
                txtActEarth.Text = weapon.ACTEarth.ToString();
                txtMoveAct.Text  = weapon.MoveACT.ToString();
                txtIco1.Text     = weapon.ICO.ToString();
                txtIco2.Text     = weapon.ICO2.ToString();
                txtSpec.Text     = weapon.Spec.ToString();
                txtMpLimit.Text  = weapon.MPLimit.ToString();
                txtUseEarth.Text = weapon.UseEarth.ToString();
                txtRange.Text    = weapon.Range.ToString();
                txtHitRate.Text  = weapon.HitRate.ToString();
                txtCT.Text       = weapon.CT.ToString();
                txtHitCount.Text = weapon.HitCount.ToString();

                weapon.POWER    = int.Parse(txtPower.Text);
                weapon.EN       = short.Parse(txtEN.Text);
                weapon.MP       = short.Parse(txtMP.Text);
                weapon.ACTEarth = short.Parse(txtActEarth.Text);
                weapon.MoveACT  = byte.Parse(txtMoveAct.Text);
                weapon.ICO      = byte.Parse(txtIco1.Text);
                weapon.ICO2     = byte.Parse(txtIco2.Text);
                weapon.Spec     = byte.Parse(txtSpec.Text);
                weapon.MPLimit  = short.Parse(txtMpLimit.Text);
                weapon.UseEarth = short.Parse(txtUseEarth.Text);
                weapon.Range    = short.Parse(txtRange.Text);
                weapon.HitRate  = byte.Parse(txtHitRate.Text);
                weapon.CT       = byte.Parse(txtCT.Text);
                weapon.HitCount = byte.Parse(txtHitCount.Text);

예제 #8
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            //dialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
            dialog.Filter = "机体数据|*.machine";

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                txtSearch.Text = null;

                byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(dialog.FileName);

                byte[] bt = new byte[GGCRStaticConfig.GundamUIDLength];
                Array.Copy(data, 0, bt, 0, bt.Length);
                string uid = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(bt).Trim();

                GundamInfo select = null;
                foreach (GundamInfo info in gundams)
                    if (info.UUID == uid)
                        select = info;
                if (select == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("该机体不存在,无法导入", "导入失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    short nameId = select.UnitNameTblIndex;
                    select.UnitNameTblIndex = nameId;
                    lsGundam.SelectedItem   = null;
                    lsGundam.SelectedItem   = select;

                    tsmiLblState.Text      = "请保存";
                    tsmiLblState.ForeColor = Color.Red;
예제 #9
        public static XElement ToXElement(this IDICOMElement el)
            var xel = new XElement("DICOMElement");

            xel.Add(new XAttribute("VR", VRDictionary.GetAbbreviationFromType(el)));
            xel.Add(new XAttribute("Tag", el.Tag.CompleteID));
            xel.Add(new XAttribute("Description", TagDictionary.GetDescription(el.Tag.CompleteID)));
            //Recursively add data if seq
            if (el.IsVR(VR.Sequence))
                var seq = el as Sequence;
                for (var i = 0; i < seq.Items.Count; i++)
                    var item = new XElement("Item");
                    foreach (var it in seq.Items[i].Elements)
            else // Just add data
                if (el.DatType != typeof(byte))
                    foreach (var d in el.DData_)
                        xel.Add(new XElement("Data", d));
                    //If data type is byte, write hex string
                    var array = (el.DData_ as List <byte>).ToArray();
                    var hex   = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(array);
                    xel.Add(new XElement("Data", hex));
예제 #10
        private void LoadData(WeaponInfo weapon)
            if (weapon != null)
                txtName.Text     = weapon.WeaponName;
                txtAddress.Text  = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(ByteHelper.Int2Bytes(weapon.Index));
                txtPower.Text    = weapon.POWER.ToString();
                txtEN.Text       = weapon.EN.ToString();
                txtMP.Text       = weapon.MP.ToString();
                txtActEarth.Text = weapon.ACTEarth.ToString();
                txtMoveAct.Text  = weapon.MoveACT.ToString();
                txtIco1.Text     = weapon.ICO.ToString();
                txtIco2.Text     = weapon.ICO2.ToString();
                txtSpec.Text     = weapon.Spec.ToString();
                txtMpLimit.Text  = weapon.MPLimit.ToString();
                txtUseEarth.Text = weapon.UseEarth.ToString();
                txtRange.Text    = weapon.Range.ToString();
                txtHitRate.Text  = weapon.HitRate.ToString();
                txtCT.Text       = weapon.CT.ToString();
                txtHitCount.Text = weapon.HitCount.ToString();

                btnSave.Enabled = true;
                txtName.Text     = null;
                txtAddress.Text  = null;
                txtPower.Text    = null;
                txtEN.Text       = null;
                txtMP.Text       = null;
                txtActEarth.Text = null;
                txtMoveAct.Text  = null;
                txtIco1.Text     = null;
                txtIco2.Text     = null;
                txtSpec.Text     = null;

                btnSave.Enabled = false;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Transmit support for TpmMemoryStreams.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instm"></param>
        /// <param name="writeSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TPMBlob Transmit(TPMBlob instm, bool writeSize)
            if (writeSize)

            byte[] inblob = instm.GetBuffer();

            if (_debug)
                _logger.DebugFormat("send --> 0x{0}", ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(instm.ToArray(), " "));

            byte[] outblob = Transmit(inblob, (int)instm.Length);

            if (_debug)
                _logger.DebugFormat("received --> 0x{0}", ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(outblob, " "));

            return(new TPMBlob(outblob));
예제 #12
        public override void Execute(string[] commandline)
            if (commandline.Length < 2)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [local_session_alias] not specified");
            else if (commandline.Length < 3)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [command] not specified");

            ClientContext ctx = _console.GetValue <ClientContext> ("client_context", null);

            if (ctx == null)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("No active connection was found");

            string localAlias = commandline[1];

            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> tpmSessions = _console.GetValue <IDictionary <string, TPMSession> > ("tpm_sessions", null);

            if (tpmSessions == null || tpmSessions.ContainsKey(localAlias) == false)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: Specified local alias was not found");

            if (tpmSessions[localAlias].Keystore == null)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: No keystore was opened");

            string subCommand = commandline[2];
            IDictionary <string, string> arguments = _console.SplitArguments(commandline[3], 0);

            if (arguments.ContainsKey("name") == false)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: no key name was specified");

//			if(arguments.ContainsKey("pcr") == false)
//			{
//				_console.Out.WriteLine("Error: no pcr values where specified");
//				return;
//			}

            if (arguments.ContainsKey("data_input") == false)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: no data input source specified");

            DataInputMode dataInputMode;

                dataInputMode = (DataInputMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataInputMode), arguments["data_input"], true);
            catch (Exception)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: Invalid data input source");

            DataFormat inputDataFormat = DataFormat.Raw;

            if (arguments.ContainsKey("input_data_format"))
                    inputDataFormat = (DataFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataFormat), arguments["input_data_format"], true);
                catch (Exception)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: Invalid input data format");

            if (dataInputMode == DataInputMode.File && arguments.ContainsKey("file") == false)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: data_input=file requires file argument!");

            ClientKeyHandle keyHandle = tpmSessions[localAlias].KeyClient.GetKeyHandleByFriendlyName(arguments["name"]);

            Stream inputStream = null;

            if (dataInputMode == DataInputMode.Console)
                inputStream = new TextReaderStream(_console.In);
            else if (dataInputMode == DataInputMode.Embedded)
                if (commandline.Length <= 3)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: no embedded data");

                StringBuilder embeddedData = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 3; i < commandline.Length; i++)
                    if (i + 1 < commandline.Length)
                        embeddedData.Append(" ");

                inputStream = new TextReaderStream(new StringReader(embeddedData.ToString()));
            else if (dataInputMode == DataInputMode.File)
                inputStream = new FileStream(arguments["file"], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            if (inputDataFormat == DataFormat.Hex)
                inputStream = new HexFilterStream(inputStream);

            ISigner signatureGenerator = null;

            if (subCommand == "verify")
                signatureGenerator = keyHandle.CreateSigner();
                signatureGenerator.Init(false, null);
            else if (subCommand == "generate")
                signatureGenerator = keyHandle.CreateSigner();
                signatureGenerator.Init(true, null);
            else if (subCommand == "generate_quote" || subCommand == "verify_quote")
                if (arguments.ContainsKey("pcr") == false)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: No pcrs specified!");

                TPMPCRSelection pcrSelection = tpmSessions[localAlias].CreateEmptyPCRSelection();

                foreach (string pcr in arguments["pcr"].Split('|'))
                    int pcrValue = int.Parse(pcr);
                    pcrSelection.PcrSelection.SetBit(pcrValue - 1, true);

                signatureGenerator = keyHandle.CreateQuoter(pcrSelection);
                signatureGenerator.Init(subCommand == "generate_quote", null);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int    read   = 0;

                read = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                signatureGenerator.BlockUpdate(buffer, 0, read);
            }while(read > 0);

예제 #13
        public override void Execute(string[] commandline)
            if (commandline.Length < 2)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [local_alias] not specified");
            else if (commandline.Length < 3)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [pcr_subcommand] not specified");

            ClientContext ctx = _console.GetValue <ClientContext> ("client_context", null);

            if (ctx == null)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("No active connection was found");

            string localAlias = commandline[1];
            string pcrCommand = commandline[2];

            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> tpmSessions = _console.GetValue <IDictionary <string, TPMSession> > ("tpm_sessions", null);

            if (tpmSessions == null || tpmSessions.ContainsKey(localAlias) == false)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: Specified local alias was not found");

            if (pcrCommand == "report")
                uint pcrCount = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetPCRCount();

                for (uint i = 0; i < pcrCount; i++)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("#{0}: {1}", i, ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(tpmSessions[localAlias].IntegrityClient.PCRValue(i)));
            else if (pcrCommand == "extend")
                if (commandline.Length < 4)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'extend' requires some arguments");
                IDictionary <string, string> arguments = _console.SplitArguments(commandline[3], 0);

                if (arguments.ContainsKey("pcr") == false)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'extend' requires parameter 'pcr' to be specified");

                uint pcr = 0;

                if (uint.TryParse(arguments["pcr"], out pcr) == false)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'pcr' could not be parsed, is it a valid pcr specified?");

                if (arguments.ContainsKey("data_input") == false)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'extend' requires parameter 'data_input' to be specified");

                TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode dataInput =
                    (TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode), arguments["data_input"], true);

                if (dataInput != TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.Embedded &&
                    dataInput != TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.File)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'data_input' has an invalid value");

                byte[] digest;

                if (dataInput == TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.File &&
                    arguments.ContainsKey("file") == false)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: file-data_input require 'file' argument to be specified");
                else if (dataInput == TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.File)
                    FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(arguments["file"]);
                    using (FileStream src = myFile.OpenRead())
                        digest = new HashProvider().Hash(
                            new HashStreamDataProvider(src, null, null, false));
                else if (dataInput == TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.Embedded)
                    using (Stream src = new HexFilterStream(new TextReaderStream(new StringReader(commandline[4]))))
                        digest = new byte[20];
                        if (src.Length != 20)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Error: The embedded digest must be 20 bytes long");

                        src.Read(digest, 0, 20);
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("data input mode '{0}' is not supported", dataInput));

                _console.Out.WriteLine("Doing extension with digest: '{0}'", ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(digest));

                byte[] newDigest = tpmSessions[localAlias].IntegrityClient.Extend(pcr, digest);
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Extension successful, new pcr value:  {0}", ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(newDigest));
            else if (pcrCommand == "quote")
                if (commandline.Length < 4)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'quote' requires some arguments");

                IDictionary <string, string> arguments = _console.SplitArguments(commandline[3], 0);

                if (arguments.ContainsKey("pcr") == false)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'quote' requires parameter 'pcr' to be specified");

                if (arguments.ContainsKey("name") == false)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: no key name was specified");

                ClientKeyHandle keyHandle = tpmSessions[localAlias].KeyClient.GetKeyHandleByFriendlyName(arguments["name"]);

                TPMPCRSelection pcrSelection = tpmSessions[localAlias].CreateEmptyPCRSelection();

                foreach (string pcr in arguments["pcr"].Split('|'))
                    int pcrValue = int.Parse(pcr);
                    pcrSelection.PcrSelection.SetBit(pcrValue - 1, true);

                TPMPCRComposite quoted = keyHandle.SimpleQuote(pcrSelection);

                IList <int> selectedPCRs = quoted.PCRSelection.SelectedPCRs;

                for (int i = 0; i < selectedPCRs.Count; i++)
                    _console.Out.WriteLine("#{0}: {1}", selectedPCRs[i], ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(quoted.PCRValues[i]));
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error, unknown pcr_subcommand '{0}'", commandline[1]);
예제 #14
        protected override TPMCommandResponse InternalProcess()
            // Unencrypted authorization values, they need to be XOR-Encrypted with
            // XOR(auth, SHA-1(OSAP shared secret | session nonce))
            // OSAP_shared_secret = HMAC(key=usage secret of key handle, nonce even osap | nonce odd osap)
            AuthHandle auth1OSAP = _commandAuthHelper.AssureOSAPSharedSecret(this, AuthSessionNum.Auth1);

            _usageAuth     = _params.GetValueOf <byte[]> ("usage_auth");
            _migrationAuth = _params.GetValueOf <byte[]> ("migration_auth");
            byte[] xorKey = new HashProvider().Hash(
                new HashByteDataProvider(auth1OSAP.SharedSecret),
                new HashByteDataProvider(auth1OSAP.NonceEven));

            ByteHelper.XORBytes(_usageAuth, xorKey);
            ByteHelper.XORBytes(_migrationAuth, xorKey);

            //Load parent key if not loaded
            _keyManager.LoadKey(_params.GetValueOf <string>("parent"));

            TPMBlob requestBlob = new TPMBlob();

            requestBlob.WriteCmdHeader(TPMCmdTags.TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND, TPMOrdinals.TPM_ORD_CreateWrapKey);

            //parent key handle gets inserted later, it may be not available now
            requestBlob.Write(_usageAuth, 0, 20);
            requestBlob.Write(_migrationAuth, 0, 20);

            using (_keyManager.AcquireLock())

                if (_params.GetValueOf <string>("parent") == KeyHandle.KEY_SRK)
                    requestBlob.WriteUInt32(_keyManager.IdentifierToHandle(_params.GetValueOf <string>("parent")).Handle);

                _responseBlob = TransmitMe(requestBlob);


            TPMKeyCore newKey = new TPMKeyCore(_responseBlob);

            _responseParameters = new Parameters();

            //Build and save the key identifier
            //The key identifier is the hex-string representation of the hash of the newly created key
                                                     new HashProvider().Hash(
                                                         new HashByteDataProvider(

            _responseParameters.AddPrimitiveType("key_data", ByteHelper.SerializeToBytes(newKey));

            return(new TPMCommandResponse(true, TPMCommandNames.TPM_CMD_CreateWrapKey, _responseParameters));
예제 #15
        public void Listening()
            log("SynchronusSoketLinstner port[" + port + "] start !!!");

            byte[] arrSendBytes    = new Byte[iSendBufferSize];
            byte[] arrReceiveBytes = new Byte[iReceiveBufferSize];

            IPHostEntry ipHostInfo    = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
            IPAddress   ipAddress     = IPAddress.Any;
            IPEndPoint  localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port);

            log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] create ");
            Socket listener = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

            listener.SendTimeout    = 10 * 1000;
            listener.ReceiveTimeout = 10 * 1000;

            log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Bind ...");
            log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Listen ...");

            //Socket To Client
            Socket handler = null;

            while (true)
                    log("--------------------------AC DEVICE EMULATION COMMUNICATION BEGIN port[" + port + "] --------------------------");
                    log("LISTENER Socket BEFORE ACCEPT port[" + port + "] ");
                    handler         = listener.Accept();
                    handler.NoDelay = true;
                    log("LISTENER Socket Accepted  port[" + port + "]... ");

                    string strIsOkBefore = "OK";

                    while (true)
                        log("##############################AC DEVICE START SEND port[" + port + "] ############################## ");

                        if (strIsOkBefore == "OK")
                            //read next
                            arrSendBytes = new byte[] { 0x0002                                           // STX : 1byte 20H
                                                        , 0x0032, 0x0031                                 // 품번 : 2byte
                                                        , 0x0050                                         // 등급 U:55H / P:50H / O:4FH
                                                        , 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x002E, 0x0031, 0x0032 // 판정중량 6byte 소수점:2EH 1~9 : 31H~39H
                                                        , 0x0003                                         // ETX:03H
                            Random r = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                            //50 Kg 정상 / 40Kg Under/ 60Kg Over/ 그 외 Pass
                            double dblWeight = 50 + (r.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 25;
                            if (dblWeight < 40)
                                arrSendBytes[3] = 0x55;
                            else if (dblWeight > 60)
                                arrSendBytes[3] = 0x4F;
                                arrSendBytes[3] = 0x50;

                            string fmtWeight = dblWeight.ToString("00.000");
                            arrSendBytes[4] = (byte)fmtWeight[0];
                            arrSendBytes[5] = (byte)fmtWeight[1];
                            arrSendBytes[6] = (byte)fmtWeight[2];
                            arrSendBytes[7] = (byte)fmtWeight[3];
                            arrSendBytes[8] = (byte)fmtWeight[4];
                            arrSendBytes[9] = (byte)fmtWeight[5];

                            log("Setted LISTENER Socket Send ByteArray port[" + port + "] ");
                            log("Previous stat NAK, using old arrSendeBytes port[" + port + "]");

                        int iSendedLength = handler.Send(arrSendBytes);
                        log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Sent Length : " + iSendedLength);
                        log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Sent Bytes(String) : " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(arrSendBytes));
                        log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Sent Bytes(HEX) : " + ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(arrSendBytes, ","));

                        int iReceivedLength = handler.Receive(arrReceiveBytes);
                        if (iReceivedLength == 0)
                            log("Socket Disconnected . Reconnect Procedure starts");

                        log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Received Length : " + iReceivedLength);
                        log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Received Bytes(String) : " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(arrReceiveBytes));
                        log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] Received Bytes(HEX) : " + ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(arrReceiveBytes, ","));

                        // STX : 1byte 02H | ACK : 1byte 06H / NAK : 1byte 15H | ETX : 1byte 03H
                        if (arrReceiveBytes[1] == 0x0006)
                            log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] receive msg : ACK");
                            strIsOkBefore = "OK";
                            log("LISTENER Socket port[" + port + "] receive msg : NAK");
                            strIsOkBefore = "NG";

                        log("##############################AC DEVICE START END port[" + port + "] ############################## ");
                        //스크롤 너무 빨리 되는 것을 방지 하기 위해서 강제뢰 쉼
                        //실제 운영시는 필요하지 않을 것으로 예상함
                        Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000); //실제와 비슷 하도록 30초 쉬고 전송
                catch (SocketException se)
                    if (se.ErrorCode == 0x00002746)
                        log("Socket Close : " + se.ToString());
                        log("상대방과 통신할 수 없습니다. (상대방 HOST 와의 연결 종료 : Client Disconnect : " + se.ToString() + ")");
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (handler != null)
                        try{ handler.Close(); }catch (Exception e) {}
                        handler = null;
                log("--------------------------AC DEVICE EMULATION COMMUNICATION ENDS HERE port[" + port + "]--------------------------");
예제 #16
        public override void Execute(string[] commandline)
            if (commandline.Length < 2)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [local_alias] not specified");
            else if (commandline.Length < 3)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [cap_type] not specified");

            ClientContext ctx = _console.GetValue <ClientContext> ("client_context", null);

            if (ctx == null)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("No active connection was found");

            string localAlias = commandline[1];
            string capCommand = commandline[2];

            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> tpmSessions = _console.GetValue <IDictionary <string, TPMSession> > ("tpm_sessions", null);

            if (tpmSessions == null || tpmSessions.ContainsKey(localAlias) == false)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: Specified local alias was not found");

            if (capCommand == "tpm_version")
                CapabilityData.TPMCapVersionInfo versionInfo = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetTPMVersion();

                _console.Out.WriteLine("major: {0}, minor: {1}, rev major: {2}, rev minor: {3}", versionInfo.Version.Major,
                                       versionInfo.Version.Minor, versionInfo.Version.RevMajor, versionInfo.Version.RevMinor);

                _console.Out.WriteLine("Speclevel: {0} errataRev: {1}", versionInfo.SpecLevel, versionInfo.ErrataRev);
                _console.Out.WriteLine("VendorId: {0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(versionInfo.TpmVendorId));
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Vendor specific (size #{0} bytes): {1}", versionInfo.VendorSpecific.Length,
            else if (capCommand == "pcr_count")
                uint pcrCount = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetPCRCount();

                _console.Out.WriteLine("TPM '{0}' claims to support #{1} pcr registers", localAlias, pcrCount);
            else if (capCommand == "max_authsess")
                uint maxAuthSess = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetMaxAuthorizationSessions();
                _console.Out.WriteLine("TPM '{0}' supports #{1} authorization sessions", localAlias, maxAuthSess);
            else if (capCommand == "max_transess")
                uint maxTranSess = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetMaxAuthorizationSessions();
                _console.Out.WriteLine("TPM '{0}' supports #{1} transport sessions", localAlias, maxTranSess);
            else if (capCommand == "max_sessions")
                uint maxSessions = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetMaxSessions();
                _console.Out.WriteLine("TPM '{0}' supports #{1} sessions", localAlias, maxSessions);
            else if (capCommand == "max_keys")
                uint maxKeys = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetMaxKeys();
                _console.Out.WriteLine("TPM '{0}' supports #{1} keys", localAlias, maxKeys);
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error, unknown cap_type '{0}'", commandline[1]);
예제 #17
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: smuthubabu/doTSS
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] sealMe = { "Hallo", "IAIK!" };

            // Establish Connections
            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> sessions =
                XMLConfiguration.EstablischConnection(base_path + "ClientConfigXml/UnixSocketDeviceLin.xml");

            // Create one keystore per opened session
            foreach (TPMSession tpmSes in sessions.Values)
                tpmSes.Keystore = new InMemoryKeystore();

            TPMSession sessionToUse = sessions["local0"];


            Console.WriteLine("Create Cipher Key");

            ClientKeyHandle myFirstSealKey =
                sessionToUse.KeyClient.GetSrkKeyHandle().CreateKey("my_first_seal_key", TPMKeyUsage.TPM_KEY_STORAGE);

            Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}\n{1}", myFirstSealKey.FriendlyName, myFirstSealKey.PublicKey);

            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(0, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });
            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(1, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });
            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(2, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });

            TPMPCRSelection pcrselect = sessionToUse.CreateEmptyPCRSelection();

            pcrselect.PcrSelection[0] = true;
            pcrselect.PcrSelection[1] = true;
            pcrselect.PcrSelection[2] = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Create Cipher, init and cipher");
            IAsymmetricBlockCipher cipher = myFirstSealKey.CreateSealBlockCipher(pcrselect);

            cipher.Init(true, null);

            byte[][] cipherText = new byte[sealMe.Length][];
            int      i          = 0;

            foreach (string msg in sealMe)
                byte[] block = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg);
                cipherText[i] = cipher.ProcessBlock(block, 0, block.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Original vs. CiperText:");
            for (i = 0; i < sealMe.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", sealMe[i], ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(cipherText[i]));

            Console.WriteLine("Init and decode");
            cipher.Init(false, null);
            byte[][] decode = new byte[sealMe.Length][];
            i = 0;
            foreach (byte[] msg in cipherText)
                decode[i] = cipher.ProcessBlock(msg, 0, msg.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Does it work?:");
            for (i = 0; i < sealMe.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", sealMe[i] == System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(decode[i])?"Y":"N", System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(decode[i]));

            Console.WriteLine("Changing PCR Values");
            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(0, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });

            Console.WriteLine("Decode, now an TPMRequest Exception should be thrown, with Error Code (0x18): TPM_WRONGPCRVAL");
            decode = new byte[sealMe.Length][];
            i      = 0;
            foreach (byte[] msg in cipherText)
                    decode[i] = cipher.ProcessBlock(msg, 0, msg.Length);
                    Console.WriteLine("UUUUUPPPPSSSS, something went wrong!");
                catch (TPMRequestException e)
예제 #18
 public override string ToString()
예제 #19
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("KeyLength: {0} bits\nNumPrimes: {1}\nExponent: {2}", KeyLength, NumPrimes,
                          Exponent == null?"<null>":ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(Exponent)));
예제 #20
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: smuthubabu/doTSS
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] bindMe = { "Hallo", "IAIK!" };

            // Establish Connections
            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> sessions =
                XMLConfiguration.EstablischConnection(base_path + "ClientConfigXml/UnixSocketDeviceLin.xml");

            // Create one keystore per opened session
            foreach (TPMSession tpmSes in sessions.Values)
                tpmSes.Keystore = new InMemoryKeystore();

            TPMSession sessionToUse = sessions["local0"];


            Console.WriteLine("Create Cipher Key");

            ClientKeyHandle myFirstBindKey =
                sessionToUse.KeyClient.GetSrkKeyHandle().CreateKey("my_first_bind_key", TPMKeyUsage.TPM_KEY_BIND);

            Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}\n{1}", myFirstBindKey.FriendlyName, myFirstBindKey.PublicKey);

            Console.WriteLine("Create Cipher, init and cipher");
            IAsymmetricBlockCipher cipher = myFirstBindKey.CreateBindBlockCipher();

            cipher.Init(true, null);

            byte[][] cipherText = new byte[bindMe.Length][];
            int      i          = 0;

            foreach (string msg in bindMe)
                byte[] block = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg);
                cipherText[i] = cipher.ProcessBlock(block, 0, block.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Original vs. CiperText:");
            for (i = 0; i < bindMe.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1}", bindMe[i], ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(cipherText[i]));

            Console.WriteLine("Init and decode");
            cipher.Init(false, null);
            byte[][] decode = new byte[bindMe.Length][];
            i = 0;
            foreach (byte[] msg in cipherText)
                decode[i] = cipher.ProcessBlock(msg, 0, msg.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Does it work?:");
            for (i = 0; i < bindMe.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", bindMe[i] == System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(decode[i])?"Y":"N", System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(decode[i]));
예제 #21
        public override void Execute(string[] commandline)
            if (commandline.Length < 2)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [local_alias] not specified");
            else if (commandline.Length < 3)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: [number of random values] not specified");

            ClientContext ctx = _console.GetValue <ClientContext> ("client_context", null);

            if (ctx == null)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("No active connection was found");

            string localAlias      = commandline[1];
            string sNumberOfValues = commandline[2];
            int    numberOfValues  = int.Parse(sNumberOfValues);

            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> tpmSessions = _console.GetValue <IDictionary <string, TPMSession> > ("tpm_sessions", null);

            if (tpmSessions == null || tpmSessions.ContainsKey(localAlias) == false)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: Specified local alias was not found");

            Random r = tpmSessions[localAlias].CreateRNG();

            byte[] randomBuffer = new byte[20];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfValues; i++)
                _console.Out.WriteLine("#{0}: int: {1} double: {2} bytes: {3}", i + 1, r.Next(), r.NextDouble(), ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(randomBuffer));
예제 #22
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("[ResponseAuthHandleInfo: TpmAuthData={0}]", ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(TpmAuthData)));
예제 #23
        private static Tag CreateTag(byte[] tag)
            string tagId = ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(tag);

            return(new Tag(tagId));
예제 #24
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: smuthubabu/doTSS
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string quoteMe = "Hallo IAIK!";

            byte[] quoteMeBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(quoteMe);

            // Establish Connections
            IDictionary <string, TPMSession> sessions =
                XMLConfiguration.EstablischConnection(base_path + "ClientConfigXml/UnixSocketDeviceLin.xml");

            // Create one keystore per opened session
            foreach (TPMSession tpmSes in sessions.Values)
                tpmSes.Keystore = new InMemoryKeystore();

            TPMSession sessionToUse = sessions["local0"];


            ClientKeyHandle myFirstQuoteKey =
                sessionToUse.KeyClient.GetSrkKeyHandle().CreateKey("my_first_quote_key", TPMKeyUsage.TPM_KEY_SIGNING);

            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(0, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });
            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(1, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });
            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(2, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });

            TPMPCRSelection pcrselect = sessionToUse.CreateEmptyPCRSelection();

            pcrselect.PcrSelection[0] = true;
            pcrselect.PcrSelection[1] = true;
            pcrselect.PcrSelection[2] = true;

            ISigner signer = myFirstQuoteKey.CreateQuoter(pcrselect);

            signer.Init(true, null);
            signer.BlockUpdate(quoteMeBytes, 0, quoteMeBytes.Length);

            byte[] quote = signer.GenerateSignature();

            Console.WriteLine("Quote of \"Hallo IAIK\" is:\n" + ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(quote));

            Console.WriteLine("Now we would verify this quote.");

            signer.Init(false, null);
            signer.BlockUpdate(quoteMeBytes, 0, quoteMeBytes.Length);

            if (signer.VerifySignature(quote) == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Quote is OK!");
                Console.WriteLine("UUUUPPPPSSS something went wrong!");

            Console.WriteLine("Extending PCRs, Quote should fail now!");

            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(0, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });
            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(1, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });
            sessionToUse.IntegrityClient.Extend(2, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 });

            if (signer.VerifySignature(quote) == true)
                Console.WriteLine("UUUUPPPPSSS something went wrong!");
                Console.WriteLine("Quote is NOT OK, that's the way it should be.");
예제 #25
        private static void TestKeystoreSqlite()
            Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            parameters.Add("file", "test.db");

            using (TPMKeystoreProvider keystore = TPMKeystoreProviders.Create("SQLiteKeystore", parameters))
                if (keystore.KeyCount == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Inserting {0}/1000", i);
                        keystore.AddKey("FN" + i.ToString(), "ident" + i.ToString(), null, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, (byte)(i % 255) });

                Console.WriteLine("FriendlyNames: ");
                foreach (string friendlyName in keystore.EnumerateFriendlyNames())
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} - Parent: {2}, data: {3}", friendlyName, keystore.FriendlyNameToIdentifier(friendlyName),
                                      keystore.FindParentKeyByFriendlyName(friendlyName), ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(keystore.GetKeyBlob(keystore.FriendlyNameToIdentifier(friendlyName))));
                Console.WriteLine("End of friendlynames\n");

                Console.WriteLine("Identifiers: ");
                //keystore.AddKey("FriendlyName1", "ident1", null, new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4});
                foreach (string ident in keystore.EnumerateIdentifiers())
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", ident, keystore.IdentifierToFriendlyName(ident));
                Console.WriteLine("End of Identifiers\n");