public void Load_Pet(ByteBuffer buff) { SummonType = buff.ReadUInt32(); //1 = summon, 2 = pet ID = buff.ReadUInt32(); NPCID = buff.ReadUInt32(); isAttackAble = buff.ReadUInt32();//attackable = 0 X = buff.ReadUInt32(); Y = buff.ReadUInt32(); Z = buff.ReadUInt32(); Heading = buff.ReadInt32(); buff.ReadUInt32();//0x00 MatkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); PatkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); RunSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); WalkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); SwimRunSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); SwimWalkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); flRunSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); flWalkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); if (Globals.gamedata.Chron >= Chronicle.CT1) { FlyRunSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); FlyWalkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); } MoveSpeedMult = System.Convert.ToSingle(buff.ReadDouble()); AttackSpeedMult = System.Convert.ToSingle(buff.ReadDouble()); CollisionRadius = System.Convert.ToSingle(buff.ReadDouble()); CollisionHeight = System.Convert.ToSingle(buff.ReadDouble()); LWeapon = buff.ReadUInt32(); Armor = buff.ReadUInt32(); RWeapon = buff.ReadUInt32(); HasOwner = buff.ReadByte(); //owneronline isRunning = buff.ReadByte(); isInCombat = buff.ReadByte(); isAlikeDead = buff.ReadByte(); isSummoned = buff.ReadByte(); //isSummoned 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned if (Globals.gamedata.Chron >= Chronicle.CT3_0) { buff.ReadUInt32(); //FF FF FF FF } Name = buff.ReadString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name)) { Name = Util.GetNPCName(NPCID);//"Unnamed Pet"; } if (Globals.gamedata.Chron >= Chronicle.CT3_0) { buff.ReadUInt32(); //FF FF FF FF } Title = buff.ReadString(); //OwnerName buff.ReadUInt32();//1 PvPFlag = buff.ReadUInt32(); Karma = buff.ReadInt32(); Cur_Fed = buff.ReadUInt32(); Max_Fed = buff.ReadUInt32(); Cur_HP = buff.ReadUInt32(); Max_HP = buff.ReadUInt32(); Cur_MP = buff.ReadUInt32(); Max_MP = buff.ReadUInt32(); SP = buff.ReadUInt32(); Level = buff.ReadUInt32(); XP = buff.ReadUInt64(); XP_ThisLevel = buff.ReadUInt64(); XP_NextLevel = buff.ReadUInt64(); Cur_Load = buff.ReadUInt32(); Max_Load = buff.ReadUInt32(); Patk = buff.ReadUInt32(); PDef = buff.ReadUInt32(); Accuracy = buff.ReadUInt32();// p Evasion = buff.ReadUInt32();//p Focus = buff.ReadUInt32();//p Matk = buff.ReadUInt32(); MDef = buff.ReadUInt32(); buff.ReadUInt32();//m acu buff.ReadUInt32();//m eva buff.ReadUInt32();//m crit buff.ReadUInt32();// speed buff.ReadUInt32();//patak sped buff.ReadUInt32();// cast /*if (Globals.gamedata.Chron < Chronicle.CT3_0) { AbnormalEffects = buff.ReadUInt32(); //AbnormalEffect bleed=1; poison=2; poison & bleed=3; flame=4; } else { buff.ReadUInt32(); //?? }*/ Mountable = buff.ReadUInt16(); buff.ReadByte(); buff.ReadUInt16(); if (Globals.gamedata.Chron >= Chronicle.CT1) { TeamCircle = buff.ReadByte(); /*if (Globals.gamedata.Chron >= Chronicle.CT3_0) { //buff.ReadUInt32(); //00 00 00 00 buff.ReadUInt16(); AbnormalEffects = buff.ReadUInt32(); buff.ReadUInt32(); //00 00 00 00 buff.ReadUInt16(); //00 00 00 00 }*/ SSUsage = buff.ReadUInt32(); SPSUSage = buff.ReadUInt32(); Form = buff.ReadUInt32(); buff.ReadUInt32();//0x00 if (Globals.gamedata.Chron >= Chronicle.CT3_0) { //buff.ReadUInt16(); //00 00 try { buff.ReadUInt32(); //00 00 buff.ReadUInt32(); //02 00 00 00 current pet points buff.ReadUInt32(); //06 00 00 00 max pet points uint abn_count = buff.ReadUInt32(); if (abn_count < 30) // well ... its oddi wayso :P { _AbnEffects.Add(buff.ReadUInt32()); } } catch { } } } else { HasOwner = buff.ReadByte(); SSUsage = buff.ReadUInt32(); Form = buff.ReadUInt32(); buff.ReadUInt32();//0x00 } }
public void Update(ByteBuffer buff) { uint data = buff.ReadByte(); switch (data) { case 0x01://level Level = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x02://exp XP = buff.ReadUInt64(); break; case 0x03://str buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x04://dex buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x05://con buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x06://int buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x07://wit buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x08://men buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x09://cur hp Cur_HP = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x0A://max hp Max_HP = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x0B://cur mp Cur_MP = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x0C://max mp Max_MP = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x0D://sp SP = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x0E://cur load Cur_Load = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x0F://max load Max_Load = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x10://.. buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x11://patk Patk = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x12://atk spd PatkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x13://pdef PDef = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x14://evasion Evasion = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x15://acc Accuracy = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x16://crit Focus = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x17://m atk Matk = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x18://cast spd MatkSpeed = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x19://mdef MDef = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x1A://pvp flag PvPFlag = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x1B://karma Karma = buff.ReadInt32(); break; case 0x1C://.. buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x1D://.. buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x1E://.. buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x1F://.. buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x20://.. buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x21://cur cp Cur_CP = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x22://max cp Max_CP = buff.ReadUInt32(); break; default: buff.ReadUInt32(); break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Nexus Shard Server"; Console.WriteLine("Nexus Shard Server\n"); Utility.WriteLegal(); Console.WriteLine(""); AsyncServer server = new AsyncServer(IPAddress.Parse(""), 20063); server.Start(); server.ConnectionAccepted += new AsyncServer.ConnectionAcceptedHandler(connection => { TORLog.Network("CnxAccept => " + connection.GetHashCode()); connection.DataReceived += new AsyncConnection.ConnectionDataReceivedHandler(data => { if (connection.State == 1) { // rsa packet connection.SetState(2); connection.SendPacket(new SMsg_ClientSignatureRequest("OmegaServerProxyObjectName", 0x0174F5)); return; } ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer(ByteOrder.LittleEndian, data); byte opcode = (byte)buffer.ReadByte(); byte[] len_data = buffer.ReadBytes(4); byte chk = (byte)buffer.ReadByte(); uint packetid = buffer.ReadUInt(); if (chk != (byte)(opcode ^ len_data[0] ^ len_data[1] ^ len_data[2] ^ len_data[3])) { TORLog.Warn("Received packet with invalid checksum!"); } if (opcode == 1) // Client Ping Packet { TORLog.Network("Ping from " + connection.GetHashCode() + " Seq = " + packetid); ByteBuffer response = new ByteBuffer(ByteOrder.LittleEndian); response.WriteByte(2); // Pong OPC = 2 response.WriteInt(0); // Pong Len response.WriteByte(0); // Pong Chk response.WriteUInt(packetid); // Pong response.WriteInt(0); response.WriteInt(1); response.WriteByte(0); connection.SendTORPacket(response); return; } string packetname = OpcodeManager.Instance.GetPacketName(opcode, packetid); if (packetname == "") { TORLog.Warn("Received unknown packet from SWTOR client\nOpcode = 0x" + opcode.ToString("X2") + " -- PacketID = 0x" + packetid.ToString("X8")); TORLog.Warn("--- dump ---"); TORLog.Warn(Utility.HexDump(data)); } else { try { IClientPacket pkt = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("ShardServer.Packets.Client." + packetname)) as IClientPacket; TORLog.Network("PktRecv @ " + connection.GetHashCode() + " << " + packetname); pkt.ExecutePacket(connection, buffer); } catch (Exception ex) { TORLog.Error("Exception occured while processing " + packetname, ex); } } }); // Send HELLO packet connection.SendClear(new byte[] { 0x03, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0d, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }); // State is 1 connection.SetState(1); connection.EngageReading(); }); TORLog.Info("SHARD Server running, press Enter to exit ..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
void IClientPacket.ExecutePacket(AsyncConnection connection, ByteBuffer packet) { uint id = packet.ReadObjectIDRev(); int namelen = packet.ReadInt(); string name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < namelen; i++) { name += (char)packet.ReadByte(); } packet.ReadInt(); packet.ReadInt(); packet.ReadInt(); uint CHARSPEC1 = packet.ReadUInt(); byte CHARSPEC2 = (byte)packet.ReadByte(); packet.ReadBytes(36); uint CHARSPECAPP1 = packet.ReadUInt(); uint CHARSPECAPP2 = packet.ReadUInt(); uint CHARSPECAPP3 = packet.ReadUInt(); ushort CHARSPECAPP4 = packet.ReadUShort(); packet.ReadByte(); // separator byte[] classBytes = packet.ReadBytes(8); Array.Reverse(classBytes); ulong classNodeRefId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(classBytes, 0); Console.WriteLine("----- Creating Character -----"); Console.WriteLine("Name = " + name); Console.WriteLine("Class ID = " + classNodeRefId); Console.WriteLine("App1 = " + CHARSPECAPP1); Console.WriteLine("App2 = " + CHARSPECAPP2); Console.WriteLine("App3 = " + CHARSPECAPP3); Console.WriteLine("App4 = " + CHARSPECAPP4); /*byte[] known_offs = new byte[] { 84, 88, 91, 92, 95, 96, 100, 104, 107, 108, 112 }; long originalPositon = packet.Position; byte[] thispkt = packet.ReadBytes((int)(packet.Length - packet.Position)); packet.Position = originalPositon; if (lastpacket != null) { for (byte i = 0; i < thispkt.Length; i++) { if (lastpacket[i] != thispkt[i] && !known_offs.Contains<byte>(i)) Console.WriteLine("Data differs at " + i + " : " + lastpacket[i] + " => " + thispkt[i]); } } lastpacket = thispkt;*/ Character c = new Character() { //APP1 = CHARSPECAPP1, //APP2 = CHARSPECAPP2, //APP3 = CHARSPECAPP3, //APP4 = CHARSPECAPP4, AreaSpec = TORBusiness.Data.MapAreas.PCShip_XSFreighter, Class = (CharacterClass)classNodeRefId, Level = 44, Name = name, spec2 = CHARSPEC1, spec3 = CHARSPEC2, }; packet.ReadBytes(78); packet.ReadByte(); byte appDataCount = (byte)packet.ReadByte(); c.Appearance = new Tuple<byte, byte>[appDataCount]; packet.ReadByte(); Console.WriteLine("appearance entries: " + appDataCount); for (int i = 0; i < appDataCount; i++) { byte[] data = packet.ReadBytes(4); c.Appearance[i] = new Tuple<byte, byte>(data[0], data[3]); Console.WriteLine("Appearance = " + data[3]); } Program.LastCreatedChar = c; connection.SendPacket(new SMsg_CharacterCreateResponse(id, name, 0x07)); }
void IClientPacket.ExecutePacket(AsyncConnection connection, ByteBuffer packet) { uint objid = packet.ReadObjectIDRev(); packet.ReadByte(); uint charid = packet.ReadUInt(); TORLog.Info("CharacterSelectRequest@" + objid + " - " + charid); connection.SendPacket(new SMsg_CharacterSelectResponse(objid)); connection.SendPacket(new SMsg_CharacterCurrentMap(objid, "ord_main", "4611686019802843831")); connection.SendPacket(new SMsg_CharacterAreaEnter(objid)); connection.SendPacket(new SMsg_CharacterAreaServerSpec(objid, "ord_main", "4611686019802843831")); }
bool LoadPackage(ByteBuffer buffer, string packageSource, string assetNamePrefix) { if (buffer.ReadUint() != 0x46475549) { if (Application.isPlaying) { throw new Exception("FairyGUI: old package format found in '" + packageSource + "'"); } else { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: old package format found in '" + packageSource + "'"); return(false); } } buffer.version = buffer.ReadInt(); buffer.ReadBool(); //compressed id = buffer.ReadString(); name = buffer.ReadString(); if (_packageInstById.ContainsKey(id) && name != _packageInstById[id].name) { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: Package id conflicts, '" + name + "' and '" + _packageInstById[id].name + "'"); return(false); } buffer.Skip(20); int indexTablePos = buffer.position; int cnt; buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 4); cnt = buffer.ReadInt(); string[] stringTable = new string[cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { stringTable[i] = buffer.ReadString(); } buffer.stringTable = stringTable; buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 1); PackageItem pi; if (assetNamePrefix == null) { assetNamePrefix = string.Empty; } else if (assetNamePrefix.Length > 0) { assetNamePrefix = assetNamePrefix + "_"; } cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadInt(); nextPos += buffer.position; pi = new PackageItem(); pi.owner = this; pi.type = (PackageItemType)buffer.ReadByte(); = buffer.ReadS(); = buffer.ReadS(); buffer.ReadS(); //path pi.file = buffer.ReadS(); pi.exported = buffer.ReadBool(); pi.width = buffer.ReadInt(); pi.height = buffer.ReadInt(); switch (pi.type) { case PackageItemType.Image: { pi.objectType = ObjectType.Image; int scaleOption = buffer.ReadByte(); if (scaleOption == 1) { Rect rect = new Rect(); rect.x = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.y = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.width = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.height = buffer.ReadInt(); pi.scale9Grid = rect; pi.tileGridIndice = buffer.ReadInt(); } else if (scaleOption == 2) { pi.scaleByTile = true; } buffer.ReadBool(); //smoothing break; } case PackageItemType.MovieClip: { buffer.ReadBool(); //smoothing pi.objectType = ObjectType.MovieClip; pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); break; } case PackageItemType.Font: { pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); break; } case PackageItemType.Component: { int extension = buffer.ReadByte(); if (extension > 0) { pi.objectType = (ObjectType)extension; } else { pi.objectType = ObjectType.Component; } pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); UIObjectFactory.ResolvePackageItemExtension(pi); break; } case PackageItemType.Atlas: case PackageItemType.Sound: case PackageItemType.Misc: { pi.file = assetNamePrefix + pi.file; break; } } _items.Add(pi); _itemsById[] = pi; if ( != null) { _itemsByName[] = pi; } buffer.position = nextPos; } buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 2); cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadShort(); nextPos += buffer.position; string itemId = buffer.ReadS(); pi = _itemsById[buffer.ReadS()]; AtlasSprite sprite = new AtlasSprite(); sprite.atlas = pi; sprite.rect.x = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.y = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.width = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.height = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rotated = buffer.ReadBool(); _sprites[itemId] = sprite; buffer.position = nextPos; } if (buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 3)) { cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadInt(); nextPos += buffer.position; if (_itemsById.TryGetValue(buffer.ReadS(), out pi)) { if (pi.type == PackageItemType.Image) { pi.pixelHitTestData = new PixelHitTestData(); pi.pixelHitTestData.Load(buffer); } } buffer.position = nextPos; } } if (!Application.isPlaying) { _items.Sort(ComparePackageItem); } return(true); }
void LoadFont(PackageItem item) { BitmapFont font = new BitmapFont(item); item.bitmapFont = font; ByteBuffer buffer = item.rawData; buffer.Seek(0, 0); bool ttf = buffer.ReadBool(); font.canTint = buffer.ReadBool(); font.resizable = buffer.ReadBool(); font.hasChannel = buffer.ReadBool(); int fontSize = buffer.ReadInt(); int xadvance = buffer.ReadInt(); int lineHeight = buffer.ReadInt(); float texScaleX = 1; float texScaleY = 1; NTexture mainTexture = null; AtlasSprite mainSprite = null; if (ttf && _sprites.TryGetValue(, out mainSprite)) { mainTexture = (NTexture)GetItemAsset(mainSprite.atlas); texScaleX = mainTexture.root.uvRect.width / mainTexture.width; texScaleY = mainTexture.root.uvRect.height / mainTexture.height; } buffer.Seek(0, 1); BitmapFont.BMGlyph bg; int cnt = buffer.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadShort(); nextPos += buffer.position; bg = new BitmapFont.BMGlyph(); char ch = buffer.ReadChar(); font.AddChar(ch, bg); string img = buffer.ReadS(); int bx = buffer.ReadInt(); int by = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.offsetX = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.offsetY = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.width = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.height = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.advance = buffer.ReadInt(); = buffer.ReadByte(); if ( == 1) { = 3; } else if ( == 2) { = 2; } else if ( == 3) { = 1; } if (ttf) { if (mainSprite.rotated) { bg.uv[0] = new Vector2((float)(by + bg.height + mainSprite.rect.x) * texScaleX, 1 - (float)(mainSprite.rect.yMax - bx) * texScaleY); bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x - (float)bg.height * texScaleX, bg.uv[0].y); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(bg.uv[1].x, bg.uv[0].y + (float)bg.width * texScaleY); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x, bg.uv[2].y); } else { bg.uv[0] = new Vector2((float)(bx + mainSprite.rect.x) * texScaleX, 1 - (float)(by + bg.height + mainSprite.rect.y) * texScaleY); bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x, bg.uv[0].y + (float)bg.height * texScaleY); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x + (float)bg.width * texScaleX, bg.uv[1].y); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(bg.uv[2].x, bg.uv[0].y); } bg.lineHeight = lineHeight; } else { PackageItem charImg; if (_itemsById.TryGetValue(img, out charImg)) { GetItemAsset(charImg); Rect uvRect = charImg.texture.uvRect; bg.uv[0] = uvRect.position; bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin); if (charImg.texture.rotated) { NGraphics.RotateUV(bg.uv, ref uvRect); } bg.width = charImg.texture.width; bg.height = charImg.texture.height; if (mainTexture == null) { mainTexture = charImg.texture.root; } } if (fontSize == 0) { fontSize = bg.height; } if (bg.advance == 0) { if (xadvance == 0) { bg.advance = bg.offsetX + bg.width; } else { bg.advance = xadvance; } } bg.lineHeight = bg.offsetY < 0 ? bg.height : (bg.offsetY + bg.height); if (bg.lineHeight < font.size) { bg.lineHeight = font.size; } } buffer.position = nextPos; } font.size = fontSize; font.mainTexture = mainTexture; if (!font.hasChannel) { font.shader = ShaderConfig.imageShader; } }