// to do: debugmode, stat public override void Load() { // Since we are using hooks not in older versions, and since ItemID.Count changed, we need to do this. if (ModLoader.version < new Version(0, 10)) { throw new Exception("\nThis mod uses functionality only present in the latest tModLoader. Please update tModLoader to use this mod\n\n"); } instance = this; ButtonClicked.Clear(); ButtonTexture.Clear(); ButtonTooltip.Clear(); ToggleCheatSheetHotbarHotKey = RegisterHotKey("Toggle Cheat Sheet Hotbar", "K"); if (Main.rand == null) { Main.rand = new Terraria.Utilities.UnifiedRandom(); } ModTranslation text = CreateTranslation("ButcherNotification"); text.SetDefault("NPCs were butchered by {0}"); AddTranslation(text); text = CreateTranslation("VacuumNotification"); text.SetDefault("Items on the ground were vacuumed by {0}"); AddTranslation(text); text = CreateTranslation("SpawnNPCNotification"); text.SetDefault("Spawned {0} by {1}"); AddTranslation(text); text = CreateTranslation("VolcanoWarning"); text.SetDefault("Did you hear something....A Volcano! Find Cover!"); AddTranslation(text); }
// to do: debugmode, stat public override void Load() { // Since we are using hooks not in older versions, and since ItemID.Count changed, we need to do this. if (ModLoader.version < new Version(0, 10, 1, 3)) { throw new Exception("\nThis mod uses functionality only present in the latest tModLoader. Please update tModLoader to use this mod\n\n"); } instance = this; ButtonClicked.Clear(); ButtonTexture.Clear(); ButtonTooltip.Clear(); ToggleCheatSheetHotbarHotKey = RegisterHotKey("Toggle Cheat Sheet Hotbar", "K"); if (Main.rand == null) { Main.rand = new Terraria.Utilities.UnifiedRandom(); } FieldInfo translationsField = typeof(Mod).GetField("translations", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); translations = (Dictionary <string, ModTranslation>)translationsField.GetValue(this); //LoadTranslations(); }
public override void Unload() { ButtonClicked.Clear(); ButtonTexture.Clear(); ButtonTooltip.Clear(); GenericItemSlot.backgroundTexture = null; NPCSlot.backgroundTexture = null; NPCSlot.filteredBackgroundTexture = null; RecipeQuerySlot.backgroundTexture = null; RecipeQuerySlot.backgroundTextureFake = null; RecipeSlot.backgroundTexture = null; RecipeSlot.selectedBackgroundTexture = null; Slot.backgroundTexture = null; PaintToolsSlot.CurrentSelect = null; AllItemsMenu.singleSlotArray = null; UI.UICheckbox.checkboxTexture = null; UI.UICheckbox.checkmarkTexture = null; UI.UIScrollBar.ScrollbarTexture = null; UI.UIScrollView.ScrollbgTexture = null; UI.UITextbox.textboxBackground = null; //UI.UIView.closeTexture = null; ItemBrowser.bCategories = null; RecipeBrowserWindow.ingredients = null; RecipeBrowserWindow.bCategories = null; NPCBrowser.tooltipNpc = null; NPCBrowser.hoverNpc = null; NPCBrowser.bCategories = null; if (itemBrowser != null) { itemBrowser.itemView = null; } itemBrowser = null; npcBrowser = null; recipeBrowser = null; if (hotbar != null) { hotbar.buttonView?.RemoveAllChildren(); hotbar.buttonView = null; hotbar = null; } instance = null; ToggleCheatSheetHotbarHotKey = null; RecipeBrowserWindow.recipeView = null; RecipeBrowserWindow.lookupItemSlot = null; ConfigurationTool.cheatSheet = null; ConfigurationTool.configurationWindow = null; Hotbar.loginTexture = null; Hotbar.logoutTexture = null; ConfigurationTool.button = null; SpawnRateMultiplier.button = null; MinionSlotBooster.button = null; LightHack.button = null; GodMode.button = null; }
// to do: debugmode, stat public override void Load() { // Since we are using hooks not in older versions, and since ItemID.Count changed, we need to do this. if (ModLoader.version < new Version(0, 11, 5)) { throw new Exception("\nThis mod uses functionality only present in the latest tModLoader. Please update tModLoader to use this mod\n\n"); } instance = this; ButtonClicked.Clear(); ButtonTexture.Clear(); ButtonTooltip.Clear(); ToggleCheatSheetHotbarHotKey = RegisterHotKey("Toggle Cheat Sheet Hotbar", "K"); if (Main.rand == null) { Main.rand = new Terraria.Utilities.UnifiedRandom(); } FieldInfo translationsField = typeof(Mod).GetField("translations", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); translations = (Dictionary <string, ModTranslation>)translationsField.GetValue(this); //LoadTranslations(); // set all to true on load herosPermissions[PaintTools_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[ModifySpawnRateMultiplier_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[RecipeBrowser_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[MinionBooster_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[ClearItemNPCProjectile_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[ExtraAccessories_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[Vacuum_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[NPCButcher_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[CheatSheetExtensions_Permission] = true; herosPermissions[QuickTeleport_Permission] = true; GenericItemSlot.backgroundTexture = Main.inventoryBack9Texture; NPCSlot.backgroundTexture = Main.inventoryBack9Texture; NPCSlot.filteredBackgroundTexture = Main.inventoryBack5Texture; RecipeQuerySlot.backgroundTexture = Main.inventoryBack9Texture; RecipeQuerySlot.backgroundTextureFake = Main.inventoryBack8Texture; RecipeSlot.backgroundTexture = Main.inventoryBack9Texture; RecipeSlot.selectedBackgroundTexture = Main.inventoryBack15Texture; Slot.backgroundTexture = Main.inventoryBack9Texture; }