internal static byte[] DangerousGetUnderlyingArray(this ImmutableArray <byte> array)
            var union = new ByteArrayUnion();

            union.ImmutableArray = array;
        /// <summary>
        /// Access the backing mutable array instance for the given <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>, without
        /// creating a defensive copy.  It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure the array is not modified
        /// through the returned mutable reference.  Do not mutate the returned array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">The <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/> from which to retrieve the backing field.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Users of this method should take extra care to ensure that the returned mutable array is never modified.
        /// The returned mutable array continues to be used as the backing field of the given <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>
        /// without creating a defensive copy, so changes made to the returned mutable array will be observable
        /// on the given <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>.  Instance and static methods of <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>
        /// and <see cref="ImmutableArray"/> may malfunction if they operate on an <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/> instance
        /// whose underlying backing field is modified.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The underlying array, or null if <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}.IsDefault"/> is true.</returns>
        internal static byte[]? DangerousGetUnderlyingArray(ImmutableArray <byte> array)
            ByteArrayUnion union = default;

            union.ImmutableArray = array;
예제 #3
 internal static ImmutableArray<byte> DangerousCreateFromUnderlyingArray(ref byte[] array)
     var union = new ByteArrayUnion();
     union.MutableArray = array;
     array = null;
     return union.ImmutableArray;
예제 #4
        // Avoid unnecessary copy
        private static byte[] DangerousGetUnderlyingArray(ImmutableArray <byte> array)
            var union = new ByteArrayUnion();

            union.ImmutableArray = array;
        internal static ImmutableArray <byte> DangerousToImmutableArray(ref byte[] array)
            var union = new ByteArrayUnion();

            union.MutableArray = array;
            array = null;
예제 #6
        internal static ImmutableArray <byte> DangerousCreateFromUnderlyingArray(ref byte[] array)
            ByteArrayUnion union = new ByteArrayUnion();

            union.MutableArray = array;
            array = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="ImmutableArray{Byte}"/> using a given mutable array as the backing
        /// field, without creating a defensive copy. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure no other mutable
        /// references exist to the array.  Do not mutate the array after calling this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">The mutable array to use as the backing field. The incoming reference is set to null
        /// since it should not be retained by the caller.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Users of this method should take extra care to ensure that the mutable array given as a parameter
        /// is never modified. The returned <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/> will use the given array as its backing
        /// field without creating a defensive copy, so changes made to the given mutable array will be observable
        /// on the returned <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>.  Instance and static methods of <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/>
        /// and <see cref="ImmutableArray"/> may malfunction if they operate on an <see cref="ImmutableArray{T}"/> instance
        /// whose underlying backing field is modified.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>An immutable array.</returns>
        internal static ImmutableArray <byte> DangerousCreateFromUnderlyingArray(ref byte[]?array)
            byte[] givenArray = array !;
            array = null;

            ByteArrayUnion union = default;

            union.UnderlyingArray = givenArray;
예제 #8
        public long ReadArray <T>(T[, ,] array, long count)
            where T : struct
            if (count < 1)
                var sizeOfT = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
                var hack    = new ByteArrayUnion();
                hack.structs = array;

                var bytesToRead = (int)(sizeOfT * count);
                #if __MonoCS__
                var skip = 0;
                var skip = 3 * 2 * sizeof(int);
                IntPtr byteLen = (IntPtr)(array.Length * sizeOfT + skip);
                var    offset  = skip;

                fixed(byte *pBytes = hack.bytes)
                    IntPtr *pId = (IntPtr *)(pBytes - 2 * IntPtr.Size),
                           pLen = (IntPtr *)(pBytes - IntPtr.Size);
                    IntPtr backupId = *pId, backupLen = *pLen;

                    *pId = s_byteId; *pLen = byteLen;

                        int finished = base.Read(hack.bytes, offset, bytesToRead);
                        if (finished == 0)
                        offset += finished; bytesToRead -= finished;
                    }while (bytesToRead > 0);

                    *pId = backupId; *pLen = backupLen;

                return((long)((offset - skip) / sizeOfT));
예제 #9
        public void WriteArray <T>(T[, ,] array, long count)
            where T : struct
            if (count < 1)
                var sizeOfT = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));

                var hack = new ByteArrayUnion();
                hack.structs = array;

                fixed(byte *pBytes = hack.bytes)
                    #if __MonoCS__
                    long offset = 0;
                    long offset = 3 * 2 * sizeof(int);

                    int itemsPerBlock = c_bufferSize / sizeOfT;
                        int blockSize = count > (long)itemsPerBlock
                                            ? itemsPerBlock : (int)count;
                        var byteBlockSize = blockSize * sizeOfT;

                        fixed(byte *p = m_buffer)
                            for (int i = 0; i < byteBlockSize; i++)
                                p[i] = pBytes[offset++];

                        base.Write(m_buffer, 0, byteBlockSize);
                        count -= (long)blockSize;
                    }while (count > 0);
예제 #10
 // Avoid unnecessary copy
 private static byte[] DangerousGetUnderlyingArray(ImmutableArray<byte> array)
     var union = new ByteArrayUnion();
     union.ImmutableArray = array;
     return union.UnderlyingArray;
예제 #11
 internal static byte[] DangerousGetUnderlyingArray(this ImmutableArray<byte> array)
     var union = new ByteArrayUnion();
     union.ImmutableArray = array;
     return union.MutableArray;